209 lines
6.1 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
rutils.py - Phenny Utility Module
Copyright 2012, Sfan5
import base64, binascii
def rev(phenny, input):
"""reverse string"""
for x in phenny.bot.commands["high"].values():
if x[0].__name__ == "aa_hook":
if x[0](phenny, input):
return # Abort function
if not input.group(2):
return phenny.reply("Nothing to reverse.")
q = input.group(2).encode('utf-8')
s = ""
for i in range(1,len(q)):
s += q[-i]
s += q[0]
return phenny.say(s)
rev.commands = ['re','rev','reverse']
rev.priority = 'low'
def b64e(phenny, input):
"""base64 encode"""
for x in phenny.bot.commands["high"].values():
if x[0].__name__ == "aa_hook":
if x[0](phenny, input):
return # Abort function
if not input.group(2):
return phenny.reply("Nothing to encode.")
q = input.group(2).encode('utf-8')
return phenny.say(base64.b64encode(q))
except BaseException as e:
return phenny.reply(e.message)
b64e.commands = ['b64e','base64encode']
b64e.priority = 'low'
def b64d(phenny, input):
"""base64 decode"""
for x in phenny.bot.commands["high"].values():
if x[0].__name__ == "aa_hook":
if x[0](phenny, input):
return # Abort function
if not input.group(2):
return phenny.reply("Nothing to decode.")
q = input.group(2).encode('utf-8')
return phenny.say(base64.b64decode(q))
except BaseException as e:
return phenny.reply(e.message)
b64d.commands = ['b64d','base64decode']
b64d.priority = 'low'
def b32e(phenny, input):
"""base32 encode"""
for x in phenny.bot.commands["high"].values():
if x[0].__name__ == "aa_hook":
if x[0](phenny, input):
return # Abort function
if not input.group(2):
return phenny.reply("Nothing to encode.")
q = input.group(2).encode('utf-8')
return phenny.say(base64.b32encode(q))
except BaseException as e:
return phenny.reply(e.message)
b32e.commands = ['b32e','base32encode']
b32e.priority = 'low'
def b32d(phenny, input):
"""base32 decode"""
for x in phenny.bot.commands["high"].values():
if x[0].__name__ == "aa_hook":
if x[0](phenny, input):
return # Abort function
if not input.group(2):
return phenny.reply("Nothing to decode.")
q = input.group(2).encode('utf-8')
return phenny.say(base64.b32decode(q))
except BaseException as e:
return phenny.reply(e.message)
b32d.commands = ['b32d','base32decode']
b32d.priority = 'low'
def b16e(phenny, input):
"""base16 encode"""
for x in phenny.bot.commands["high"].values():
if x[0].__name__ == "aa_hook":
if x[0](phenny, input):
return # Abort function
if not input.group(2):
return phenny.reply("Nothing to encode.")
q = input.group(2).encode('utf-8')
return phenny.say(base64.b16encode(q))
except BaseException as e:
return phenny.reply(e.message)
b16e.commands = ['b16e','base16encode']
b16e.priority = 'low'
def b16d(phenny, input):
"""base16 decode"""
if not input.group(2):
return phenny.reply("Nothing to decode.")
q = input.group(2).encode('utf-8')
return phenny.say(base64.b16decode(q))
except BaseException as e:
return phenny.reply(e.message)
b16d.commands = ['b16d','base16decode']
b16d.priority = 'low'
def crc32(phenny, input):
"""crc32 hash"""
for x in phenny.bot.commands["high"].values():
if x[0].__name__ == "aa_hook":
if x[0](phenny, input):
return # Abort function
if not input.group(2):
return phenny.reply("Nothing to hash.")
q = input.group(2).encode('utf-8')
h = binascii.crc32(q)
return phenny.say(str(h) + "(" + hex(h) + ")")
crc32.commands = ['crc32']
crc32.priority = 'low'
def hex_(phenny, input):
"""hexlify http://docs.python.org/2/library/binascii.html#binascii.hexlify"""
for x in phenny.bot.commands["high"].values():
if x[0].__name__ == "aa_hook":
if x[0](phenny, input):
return # Abort function
if not input.group(2):
return phenny.reply("Nothing to hexlify.")
q = input.group(2).encode('utf-8')
return phenny.say(binascii.hexlify(q))
except BaseException as e:
return phenny.reply(e.message)
hex_.commands = ['hex']
hex_.priority = 'low'
def unhex(phenny, input):
"""unhexlify http://docs.python.org/2/library/binascii.html#binascii.unhexlify"""
for x in phenny.bot.commands["high"].values():
if x[0].__name__ == "aa_hook":
if x[0](phenny, input):
return # Abort function
if not input.group(2):
return phenny.reply("Nothing to unhexlify.")
q = input.group(2).encode('utf-8')
return phenny.say(binascii.unhexlify(q))
except BaseException as e:
return phenny.reply(e.message)
unhex.commands = ['unhex']
unhex.priority = 'low'
def uuencode(phenny, input):
for x in phenny.bot.commands["high"].values():
if x[0].__name__ == "aa_hook":
if x[0](phenny, input):
return # Abort function
if not input.group(2):
return phenny.reply("Nothing to encode.")
q = input.group(2).encode('utf-8')
return phenny.say(binascii.b2a_uu(q))
except BaseException as e:
return phenny.reply(e.message)
uuencode.commands = ['ue','uuencode']
uuencode.priority = 'low'
def uudecode(phenny, input):
for x in phenny.bot.commands["high"].values():
if x[0].__name__ == "aa_hook":
if x[0](phenny, input):
return # Abort function
if not input.group(2):
return phenny.reply("Nothing to decode.")
q = input.group(2).encode('utf-8')
return phenny.say(binascii.a2b_uu(q + '\n'))
except BaseException as e:
return phenny.reply(e.message)
uudecode.commands = ['ud','uudecode']
uudecode.priority = 'low'
if __name__ == '__main__':
print __doc__.strip()