[rssnotify] Remove link shortening

git.io stopped working in January
sfan5 2022-04-26 22:38:23 +02:00
parent 551ff1e89b
commit 27d965c411
1 changed files with 0 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -88,15 +88,6 @@ class RssNotify():
self._announce(phenny, message, feedspec[1])
self.firstrun = False
print("[RssNotify]: Checked %d RSS feeds in %0.3f seconds" % (len(self.config["feeds"]), time.time()-start))
def _shorten(self, link):
# We can utilitze git.io to shorten *.github.com links
l, code = web.post("https://git.io/create", {'url': link})
if code != 200:
return None
l = str(l, 'utf-8')
if ' ' in l: # spaces means there was an error :(
return None
return "https://git.io/" + l
def _format_msg(self, feed_entry, log_format=False):
if log_format:
f_cshort = "[color=#c00]%s[/color]"
@ -123,8 +114,6 @@ class RssNotify():
commit_text = feed_entry.title
if self.config["show_link"]:
commit_link = feed_entry.link
if self.config["shorten_link"]:
commit_link = self._shorten(commit_link) or commit_link
commit_link = ""
if committer_realname == "" or committer_realname.lower() == committer.lower():
@ -145,7 +134,6 @@ c = ['*', '-#minetest-hub']
rssn = RssNotify({
"check_interval": 120,
"show_link": True,
"shorten_link": True,
"logfile": os.getcwd() + "/rssnotify.log",
"feeds": [
('https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commits/master.atom', c),