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runs 2019-07-13 20:15:40 +02:00
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commit a59fa8db01
522 changed files with 1734 additions and 3 deletions

@ -1,3 +1 @@
# Petz [petz]
Cute kawaii mobs.
# petz

mobkit/init.lua Normal file

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mobkit/mobkit_api.txt Normal file

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1 Concepts
1.1 Behavior functions
1.1.1 Low level functions
1.1.2 High level functions Priority
1.2 Brain function
1.3 Processing diagram
1.4 Entity definition
2 Reference
2.1 Utility functions
2.2 Built in behaviors
2.2.1 High level behaviors
2.2.2 Low level behaviors
2.3 Constants and member variables
1. Concepts
1.1 Behavior functions
These are the most fundamental units of code, every action entities can perform is a separate function.
There are two types of behaviors:
- low level, these govern physical actions and interactions (think moves)
- high level, these are logical structures governing low level behaviors in order to perform more complex tasks
Behaviors run for considerable amount of time, this means the functions are being called repeatedly on consecutive engine steps.
Therefore a need for preserving state between calls, this is why they are implemented as closures, see defining conventions for details.
Behavior functions are active until they finish the job, are removed from the queue or superseded by a higher priority behavior.
They signal finished state by returning true, therefore it's very important to carefully design the completion conditions
For a behavior to begin executing it has to be put on a queue. There are two separate queues, one for low and one for high level behaviors.
Queuing is covered by behavour defining conventions
!!! In simplest scenarios there's no need to code behaviors, much can be achieved using only built-in stuff !!!
!!! To start using the api it's enough to learn defining mobs and writing brain functions !!!
1.1.1 Low level behavior functions
These are physical actions and interactions: steps, jumps, turns etc. here you'll set velocity, yaw, kick off animations and sounds.
Low level behavior definition:
function mobkit.lq_bhv1(self,[optional additional persistent parameters]) -- enclosing function
... -- optional definitions of additional persistent variables
local func=function(self) -- enclosed function, self is mandatory and the only allowed parameter
... -- actual function definition, remember to return true eventually
mobkit.queue_low(self,func) -- this will queue the behavior at the time of lq_bhv1 call
1.1.2 High level behavior functions
These are complex tasks like getting to a position, following other objects, hiding, patrolling an area etc.
Their job is tracking changes in the environment and managing low level behavior queue accordingly.
High level behavior definition:
function mobkit.hq_bhv1(self,priority,[optional additional persistent parameters]) -- enclosing function
... -- optional definitions of additional persistent variables
local func=function(self) -- enclosed function, self is mandatory and the only allowed parameter
... -- actual function definition, remember to return true eventually
mobkit.queue_high(self,func,priority) -- this will queue the behavior at the time of hq_bhv1 call
end Priority
Unlike low level behaviors which are executed in FIFO order, high level behaviors support prioritization.
This concept is essential for making sure the right behavior is active at the right time.
Prioritization is what makes it possible to interrupt a task in order to perform a more important one
The currently executing behavior is always the first in the queue.
When a new behavior is placed onto the queue:
If the queue is not empty a new behavior is inserted before the first behavior of lower priority if such exists, or last.
If the new behavior supersedes the one currently executing, low level queue is purged immediately.
Common idioms:
hq_bhv2(self,prty) -- bhv1 kicks off bhv2 with equal priority
return true -- and ends,
-- bhv2 becomes active on the next engine step.
hq_bhv2(self,prty+1) -- bhv1 kicks off bhv2 with higher priority
-- bhv2 takes over and when it ends, bhv1 resumes.
Particular prioritization scheme is to be designed by the user according to specific mod requirements.
1.2 Brain function
Every mob must have one.
Its job is managing high level behavior queue in response to events which are not intercepted by callbacks.
Contrary to what the name suggests, these functions needn't necessarily be too complex thanks to their limited responsibilities.
Typical flow might look like this:
if mobkit.timer(self,1) then -- returns true approx every second
local prty = mobkit.get_queue_priority(self)
if prty < 20
if ... then
if prty < 10 then
if ... then
elseif ... then
if mobkit.is_queue_empty_high(self) then
1.3 Processing diagram
| |
| ----------------------- |
| | Brain Function | |
| ----------------------- |
| | |
| -----|----------------- |
| | V HL Queue | |
| | | 1 | 2 | 3 |... | |
| ----------------------- |
| | |
| -----|----------------- |
| | V LL Queue | |
| | | 1 | 2 | 3 |... | |
| ----------------------- |
| |
Order of execution during an engine step:
First comes physics: gravity, buoyancy, friction etc., then the brain function is called.
After that, the first behavior on the high level queue, if exists,
and the last, the first low level behavior if present.
1.4 Entity definition
-- required minetest api props
physical = true,
collide_with_objects = true,
collisionbox = {...},
visual = "mesh",
mesh = "...",
textures = {...},
-- required mobkit props
timeout = [num], -- entities are removed after this many seconds inactive
-- 0 is never
-- mobs having memory entries are not affected
buoyancy = [num], -- (0,1) - portion of collisionbox submerged
-- = 1 - controlled buoyancy (fish, submarine)
-- > 1 - drowns
-- < 0 - MC like water trampolining
lung_capacity = [num], -- seconds
max_hp = [num],
on_step = mobkit.stepfunc,
on_activate = mobkit.actfunc,
get_staticdata = mobkit.statfunc,
brainfunc = [function user defined],
-- optional mobkit props
-- or used by built in behaviors
animation = {
[name]={range={x=[num],y=[num]},speed=[num],loop=[bool]}, -- single
[name]={ -- variant, animations are chosen randomly.
sounds = {
[name] = [string filename],
max_speed = [num], -- m/s
jump_height = [num], -- nodes/meters
view_range = [num], -- nodes/meters
attack={range=[num], -- range is distance between attacker's collision box center
damage_groups={fleshy=[num]}}, -- and the tip of the murder weapon in nodes/meters
2. Reference
2.1 Utility Functions
function mobkit.get_terrain_height(pos,steps)
-- recursively search for walkable surface at pos.
-- steps (optional) is how far from pos it gives up, expressed in nodes, default 3
-- Returns:
-- surface height at pos, or nil if not found
-- liquid flag: true if found surface is covered with liquid
function mobkit.timer(self,s)
-- returns true approx every s seconds
-- used to reduce execution of code that needn't necessarily be done on every engine step
function mobkit.pos_shift(pos,vec)
-- convenience function
-- returns pos shifted by vec
-- vec needn't have all three components given, absent components are assumed zero.
-- e.g pos_shift(pos,{y=1}) is valid
function mobkit.get_stand_pos(thing)
-- returns object pos projected onto the bottom collisionbox face
-- thing can be luaentity or objectref.
function mobkit.nodeatpos(pos)
-- convenience function
-- returns nodedef or nil if it's an ignore node
function mobkit.get_node_pos(pos)
-- returns center of the node that pos is inside
function mobkit.get_nodes_in_area(pos1,pos2,[full])
-- in basic mode returns a table of unique nodes within area indexed by node
-- in full=true mode returns a table of nodes indexed by pos
-- works for up to 125 nodes.
function mobkit.isnear2d(p1,p2,thresh)
-- returns true if pos p2 is within a square with center at pos p1 and radius thresh
-- y components are ignored
function mobkit.is_there_yet2d(pos,dir,dest) -- obj positon; facing vector; destination position
-- returns true if a position dest is behind position pos according to facing vector dir
-- (checks if dest is in the rear half plane as defined by pos and dir)
-- y components are ignored
function mobkit.isnear3d(p1,p2,thresh)
-- returns true if pos p2 is within a cube with center at pos p1 and radius thresh
function mobkit.dir_to_rot(v,rot)
-- converts a 3d vector v to rotation like in set_rotation() object method
-- rot (optional) is current object rotation
function mobkit.is_alive(thing)
-- non essential, checks if thing exists in the world and is alive
-- makes an assumption that luaentities are considered dead when their hp < 100
-- thing can be luaentity or objectref.
-- used for stored luaentities and objectrefs
function mobkit.exists(thing)
-- checks if thing exists in the world
-- thing can be luaentity or objectref.
-- used for stored luaentities and objectrefs
function mobkit.get_spawn_pos_abr(dtime,intrvl,radius,chance,reduction)
-- returns a potential spawn position at random intervals
-- intrvl: avg spawn attempt interval for every player
-- radius: spawn distance in nodes, active_block_range*16 is recommended
-- chance: (0,1) chance to spawn a mob if there are no other objects in area
-- reduction: (0,1) spawn chance is reduced by this factor for every object in range.
local spawnpos = mobkit.get_spawn_pos_abr(...)
if spawnpos then
... -- mod/game specific logic
function mobkit.animate(self,anim)
-- makes an entity play an animation of name anim, or does nothing if not defined
-- anim is string, see entity definition
-- does nothing if the same animation is already running
function mobkit.make_sound(self,sound)
-- sound is string, see entity definition
-- makes an entity play sound, or does nothing if not defined
-- Memory functions.
This represents mob long term memory
Warning: Stuff in memory is serialized, never try to remember objectrefs or tables referencing them
or the engine will crash.
function mobkit.remember(self,key,val)
-- premanently store a key, value pair
function mobkit.forget(self,key)
-- clears a memory entry
function mobkit.recall(self,key)
-- returns val associated with key
-- Queue functions
function mobkit.queue_high(self,func,priority)
-- only for use in behavior definitions, see 1.1.2
function mobkit.queue_low(self,func)
-- only for use in behavior definitions, see 1.1.1
function mobkit.clear_queue_high(self)
function mobkit.clear_queue_low(self)
function mobkit.is_queue_empty_high(self)
function mobkit.is_queue_empty_low(self)
function mobkit.get_queue_priority(self)
-- returns the priority of currently running behavior
-- this is also the highest of all queued behaviors
-- Use these inside brain functions --
function mobkit.get_nearby_player(self)
-- returns random player if nearby or nil
function mobkit.get_nearby_entity(self,name)
-- returns random nearby entity of name or nil
function mobkit.get_closest_entity(self,name)
-- returns closest entity of name or nil
-- Misc
Neighbors structure represents a node's horizontal neighbors
Not essential, used by some built in behaviors
Custom behaviors may not need it.
Neighbor #1 is offset {x=1,z=0}, subsequent numbers go clockwise
function mobkit.dir2neighbor(dir)
-- converts a 3d vector to neighbor number, y component ignored
function mobkit.neighbor_shift(neighbor,shift)
-- get another neighbor number relative to the given, shift: plus is clockwise, minus the opposite
-- 1,1 = 2; 1,-2 = 7
2.2 Built in behaviors
function mobkit.goto_next_waypoint(self,tpos)
-- this functions groups common operations making mobs move in a specific direction
-- not a behavior itself, but is used by some built in HL behaviors
-- which use node by node movement algorithm
2.2.1 High Level Behaviors --
function mobkit.hq_roam(self,prty)
-- slow random roaming
-- never returns
function mobkit.hq_follow(self,prty,tgtobj)
-- follow the tgtobj
-- returns if tgtobj becomes inactive
function mobkit.hq_goto(self,prty,tpos)
-- go to tpos position
-- returns on arrival
function mobkit.hq_runfrom(self,prty,tgtobj)
-- run away from tgtobj object
-- returns when tgtobj far enough
function mobkit.hq_hunt(self,prty,tgtobj)
-- follow tgtobj and when close enough, kick off hq_attack
-- returns when tgtobj too far
function mobkit.hq_warn(self,prty,tgtobj)
-- when a tgtobj close by, turn towards them and make the 'warn' sound
-- kick off hq_hunt if tgtobj too close or timer expired
-- returns when tgtobj moves away
function mobkit.hq_die(self)
-- default death, rotate and remove() after set time
function mobkit.hq_attack(self,prty,tgtobj)
-- default attack, turns towards tgtobj and leaps
-- returns when tgtobj out of range
function mobkit.hq_liquid_recovery(self,prty)
-- use when submerged in liquid, scan for nearest land
-- if land is found within view_range, kick off hq_swimto
-- otherwise die
function mobkit.hq_swimto(self,prty,tpos)
-- swim towards the position tpos, jump if necessary
-- returns if standing firmly on dry land
2.2.2 Low Level Behaviors --
function mobkit.lq_turn2pos(self,tpos)
-- gradually turn towards tpos position
-- returns when facing tpos
function mobkit.lq_idle(self,duration)
-- do nothing for duration seconds
-- set 'stand' animation
function mobkit.lq_dumbwalk(self,dest,speed_factor)
-- simply move towards dest
-- set 'walk' animation
function mobkit.lq_dumbjump(self,height)
-- if standing on the ground, jump in the facing direction
-- height is relative to feet level
-- set 'stand' animation
function mobkit.lq_freejump(self)
-- unconditional jump in the facing direction
-- useful e.g for getting out of water
-- returns when the apex has been reached
function mobkit.lq_jumpattack(self,height,target)
-- jump towards the target, punch if a hit
-- returns after punch or on the ground
function mobkit.lq_fallover(self)
-- gradually rotates Z = 0 to pi/2
2.3 Constants and member variables --
mobkit.gravity = -9.8
mobkit.friction = 0.4 -- inert entities will slow down when in contact with the ground
-- the smaller the number, the greater the effect
self.dtime -- for convenience, dtime as passed to currently executing on_step()
self.isonground -- true if y velocity is 0 for at least two succesive steps
self.isinliquid -- true if feet submerged in liquid type=source

petz/ Normal file

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# Petz [petz]
Cute kawaii mobs.


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