Android: Go away gen folder! You're nothing but trouble (for now)

git-svn-id: 0a769ca7-a7f5-676a-18bf-c427514a06d6
faketruth 2012-08-19 16:42:46 +00:00
parent eb3ed1aec1
commit 81a9bc51d9
2 changed files with 0 additions and 42 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
/** Automatically generated file. DO NOT MODIFY */
package com.mcserver;
public final class BuildConfig {
public final static boolean DEBUG = true;

View File

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
* This class was automatically generated by the
* aapt tool from the resource data it found. It
* should not be modified by hand.
package com.mcserver;
public final class R {
public static final class attr {
public static final class drawable {
public static final int ic_launcher=0x7f020000;
public static final class id {
public static final int ip_address=0x7f050004;
public static final int server_status_text=0x7f050003;
public static final int start_server=0x7f050001;
public static final int stop_server=0x7f050002;
public static final int textView1=0x7f050005;
public static final int textView2=0x7f050000;
public static final class layout {
public static final int main=0x7f030000;
public static final class string {
public static final int app_name=0x7f040001;
public static final int hello=0x7f040000;
public static final int mcserver_is_not_running=0x7f040005;
public static final int mcserver_is_running=0x7f040004;
public static final int start=0x7f040002;
public static final int stop=0x7f040003;
public static final int your_ip=0x7f040006;