Leslie Krause 0967ecd75b Build 01
- separated all routines into new mod for public release
2017-12-24 13:08:30 -05:00

91 lines
3.4 KiB

-- Minetest :: Basic Ownership Mod v2.0 (ownership)
-- See README.txt for licensing and other information.
-- Copyright (c) 2016-2017, Leslie Ellen Krause
-- ./games/just_test_tribute/mods/ownership/init.lua
default.OWNER_ANYBODY = "_anybody"
default.OWNER_SOMEBODY = "_somebody"
default.OWNER_NOBODY = "" -- do not change this value!
default.STATUS_CONTAINER_GET = "%s moves stuff from %s at %s"
default.STATUS_CONTAINER_DEL = "%s removes stuff from %s at %s"
default.STATUS_CONTAINER_PUT = "%s moves stuff to %s at %s"
default.STATUS_CONTAINER_SET = "%s moves stuff in %s at %s"
default.STATUS_SIGNATURE_SET = "%s wrote \"%s\" to %s at %s"
minetest.register_on_prejoinplayer( function ( name, ip )
local data, auth, cname
local uname = string.lower( name )
local exp_days = 180
if minetest.setting_get( "halt_message" ) then
return minetest.setting_get( "halt_message" )
if uname == default.OWNER_ANYBODY or uname == default.OWNER_SOMEBODY or
uname == default.OWNER_NOBODY or string.byte( uname ) == 95 then
return "This player name is reserved and cannot be used."
end )
-- verify player's ownership of node at given position
-- allow for customized methods by abstracting node meta
default.set_owner = function ( pos, owner )
minetest.get_meta( pos ):set_string( "owner", owner )
default.is_owner = function ( pos, player )
local owner = minetest.get_meta( pos ):get_string( "owner" )
--minetest.chat_send_player( name, "This area belongs to " .. owner .. "." )
return minetest.check_player_privs( player:get_player_name( ), { protection_bypass = true } ) or
owner == default.OWNER_ANYBODY or
owner == player:get_player_name( ) or
owner == default.OWNER_NOBODY and not minetest.is_protected( pos, player )
-- determine if inventory of container is empty
default.is_empty = function ( pos, list )
return minetest.get_meta( pos ):get_inventory( ):is_empty( list or "main" )
-- manage overall inventory of container
default.get_contents = function ( chest_inv, player_inv, list )
local slot, item
for slot = 1, chest_inv:get_size( list or "main" ) do
item = chest_inv:get_stack( list or "main", slot )
if player_inv:room_for_item( "main", item ) then
chest_inv:set_stack( list or "main", slot, nil )
player_inv:add_item( "main", item )
default.put_contents = function ( chest_inv, player_inv, list )
local slot, item
for slot = 1, player_inv:get_size( "main" ) do
item = player_inv:get_stack( "main", slot )
if chest_inv:room_for_item( list or "main", item ) then
player_inv:set_stack( "main", slot, nil )
chest_inv:add_item( list or "main", item )
default.del_contents = function ( chest_inv, list )
chest_inv:set_list( list or "main", { } )