
415 lines
17 KiB
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2014-08-16 00:50:36 -07:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import zlib
import struct
import sys
import time
2014-08-16 09:34:24 -07:00
import getopt
2014-08-16 00:50:36 -07:00
# mt2obj - MTS schematic to OBJ converter
# Copyright (C) 2014 sfan5
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
2014-08-16 09:22:27 -07:00
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
2014-08-16 00:50:36 -07:00
# sed -re 's/(.+?) (.+?) (.+?) (.+?)/\t"\1": ("cube", \2, \3, \4),/' < colors.txt
2014-08-16 00:50:36 -07:00
colors = {
"nether:brick": ("cube", 40, 18, 18),
"nether:portal": ("cube", 0, 0, 0),
"nether:sand": ("cube", 40, 21, 21),
"nether:glowstone": ("cube", 221, 197, 141),
"nether:rack": ("cube", 40, 16, 16),
"beds:bed_top_red": ("cube", 131, 22, 22),
"beds:bed_bottom_blue": ("cube", 10, 11, 122),
"beds:bed_bottom_grey": ("cube", 147, 147, 147),
"beds:bed_bottom_white": ("cube", 215, 215, 215),
"beds:bed_bottom_green": ("cube", 12, 92, 10),
"beds:bed_bottom_orange": ("cube", 217, 123, 10),
"beds:bed_top_blue": ("cube", 11, 12, 122),
"beds:bed_bottom_violet": ("cube", 129, 10, 180),
"beds:bed_top_green": ("cube", 13, 92, 11),
"beds:bed_bottom_black": ("cube", 10, 10, 10),
"beds:bed_bottom_yellow": ("cube", 215, 214, 0),
"beds:bed_bottom_red": ("cube", 131, 21, 21),
"beds:bed_top_white": ("cube", 215, 215, 215),
"beds:bed_top_yellow": ("cube", 215, 214, 0),
"beds:bed_top_violet": ("cube", 129, 11, 180),
"beds:bed_top_grey": ("cube", 147, 147, 147),
"beds:bed_top_black": ("cube", 11, 11, 11),
"beds:bed_top_orange": ("cube", 216, 123, 11),
"nuke:hardcore_mese_tnt": ("cube", 173, 173, 0),
"nuke:iron_tnt": ("cube", 158, 158, 157),
"nuke:hardcore_iron_tnt": ("cube", 158, 158, 157),
"nuke:mese_tnt": ("cube", 173, 173, 0),
"christmas:present_green_violet": ("cube", 189, 36, 157),
"christmas:present_blue_green": ("cube", 62, 186, 50),
"christmas:present_orange_green": ("cube", 62, 186, 50),
"christmas:tree": ("cube", 45, 36, 24),
"christmas:present_orange_violet": ("cube", 189, 36, 157),
"christmas:present_blue_orange": ("cube", 245, 207, 20),
"christmas:present_blue_violet": ("cube", 189, 36, 157),
"christmas:star": ("cube", 236, 252, 55),
"christmas:present_green_orange": ("cube", 245, 207, 20),
"christmas:leaves": ("cube", 33, 54, 30),
"snow:moss": ("cube", 51, 64, 29),
"snow:snow5": ("cube", 225, 227, 255),
"snow:snow3": ("cube", 225, 227, 255),
"snow:needles_decorated": ("cube", 7, 50, 19),
"snow:needles": ("cube", 6, 49, 18),
"snow:snow8": ("cube", 225, 227, 255),
"snow:star": ("cube", 214, 142, 0),
"snow:snow": ("cube", 225, 227, 255),
"snow:xmas_tree": ("cube", 87, 88, 28),
"snow:sapling_pine": ("cube", 3, 54, 20),
"snow:snow6": ("cube", 225, 227, 255),
"snow:snow_block": ("cube", 225, 227, 255),
"snow:snow7": ("cube", 225, 227, 255),
"snow:snow_brick": ("cube", 223, 225, 253),
"snow:dirt_with_snow": ("cube", 225, 227, 255),
"snow:snow4": ("cube", 225, 227, 255),
"snow:snow2": ("cube", 225, 227, 255),
"snow:ice": ("cube", 155, 155, 254),
"stairs:stair_wood_tile_full": ("cube", 78, 64, 44),
"stairs:stair_mossycobble": ("cube", 102, 116, 85),
"stairs:slab_jungle_wood": ("cube", 51, 35, 12),
"stairs:slab_wood_tile_center": ("cube", 128, 100, 57),
"stairs:stair_wood_tile": ("cube", 78, 65, 44),
"stairs:stair_cobble": ("cube", 133, 133, 133),
"stairs:slab_invisible": ("cube", 0, 0, 0),
"stairs:stair_stonebrick": ("cube", 104, 100, 99),
"stairs:slab_iron_glass": ("cube", 222, 222, 222),
"stairs:stair_wood": ("cube", 128, 100, 57),
"stairs:stair_stone": ("cube", 91, 88, 87),
"stairs:stair_obsidian": ("cube", 16, 16, 16),
"stairs:stair_copperblock": ("cube", 110, 86, 60),
"stairs:stair_super_glow_glass": ("cube", 255, 255, 120),
"stairs:slab_iron_stone": ("cube", 134, 134, 134),
"stairs:stair_stone_tile": ("cube", 97, 97, 97),
"stairs:stair_desert_stone": ("cube", 122, 74, 57),
"stairs:slab_bronzeblock": ("cube", 116, 70, 26),
"stairs:stair_goldblock": ("cube", 126, 116, 35),
"stairs:stair_iron_checker": ("cube", 142, 142, 142),
"stairs:stair_steelblock": ("cube", 153, 153, 153),
"stairs:slab_coal_stone": ("cube", 70, 70, 70),
"stairs:slab_obsidian_glass": ("cube", 16, 17, 17),
"stairs:stair_sandstone": ("cube", 180, 162, 121),
"stairs:stair_iron_stone": ("cube", 134, 134, 134),
"stairs:slab_steelblock": ("cube", 153, 153, 153),
"stairs:stair_split_stone_tile": ("cube", 97, 97, 97),
"stairs:stair_brick": ("cube", 156, 157, 151),
"stairs:stair_sandstonebrick": ("cube", 160, 144, 108),
"stairs:slab_mossycobble": ("cube", 102, 116, 85),
"stairs:stair_glass": ("cube", 192, 192, 227),
"stairs:slab_cactus_checker": ("cube", 130, 138, 130),
"stairs:slab_jungletree": ("cube", 120, 106, 78),
"stairs:stair_coal_stone": ("cube", 70, 70, 70),
"stairs:slab_junglewood": ("cube", 51, 35, 12),
"stairs:stair_jungletree": ("cube", 120, 106, 78),
"stairs:slab_wood": ("cube", 128, 100, 57),
"stairs:stair_iron_stone_bricks": ("cube", 104, 98, 97),
"stairs:stair_coal_checker": ("cube", 133, 133, 133),
"stairs:stair_plankstone": ("cube", 66, 51, 23),
"stairs:stair_obsidian_glass": ("cube", 16, 17, 17),
"stairs:slab_desert_stone": ("cube", 122, 74, 57),
"stairs:slab_iron_stone_bricks": ("cube", 104, 98, 97),
"stairs:slab_glass": ("cube", 192, 192, 227),
"stairs:stair_bronzeblock": ("cube", 116, 70, 26),
"stairs:slab_desert_stonebrick": ("cube", 105, 64, 49),
"stairs:slab_tree": ("cube", 66, 52, 35),
"stairs:slab_stone": ("cube", 91, 88, 87),
"stairs:stair_cactus_checker": ("cube", 130, 138, 130),
"stairs:slab_diamondblock": ("cube", 103, 195, 201),
"stairs:slab_super_glow_glass": ("cube", 255, 255, 120),
"stairs:slab_cobble": ("cube", 133, 133, 133),
"stairs:stair_tree": ("cube", 66, 52, 35),
"stairs:slab_wood_tile": ("cube", 78, 65, 44),
"stairs:slab_glow_glass": ("cube", 255, 226, 114),
"stairs:slab_wood_tile_full": ("cube", 78, 64, 44),
"stairs:stair_coal_stone_bricks": ("cube", 79, 76, 75),
"stairs:slab_coal_glass": ("cube", 130, 130, 130),
"stairs:stair_coal_glass": ("cube", 130, 130, 130),
"stairs:slab_brick": ("cube", 156, 157, 151),
"stairs:slab_stone_tile": ("cube", 97, 97, 97),
"stairs:slab_goldblock": ("cube", 126, 116, 35),
"stairs:slab_plankstone": ("cube", 66, 51, 23),
"stairs:slab_coal_stone_bricks": ("cube", 79, 76, 75),
"stairs:stair_jungle_wood": ("cube", 51, 35, 12),
"stairs:stair_circle_stone_bricks": ("cube", 91, 88, 87),
"stairs:slab_iron_checker": ("cube", 142, 142, 142),
"stairs:stair_wood_tile_center": ("cube", 128, 100, 57),
"stairs:slab_stonebrick": ("cube", 104, 100, 99),
"stairs:slab_sandstonebrick": ("cube", 160, 144, 108),
"stairs:stair_invisible": ("cube", 0, 0, 0),
"stairs:stair_iron_glass": ("cube", 222, 222, 222),
"stairs:stair_desert_stonebrick": ("cube", 105, 64, 49),
"stairs:stair_diamondblock": ("cube", 103, 195, 201),
"stairs:slab_sandstone": ("cube", 180, 162, 121),
"stairs:slab_copperblock": ("cube", 110, 86, 60),
"stairs:stair_glow_glass": ("cube", 255, 226, 114),
"stairs:stair_junglewood": ("cube", 51, 35, 12),
"stairs:slab_circle_stone_bricks": ("cube", 91, 88, 87),
"stairs:slab_obsidian": ("cube", 16, 16, 16),
"stairs:slab_coal_checker": ("cube", 133, 133, 133),
"stairs:slab_split_stone_tile": ("cube", 97, 97, 97),
"mg:savannawood": ("cube", 128, 113, 57),
"mg:pineleaves": ("cube", 16, 30, 14),
"mg:savannasapling": ("cube", 32, 36, 13),
"mg:pinewood": ("cube", 120, 93, 66),
"mg:pinetree": ("cube", 26, 21, 14),
"mg:savannaleaves": ("cube", 70, 62, 41),
"mg:pinesapling": ("cube", 12, 12, 5),
"mg:savannatree": ("cube", 52, 51, 37),
"mg:dirt_with_dry_grass": ("cube", 114, 99, 53),
"bones:bones": ("cube", 74, 74, 74),
"default:glass": ("cube", 192, 192, 227, 64),
"default:water_flowing": ("cube", 39, 66, 106, 128),
"default:junglesapling": ("cube", 37, 34, 14),
"default:sandstonebrick": ("cube", 160, 144, 108),
"default:furnace_active": ("cube", 97, 93, 91),
"default:sign_wall": ("cube", 163, 141, 106),
"default:lava_source": ("cube", 255, 100, 0),
"default:goldblock": ("cube", 126, 116, 35),
"default:obsidian_glass 16 17": ("cube", 17, 64, 16),
"default:stone_with_copper": ("cube", 91, 88, 87),
"default:grass_1": ("cube", 72, 109, 32),
"default:papyrus": ("cube", 98, 173, 32),
"default:ice": ("cube", 155, 155, 254),
"default:wood": ("cube", 128, 100, 57),
"default:stone_with_mese": ("cube", 91, 88, 87),
"default:diamondblock": ("cube", 103, 195, 201),
"default:coalblock": ("cube", 58, 58, 58),
"default:stone_with_gold": ("cube", 91, 88, 87),
"default:apple": ("cube", 50, 0, 0),
"default:grass_4": ("cube", 73, 112, 33),
"default:dirt_with_grass_footsteps": ("cube", 101, 138, 35),
"default:desert_stonebrick": ("cube", 105, 64, 49),
"default:cloud": ("cube", 255, 255, 255),
"default:stone_with_iron": ("cube", 91, 88, 87),
"default:bronzeblock": ("cube", 116, 70, 26),
"default:dirt_with_snow": ("cube", 225, 227, 255),
"default:fence_wood": ("cube", 128, 100, 57),
"default:desert_sand": ("cube", 209, 165, 97),
"default:steelblock": ("cube", 153, 153, 153),
"default:rail": ("cube", 114, 82, 33),
"default:nyancat_rainbow": ("cube", 58, 19, 128),
"default:lava_flowing": ("cube", 255, 100, 0),
"default:sapling": ("cube", 63, 59, 40),
"default:snow": ("cube", 225, 227, 255),
"default:furnace": ("cube", 97, 93, 91),
"default:desert_stone": ("cube", 122, 74, 57),
"default:tree": ("cube", 66, 52, 35),
"default:jungletree": ("cube", 120, 106, 78),
"default:cactus": ("cube", 132, 143, 108),
"default:water_source": ("cube", 39, 66, 106, 128),
"default:mese": ("cube", 200, 202, 0),
"default:stone_with_coal": ("cube", 91, 88, 87),
"default:nyancat": ("cube", 38, 16, 66),
"default:snowblock": ("cube", 225, 227, 255),
"default:stonebrick": ("cube", 104, 100, 99),
"default:jungleleaves": ("cube", 18, 25, 14),
"default:sandstone": ("cube", 180, 162, 121),
"default:dirt_with_grass": ("cube", 72, 107, 44),
"default:brick": ("cube", 156, 157, 151),
"default:junglegrass": ("cube", 82, 133, 35),
"default:cobble": ("cube", 133, 133, 133),
"default:grass_3": ("cube", 71, 109, 32),
"default:stone": ("cube", 91, 88, 87),
"default:sand": ("cube", 219, 209, 167),
"default:obsidian": ("cube", 16, 16, 16),
"default:bookshelf": ("cube", 128, 100, 57),
"default:leaves": ("cube", 30, 47, 28),
"default:grass_5": ("cube", 73, 112, 33),
"default:ladder": ("cube", 153, 109, 39),
"default:dirt": ("cube", 122, 83, 58),
"default:mossycobble": ("cube", 102, 116, 85),
"default:stone_with_diamond": ("cube", 91, 88, 87),
"default:grass_2": ("cube", 71, 109, 32),
"default:chest": ("cube", 238, 219, 171),
"default:gravel": ("cube", 92, 84, 76),
"default:torch": ("cube", 213, 154, 84),
"default:clay": ("cube", 178, 178, 178),
"default:chest_locked": ("cube", 238, 219, 171),
"default:copperblock": ("cube", 110, 86, 60),
"default:dry_shrub": ("cube", 117, 75, 14),
"default:junglewood": ("cube", 51, 35, 12),
"signs:sign_yard": ("cube", 163, 141, 106),
"signs:sign_post": ("cube", 4, 2, 0),
"junglegrass:shortest": ("cube", 55, 92, 21),
"junglegrass:short": ("cube", 49, 89, 15),
"junglegrass:medium": ("cube", 83, 135, 36),
"doors:door_wood_t_2": ("cube", 87, 64, 30),
"doors:door_wood_b_1": ("cube", 87, 64, 30),
"doors:door_wood_t_1": ("cube", 87, 64, 30),
"doors:door_steel_t_1": ("cube", 162, 162, 162),
"doors:door_steel_t_2": ("cube", 162, 162, 162),
"doors:door_steel_b_1": ("cube", 162, 162, 162),
"doors:door_wood_b_2": ("cube", 87, 64, 30),
"doors:door_steel_b_2": ("cube", 162, 162, 162),
"poisonivy:climbing": ("cube", 91, 143, 24),
"poisonivy:sproutling": ("cube", 111, 166, 30),
"poisonivy:seedling": ("cube", 127, 190, 34),
"wool:magenta": ("cube", 210, 3, 121),
"wool:blue": ("cube", 0, 78, 152),
"wool:cyan": ("cube", 0, 142, 150),
"wool:orange": ("cube", 220, 91, 24),
"wool:grey": ("cube", 141, 141, 141),
"wool:dark_grey": ("cube", 65, 65, 65),
"wool:pink": ("cube", 255, 144, 144),
"wool:white": ("cube", 228, 228, 228),
"wool:violet": ("cube", 96, 2, 177),
"wool:black": ("cube", 33, 33, 33),
"wool:green": ("cube", 99, 230, 28),
"wool:brown": ("cube", 95, 49, 0),
"wool:yellow": ("cube", 253, 237, 16),
"wool:dark_green": ("cube", 36, 109, 0),
"wool:red": ("cube", 180, 20, 20),
"fire:basic_flame": ("cube", 147, 47, 11),
"vessels:glass_bottle": ("cube", 211, 212, 211),
"vessels:steel_bottle": ("cube", 109, 109, 109),
"vessels:drinking_glass": ("cube", 220, 220, 220),
"flowers:rose": ("cube", 159, 9, 0),
"flowers:potted_tulip": ("cube", 114, 41, 22),
"flowers:viola": ("cube", 108, 83, 106),
"flowers:tulip": ("cube", 91, 146, 5),
"flowers:geranium": ("cube", 54, 72, 184),
"flowers:potted_dandelion_yellow": ("cube", 116, 43, 22),
"flowers:waterlily": ("cube", 46, 108, 0),
"flowers:waterlily_225": ("cube", 49, 110, 2),
"flowers:dandelion_yellow": ("cube", 147, 178, 3),
"flowers:potted_geranium": ("cube", 76, 60, 124),
"flowers:dandelion_white": ("cube", 136, 179, 95),
"flowers:potted_rose": ("cube", 115, 40, 22),
"flowers:waterlily_675": ("cube", 165, 194, 103),
"flowers:waterlily_45": ("cube", 150, 179, 101),
"flowers:potted_dandelion_white": ("cube", 116, 43, 25),
"flowers:seaweed": ("cube", 28, 112, 11),
"flowers:potted_viola": ("cube", 115, 41, 24),
"farming:wheat_6": ("cube", 165, 151, 74),
"farming:cotton_4": ("cube", 58, 46, 27),
"farming:cotton_7": ("cube", 194, 189, 185),
"farming:soil_wet": ("cube", 73, 40, 19),
"farming:cotton_3": ("cube", 57, 48, 27),
"farming:wheat_1": ("cube", 130, 186, 84),
"farming:wheat_7": ("cube", 178, 159, 81),
"farming:cotton_5": ("cube", 65, 49, 31),
"farming:soil": ("cube", 110, 75, 53),
"farming:wheat_8": ("cube", 177, 160, 81),
"farming:wheat_2": ("cube", 142, 190, 86),
"farming:wheat_4": ("cube", 168, 186, 83),
"farming:wheat_5": ("cube", 177, 166, 79),
"farming:wheat_3": ("cube", 148, 185, 83),
"farming:cotton_1": ("cube", 66, 61, 31),
"farming:cotton_2": ("cube", 59, 51, 28),
"farming:cotton_6": ("cube", 75, 60, 44),
"farming:cotton_8": ("cube", 228, 226, 225),
2014-08-16 00:50:36 -07:00
2014-08-16 09:34:24 -07:00
optargs, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], '')
if len(args) < 1:
2014-08-16 09:34:24 -07:00
print("Usage: %s <.mts schematic>" % sys.argv[0])
print("Converts .mts schematics to Wavefront .obj geometry files")
2014-08-16 00:50:36 -07:00
2014-08-16 09:34:24 -07:00
print("Output files are written into directory where the source file lays.")
2014-08-16 00:50:36 -07:00
sch = open(args[0], "rb")
2014-08-16 00:50:36 -07:00
if != b"MTSM":
print("This file does not look like an MTS schematic..")
2014-08-16 09:34:24 -07:00
v = struct.unpack("!H",[0]
if v != 3:
print("Wrong file version: got %d, expected %d" % (v, 3))
2014-08-16 00:50:36 -07:00
width, height, depth = struct.unpack("!HHH",, 1)
nodecount = struct.unpack("!H",[0]
nodemap = {}
for i in range(nodecount):
l = struct.unpack("!H",[0]
name ='ascii')
nodemap[i] = name
# TODO use zlib.compressobj
cdata =
data = zlib.decompress(cdata)
del cdata
filepart = args[0][:args[0].find(".")]
2014-08-16 00:50:36 -07:00
obj = open(filepart + ".obj", "w")
obj.write("# Exported by mt2obj\nmtllib %s\n\n\n" % (filepart + ".mtl", ))
i = 0
foundnodes = []
unknownnodes = []
for x in range(width):
for y in range(height):
for z in range(depth):
off = (x + y*width + z*width*height) * 2
nid = struct.unpack("!H", data[off:off + 2])[0]
nname = nodemap[nid]
if nname == "air":
if not nname in colors.keys():
if not nname in unknownnodes:
if not nname in foundnodes:
obj.write("o node%d\n" % i)
obj.write("usemtl %s\n" % nname.replace(":", "__"))
objd = open("models/" + colors[nname][0] + ".obj", 'r')
for line in objd:
if line.strip() == "":
elif line.startswith("#"):
pass # comment
elif line.startswith("v "):
tmp = line.split(" ")
vx, vy, vz = float(tmp[1]), float(tmp[2]), float(tmp[3])
vx += x
vy += y
vz += z
obj.write("v %f %f %f\n" % (vx, vy, vz))
2014-08-16 00:50:36 -07:00
i += 1
mtl = open(filepart + ".mtl", "w")
mtl.write("# Generated by mt2obj\n\n\n")
for node in foundnodes:
mtl.write("newmtl %s\n" % node.replace(":", "__"))
c = colors[node]
mtld = open("models/" + colors[node][0] + ".mtl", 'r')
for line in mtld:
if line.strip() == "":
elif line.startswith("#"):
pass # comment
if len(c) > 4: # if there is transparency
tmp1 = c[4]/255
tmp1 = 1.0
tmp2 = line.replace("{r}", str(c[1]/255)).replace("{g}", str(c[2]/255)).replace("{b}", str(c[3]/255)).replace("{a}", str(tmp1))
2014-08-16 00:50:36 -07:00
2014-08-16 00:50:36 -07:00
if len(unknownnodes) > 0:
print("There were some unknown nodes that were ignored during the conversion:")
for e in unknownnodes: