Explain the value added by the more complex API.

Aaron Suen 2019-12-30 11:55:58 -05:00
parent 791087d7f1
commit ceb81249b3
1 changed files with 9 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -12,6 +12,15 @@ sending a swarm of add_particle packets to the client (individually for
each particle) BUT it could be done much more efficiently in the engine
by sending a single add_particlespawner_advanced packet to the client.
The key difference from this API compared to the standard particle
spawner one is that you can define the particle's parameters as a
linear function of a constant, time, and 12 random variables. The
12 random numbers are enough for each of the original random variables
to have an independent/uncorrelated random value (i.e. you can implement
a standard particle spawner's behavior using the advanced one) but
interesting things happen when you reuse a single random value between
different parameters.
Included are a bunch of demo nodes, each of which creates a special
particle effect that cannot be achieved with ordinary particlspawners
every 2 seconds. Use a /giveme command to give yourself demo nodes: