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2013-11-17 10:31:50 -08:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
seen.py - Phenny Seen Module
Copyright 2013, sfan5
import random
from thread import start_new_thread, allocate_lock
import sqlite3
import time
import hashlib
2013-11-17 10:31:50 -08:00
tell_list = []
tell_pending = []
tell_lastdiskwrite = 0
tell_lastlisthash = ''
tell_diskwriteinterval = 60 # seconds
2013-11-17 10:31:50 -08:00
def tell(phenny, input):
for x in phenny.bot.commands["high"].values():
if x[0].__name__ == "aa_hook":
if x[0](phenny, input):
return # Abort function
arg = input.group(2)
if not arg:
return phenny.reply("Need a nickname...")
if not ' ' in arg:
return phenny.reply("...and text")
teller = input.nick
target = arg.split(" ")[0]
text = " ".join(arg.split(" ")[1:])
if target.lower() == teller.lower():
return phenny.say("You can tell that to yourself")
if target.lower() == phenny.nick.lower():
return phenny.say("I'm not dumb, you know?")
2013-11-17 10:31:50 -08:00
d = (teller, target, text, int(time.time()))
2014-02-01 10:03:01 -08:00
tell_pending.append(("INSERT INTO tell (nick, tellee, msg, time) VALUES (?,?,?,?)", d))
2013-11-17 10:31:50 -08:00
response = "I'll pass that on when %s is around" % target
rand = random.random()
if rand > 0.75: response = "yeah, yeah"
elif rand > 0.85: response = "yeah, sure, whatever"
2013-11-17 10:31:50 -08:00
tell.commands = ["tell"]
def checktell(phenny, input):
2014-02-01 09:58:47 -08:00
global tell_diskwriteinterval, tell_lastdiskwrite, tell_lastlisthash, tell_pending
2013-11-17 10:36:08 -08:00
for e in tell_list:
2014-02-04 06:23:35 -08:00
if e[1].lower() == input.nick.lower():
2014-02-05 11:14:43 -08:00
phenny.say("%s: %s <%s> %s" % (input.nick, time.strftime('%m-%d %H:%M UTC', time.gmtime(e[3])), e[0], e[2]))
2013-11-17 10:36:08 -08:00
2014-02-04 06:23:35 -08:00
tell_pending.append(("DELETE FROM tell WHERE nick = ? AND tellee = ? AND msg = ? AND time = ?", e))
if time.time() - tell_diskwriteinterval > tell_lastdiskwrite:
tell_lastdiskwrite = time.time()
2014-02-04 06:23:35 -08:00
current_hash = hashlib.sha1('\n'.join(repr(e) for e in tell_list)).hexdigest()
if current_hash == tell_lastlisthash:
2013-11-17 10:31:50 -08:00
tell_lastlisthash = current_hash
db = sqlite3.connect("tell.sqlite")
c = db.cursor()
for tr in tell_pending:
tell_pending = []
2013-11-17 10:31:50 -08:00
def note(phenny, input):
if input.sender.startswith('#'):
checktell(phenny, input)
note.rule = r'.*'
note.priority = 'low'
def note_join(phenny, input):
if input.sender.startswith('#'):
checktell(phenny, input)
note_join.rule = r'.*'
note_join.event = 'JOIN'
note_join.priority = 'low'
2014-02-05 11:14:43 -08:00
def telldebug(phenny, input):
current_hash = hashlib.sha1('\n'.join(repr(e) for e in tell_list)).hexdigest()
lastwrite = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC', time.gmtime(tell_lastdiskwrite))
nextwrite = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC', time.gmtime(tell_lastdiskwrite + tell_diskwriteinterval))
phenny.say("Current hash '" + current_hash + "' last hash '" + tell_lastlisthash + "' last write " + lastwrite + " next write " + nextwrite)
telldebug.commands = ['telldbg']
2013-11-17 10:31:50 -08:00
db = sqlite3.connect("tell.sqlite")
c = db.cursor()
c.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tell (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, nick TEXT, tellee TEXT, msg TEXT, time INTEGER)")
c.execute("SELECT * FROM tell")
2013-11-17 10:31:50 -08:00
while True:
e = c.fetchone()
if not e:
2013-11-17 10:31:50 -08:00
if __name__ == '__main__':
print __doc__.strip()