OAM DMA appears to be inactive during halt as well as CGB speed change (presumably stop in general). This adds some simple tests for that and adjusts the implementation accordingly. HDMA appears to be similarly affected (not covered by this change).
305 lines
7.7 KiB
305 lines
7.7 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Quick and Dirty Game Boy Assembler
import re
import sys
import collections
class InputError(RuntimeError): pass
Op = collections.namedtuple('Op', ['string', 'code', 'size', 'assemble'])
def mkrestr(s):
return re.sub(r'\s+', r'\s*', re.sub(r'([,)(+])', r' \\\1 ', s))
imm8 = r'[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]'
imm16 = imm8 + imm8
labelregexp = re.compile('\w+\s+(\w+)')
def assembleNormal(outdata, outpos, indata, inpos, targets, op):
def assembleImm8(outdata, outpos, indata, inpos, targets, op):
m = re.match(mkrestr(op.string).replace('imm8', '('+imm8+')'), indata[inpos])
outdata[outpos] = int(m.group(1), 0x10)
def assembleImm16(outdata, outpos, indata, inpos, targets, op):
m = re.match(mkrestr(op.string).replace('imm16', '('+imm16+')'), indata[inpos])
outdata[outpos ] = int(m.group(1)[2:4], 0x10)
outdata[outpos+1] = int(m.group(1)[0:2], 0x10)
def assembleJr(outdata, outpos, indata, inpos, targets, op):
label = labelregexp.match(indata[inpos]).group(1)
t = targets.get(label)
t = t - (outpos + 1) if t != None else int(label, 0x10)
if t < -0x80 or t > 0x7f:
raise InputError('line ' + str(i) + ': ' + indata[inpos], 'Relative jump target too far away')
outdata[outpos] = t & 0xff
def assembleJp(outdata, outpos, indata, inpos, targets, op):
label = labelregexp.match(indata[inpos]).group(1)
t = targets.get(label)
if t == None:
t = int(label, 0x10)
elif t >= 0x8000:
t = 0x4000 | (t & 0x3fff)
outdata[outpos ] = t & 0xFF
outdata[outpos+1] = t >> 8
def makeoplist():
l = []
def addop(opstr, opcode):
size = (opcode >= 0) + (opcode >= 0x100)
moperand = re.match(r'(.*imm8)|(jr.* target)|(.*imm16)|(call.* target|jp.* target)', opstr)
if moperand:
optype = [(0, assembleNormal), (1, assembleImm8), (1, assembleJr), (2, assembleImm16), (2, assembleJp)][moperand.lastindex]
l.append(Op(opstr, opcode, size + optype[0], optype[1]))
l.append(Op(opstr, opcode, size, assembleNormal))
addop('nop', 0x00)
addop('ld bc, imm16', 0x01)
addop('ld(bc), a', 0x02)
addop('inc bc', 0x03)
addop('inc b', 0x04)
addop('dec b', 0x05)
addop('ld b, imm8', 0x06)
addop('ld a, (bc)', 0x0a)
addop('inc c', 0x0c)
addop('dec c', 0x0d)
addop('ld c, imm8', 0x0e)
addop('rrca', 0x0f)
addop('stop, imm8', 0x10)
addop('ld de, imm16', 0x11)
addop('ld(de), a', 0x12)
addop('inc d', 0x14)
addop('dec d', 0x15)
addop('ld d, imm8', 0x16)
addop('jr target', 0x18)
addop('add hl, de', 0x19)
addop('ld a, (de)', 0x1a)
addop('inc e', 0x1c)
addop('dec e', 0x1d)
addop('ld e, imm8', 0x1e)
addop('jrnz target', 0x20)
addop('ld hl, imm16', 0x21)
addop('ld(hl++), a', 0x22)
addop('inc h', 0x24)
addop('dec h', 0x25)
addop('ld a, (hl++)', 0x2a)
addop('inc l', 0x2c)
addop('dec l', 0x2d)
addop('ld sp, imm16', 0x31)
addop('ld(hl--), a', 0x32)
addop('ld(hl), imm8', 0x36)
addop('add hl, sp', 0x39)
addop('ld a, (hl--)', 0x3a)
addop('inc a', 0x3c)
addop('dec a', 0x3d)
addop('ld a, imm8', 0x3e)
addop('ld b, a', 0x47)
addop('ld c, a', 0x4f)
addop('ld d, a', 0x57)
addop('ld e, a', 0x5f)
addop('halt', 0x76)
addop('ld(hl), a', 0x77)
addop('ld a, b', 0x78)
addop('ld a, c', 0x79)
addop('ld a, d', 0x7a)
addop('ld a, e', 0x7b)
addop('ld a, h', 0x7c)
addop('ld a, l', 0x7d)
addop('ld a, (hl)', 0x7e)
addop('add a, b', 0x80)
addop('add a, e', 0x83)
addop('sub a, b', 0x90)
addop('sub a, c', 0x91)
addop('sub a, d', 0x92)
addop('and a, b', 0xa0)
addop('and a, c', 0xa1)
addop('and a, d', 0xa2)
addop('xor a, a', 0xaf)
addop('or a, a', 0xb7)
addop('cmp a, b', 0xb8)
addop('cmp a, c', 0xb9)
addop('cmp a, d', 0xba)
addop('cmp a, e', 0xbb)
addop('cmp a, h', 0xbc)
addop('retnz', 0xc0)
addop('pop bc', 0xc1)
addop('jpnz target', 0xc2)
addop('jp target', 0xc3)
addop('push bc', 0xc5)
addop('rst 00', 0xc7)
addop('ret', 0xc9)
addop('call target', 0xcd)
addop('pop de', 0xd1)
addop('push de', 0xd5)
addop('sub a, imm8', 0xd6)
addop('reti', 0xd9)
addop('ldff(imm8), a', 0xe0)
addop('pop hl', 0xe1)
addop('ldff(c), a', 0xe2)
addop('push hl', 0xe5)
addop('and a, imm8', 0xe6)
addop('ld(imm16), a', 0xea)
addop('xor a, imm8', 0xee)
addop('ldff a, (imm8)', 0xf0)
addop('pop af', 0xf1)
addop('ldff a, (c)', 0xf2)
addop('di', 0xf3)
addop('push af', 0xf5)
addop('ld a, (imm16)', 0xfa)
addop('ei', 0xfb)
addop('cmp a, imm8', 0xfe)
addop('sra a', 0xcb2f)
addop('swap a', 0xcb37)
addop('srl a', 0xcb3f)
addop('\w* : ', -1)
return l
def makeopregexp(oplist):
rxps = ''
for e in oplist:
rxps += '(' + mkrestr(e.string) + '$)|'
return re.compile(rxps[0:len(rxps)-1].replace('imm8', imm8).replace('imm16', imm16).replace('target', r'\s\w+'))
oplist = makeoplist()
opregexp = makeopregexp(oplist)
def maptargets(targets, indata, instart, addr):
for i in xrange(instart, len(indata)):
match = opregexp.match(indata[i])
if match == None:
op = oplist[match.lastindex - 1]
if op.size == 0:
targets[re.match('(\w*)\s*:', indata[i]).group(1)] = addr
addr += op.size
return i
def astext(outdata, addr, indata, instart, targets):
for i in xrange(instart, len(indata)):
match = opregexp.match(indata[i])
if match == None:
op = oplist[match.lastindex - 1]
outpos = addr
if op.code >= 0x100:
outdata[outpos ] = op.code >> 8
outdata[outpos+1] = op.code & 0xff
outpos += 2
elif op.code >= 0:
outdata[outpos] = op.code
outpos += 1
op.assemble(outdata, outpos, indata, i, targets, op)
addr += op.size
return i
def asdata(outdata, addr, indata, instart):
for i in xrange(instart, len(indata)):
ints = [int(x, 0x10) for x in indata[i].split()]
outdata[addr:addr+len(ints)] = ints
addr += len(ints)
except ValueError:
return i
def putgblogo(outdata):
outdata[0x104:0x134] = \
[0xce, 0xed, 0x66, 0x66, 0xcc, 0x0d, 0x00, 0x0b,
0x03, 0x73, 0x00, 0x83, 0x00, 0x0c, 0x00, 0x0d,
0x00, 0x08, 0x11, 0x1f, 0x88, 0x89, 0x00, 0x0e,
0xdc, 0xcc, 0x6e, 0xe6, 0xdd, 0xdd, 0xd9, 0x99,
0xbb, 0xbb, 0x67, 0x63, 0x6e, 0x0e, 0xec, 0xcc,
0xdd, 0xdc, 0x99, 0x9f, 0xbb, 0xb9, 0x33, 0x3e]
def putheadercsum(outdata):
outdata[0x14d] = sum([-(x+1) for x in outdata[0x134:0x14d]]) & 0xFF
def putromcsum(outdata):
csum = sum(outdata)
outdata[0x14e:0x150] = [csum >> 8 & 0xff, csum & 0xff]
def assembleFile(indata):
size = 0x8000
startpos = 0
for i in xrange(0, len(indata)):
spl = indata[i].split()
if len(spl) > 0 and spl[0] == '.size':
size = int(spl[1], 0x10)
startpos = i + 1
targets = {}
i = startpos
while i < len(indata):
spl = [x.strip() for x in indata[i].split('@')]
i += 1;
if spl[0] == '.text':
i = maptargets(targets, indata, i, int(spl[1], 0x10))
outdata = bytearray(size)
i = startpos
while i < len(indata):
if indata[i] != '':
spl = [x.strip() for x in indata[i].split('@')]
if spl[0] == '.text':
i = astext(outdata, int(spl[1], 0x10), indata, i+1, targets)
elif spl[0] == '.data':
i = asdata(outdata, int(spl[1], 0x10), indata, i+1)
raise RuntimeError('line ' + str(i) + ': ' + indata[i])
i += 1
return outdata
def readDataFromFile(filename):
infile = open(filename, 'r')
indata = [line.strip() for line in infile]
return indata
def writeDataToFile(filename, data):
outfile = open(filename, 'wb')
def outFilenameFromInFilename(inname, h143):
return inname.rsplit('.', 1)[0] + ('.gbc' if (h143 & 0x80) else '.gb')
def main():
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
print 'processing ' + arg
outdata = assembleFile(readDataFromFile(arg))
writeDataToFile(outFilenameFromInFilename(arg, outdata[0x143]), outdata)
print "\nassembled " + str(len(sys.argv) - 1) + (' files' if len(sys.argv) != 2 else ' file')
if __name__ == "__main__":