don't move blocks that are locked in.

This seems to be the better way of finding locked in blocks. This
will prevent awkward holes and change slopes to look a bit more
usual during erosion.

To test this I wrote a test function that allows me to quickly
do a lot of erosion attempts on a small section of the map, which
will be handy since I've been having a hard time testing the
validity of the algorithms due to the math scale of things (even
blocks of sand were resisting 1000+ attempts to move down 1 spot!).
Having a hammer to whack at it hard will reduce my testing time
and will make for an easier time tuning the parameters.
Auke Kok 2013-12-03 22:19:31 -08:00
parent d3a4803a2c
commit 51ada029ef
1 changed files with 77 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -73,7 +73,10 @@ public final class Sedimentology extends JavaPlugin {
private long stat_ignored_water;
private long stat_ignored_sand;
private long stat_ignored_hardness;
private int x, y, z;
private long stat_ignored_lockedin;
private int stat_lastx;
private int stat_lasty;
private int stat_lastz;
private long conf_blocks = 10;
private boolean conf_protect = true;
private boolean have_factions = false;
@ -180,17 +183,6 @@ public final class Sedimentology extends JavaPlugin {
Chunk ChunkList[] = world.getLoadedChunks();
Chunk c = ChunkList[(int) Math.abs(rnd.nextDouble() * ChunkList.length)];
double hardness;
double resistance;
double waterfactor;
double vegetationfactor;
double stormfactor;
boolean underwater = false;
boolean undermovingwater = false;
boolean targetunderwater = false;
boolean undersnow = false;
int bx = (int)(Math.round(rnd.nextDouble() * 16));
int bz = (int)(Math.round(rnd.nextDouble() * 16));
@ -204,8 +196,27 @@ public final class Sedimentology extends JavaPlugin {
x = bx + (c.getX() * 16);
z = bz + (c.getZ() * 16);
int x = bx + (c.getX() * 16);
int z = bz + (c.getZ() * 16);
sedBlock(sedworld, x, z);
public void sedBlock(sedWorld sedworld, int x, int z) {
World world =;
int y;
double hardness;
double resistance;
double waterfactor;
double vegetationfactor;
double stormfactor;
boolean underwater = false;
boolean undermovingwater = false;
boolean targetunderwater = false;
boolean undersnow = false;
/* find highest block, even if underwater */
y = world.getHighestBlockYAt(x, z) - 1;
@ -230,6 +241,7 @@ public final class Sedimentology extends JavaPlugin {
Block b = world.getBlockAt(x, y, z);
/* filter out blocks we don't erode right now */
@ -416,6 +428,17 @@ displace:
if (true) {
int step, steps;
/* our block must be able to move sideways, otherwise it could leave
* strange gaps. So check if all 4 sides horizontally are solid
if (!(world.getBlockAt(x + 1, y, z).isEmpty() ||
world.getBlockAt(x - 1, y, z).isEmpty() ||
world.getBlockAt(x, y, z + 1).isEmpty() ||
world.getBlockAt(x, y, z - 1).isEmpty())) {
/* find the most suitable target location to move this block to */
if ((b.getType() == Material.SAND) || (underwater))
steps = 24;
@ -648,6 +671,9 @@ displace:
stat_lastx = x;
stat_lasty = y;
stat_lastz = z;
@ -736,13 +762,47 @@ displace:
Chunk ChunkList[] = world.getLoadedChunks();
msg = String.format("blocks: %d protect: %s\n" +
"considered %d, displaced %d, degraded %d blocks in %d chunks %d errors\nlast one at %d %d %d\n" +
"ignored: edge %d, type %d, storm %d, vegetation %d, resistance %d, water %d, sand %d, hardness %d, protected %d",
"ignored: edge %d, type %d, storm %d, vegetation %d, resistance %d, water %d, sand %d, hardness %d," +
"protected %d, locked in %d",
conf_blocks, conf_protect ? "true" : "false",
stat_considered, stat_displaced, stat_degraded, ChunkList.length, stat_errors,
x, y, z,
stat_lastx, stat_lasty, stat_lastz,
stat_ignored_edge, stat_ignored_type, stat_ignored_storm, stat_ignored_vegetation,
stat_ignored_resistance, stat_ignored_water, stat_ignored_sand, stat_ignored_hardness,
stat_protected, stat_ignored_lockedin);
case "test":
if (split.length != 7) {
msg = "test requires 6 parameters: world x1 z1 x2 z2 blocks";
for (sedWorld sw: sedWorldList) {
if ([1])) {
int x1 = Integer.parseInt(split[2]);
int z1 = Integer.parseInt(split[3]);
int x2 = Integer.parseInt(split[4]);
int z2 = Integer.parseInt(split[5]);
if (x1 > x2) {
int t = x1;
x1 = x2;
x2 = t;
if (z1 > z2) {
int t = z1;
z1 = z2;
z2 = t;
for (long i = 0; i < Long.parseLong(split[6]); i++)
for (int x = x1; x <= x2; x++)
for (int z = z1; z <= z2; z++)
sedBlock(sw, x, z);
msg = "test cycle finished";
} else {
msg = "Invalid world name - world must be enabled already";
case "help":