
370 lines
15 KiB

-- Detect GAMETYPE
-- Interior rooms def
-- Crafting aliases for different games
-- Store itemstrings of our items
-- ** In the future, function to initiate userdata
local data = minetest.get_mod_storage()
local S = minetest.get_translator("drwho_tardis")
_drwho_tardis.GAMETYPE = "???"
if minetest.get_modpath("default") then
_drwho_tardis.GAMETYPE = "mtg"
elseif minetest.get_modpath("mcl_core") then
_drwho_tardis.GAMETYPE = "mcl"
elseif minetest.get_modpath("rp_default") then
_drwho_tardis.GAMETYPE = "rp"
_drwho_tardis.GAMETYPE = "other"
-- Reset exterior list
-- if this is not done, every time the server is restarted it will add them again
-- eventually overcrowding the list and looking bad
data:set_string("ext_list", minetest.serialize({}))
-- Interior depth
_drwho_tardis.interiorDepth = -300 -- default value
if _drwho_tardis.GAMETYPE == "mtg" then
_drwho_tardis.interiorDepth = -10000
elseif _drwho_tardis.GAMETYPE == "mcl" then
_drwho_tardis.interiorDepth = -50 -- just above bedrock if placed at sea level
elseif _drwho_tardis.GAMETYPE == "rp" then
_drwho_tardis.interiorDepth = -10000
-- pre-built interior console rooms.
-- exit_door_offset is from where the schem is placed to where the exit door is
-- requires is a list of mods whose nodes are used in the interior, and may be used to ensure there are no unknown nodes.
-- Although default interiors should strive to only use nodes from this mod.
_drwho_tardis.rooms = {
old = {
type = "old",
path = minetest.get_modpath("drwho_tardis").."/schems/tardis_console_room_old.mts",
exit_door_offset = {x=7,y=2,z=16},
requires = {"drwho_tardis"},
default = {
type = "default",
-- size is 22x22x22
path = minetest.get_modpath("drwho_tardis").."/schems/tardis_console_room_default.mts",
exit_door_offset = {x=11,y=5,z=19},
requires = {"drwho_tardis"},
--[[green = {
type = "green",
path = minetest.get_modpath("drwho_tardis").."/schems/tardis_console_room_green.mts",
exit_door_offset = {x=6,y=2,z=11},
requires = {"drwho_tardis", "scifi_nodes"},
------- USER DATA --------
-- Adapted from https://github.com/Beanzilla/Tardis under the MIT license
-- Check if we need to migrate their data
function _drwho_tardis.do_we_need_to_migrate_data(user_name)
-- we know if they used it previously because they have in_pos defined using old data struct
local in_pos = _drwho_tardis.data:get_string(user_name.."in_pos")
local data_migrated = _drwho_tardis.data:get_string(user_name.."data_migrated")
if not in_pos == "" and in_pos and not data_migrated == "yes" then
return true
return false
-- Obtains either an empty table or the user's data
function _drwho_tardis.get_user(user_name)
local user = data:get_string(user_name)
if user == nil or user == "" or user == {} then
minetest.log("[drwho_tardis] Didn't find a user by name '"..user_name.."', creation occured")
user = _drwho_tardis.init_new_user(user_name, {})
if _drwho_tardis.do_we_need_to_migrate_data(user_name) then
user = _drwho_tardis.migrate_user_data(user_name, user)
minetest.log("[drwho_tardis] Migrated user data with name '"..user_name.."' from data from pre-v1.3.0")
--minetest.log("[drwho_tardis] Found '"..user_name.."' with '"..user.."' data")
minetest.log("[drwho_tardis] Retrieved user data")
user = minetest.deserialize(user)
--minetest.log("[drwho_tardis] Returning '"..minetest.serialize(user).."'")
return user
-- Saves the user's data
function _drwho_tardis.save_user(user_name, user_data)
data:set_string(user_name, minetest.serialize(user_data))
minetest.log("[drwho_tardis] Saved user data")
-- for convenience' sake
-- if only one or two values need to be updated, it's safer to use this rather than save the whole thing to avoid overwriting recent changes
-- key must be a string, but the same as it would usually. For user.r_pos, use 'r_pos'.
function _drwho_tardis.update_one_value(user_name, key, value)
local user = _drwho_tardis.get_user(user_name)
user[key] = value
--minetest.log(S("[drwho_tardis] Set key '@1' to value '@2' in @3's user data.", key, value, user_name))
_drwho_tardis.save_user(user_name, user)
-- Makes new user data
-- This can also be used as a reference to what the data structure is like
-- Must be given the user data when run otherwise Stack Overflow
function _drwho_tardis.init_new_user(user_name, user)
if user.version ~= nil then
minetest.log("[drwho_tardis] User '"..user_name.."' was found with data, rewriting data")
user.version = drwho_tardis.VERSION -- Know when a user's data was initiated for compatability's sake when breaking changes are made
user.data_migrated = "no" -- Did they migrate from v1.2.1 to v1.3.0 ? "yes" or "no"; set by _drwho_tardis.migrate_user_data(user_name, user)
user.power = 3 -- max is 10. Used to power all Tardis functions, may be reworked sometime.
user.has_a_tardis = false -- Set to True when they place their Tardis
user.been_inside_tardis = false
user.times_travelled_in_tardis = 0 -- Keep a tally for statistics and achievements
user.waypoints = { -- Name and pos of waypoints. In future, will support custom names and more than 3.
way1 = vector.new(0, 0, 0),
way2 = vector.new(0, 0, 0),
way3 = vector.new(0, 0, 0),
-- Navigation related values
user.in_pos = vector.new(0, 0, 0) -- Where to spawn the user so they are inside the tardis (Default's to empty)
user.out_pos = vector.new(0, 0, 0) -- Where to spawn the user when they exit the tardis (Default's to empty)
user.prev_out_pos = vector.new(0, 0, 0) -- Stores last position (used for when dematerialized but then ran out of power)
user.dest_pos = vector.new(0, 0, 0) -- Where the tardis is pointing to go to
user.r_pos = "" -- Where the Time Rotor is
user.travel_factor = 1 -- How much the levers increase the position by each time (1, 10, 100, 1000)
user.respect_mavity = "yes" -- "yes", "no", "float". Controls how the Tardis adjusts it's position before landing.
user.finding_biome = "" -- The most recent biome they travelled to, empty if they didn't use Find Biome
user.exterior_skin = "drwho_tardis:tardis_blue" -- The outside of the Tardis. Previously 'look'
-- We need to know:
-- the type, that identifies what schematic was used to place it
-- the difference in position between where we placed the schematic and where the door is
-- where we placed the schematic (anchor_pos)
user.console_room = {
type = minetest.settings:get('drwho_tardis.default_interior') or 'default',
exit_door_pos = "",
exit_door_offset = "",
anchor_pos = vector.new(0, 0, 0) -- previously console_place_pos. The position given to the place interior schematic function.
-- Save it
_drwho_tardis.save_user(user_name, user)
return user -- Be able to start using data straight away without having to get it again
-- Migrate user data from v1.2.1 to v1.3.0
-- Assumes that init_new_user was run beforehand
-- Must be given the user data when run otherwise Stack Overflow
function _drwho_tardis.migrate_user_data(user_name, user)
local id = user_name
if user == "" or user == nil then user = {} end
if user.version ~= nil then
minetest.log("[drwho_tardis] User '"..user_name.."' was found with data, rewriting data")
user.version = drwho_tardis.VERSION
user.power = data:get_int(id.."power")
user.has_a_tardis = true
user.been_inside_tardis = true
user.times_travelled_in_tardis = 0
user.waypoints = {
way1 = minetest.deserialize(data:get_string(id.."way1")),
way2 = minetest.deserialize(data:get_string(id.."way2")),
way3 = minetest.deserialize(data:get_string(id.."way3")),
-- Navigation related values
user.in_pos = minetest.deserialize(data:get_string(id.."in_pos"))
user.out_pos = minetest.deserialize(data:get_string(id.."out_pos"))
user.prev_out_pos = minetest.deserialize(data:get_string(id.."out_pos"))
user.dest_pos = vector.new(data:get_int(id.."x_dest"), data:get_int(id.."y_dest"), data:get_int(id.."z_dest"))
user.r_pos = minetest.deserialize(data:get_string(id.."r_pos"))
user.travel_factor = data:get_string(id.."factor")
user.respect_mavity = minetest.deserialize(data:get_string(id.."respect_mavity"))
user.finding_biome = ""
user.exterior_skin = data:get_string(id.."look")
user.console_room = {
type = data:get_string(id.."type"),
exit_door_pos = minetest.deserialize(data:get_string(id.."door_pos_table")).door_0,
exit_door_offset = minetest.deserialize(data:get_string(id.."door_offset_table")).door_0,
anchor_pos = minetest.deserialize(data:get_string(id.."console_place_pos")),
-- Remember that their data has been migrated
data:set_string(id.."data_migrated", "yes")
user.data_migrated = "yes"
-- Save it
_drwho_tardis.save_user(user_name, user)
return user -- Be able to start using data straight away without having to get it again
-- note that all crafting is going to be rethought and reworked at some point
-- but for now the equivelant items and nodes in different games are saved
-- in MCL, all console nodes use flowers as the special item
_drwho_tardis.items = {}
local i = _drwho_tardis.items -- make it easier to write and read
if _drwho_tardis.GAMETYPE == "mcl" then -- MINECLONE ITEMS
i.ingot_steel = "mcl_core:iron_ingot"
i.ingot_copper = "mcl_copper:copper_ingot"
i.ingot_tin = "mcl_core:iron_ingot" -- They don't have tin, use iron instead
i.lump_tin = "mcl_core:iron_nugget"
i.ingot_gold = "mcl_core:gold_ingot"
i.diamond = "mcl_core:diamond"
i.crystal = "mesecons:wire_00000000_off" -- Redstone, but has a weird itemstring
i.coal = "mcl_core:coal_lump"
i.dirt = "mcl_core:dirt"
i.stone = "mcl_core:stone"
i.block_steel = "mcl_core:ironblock" -- steel is iron
i.block_copper = "mcl_copper:block"
i.block_tin = "mcl_core:ironblock" -- tin becomes iron
i.block_bronze = "mcl_copper:block" -- bronze becomes copper -- also O item
i.block_gold = "mcl_core:goldblock"
i.block_diamond = "mcl_core:diamondblock"
i.block_crystal = "mesecons_torch:redstoneblock"
i.stick = "mcl_core:stick"
i.silver_sand = "mcl_core:sand"
i.cactus = "mcl_flowers:tulip_orange" -- C item
i.grass_dry = "mcl_flowers:tulip_white" -- X item
i.grass_jungle = "mcl_flowers:allium" -- Z item
i.grass = "mcl_flowers:poppy" -- Y item
i.silver_sandstone = "mcl_flowers:azure_bluet" -- GO item
i.glass = "mcl_core:glass"
i.obsidian = "mcl_core:obsidian" -- F item
i.flower = "mcl_flower:dandelion" -- S item
elseif _drwho_tardis.GAMETYPE == "rp" then -- REPIXTURE ITEMS
i.ingot_steel = "rp_default:ingot_steel"
i.ingot_copper = "rp_default:ingot_copper"
i.ingot_tin = "rp_default:ingot_tin"
i.lump_tin = "rp_default:tin_lump"
i.ingot_gold = "rp_gold:ingot_gold"
i.diamond = "rp_jewels:jewel"
i.crystal = "rp_lumien:crystal_off"
i.coal = "rp_default:lump_coal"
i.dirt = "rp_default:dirt"
i.stone = "rp_default:stone"
i.block_steel = "rp_default:block_steel"
i.block_copper = "rp_default:block_copper"
i.block_tin = "rp_default:block_tin"
i.block_bronze = "rp_default:block_bronze" -- O item
i.block_gold = "rp_gold:block_gold"
i.block_diamond = "rp_jewels:jewel"
i.block_crystal = "rp_lumien:block"
i.stick = "rp_default:stick"
i.cactus = "rp_default:cactus" -- C item
i.grass_dry = "rp_default:dry_grass" -- X item
i.grass_jungle = "rp_default:fern" -- Z item
i.grass = "rp_default:grass" -- Y item
i.silver_sand = "rp_default:sand"
i.silver_sandstone = "rp_default:sandstone" -- GO item
i.glass = "rp_default:glass"
i.obsidian = "rp_default:ingot_bronze" -- F item
i.flower = "rp_default:flower" -- S item
else -- MINETEST GAME ITEMS, and default to MTG to avoid stupid bugs relating to them being undefined
i.ingot_steel = "default:steel_ingot"
i.ingot_copper = "default:copper_ingot"
i.ingot_tin = "default:tin_ingot"
i.lump_tin = "default:tin_lump"
i.ingot_gold = "default:gold_ingot"
i.diamond = "default:diamond"
i.crystal = "default:mese_crystal"
i.coal = "default:coal_lump"
i.dirt = "default:dirt"
i.stone = "default:stone"
i.block_steel = "default:steelblock"
i.block_copper = "default:copperblock"
i.block_tin = "default:tinblock"
i.block_bronze = "default:bronzeblock" -- C item
i.block_gold = "default:goldblock"
i.block_diamond = "default:diamondblock"
i.block_crystal = "default:mese"
i.stick = "default:stick"
i.cactus = "default:cactus" -- C item
i.grass_dry = "default:dry_grass_1" -- X item
i.grass_jungle = "default:junglegrass" -- Z item
i.grass = "default:grass_1" -- Y item
i.silver_sand = "default:silver_sand"
i.silver_sandstone = "default:silver_sandstone_block" -- GO item
i.glass = "default:glass"
i.obsidian = "default:obsidian" -- F item
i.flower = "flowers:dandelion_white" -- S item
-- DrWho Items table
-- Access the full itemstrings of our items easier
_drwho_tardis.drwho_items = {
-- Our craftitems:
arton_crystal = "drwho_tardis:arton_crystal",
spacetime = "drwho_tardis:spacetime",
circuitry_board = "drwho_tardis:circuitry_board",
azbantium_shard = "drwho_tardis:azbantium_shard",
dalekanium_ingot = "drwho_tardis:dalekanium_ingot",
-- Nodes crafted:
tardis = "drwho_tardis:tardis_blue",
lab = "drwho_tardis:lab",
vortex_manipulator = "drwho_tardis:vortex_manipulator",
rassilon_gauntlet = "drwho_tardis:rassilon_gauntlet",
chest = "drwho_tardis:chest", -- Gallifreyan Chest
rotor = "drwho_tardis:rotor",
console_x = "drwho_tardis:console_x",
console_y = "drwho_tardis:console_y",
console_z = "drwho_tardis:console_z",
console_go = "drwho_tardis:console_go",
console_c = "drwho_tardis:console_c",
console_f = "drwho_tardis:console_f",
console_o = "drwho_tardis:console_o",
console_s = "drwho_tardis:console_s",
monitor = "drwho_tardis:monitor",
light = "drwho_tardis:light",
azbantium = "drwho_tardis:azbantium",
azbantium_shard = "drwho_tardis:azbantium_shard",
turquiose = "drwho_tardis:turquiose_block",
grey_block = "drwho_tardis:grey_block",
grey_block_slab = "drwho_tardis:grey_block_slab",
walls = {
one_circle = "drwho_tardis:wall_one_circle",
one_circle_halfs = "drwho_tardis:wall_one_circle_halfs",
wall = "drwho_tardis:wall_craftable",
circles_16 = "drwho_tardis:wall_circles_16x16",
circles_32 = "drwho_tardis:wall_circles_32x32",