2012-05-20 01:09:56 +12:00
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Script to convert ABP filters to Opera urlfilter and CSS element filters
# Copyright (C) 2012 anonymous74100
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Basename;
use List::MoreUtils qw{lastidx firstval};
die "Usage: $^X $0 subscription.txt\n" unless @ARGV;
my $file = $ARGV[0];
my $path = dirname($file);
my $list = readFile($file);
my $nocss = 1 if ( grep { $_ eq "--nocss"} @ARGV );
my $nourlfilter = 1 if ( grep { $_ eq "--nourlfilter"} @ARGV );
die "No lists generated!\n" if ((defined $nourlfilter) and (defined $nocss));
my $urlfilter = createUrlfilter($list) unless (defined $nourlfilter);
my $elemfilter = createElemfilter($list) unless (defined $nocss);
# Warn if a file won't be generated
print "Urlfilter won't be generated!\n" unless (defined $urlfilter);
print "CSS won't be generated!\n" unless (defined $elemfilter);
# Write generated files
writeFile("$path/urlfilter.ini",$urlfilter) unless ((defined $nourlfilter) or (!defined $urlfilter));
writeFile("$path/element-filter.css",$elemfilter) unless ((defined $nocss) or (!defined $elemfilter));
sub createUrlfilter
my $list = shift;
my @urlfilter;
my @whitelists;
my $oldchecksum;
my $oldmodified;
# Get old checksum and modification time
if (-e "$path/urlfilter.ini")
my @oldlist = (split(/\n/, (readFile("$path/urlfilter.ini"))));
2012-05-20 22:36:26 +12:00
$oldchecksum = firstval { $_ =~ m/Checksum:/i } @oldlist;
$oldmodified = firstval { $_ =~ m/(Last modified|Updated):/i } @oldlist;
2012-05-20 01:09:56 +12:00
undef @oldlist;
foreach my $line (split(/\n/, $list))
unless ($line =~m/\[.*?\]/i)
# Convert comments
if ($line =~ m/^!/)
# Insert old checksumm
2012-05-20 22:36:26 +12:00
if ($line =~ m/Checksum:/i)
2012-05-20 01:09:56 +12:00
(defined $oldchecksum) ? ($line) = $oldchecksum : $line =~ s/^!/;/;
# Insert old last modified
2012-05-20 22:36:26 +12:00
elsif ($line =~ m/(Last modified|Updated):/i)
2012-05-20 01:09:56 +12:00
(defined $oldmodified) ? ($line) = $oldmodified : $line =~ s/^!/;/;
# Normalize title
2012-05-20 22:36:26 +12:00
elsif ($line =~ m/Title:/i)
2012-05-20 01:09:56 +12:00
2012-05-20 22:36:26 +12:00
$line =~ s/Title: //i;
2012-05-20 01:09:56 +12:00
# Add the rest of comments
2012-05-20 22:36:26 +12:00
unless ($line =~ m/Redirect:/i)
2012-05-20 01:09:56 +12:00
$line =~ s/^\!/;/;
push @urlfilter, $line;
# Collect whitelists
elsif (($line =~ m/^@@/) and ($line !~ m/\^\$elemhide$/))
$line =~ s/\$.*// if $line =~ m/\$/; # Remove everything after a dollar sign
if ($line =~ m/^@@\|\|/)
# Collect domain whitelists
if ($line =~ m/\^$/)
$line =~ s/^@@\|\|//; # Remove whitelist symbols and vertical bars
$line =~ s/\^$//; # Remove ending caret
push @whitelists, $line;
# Collect whitelists with a domain in them
$line =~ s/\^/\// if $line =~ m/\^/; # Convert caret to slash
$line =~ s/\*$// if $line =~ m/\*$/; # Remove ending asterisk
# Collect generic whitelists
$line =~ s/^\*// if $line =~ m/^\*/; # Remove beginning asterisk
$line =~ s/\*$// if $line =~ m/\*$/; # Remove ending asterisk
push @whitelists, $line;
elsif (($line !~ m/\$/) and ($line !~ m/##/))
$line =~ s/^\|// if (($line !~ m/^\|\|/) and ($line =~ m/^\|/)); # Remove beginning pipe
$line = "*".$line unless (($line =~ m/^[\|\* ]/) or ($line =~ m/.:\/\//)); # Add beginning asterisk
2012-05-20 22:36:26 +12:00
$line = $line."*" unless ($line =~ m/[\|\* ]$/); # Add ending asterisk
2012-05-20 01:09:56 +12:00
$line =~ s/\|$// if ($line =~ m/\|$/); # Convert filter endings
push @urlfilter, $line;
2012-05-20 22:36:26 +12:00
return undef if (scalar(grep {$_ !~ m/^;/} @urlfilter) <= 0); # Return undef if list is empty
2012-05-20 01:09:56 +12:00
$list = join("\n", @urlfilter);
undef @urlfilter;
my $whitelists = join("\n", @whitelists);
my $tmpline = "";
my $matcheswhitelist;
foreach my $line (split(/\n/, $list))
# Remove filters that require whitelists
($tmpline) = $line;
$tmpline =~ s/^\*:\/\///; # Remove protocol
$tmpline =~ s/^\|\|//; # Remove pipes
$tmpline =~ s/\^$//; # Remove ending caret
2012-05-20 22:36:26 +12:00
$tmpline =~ s/\^/\//; # Convert caret to slash
2012-05-20 01:09:56 +12:00
$tmpline =~ s/\$.*//; # Remove everything after a dollar sign
$tmpline =~ s/^\*//; # Remove beginning asterisk
$tmpline =~ s/\*$//; # Remove ending asterisk
foreach my $inline (split(/\n/, $whitelists))
$matcheswhitelist = 1 if (($tmpline =~ m/\Q$inline\E/i) or ($inline =~ m/\Q$tmpline\E/i));
push @urlfilter, $line unless (defined $matcheswhitelist);
undef $matcheswhitelist;
return undef if (scalar(grep {$_ !~ m/^;/} @urlfilter) <= 0); # Return undef if list is empty
# Add urlfilter header
my $linenr = 0;
foreach my $line (split(/\n/, $list))
2012-05-20 22:36:26 +12:00
last if ($line =~ m/^;[ ]*$/);
2012-05-20 01:09:56 +12:00
splice (@urlfilter, $linenr, 0, "[prefs]\nprioritize excludelist=1\n[include]\n*\n[exclude]");
return join("\n", @urlfilter);
sub createElemfilter
my $list = shift;
my @elemfilter;
my $oldchecksum;
my $oldmodified;
# Get old checksum and modification time
if (-e "$path/element-filter.css")
my @oldlist = (split(/\n/, (readFile("$path/element-filter.css"))));
2012-05-20 22:36:26 +12:00
$oldchecksum = firstval { $_ =~ m/Checksum:/i } @oldlist;
$oldmodified = firstval { $_ =~ m/(Last modified|Updated):/i } @oldlist;
2012-05-20 01:09:56 +12:00
undef @oldlist;
foreach my $line (split(/\n/, $list))
# Remove ABP header
if ($line =~m/\[.*?\]/i)
2012-05-20 22:36:26 +12:00
unless ($line =~ m/Redirect:/i)
2012-05-20 01:09:56 +12:00
if ($line =~ m/^!/)
# Insert old checksumm
2012-05-20 22:36:26 +12:00
if ($line =~ m/Checksum:/i)
2012-05-20 01:09:56 +12:00
($line) = $oldchecksum if defined $oldchecksum;
# Insert old last modified
2012-05-20 22:36:26 +12:00
elsif ($line =~ m/(Last modified|Updated):/i)
2012-05-20 01:09:56 +12:00
($line) = $oldmodified if defined $oldmodified;
push @elemfilter, $line;
# Add generic element filters
if ($line =~ m/^##/)
$line =~ s/##//;
2012-05-20 22:36:26 +12:00
$line =~ s/(^.*[\[\.\#])/\L$1/ if ($line =~ m/^.*[\[\.\#]/); # Convert tags to lowercase
2012-05-20 01:09:56 +12:00
push @elemfilter, $line.",";
2012-05-20 22:36:26 +12:00
return undef if (scalar(grep {$_ !~ m/^!/} @elemfilter) <= 0); # Return undef if list is empty
2012-05-20 01:09:56 +12:00
# Add xml namespace declaration
my $linenr = 0;
$list = join("\n", @elemfilter);
foreach my $line (split(/\n/, $list))
2012-05-20 22:36:26 +12:00
last if ($line =~ m/^![ ]*$/);
2012-05-20 01:09:56 +12:00
splice (@elemfilter, $linenr, 0, "\@namespace \"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\";");
$elemfilter[lastidx{ ($_ =~ m/,$/) and ($_ !~ m/^!/) } @elemfilter] =~ s/,$//; # Remove last comma
push @elemfilter,"{ display: none !important; }"; # Add CSS rule
# Convert comments
my $previousline = "";
$list = join("\n", @elemfilter);
undef @elemfilter;
foreach my $line (split(/\n/, $list))
push @elemfilter, "/*" if (($previousline !~ m/^!/) and ($line =~ m/^!/));
push @elemfilter, "*/" if (($previousline =~ m/^!/) and ($line !~ m/^!/));
push @elemfilter, $line;
$previousline = $line;
undef $previousline;
return join("\n", @elemfilter);
sub readFile
my $file = shift;
open(local *FILE, "<", $file) || die "Could not read file '$file'\n";
local $/;
my $result = <FILE>;
return $result;
sub writeFile
my ($file, $contents) = @_;
open(local *FILE, ">", $file) || die "Could not write file '$file'\n";
print FILE $contents;