- initial beta version
728 lines
25 KiB
728 lines
25 KiB
-- Minetest :: Books Redux Mod (books_rx)
-- See README.txt for licensing and other information.
-- Copyright (c) 2019-2020, Leslie E. Krause
-- ./games/minetest_game/mods/books_rx/init.lua
local config = minetest.load_config( )
local fs = minetest.formspec_escape
local open_book_viewer, open_book_editor, open_paper_viewer, open_paper_editor
function open_defbook_viewer( player_name, owner, title, text )
local function get_formspec( )
local formspec = "size[8.0,8.5]" ..
default.gui_bg ..
default.gui_bg_img ..
"label[0.3,0.2;Title:]" ..
"label[1.5,0.2;" .. title .. "]" ..
"label[0.3,0.8;By:]" ..
"label[1.5,0.8;" .. owner .. "]" ..
"textarea[0.5,1.5;7.6,7.0;content;;" .. minetest.formspec_escape( text ) .. "]" ..
return formspec
minetest.create_form( nil, player_name, get_formspec( ) )
function open_book_viewer( player_name, oldtime, owner, title, scale, style, color, pages, marks, page_idx, vars, is_preview )
local book_scales = {
small = { width = 12.0, height = 8.5 },
tall = { width = 12.0, height = 11.0 },
large = { width = 15.5, height = 11.0 },
wide = { width = 15.5, height = 8.5 },
local book_colors = {
gray = "#333333",
brown = "#663300",
teal = "#006633",
purple = "#330066",
olive = "#336600",
indigo = "#003366",
maroon = "#660033",
red = "#660000",
green = "#006600",
blue = "#000066",
local mark_ver = 1
local function add_bookmark( )
if not table.get_index( marks, page_idx ) then
table.insert( marks, page_idx )
table.sort( marks )
local function del_bookmark( )
local idx = table.get_index( marks, page_idx )
if idx then
table.remove( marks, idx )
local function get_formspec( )
local page_width = book_scales[ scale ].width / 2
local page_height = book_scales[ scale ].height
local foot_x1 = ( page_width - 4.5 ) / 2 + 0.3 -- horz pos of left-hand footer
local foot_x2 = page_width + ( page_width - 4.5 ) / 2 - 0.3 -- horz pos of right-hand footer
local foot_y = page_height - 1.3 -- vert pos of both footers
if page_idx == 1 then
-- render background and controls of front cover
local formspec =
string.format( "size[%0.2f,%0.2f]", page_width, page_height ) ..
default.gui_bg ..
string.format( "background[0.0,0.0;%0.2f,%0.2f;%s;false]", page_width, page_height,
fs( "book_" .. style .. "_front.png^[colorize:" .. book_colors[ color ] .. "66^[noalpha" ) ) ..
string.format( "%s[%0.2f,%0.2f;2.0,1.0;close;Close]",
is_preview and "button" or "button_exit", foot_x1 + 0.8, foot_y ) ..
string.format( "button[%0.2f,%0.2f;1.0,1.0;next_page;>>]",
foot_x1 + 2.7, foot_y )
-- render front cover content
local page_x1 = 0.8
local page_y1 = 0.5
local page_x2 = page_x1 + page_width - 1.4
local page_y2 = page_y1 + page_height - 1.5
formspec = formspec ..
markup.get_formspec_string( markup.parse_message( pages[ page_idx ], vars ),
page_x1, page_y1, page_x2, page_y2, "#666666", "#CCCCCC" )
return formspec
-- render background and controls of page
local mark_idx = table.get_index( marks, page_idx )
local formspec =
string.format( "size[%0.2f,%0.2f]", page_width * 2, page_height ) ..
default.gui_bg ..
string.format( "background[0.0,0.0;%0.2f,%0.2f;%s;false]", page_width, page_height,
fs( "book_" .. style .. "_cover.png^[colorize:" .. book_colors[ color ] .. "66^[noalpha" ) ) ..
string.format( "background[%0.2f,0.0;%0.2f,%0.2f;%s;false]", page_width, page_width, page_height,
fs( "book_" .. style .. "_cover.png^[transformFX^[colorize:" .. book_colors[ color ] .. "66^[noalpha" ) ) ..
string.format( "button[%0.2f,%0.2f;1.0,1.0;prev_page;<<]", foot_x2, foot_y ) ..
string.format( "button[%0.2f,%0.2f;1.0,1.0;next_page;>>]", foot_x2 + 1.0, foot_y ) ..
string.format( "%s[%0.2f,%0.2f;2.0,1.0;close;Close]",
is_preview and "button" or "button_exit", foot_x2 + 2.5, foot_y ) ..
string.format( "label[%0.2f,%0.2f;Bookmarks:]", foot_x1, foot_y + 0.2 )
if #marks > 0 then
formspec = formspec ..
string.format( "dropdown[%0.2f,%0.2f;1.8,1.0;marks_%d;,%s;%d;true]", foot_x1 + 1.5, foot_y + 0.1, mark_ver,
table.join( marks, ",", function ( a, b ) return "Page " .. b - 1 end ),
mark_idx and mark_idx + 1 or 1 )
formspec = formspec ..
string.format( "dropdown[%0.2f,%0.2f;1.8,1.0;marks;;1;true]", foot_x1 + 1.5, foot_y + 0.1 )
if mark_idx then
formspec = formspec ..
string.format( "button[%0.2f,%0.2f;1.2,1.0;del_mark;Del]", foot_x1 + 3.3, foot_y )
formspec = formspec ..
string.format( "button[%0.2f,%0.2f;1.2,1.0;add_mark;Add]", foot_x1 + 3.3, foot_y )
-- render left-hand page content
local page_x1 = 1.0
local page_y1 = 0.5
local page_x2 = page_x1 + page_width - 1.4
local page_y2 = page_y1 + page_height - 1.8
local text_colors = {
gray = "#999999",
cyan = "#00EEEE",
magenta = "#EE00EE",
yellow = "#EEEE00",
red = "#CC0000",
green = "#00CC00",
blue = "#0000CC",
brown = "#CC9900",
teal = "#00CC99",
purple = "#9900CC",
olive = "#99CC00",
indigo = "#0099CC",
maroon = "#CC0099",
formspec = formspec ..
markup.get_formspec_string( markup.parse_message( pages[ page_idx ], vars, { colors = text_colors } ),
page_x1, page_y1, page_x2, page_y2, "#666666", "#CCCCCC" )
if pages[ page_idx + 1 ] then
-- render right-hand page content, if it exists
page_x1 = page_x1 + page_width - 0.6
page_x2 = page_x2 + page_width - 0.6
formspec = formspec .. markup.get_formspec_string( markup.parse_message( pages[ page_idx + 1 ], vars ),
page_x1, page_y1, page_x2, page_y2, "#666666", "#CCCCCC" )
return formspec
local function on_close( meta, player, fields )
local fields_marks = fields[ "marks_" .. mark_ver ]
if fields.close then
if is_preview then
open_book_editor( player_name, oldtime, owner, title, scale, style, color, pages, page_idx, vars )
elseif mark_ver > 1 then
local itemstack = player:get_wielded_item( )
local player_inv = player:get_inventory( )
local data = {
oldtime = oldtime,
owner = owner,
title = title,
scale = scale,
style = style,
color = color,
pages = pages,
marks = marks,
safety_deposit.encrypt_metadata( itemstack, data )
player:set_wielded_item( itemstack )
minetest.chat_send_player( player_name, "Your bookmarks were updated!" )
elseif fields.next_page then
if page_idx < #pages then
page_idx = page_idx + 1
minetest.update_form( player_name, get_formspec( ) )
elseif fields.prev_page then
if page_idx > 1 then
page_idx = page_idx - 1
minetest.update_form( player_name, get_formspec( ) )
elseif fields.add_mark then
mark_ver = mark_ver + 1
add_bookmark( page_idx )
minetest.update_form( player_name, get_formspec( ) )
elseif fields.del_mark then
mark_ver = mark_ver + 1
del_bookmark( page_idx )
minetest.update_form( player_name, get_formspec( ) )
elseif fields_marks then -- overcome bug with dropdowns not updating values in older clients
page_idx = marks[ fields_marks - 1 ] or 1
minetest.update_form( player_name, get_formspec( ) )
-- basic sanity check for proper inputs
if not book_scales[ scale ] then scale = config.default_book_scale end
if not book_colors[ color ] then color = config.default_book_color end
if page_idx < 1 or page_idx > #pages then page_idx = 1 end
minetest.create_form( nil, player_name, get_formspec( ), on_close, is_preview and minetest.FORMSPEC_SIGSTOP or nil )
function open_book_editor( player_name, oldtime, owner, title, scale, style, color, pages, page_idx, vars )
local function sanitize( buf )
return string.trim( string.gsub( buf, ".", { ["\r"] = "\n", ["\t"] = " ", ["\f"] = "?", ["\b"] = "?" } ) ) .. "\n"
local function get_formspec( )
local book_scales = { "small", "large", "tall", "wide" }
local book_colors = { "gray", "brown", "teal", "purple", "olive", "indigo", "maroon", "red", "green", "blue" }
local book_styles = { "plain", "fancy", "classic", "vintage" }
-- book texture filenames:
-- books_cover_<style>_<scale>.png
-- books_pages_<style>_<scale>.png
local message = pages[ page_idx ]
local formspec =
"size[10.5,10.0]" ..
default.gui_bg ..
default.gui_bg_img ..
"label[0.0,0.1;Book Title:]" ..
"field[1.7,0.2;9.1,1.0;title;;" .. fs( title ) .. "]" ..
"textarea[0.3,1.2;10.5,6.7;message;Enter the message to display on the page (" .. config.max_book_content_length .. " character limit per book);" .. fs( message ) .. "]" ..
"label[0.0,7.3;Book Color:]" ..
"dropdown[1.6,7.2;1.8,1.0;color;" .. table.concat( book_colors, "," ) .. ";" .. table.get_index( book_colors, color, 1 ) .. ";false]" ..
"label[3.5,7.3;Book Style:]" ..
"dropdown[5.1,7.2;1.8,1.0;style;" .. table.concat( book_styles, "," ) .. ";" .. table.get_index( book_styles, style, 1 ) .. ";false]" ..
"label[7.0,7.3;Book Scale:]" ..
"dropdown[8.6,7.2;1.8,1.0;scale;" .. table.concat( book_scales, "," ) .. ";" .. table.get_index( book_scales, scale, 1 ) .. ";false]" ..
"button[0.0,8.3;1.0,0.3;cover_page;|<<]" ..
"button[1.0,8.3;1.0,0.3;prev_page;<<]" ..
"button[2.0,8.3;1.0,0.3;next_page;>>]" ..
"button[3.0,8.3;1.0,0.3;final_page;>>|]" ..
"button[8.5,8.3;2.0,0.3;add_page;Add Page]"
if page_idx == 1 then
formspec = formspec ..
string.format( "label[4.5,8.2;Front Cover]", page_idx == 1 and "Cover" or ( "Page " .. page_idx - 1 ) )
formspec = formspec ..
"button[6.5,8.3;2.0,0.3;del_page;Del Page]" ..
string.format( "label[4.5,8.2;Page %d of %d]", page_idx - 1, #pages - 1 )
formspec = formspec ..
"box[0.0,9.0;10.3,0.1;#111111]" ..
"button_exit[0.0,9.3;2.0,1.0;cancel;Cancel]" ..
"button[6.5,9.3;2.0,1.0;preview;Preview]" ..
return formspec
local function on_close( meta, player, fields )
if fields.cancel or fields.quit then return end -- no-op when quitting form
if fields.preview or fields.publish then
if not fields.message or not fields.title or not fields.color or not fields.scale or not fields.style then
elseif string.len( fields.message ) > config.max_book_message_length then
minetest.chat_send_player( player_name, "The specified message is too long." )
elseif string.len( fields.title ) > config.max_book_title_length then
minetest.chat_send_player( player_name, "The specified title too long." )
pages[ page_idx ] = sanitize( fields.message ) -- update the respective page content before previewing
if fields.preview then
open_book_viewer( player_name, oldtime, owner, fields.title, fields.scale, fields.style, fields.color, pages, { }, page_idx, vars, true )
elseif fields.publish then
-- check that book content is within range
local length = 0
for i, v in ipairs( pages ) do
length = length + string.len( v )
if length > config.max_book_content_length then
minetest.chat_send_player( player_name, "The content is too long." )
-- save all changes to the itemstack meta
local itemstack = player:get_wielded_item( )
local player_inv = player:get_inventory( )
local data = {
oldtime = oldtime,
owner = owner,
scale = scale,
style = style,
color = color,
title = title,
pages = pages,
marks = { }, -- editing clears bookmarks
if itemstack:get_name( ) == "default:book" then
itemstack:take_item( 1 ) -- take from unwritten books
player:set_wielded_item( itemstack )
itemstack = ItemStack( "default:book_written" ) -- get reference to new stack
safety_deposit.encrypt_metadata( itemstack, data )
if player_inv:room_for_item( "main", itemstack ) then
player_inv:add_item( "main", itemstack )
minetest.add_item( player:getpos( ), itemstack )
safety_deposit.encrypt_metadata( itemstack, data )
player:set_wielded_item( itemstack )
minetest.log( "action", player_name .. " wrote " .. length .. " bytes to a book titled \"" .. string.gsub( fields.title, "[\n\t]", "" ) .. "\"" )
minetest.chat_send_player( player_name, "Your book was successfully published!" )
elseif fields.cover_page then
if page_idx > 1 then
page_idx = 1
minetest.update_form( player_name, get_formspec( ) )
elseif fields.final_page then
if page_idx < #pages then
page_idx = #pages
minetest.update_form( player_name, get_formspec( ) )
elseif fields.next_page then
if page_idx < #pages then
page_idx = page_idx + 1
minetest.update_form( player_name, get_formspec( ) )
elseif fields.prev_page then
if page_idx > 1 then
page_idx = page_idx - 1
minetest.update_form( player_name, get_formspec( ) )
elseif fields.add_page then
pages[ page_idx ] = fields.message
table.insert( pages, page_idx + 1, "New Page" )
page_idx = page_idx + 1
minetest.update_form( player_name, get_formspec( ) )
elseif fields.del_page then
if page_idx > 1 then
table.remove( pages, page_idx )
page_idx = page_idx - 1
minetest.update_form( player_name, get_formspec( ) )
elseif fields.color then
color = fields.color
elseif fields.style then
style = fields.style
elseif fields.scale then
scale = fields.scale
minetest.create_form( nil, player_name, get_formspec( ), on_close, minetest.FORMSPEC_SIGSTOP )
function open_paper_viewer( player_name, oldtime, owner, scale, style, color, subject, message, vars, is_preview )
local paper_scales = {
small = { width = 6.5, height = 9.0 },
tall = { width = 6.5, height = 11.0 },
large = { width = 8.0, height = 11.0 },
wide = { width = 8.0, height = 9.0 },
local paper_colors = {
gray = "#333333",
brown = "#663300",
teal = "#006633",
purple = "#330066",
olive = "#336600",
indigo = "#003366",
maroon = "#660033",
red = "#660000",
green = "#006600",
blue = "#000066",
local function get_formspec( )
local page_width = paper_scales[ scale ].width
local page_height = paper_scales[ scale ].height
local foot_x = ( page_width - 2.0 ) / 2 -- horz pos of footer
local foot_y = page_height - 1.2 -- vert pos of footer
local formspec =
string.format( "size[%0.2f,%0.2f]", page_width, page_height ) ..
default.gui_bg ..
string.format( "background[0.0,0.0;%0.2f,%0.2f;%s;false]", page_width, page_height,
fs( "paper_" .. style .. ".png^[colorize:" .. paper_colors[ color ] .. "66^[noalpha" ) ) ..
string.format( "%s[%0.2f,%0.2f;2.0,1.0;close;Close]",
is_preview and "button" or "button_exit", foot_x, foot_y )
if subject ~= "" then
formspec = formspec ..
"label[0.5,0.5;From:]" ..
"label[1.6,0.5;" .. owner .. "]" ..
"label[0.5,1.0;Date:]" ..
"label[1.6,1.0;" .. os.date( "%X", oldtime ) .. "]" ..
"label[0.5,1.5;Subject:]" ..
"label[1.6,1.5;" .. subject .. "]" ..
string.format( "box[0.3,2.1;%0.2f,0.05;#FFFFFF]", page_width - 1.0 )
local page_x1 = 0.5
local page_y1 = subject == "" and 0.5 or 2.4
local page_x2 = page_x1 + page_width - 1.0
local page_y2 = subject == "" and page_y1 + page_height - 1.3 or page_y1 + page_height - 3.7
formspec = formspec ..
markup.get_formspec_string( markup.parse_message( message, vars ),
page_x1, page_y1, page_x2, page_y2, "#666666", "#CCCCCC" )
return formspec
local function on_close( meta, player, fields )
if fields.close then
if is_preview then
open_paper_editor( player_name, oldtime, owner, scale, style, color, subject, message, vars )
-- basic sanity check for proper inputs
if not paper_scales[ scale ] then scale = config.default_paper_scale end
if not paper_colors[ color ] then color = config.default_paper_color end
minetest.create_form( nil, player_name, get_formspec( ), on_close, is_preview and minetest.FORMSPEC_SIGSTOP or nil )
function open_paper_editor( player_name, oldtime, owner, scale, style, color, subject, message, vars )
local function sanitize( buf )
return string.trim( string.gsub( buf, ".", { ["\r"] = "\n", ["\t"] = " ", ["\f"] = "?", ["\b"] = "?" } ) ) .. "\n"
local function get_formspec( )
local paper_scales = { "small", "large", "tall", "wide" }
local paper_colors = { "gray", "brown", "teal", "purple", "olive", "indigo", "maroon", "red", "green", "blue" }
local paper_styles = { "plain1", "plain2", "fancy1", "fancy2", "fancy3", "fancy4", "classic1", "classic2", "vintage1", "vintage2", "vintage3", "vintage4" }
local formspec =
"size[10.5,9.5]" ..
default.gui_bg ..
default.gui_bg_img ..
"label[0.0,0.1;Subject:]" ..
"field[1.5,0.2;9.3,1.0;subject;;" .. fs( subject ) .. "]" ..
"textarea[0.3,1.2;10.5,7.0;message;Enter the message to display on the page (" .. config.max_paper_message_length .. " character limit per paper);" .. fs( message ) .. "]" ..
"label[0.0,7.6;Paper Color:]" ..
"dropdown[1.6,7.5;1.8,1.0;color;" .. table.concat( paper_colors, "," ) .. ";" .. table.get_index( paper_colors, color, 1 ) .. ";false]" ..
"label[3.5,7.6;Paper Style:]" ..
"dropdown[5.1,7.5;1.8,1.0;style;" .. table.concat( paper_styles, "," ) .. ";" .. table.get_index( paper_styles, style, 1 ) .. ";false]" ..
"label[7.0,7.6;Paper Scale:]" ..
"dropdown[8.6,7.5;1.8,1.0;scale;" .. table.concat( paper_scales, "," ) .. ";" .. table.get_index( paper_scales, scale, 1 ) .. ";false]" ..
"box[0.0,8.5;10.3,0.1;#111111]" ..
"button_exit[0.0,8.8;2.0,1.0;cancel;Cancel]" ..
"button[6.5,8.8;2.0,1.0;preview;Preview]" ..
return formspec
local function on_close( meta, player, fields )
if fields.cancel then
elseif fields.preview or fields.publish then
if not fields.message or not fields.subject or not fields.color or not fields.scale or not fields.style then
elseif string.len( fields.message ) > config.max_paper_message_length then
minetest.chat_send_player( player_name, "The specified message is too long." )
elseif string.len( fields.subject ) > config.max_paper_subject_length then
minetest.chat_send_player( player_name, "The specified subject is too long." )
message = sanitize( fields.message )
if fields.preview then
open_paper_viewer( player_name, oldtime, owner, fields.scale, fields.style, fields.color, fields.subject, message, vars, true )
elseif fields.publish then
-- save all changes to the itemstack meta
local itemstack = player:get_wielded_item( )
local player_inv = player:get_inventory( )
local data = {
oldtime = oldtime,
owner = owner,
scale = scale,
style = style,
color = color,
subject = subject,
message = message,
marks = { }, -- editing clears bookmarks
if itemstack:get_name( ) == "default:paper" then
itemstack:take_item( 1 ) -- take from unwritten books
player:set_wielded_item( itemstack )
itemstack = ItemStack( "default:paper_written" ) -- get reference to new stack
safety_deposit.encrypt_metadata( itemstack, data )
if player_inv:room_for_item( "main", itemstack ) then
player_inv:add_item( "main", itemstack )
minetest.add_item( player:getpos( ), itemstack )
safety_deposit.encrypt_metadata( itemstack, data )
player:set_wielded_item( itemstack )
minetest.log( "action", player_name .. " wrote " .. #message .. " bytes to a paper titled \"" .. string.gsub( fields.subject, "[\n\t]", "" ) .. "\"" )
minetest.chat_send_player( player_name, "Your paper was successfully published!" )
elseif fields.color then
color = fields.color
elseif fields.style then
style = fields.style
elseif fields.scale then
scale = fields.scale
minetest.create_form( nil, player_name, get_formspec( ), on_close, minetest.FORMSPEC_SIGSTOP )
local function open_default_book_editor( player_name, vars )
local title = config.default_book_title
local scale = config.default_book_scale
local style = config.default_book_style
local color = config.default_book_color
open_book_editor( player_name, os.time( ), player_name, title, style, scale, color, { "" }, 1, vars )
local function open_default_paper_editor( player_name, vars )
local subject = config.default_paper_subject
local color = config.default_paper_color
local style = config.default_paper_style
local scale = config.default_paper_scale
open_paper_editor( player_name, os.time( ), player_name, scale, style, color, subject, "", vars )
minetest.register_craftitem( ":default:book", {
description = "Book",
inventory_image = "default_book.png",
groups = { book = 1, flammable = 3 },
on_use = function ( itemstack, player )
local player_name = player:get_player_name( )
local vars = markup.get_builtin_vars( player_name )
open_default_book_editor( player_name, vars )
return itemstack
} )
minetest.register_craftitem( ":default:book_written", {
description = "Book With Text (Sneak and Use to Edit)",
inventory_image = "default_book_written.png",
groups = { book = 1, not_in_creative_inventory = 1, flammable = 3 },
stack_max = 1,
on_use = function ( itemstack, player )
local player_name = player:get_player_name( )
local data = safety_deposit.decrypt_metadata( itemstack )
local vars = markup.get_builtin_vars( player_name )
if not data then
-- apparently book is empty, so let's start fresh
open_default_book_editor( player_name, vars )
return itemstack
local oldtime = data.oldtime
local owner = data.owner
local title = data.title
local scale = data.scale
local style = data.style
local color = data.color
local pages = data.pages
local marks = data.marks
-- if book format is obsolete, then open the compatibility viewer
if not pages and data.owner and data.title and data.text then
open_defbook_viewer( player_name, data.owner, data.title, data.text, data.page, data.page_max )
return itemstack
elseif not oldtime or not owner or not title or not scale or not style or not color or not pages or not marks then
minetest.chat_send_player( player_name, "This book is corrupted and cannot be opened." )
return itemstack
if player:get_player_control( ).sneak and owner == player_name then
open_book_editor( player_name, oldtime, owner, title, scale, style, color, pages, 1, vars )
open_book_viewer( player_name, oldtime, owner, title, scale, style, color, pages, marks, 1, vars )
return itemstack
} )
minetest.register_craftitem( ":default:paper", {
description = "Paper",
inventory_image = "default_paper.png",
groups = { flammable = 3 },
on_use = function ( itemstack, player )
local player_name = player:get_player_name( )
local vars = markup.get_builtin_vars( player_name )
open_default_paper_editor( player_name, vars )
return itemstack
} )
minetest.register_craftitem( ":default:paper_written", {
description = "Paper With Text (Sneak and Use to Edit)",
inventory_image = "default_paper.png^default_paper_written.png",
groups = { book = 1, not_in_creative_inventory = 1, flammable = 3 },
stack_max = 1,
on_use = function ( itemstack, player )
local player_name = player:get_player_name( )
local data = safety_deposit.decrypt_metadata( itemstack )
local vars = markup.get_builtin_vars( player_name )
if not data then
-- apparently paper is empty, so let's start fresh
open_default_paper_editor( player_name, vars )
return itemstack
local oldtime = data.oldtime
local owner = data.owner
local scale = data.scale
local style = data.style
local color = data.color
local subject = data.subject
local message = data.message
if not oldtime or not owner or not scale or not style or not color or not subject or not message then
minetest.chat_send_player( player_name, "This paper is corrupted and cannot be opened." )
return itemstack
if player:get_player_control( ).sneak and owner == player_name then
open_paper_editor( player_name, oldtime, owner, scale, style, color, subject, message, vars )
open_paper_viewer( player_name, oldtime, owner, scale, style, color, subject, message, vars )
return itemstack
} )