
159 lines
6.8 KiB

-- Price table for items bought/sold by NPC traders by Zorman2000
-- This table should be globally accessible so that other mods can set
-- prices as they see fit.
npc.trade.prices = {
currency = {
tier1 = "tier1",
tier2 = "tier2",
tier3 = "tier3"
-- Table that contains the prices
local price_table = {}
-- Currency table
-- Define default currency (based on lumps from default)
local currency_table = {
tier1 = {string = "default:gold_lump", name = "Gold lump"},
tier2 = {string = "default:copper_lump", name = "Copper lump"},
tier3 = {string = "default:iron_lump", name = "Iron lump"}
-- Functions
function npc.trade.prices.update(item_name, tier, count)
for key,value in pairs(price_table) do
if key == item_name then
value = {tier=currency_table[tier].string, count=count}
return nil
function npc.trade.prices.get(item_name)
local price_entry = price_table[item_name]
if price_entry then
return price_entry
return nil
function npc.trade.prices.add(item_name, tier, count)
if npc.trade.prices.get(item_name) == nil then
price_table[item_name] = {tier=currency_table[tier].string, count=count}
npc.trade.prices.update(item_name, tier, count)
function npc.trade.prices.remove(item_name)
price_table[item_name] = nil
-- Gets all the item for a specified budget
function npc.trade.prices.get_items_for_currency_count(tier, count, price_factor)
local result = {}
--minetest.log("Currency quantity: "..dump(count))
for item_name, price in pairs(price_table) do
-- Check price currency is of the same tier
if price.tier == tier and price.count <= count then
result[item_name] = {price = price}
--minetest.log("Item name: "..dump(item_name)..", Price: "..dump(price))
local min_buying_item_count = 1
-- Calculate price NPC is going to buy for
local buying_price_count = price.count * price_factor
-- Check if the buying price is not an integer
if buying_price_count % 1 ~= 0 then
-- If not, increase the buying item count until we get an integer
local adjust = 1 / price_factor
if price.count < 1 then
adjust = 1 / (price.count * price_factor)
min_buying_item_count = min_buying_item_count * adjust
--minetest.log("Minimum item buy quantity: "..dump(min_buying_item_count))
--minetest.log("Minimum item price quantity: "..dump(buying_price_count))
-- Calculate maximum buyable quantity
local max_buying_item_count = min_buying_item_count
while ((max_buying_item_count + min_buying_item_count) * buying_price_count <= count) do
max_buying_item_count = max_buying_item_count + min_buying_item_count
--minetest.log("Maximum item buy quantity: "..dump(max_buying_item_count))
result[item_name].min_buyable_item_count = min_buying_item_count
result[item_name].min_buyable_item_price = buying_price_count
result[item_name].max_buyable_item_count = max_buying_item_count
--minetest.log("Final result: "..dump(result))
return result
-- Accepts table in format :
-- {string = "itemstring", name = "Currency Item Name"}
function npc.trade.prices.set_currency(tier1, tier2, tier3)
currency_table = {
tier1 = tier1,
tier2 = tier2,
tier3 = tier3
function npc.trade.prices.get_currency_name(tier)
return currency_table[tier].name
function npc.trade.prices.get_currency_itemstring(tier)
return currency_table[tier].string
-- This method will compare the given item string to the
-- currencies set in the currencies table. Returns true if
-- itemstring is a currency.
function npc.trade.prices.is_item_currency(itemstring)
if npc.get_item_name(itemstring) == currency_table.tier3.string
or npc.get_item_name(itemstring) == currency_table.tier2.string
or npc.get_item_name(itemstring) == currency_table.tier1.string then
return true
return false
-- Default definitions for in-game items
-- Tier 3 items: cheap items
price_table["default:cobble"] = {tier = currency_table["tier3"].string, count = 0.1}
price_table["flowers:geranium"] = {tier = currency_table["tier3"].string, count = 0.5}
price_table["default:apple"] = {tier = currency_table["tier3"].string, count = 1}
price_table["vessels:drinking_glass"] = {tier = currency_table["tier3"].string, count = 1}
price_table["default:tree"] = {tier = currency_table["tier3"].string, count = 2}
price_table["flowers:rose"] = {tier = currency_table["tier3"].string, count = 2}
price_table["flowers:dandelion_yellow"]= {tier = currency_table["tier3"].string, count = 2}
price_table["flowers:dandelion_white"] = {tier = currency_table["tier3"].string, count = 2}
price_table["default:stone"] = {tier = currency_table["tier3"].string, count = 2}
price_table["farming:seed_cotton"] = {tier = currency_table["tier3"].string, count = 3}
price_table["farming:seed_wheat"] = {tier = currency_table["tier3"].string, count = 3}
price_table["default:clay_lump"] = {tier = currency_table["tier3"].string, count = 3}
price_table["default:wood"] = {tier = currency_table["tier3"].string, count = 3}
price_table["mobs:meat_raw"] = {tier = currency_table["tier3"].string, count = 4}
price_table["flowers:chrysanthemum_green"] = {tier = currency_table["tier3"].string, count = 4}
price_table["default:sapling"] = {tier = currency_table["tier3"].string, count = 5}
price_table["mobs:meat"] = {tier = currency_table["tier3"].string, count = 5}
price_table["mobs:leather"] = {tier = currency_table["tier3"].string, count = 6}
price_table["default:sword_stone"] = {tier = currency_table["tier3"].string, count = 6}
price_table["default:shovel_stone"] = {tier = currency_table["tier3"].string, count = 6}
price_table["default:axe_stone"] = {tier = currency_table["tier3"].string, count = 6}
price_table["farming:hoe_stone"] = {tier = currency_table["tier3"].string, count = 6}
price_table["default:pick_stone"] = {tier = currency_table["tier3"].string, count = 7}
price_table["bucket:bucket_empty"] = {tier = currency_table["tier3"].string, count = 10}
price_table["farming:cotton"] = {tier = currency_table["tier3"].string, count = 15}
price_table["farming:bread"] = {tier = currency_table["tier3"].string, count = 20}
-- Tier 2 items: medium priced items
-- Tier 1 items: expensive items
price_table["default:mese_crystal"] = {tier = currency_table["tier1"].string, count = 45}
price_table["default:diamond"] = {tier = currency_table["tier1"].string, count = 90}
price_table["advanced_npc:marriage_ring"] = {tier = currency_table["tier1"].string, count = 100}