runs 2019-11-27 18:03:21 +01:00
parent 3310de6dd9
commit 5f0eaab9b7
50 changed files with 1648 additions and 131 deletions

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@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ petz.on_die = function(self)
--For all the mobs
local props = self.object:get_properties()
props.collisionbox[2] = props.collisionbox[1]
petz.set_properties(self, {collisionbox=props.collisionbox})
if[self.owner] then

petz/docs/.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,543 @@
I"­b<p><img src="images/petz_logo.png" alt="Logo" /></p>
<p><img src="images/petz_items.png" alt="Items" /></p>
<p>Are you tired of ugly mobs? Do you like the kawaii world and taste?
The PetZ are here now for you!</p>
<h3 id="mobs">Mobs</h3>
<h4 id="kitty">Kitty</h4>
<p><img src="images/kitty.png" alt="Kitty" /></p>
<li>It avaliable in 6 colors.</li>
<h4 id="puppy">Puppy</h4>
<p><img src="images/puppy.png" alt="Puppy" /></p>
<li>3 colors.</li>
<h4 id="duckies">Duckies</h4>
<p><img src="images/ducky.png" alt="Ducky" /></p>
<li>Three types: Yellow, Black and Mallard.</li>
<li>Peaceful and dumb animal.</li>
<li>They can put duck eggs from time to time.You can tame it but not give it any order.</li>
<li>You can breed ducks creating a nest with an egg inside, optionally you can leave an empty nest near a ducky so it lay an egg.</li>
<li>It drops feathers when killed.</li>
<li>You can fry the eggs.</li>
<li>Fried egg and bacon: A fried egg plus a porkchop.</li>
<h4 id="beaver">Beaver</h4>
<p><img src="images/beaver.png" alt="Beaver" />
<li>It lives near water (in rivers in the case of valleys mapgen).</li>
<li>It can be tamed.</li>
<li>It can walk, swim and dive underwater.</li>
<li>It drops Beaver Fur to create Beaver Oil when killed.</li>
<li>It got a chance of create an unique dam on the coast or river.</li>
<li>You can spread beaver oil on your pet skin. In tamagochi mode your pet will be happy, but the fact of not do it it is not mandatory for it to be sad.</li>
<h4 id="lamb">Lamb</h4>
<p><img src="images/lamb.png" alt="Lamb" />
In 3 colors: White (common), grey &amp; dark gray (rare) and brown (very rare).</p>
<li>Lambs eat grass.</li>
<li>You can get Wool with the Shears (right click).</li>
<li>To wool to regrow feed your lamb or let it eats grass.</li>
<li>Lambs runaway from player, tame them with some wheat.</li>
<li>Predators: Wolf &amp; Lion.</li>
<h4 id="lion">Lion</h4>
<p><img src="images/lion.png" alt="Lion" /></p>
<li>It lives in the Savanna. Wild animal. Dangerous.</li>
<li>It likes raw meat.</li>
<li>Can be tamed and give it orders with meat or a Whip (3 lashings to tame)
In Tamagochi Mode:</li>
<li>You have to lash your lion in 48h or it lost affinitty with you.</li>
<li>Be careful, if you lost your lion as pet, it will attack you!</li>
<li>Preys: Lambs, piggies and ponies.</li>
<h4 id="calf">Calf</h4>
<p><img src="images/calf.png" alt="Calf" /></p>
<li>Available in three skins.</li>
<li>It eats grass from time to time, like the lambs.</li>
<li>It drops Leather when killed.</li>
<li>It can be milked with an empty bucket.</li>
<li>In order the calf to have more milk, you have to feed it or let it to eat some grass.</li>
<li>Milk is drinkable.</li>
<li>Put a bucket of milk in the oven to get Cheese.</li>
<li>Predators: Calf.</li>
<h4 id="panda">Panda</h4>
<p><img src="images/panda.png" alt="Panda" /></p>
<li>Panda is tamable and loves papyrus.</li>
<h4 id="frog">Frog</h4>
<p><img src="images/frog.png" alt="Frog" /></p>
<li>Frog is a semiaquatic animal. It loves fireflies to eat’em. It drops a leg that you can cook in order to get a Roasted Frog Leg (food).</li>
<h4 id="grizzly">Grizzly</h4>
<p><img src="images/grizzly.png" alt="Grizzly" /></p>
<li>Not a Teddy Bear, but a wild one. It lives in woods. It’s tamable like the lion.</li>
<li>Preys: Lamb.</li>
<h4 id="pony">Pony</h4>
<p><img src="images/pony.png" alt="Pony" /></p>
<li>You can mount it with a Saddle and get a ride.</li>
<li>You can give it orders.</li>
<li>The Saddle can be cut with the Shears.</li>
<li>Ponies are slow where you ride them. You can breeding them to get stronger and fastest ones.</li>
<li>Predators: Lion.</li>
<h4 id="parrot">Parrot</h4>
<p><img src="images/parrot.png" alt="Parrot" /></p>
<li>Five species.</li>
<li>Tamable and you can give it orders.</li>
<li>It loves wheat seeds.</li>
<li>It lives naturally in the jungle.</li>
<li>You can order it to alight and to fly again.</li>
<li>It can drop Raw Parrot meat which it can be cooked.</li>
<li>You can put your parrot on your shoulder (2 minutes max.).</li>
<li>You can put your parrot on a Bird Stand.</li>
<h4 id="chicken">Chicken</h4>
<p><img src="images/chicken.png" alt="Chicken" /></p>
<li>Farm Animal.</li>
<li>It can lay Chicken Eggs like the duckies.</li>
<li>It drops Raw Chicken to cook it as food.</li>
<li>Get Chicken Legs with Raw Chichen.</li>
<li>Put a lot of Roasted Chicken Legs into a bucket, to get a super-delicious bucket of Chicken Legs.</li>
<h4 id="pigeon">Pigeon</h4>
<p><img src="images/pigeon.png" alt="Pigeon" /></p>
<li>Flying bird.</li>
<h4 id="chimp">Chimp</h4>
<p><img src="images/chimp.png" alt="Chimp" /></p>
<li>Agile monkey.</li>
<li>Arboreal mob: It can climb trees, wood and leaves.</li>
<li>It loves blueberries.</li>
<h4 id="piggy">Piggy</h4>
<p><img src="images/piggy.png" alt="Piggy" /></p>
<li>It’s a source of meat.</li>
<li>It drops Porkchop to being cooked.</li>
<li>Predators: Lion.</li>
<h4 id="turtle">Turtle</h4>
<p><img src="images/turtle.png" alt="Turtle" /></p>
<li>Semiaquatic mob.</li>
<li>It eats kelps.</li>
<li>It has a chance of drop its shell.</li>
<h4 id="fishes">Fishes</h4>
<p><img src="images/clownfish.png" alt="Clownfish" />
<img src="images/tropicalfish.png" alt="Tropical Fish" />
Clownfish &amp; Tropical Fish</p>
<li>It lives close to a coral reef.</li>
<li>It loves orange coral (clownfish) or brown coral (tropical fish).</li>
<li>It can be captured and put into a fish tank.</li>
<li>It suffocates when outside water.</li>
<li>In tamagochi mode you have only to feed it, but no if it is in a fish tank.</li>
<h4 id="wolf">Wolf</h4>
<p><img src="images/wolf.png" alt="Wolf" /></p>
<li>Wild animal.</li>
<li>Run away from players til players attack them, then agressive.</li>
<li>Tamable in the same way as lion.</li>
<li>Preys: Lambs.</li>
<li>Wolves can be turned into puppies: Tame the wolf with a whip, then feed it with bones (until 5, configurable in petz.conf).</li>
<h4 id="moth">Moth</h4>
<p><img src="images/chimp.png" alt="Moth" /></p>
<li>It spawns only at night in the coniferous forest.</li>
<li>It dies when daylight comes, unless it would be in a dark place for protection, i.e. a cave or a closed box. It needs some obscurity, not a totally dark place.</li>
<li>A moth can be captured with an empty glass bottle. Deco item. If you break the bottle, the moth liberates.</li>
<h4 id="silkworm">Silkworm</h4>
<p><img src="images/silkworm.png" alt="Silkworm" /></p>
<li>It spawn naturally on coniferous forests.</li>
<li>It eats all kind of leaves.</li>
<li>You can produce Silk (see below).</li>
<h4 id="camel">Camel</h4>
<p><img src="images/camel.png" alt="Camel" /></p>
<li>It lives in deserts.</li>
<li>It eats dry shrub.</li>
<li>Predator: Lion</li>
<li>You can breed them. Baby camels. Genetics. Mutation: White Camel.</li>
<li>Mountable with a saddle; Get a ride in the desert!</li>
<li>You can put a Saddlebag on it (right click): You gain access to the Saddlebag Inventory (16 items máx.), in the form -&gt; click on the icon of the Saddlebag.</li>
<li>Each camel has its own separated saddlebag inventory.</li>
<li>The inventory of the saddlebag is permanent. You got it even after server restarts.</li>
<li>If the camel died, the inventory of the saddlebag will drop.</li>
<li>If you captured a camel, the saddlebag with the inventory too.</li>
<li>You can put together the saddle and the saddlebag. But on right click you will mount it. To access to the inventory of the saddlebag use the shears to quit both items. Then put a saddlebag only.</li>
<h4 id="bat">Bat</h4>
<p><img src="images/bat.png" alt="Bat" /></p>
<li>Spawn in interiors (caves)</li>
<li>If spawned outside, only at night, and when sunrise dies.</li>
<li>It eats and follows fireflies.</li>
<h4 id="hamster">Hamster</h4>
<p><img src="images/hamster.png" alt="Hamster" /></p>
<li>It lives in deserts.</li>
<li>6 colors.</li>
<li>Breed them.</li>
<li>Mutation: Pink Hamster.</li>
<h4 id="dolphin">Dolphin</h4>
<p><img src="images/dolphin.png" alt="Dolphin" /></p>
<li>It lives in oceans.</li>
<h4 id="toucan">Toucan</h4>
<p><img src="images/toucan.png" alt="Toucan" />
-It lives in the jungle.
-It eats apples.
-Tamable. You can put it in a bird stand.</p>
<h4 id="bee">Bee</h4>
<p><img src="images/bee.png" alt="Bee" /></p>
<li>Flying insect.</li>
<li>It lives in behives and stays close to them.</li>
<li>It produces honey. It searches for flowers to get the pollen and then return to the behive.</li>
<li>Two types: Queen and workers (normal).</li>
<li>All the bees return to their behive at night and go out at the morning, except the Queen Bee that can fly 24 hours.</li>
<li>All the bees need belong to a behive. If their behive is destroyed, all the bees will die. Only the Queen Bees do not need a behive to survive.</li>
<li>Worker Bees do not spawn naturally.</li>
<li>Queen Bees can spawn and create one colony (behive) in wood or leaves.</li>
<li>Bees can drop pollen and/or a sting.</li>
<h3 id="things-you-can-with-petz">Things you can with Petz</h3>
<li>Configure the models as “meshâ€<C3A2> (by default) or “cubicâ€<C3A2> (nodebox, no animated, no too laggy) via the ‘petz.conf’</li>
<li>Configure the mob API: Only “mobs_redoâ€<C3A2> by now via ‘petz.conf’.</li>
<li>Configure the following food (aka food to health) it via ‘petz.conf’. Use right click.</li>
<li>Give it orders: follow you or stand: Right click if you are the owner.</li>
<li>Configure if they spawn in the map via ‘petz.conf’.</li>
<li>Your pet can be tamed and captured.</li>
<li>Internationalization support.</li>
<li>Spawn Eggs.</li>
<p>NodeboxEditor (.nbe) and Blender (.blend) models included.</p>
<h3 id="licenses">Licenses</h3>
<li>Models, icons and textures by runs. GPL3 Feel free to use it.</li>
<li>Sounds: Check the ‘’ file inside the ‘sounds’ folder.</li>
<h3 id="depends">Depends</h3>
<p>default, mobs, stairs, dye, vessels, wool</p>
<h3 id="optional">Optional</h3>
<h3 id="tamagochi-mode">Tamagochi Mode</h3>
<p>If this mode is activated (true by default) you have to take care of your pet. The pet will have two stats: Love and Hunger. If those stats go down to 0, your pet abandon you or will starve.</p>
<p>In multiplayer games (servers) the Tamagochi Mode is paused if the pet owner is offline.</p>
<h4 id="feed-it">Feed it!</h4>
<p>-You have to feed your pet once each 2 days at least (Minetest time) (right click wielding its food) (the food is configurable via petz.conf). Your pet then would be happy. Check your pet status (right click), if “Hungryâ€<C3A2> feed it, but if ‘Satiated’ then don’t bother. If you do not feed your pet every 48 hours, its health would damaged and it would be sad.
This does not apply if your pet is inside its kennel.</p>
<h4 id="brush-it">Brush it!</h4>
<p><img src="images/brush.png" alt="Brush" />
You have to brush your pet once each 2 days at least, or it will be sad. Firstly create a hairbrush with two wood sticks and one string.
This does not apply if your pet is inside its kennel.</p>
<h4 id="lash-it">Lash it!</h4>
<p><img src="images/lash.png" alt="Lash" />
In the case of a lion or grizzly, you have to lash it with a whip once each 2 days at least in order to control it.
Do not use the whip with another petz!</p>
<h4 id="polish-it">Polish it!</h4>
<p><img src="images/beaver_oil.png" alt="Beaver Oil" />
You can spread beaver oil on your pet skin. In tamagochi mode your pet will be happy, but the fact of not do it it is not mandatory for it to be sad.</p>
<p>Also keep in mind that:</p>
<li>If you don’t feed your pet in 8 days will die (configurable).</li>
<li>If you punch your pet, it gets unhappy.</li>
<li>If your pet is unhappy, it could abandon you.</li>
<li>If your pet is inside its kennel, it’ll be well cared for and happy and won’t starve. But close the door!</li>
<li>You can configure the time when your pet is checked in ‘pet.conf’. 2400 by default (2 days).</li>
<li>In a singleplayer game the pet stats remain intact between restarts.</li>
<li>You can configure the node over where your pet is safe (no hunger) in ‘pet.conf’. So you can do your our kennels.</li>
<li>The Tamagochi Mode is paused for pet owners in multiplayer games (servers) when they are offline.</li>
<h3 id="pet-bowl">Pet Bowl</h3>
<p><img src="images/pet_bowl.png" alt="Pet Bowl" />
Make a house to your pet and put a Pet Bowl. The pet will stand near it.</p>
<h3 id="kennel">Kennel</h3>
<p><img src="images/kennel.png" alt="Kennel" />
A schematic. Simply make a hole and punch inside it. You can put your pet inside after capture it. For creative mode only.
In there your dog will be well cared for and you won’t have to worry about its health.</p>
<h3 id="duckschicken-farm">Ducks/Chicken Farm</h3>
<p><img src="images/duck_chicken_farm.png" alt="Ducks/Chicken Farm" />
You can breed ducks or chickens via its eggs:</p>
<li>Create a empty nest and put an egg inside (right click), optionally you can create a nest with an already egg inside. Await for the egg to hatch into a new ducky or chicken.</li>
<li>Also if a ducky or chicken has an empty nest near, it can lay an egg on it.</li>
<li>You can extract the egg from a nest (right-click on the nest).</li>
<h3 id="capture-petz">Capture Petz</h3>
<p>Use the followig items to capture a petz:</p>
<li>MobsRedo Net and Default Bug Net for Frog, Chicken, Kitty, Parrot, Pigeon, Ducky, Beaver, Clownfish, Monkey and Turtle.</li>
<li>MobsRedo Lasso for Calf, Lion, Puppy, Piggy, Lamb, Panda, Grizzly and Pony.</li>
<h3 id="capture-mechanics">Capture Mechanics:</h3>
<li>To capture a pet (i.e. kitty) you have to own it. But to to capture a no pet (i.e. frog) you can capture it directely.</li>
<li>To own a pet you have to tame it.</li>
<li>To tame a pet you have to feed it with its favourite food 5 times. Or lash it in the case of the lion and grizzly.</li>
<li>You cannot capture the pets of other players by default. To allow to rob pets change the setting ‘rob_mobs’ in ‘petz.confâ€<C3A2> file.</li>
<h3 id="beaver-dam">Beaver Dam</h3>
<p><img src="images/beaver_dam.png" alt="Beaver Dam" />
The beaver’s home</p>
<h3 id="fish-tank">Fish Tank</h3>
<p><img src="images/fish_tank.png" alt="Fish Tank" /></p>
<li>Put your fish inside (right-click)</li>
<li>Recover your fish with the Bug Net (right click) or breaking it.</li>
<li>You can connect several fish tank nodes to build bigger tanks and add more fishes (one by node).</li>
<h3 id="ponycamel-breeding">Pony/camel Breeding</h3>
<p><img src="images/baby_pony.png" alt="Baby Pony" /><img src="images/pony_breeding.png" alt="Pony Breeding" /></p>
<li>Ponies/camels can be male or female. Check its gender right clicking on them.</li>
<li>Each animal has its own velocity forward, velocity backward and acceleration. You can read its characteristics with the format “1/1/1â€<C3A2> where the numbers represent these 3 characteristics.</li>
<li>Create a Glass Syringe.</li>
<li>Use (right-click) the syringe on a male animal to get its germ.</li>
<li>Use (right-click) the syringe with germ on a female animal. The animal will be pregnant.</li>
<li>Right click on a pregnant female animal to check its pregnancy status.</li>
<li>After 2 days (configurable) a little baby will born with a mixture of gens, from its father and its mother.</li>
<li>Baby ponies/camels cannot be ridered.</li>
<li>After 2 days (configurable) the baby will get to adult.</li>
<li>You should select the best parent ponies to get better descendency (fastest ponies/camels) when breeding.</li>
<li>You can breed any animal even if you do not own it. But the owner of the babies will be the mother’s owner.</li>
<li>The male germ is unlimited but a female pony/camel only can give birth 5 babies máx. After those 5 babies, the mommy turn into infertile.</li>
<h4 id="the-method-of-breeding">The method of breeding</h4>
<li>1/2/3 means a velocity of 1 for forward, 2 for backward and 3 is the acceleration. So the first number of the triad is the most important.</li>
<li>Naturally spawned ponies/camels have speed statistics from 1/1/1 to 4/4/4. This means that spawned ponies/camels are slow animals (40% of the speed limit in the best case).</li>
<li>The hypothetical faster pony would be a 10/10/10. You have to breed the natural ponies/camels to achieve faster ones.</li>
<li>Keep in mind that even fast parents can procreate a slow child. So you’ll have to breed several times to get an optimal child.</li>
<li>The method is to breed parents with high speed statistics to get the best descendants, then select the fastest descendants to continue breeding them. This is a very slow process. Be patient.</li>
<h3 id="square-ball">Square Ball</h3>
<p><img src="images/squareball.png" alt="Square Ball" /></p>
<li>Make a Square Ball.</li>
<li>Throw it to your puppy. You have to hit the target.</li>
<li>Your puppy bring back the square ball to you.</li>
<li>To get the ball, right click on it.</li>
<h3 id="recipes">Recipes</h3>
<p><img src="images/recipes.png" alt="Recipes" /></p>
<li>Blueberry Cheese Cake = Blueberries, wheat, cheese and egg.</li>
<li>Blueberry Ice Cream: Blueberries, wheat, milk, 2 eggs and 2 snows = 3 ice creams.</li>
<li>Blueberry Muffin: Blueberries, 2 wheat, milk, 2 eggs and paper = 8 muffins.</li>
<h3 id="lamb-hamster-panda-and-elephant-breed">Lamb, Hamster, Panda and Elephant Breed</h3>
<p>You can get baby lambs, hamsters and elefants.
1) Those petz could be male/female. Right-click on them to check its gender.
2) Get blueberries. (configurable in petz.conf)
3) Use (right-click) blueberries with the petz to heat them.
4) When a rut male petz found a oestrus female (close), she get pregnant.
5) Affer one day a baby will born.
6) Genetics: The baby will inherit the color from its parents. From dominant to recessive genes: white, gray, dark gray and brown in the case of lambs. This means: white color is the most common, parents both white could have a child of any color, if both brown all their descendants will be brown, etc.
6) The little petz will grown in one day.</p>
<h4 id="mutation-vanilla-lamb--white-elephant">Mutation! Vanilla lamb | White Elephant!</h4>
<p><img src="images/mutation.png" alt="Mutation" />
Also petz can suffer from a very rare mutation in its genes when spawn or breed, in a 1:200 ratio.</p>
<li>You can get a Vanilla Lamb and ‘vanilla wool’ new item.</li>
<li>You can get a white elephant.</li>
<h3 id="dreamcatcher">Dreamcatcher</h3>
<p><img src="images/dreamcatcher.png" alt="Dreamcatcher" />
Dreamcatcher amulet for your petz! Protect them!</p>
<li>Craftable with: wood, strings and ducky feathers.</li>
<li>To put it: Right click with it on a pet you own.</li>
<li>Now your pet will be protected against other players attacks. But you can still hurt it.</li>
<li>To remove the Dreamcatcher from your pet: Right click on your pet and click on the Dreamcatcher image. Another option is to kill your pet, it will drop the dreamcatcher.</li>
<h3 id="whistle">Whistle</h3>
<p><img src="images/whistle.png" alt="Whistle" />
Call your petz anywhere it is.</p>
<li>Put names to pets you want to call.</li>
<li>Use a Whistle: A list of pets with name and of your own will appear.</li>
<li>Click on the pet to call it.</li>
<h3 id="orders">Orders</h3>
<p>You can give orders to tamed petz.</p>
<li>Stand here: It stands fixed at the current pos.</li>
<li>Follow: It will follow you.</li>
<li>Guard: Wild animals (lion &amp; grizzly) will attack any player close them, but not you.</li>
<li>Fly, Alight: For birds.</li>
<h3 id="bird-stand">Bird Stand</h3>
<p><img src="images/birdstand_item.png" alt="Birstand Item" />
<img src="images/birdstand.png" alt="Birstand" /></p>
<li>Capture your parrot with the Bug Net.</li>
<li>Put it on the bird stand (right-click)</li>
<h3 id="barn">Barn</h3>
<p><img src="images/barn.png" alt="Barn" />
Do create livestocks with the aid of fences.</p>
<h3 id="silk-farm">Silk Farm</h3>
<p><img src="images/silk_stuff.png" alt="Silk Stuff" /></p>
<li>You can get cocoons. A cocoon is silk indeed.</li>
<li>Also you can capture or breed moths/silkworns to make a Silk Farm.</li>
<li>Create a closed facility. Create a bed of leaves. Put inside some moths and/or silkworms. The moths will lay eggs and silkworms will turn into cocoons (be care: they will eat the leaves too).</li>
<h4 id="spinning-wheel">Spinning Wheel</h4>
<p><img src="images/spiniing_wheel.png" alt="Spinning Wheel" /></p>
<li>Create a Spinning Wheel to get Silk Bobbins. Its a one node size item, so put on a node-table.</li>
<p>Instructions to craft a Spinnig Wheel:</p>
<li>A previous bobbin has to be created by hand (3 sticks and 6 silkworm coccons)</li>
<li>You have to note that making bobbins by hand is more expensive (the double) than in the spinning wheel.</li>
<li>The first time your place a Spinning Wheel, that bobbin is already incorporated, only you have to add two more.</li>
<p>Instructions to use:</p>
<li>You need to put in the Spinning Wheel (right-click) 3 Silkworns Cocoons. Then a Silk Bobbin will be created. Right-click again to get the bobbin.</li>
<h4 id="prince-armor">Prince Armor</h4>
<p><img src="images/prince_armor_stuff.png" alt="Prince Armor Stuff" />
<img src="images/prince_armor.png" alt="Prince Armor" /></p>
<li>It requires the 3D Armor mod!</li>
<li>You can create a super expensive and exquisite Prince Armor thanks to silk.</li>
<h3 id="honey-farm">Honey Farm</h3>
<p><img src="images/honey_stuff.png" alt="Honey Stuff" /></p>
<li>The limit of honey by behive is 10 (max_honey_behive setting in petz.conf).</li>
<li>You can collect honey from a behive with an empty bottle (right click).</li>
<li>You can eat the honey. Honey is very powerful in order to recover your health.</li>
<li>Each behive contains three bees (max_bees_behive in petz.conf). A artificially created behive only one.</li>
<li>Bees go out the behive to get pollen, but only if the honey in their behive is below 10. Then they return to their behive to create honey.</li>
<li>If you destroy a behive all their bees will die. Six honeycomb will be dropped.</li>
<li>You can create a behive with 6 honeycombs and one captured worker bee.</li>
<li>Player created behives only will have one bee when placed. But you can add more captured bees to a behive (right click) till the limit. Be care: If you put manually a new bee on a behive and the limit is reached, a bee that would be out when come back will die when entering the behive, in order the limit being respected.</li>
<li>If you put an igniter or a torch below a behive (til 4 nodes), the bees inside will go out.</li>
<li>You can get Beeswax cooking Honeycombs.</li>
<li>You can get Beeswax Candles crafting Beewax with a string.</li>
<li>Trick: Put some flowers surrounding the behive to start the production of honey.</li>
<li>Trick: Point to a behive to known its statistics about the honey and bees (currently inside).</li>
<p>Note: Take into account that if there are flowers close the behive a bee will go to them to collect pollen and inmediatelly will return back to the behive. If you want to see bees flying surrounding the behive, the behive should be full of honey so the bees can go for a walk far away. Also bees remain inside the behive at night.</p>
<h4 id="settings">Settings</h4>
<li>Max honey by behive.
max_honey_behive = 10 (by default)</li>
<li>Max bees in a behive.
max_bees_behive = 3 (by default)</li>
<li>Outing rate: A “bee_outing_ratio=1â€<C3A2> means that a bee inmediatelly go out the behive for pollen
bee_outing_ratio = 20 (by default)
Note: Take into account that if there are flowers close the behive a bee will go to them to collect pollen and inmediatelly will return back to the behive. If you want to see bees flying surrounding the behive, the behive should be full of honey so the bees can go for a walk far away. Also bees remain inside the behive at night.</li>
<li>Initial honey behive: It indicates the initial honey amount on a created behive.
initial_honey_behive = 3 (by default)</li>
<h3 id="bonemeal">Bonemeal</h3>
<li>Install the bonemeal mod and convert your petz bones into fertilizer to grown plants faster.</li>

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I"3<h2 id="a-minecraft-style-game-do-construct-with-blocks-play-online-fun">A Minecraft style game. Do construct with blocks. Play online. Fun!</h2>
<li>An open world to interact to.</li>
<li>Game modes: Creative &amp; Survival.</li>
<li>Make your dreamed constructions.</li>
<li>Animals to tame &amp; monsters to kill.</li>
<li>Play online through servers around the whole world.</li>
<li>License: LGPL 2.1+. Share the game with your friends/family and do not care about licenses!</li>
<li>Engine: Minetest</li>
<li>Languages: English/Spanish/Plus other.</li>
<li>Platforms: Windows/Linux/Android</li>
<h3 id="download">Download</h3>
<ul class="fa-ul">
<li><i class="fa-li fa fa-download"></i></li>
<h3 id="mods">Mods</h3>
<p><a href="petz.html">Petz</a></p>

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layout: default
## No such thing as that, sorry
Page Not Found.

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The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2015 Shu Uesugi
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.

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This is as Jekyll theme built to make single page websites, articles, or literary masterpieces readable anywhere.
### [Demo and Documentation](
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An example to add a petz: mouse
1. Edit the 'petz.conf' file
- Open petz.conf and add your petz to the end of the 'petz_list'.
You have to add a comma and 'mouse'.
Warning: Do not put blank spaces.
- In the 'Spawn Mobs?' section:
Add the following line at the end:
mouse_spawn = true
- In the 'Specific Settings for Mobs' section:
Add at the end the following:
##Mouse Specific
#To follow/tame and breed:
mouse_follow = petz:cheese
mouse_spawn_chance = 0.6
mouse_spawn_nodes = default:dirt_with_grass
mouse_predators = petz:kitty
#change here if you want it to spawn only at a one biome
#or leave 'default' for all the biomes:
mouse_spawn_biome = default
- As you defined kitty as the mouse predator, now you have to define mouse as prey in its settings.
Add (or edit if existed) the following line to "Kitty Specific":
kitty_preys = petz:mouse
2. Create a petz file where the petz will be defined.
But it is better to take an old already created one as template.
The better for mouse is piggy: no tamagochi, no orders.
Open 'piggy_mobkit.lua' and save as 'mouse_mobkit.lua'
3. Edit the 'mouse_mobkit.lua'.
- Firstly you have to replace all the 'piggy' coincidences to 'mouse'
With the aid of you text editor replace:
piggy -> mouse
Piggy -> Mouse
- Edit the petz charateristics as you like:
- scale_model, mesh, textures, collisionbox, etc.
4. Save the 'mouse_mobkit.lua'
5. ¡DONE!
####If you have to create a bird use 'parrot_mobkit.lua' as template.
####If you want to create a domestic pet use 'kitty_mobkit.lua' as template.
####If you want to create a wild animal use 'lion_mobkit.lua' as template.
###Tamagochi mode
If you can your mouse with this mode add/edit:
init_tamagochi_timer = false,
There is a set of spawn settings you could kie to add to the 'minetest.register_entity' definition:
spawn_at_night = true, --only spawns at night
die_at_daylight = false, --it dies at dawn
min_height = 0, --min height to spawn (0= sea level)
max_height = 30, --max height to spawn (0= sea level)
min_daylight_level = 0, --min light to spawn (min 0)
max_daylight_level = 8, --max light to spawn (max 15)

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petz/docs/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
layout: default
## A Minecraft style game. Do construct with blocks. Play online. Fun!
- An open world to interact to.
- Game modes: Creative & Survival.
- Make your dreamed constructions.
- Farming.
- Animals to tame & monsters to kill.
- Play online through servers around the whole world.
- License: LGPL 2.1+. Share the game with your friends/family and do not care about licenses!
- Engine: Minetest
- Languages: English/Spanish/Plus other.
- Platforms: Windows/Linux/Android
### Download
<ul class="fa-ul">
<li><i class="fa-li fa fa-download"></i></li>
### Mods

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@ -2,24 +2,24 @@
layout: default
Are you tired of ugly mobs? Do you like the kawaii world and taste?
The PetZ are here now for you!
### Mobs
#### Kitty
- It avaliable in 6 colors.
#### Puppy
- 3 colors.
#### Duckies
- Three types: Yellow, Black and Mallard.
- Peaceful and dumb animal.
- They can put duck eggs from time to time.You can tame it but not give it any order.
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ The PetZ are here now for you!
- Fried egg and bacon: A fried egg plus a porkchop.
#### Beaver
- It lives near water (in rivers in the case of valleys mapgen).
- It can be tamed.
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Behaviour:
- You can spread beaver oil on your pet skin. In tamagochi mode your pet will be happy, but the fact of not do it it is not mandatory for it to be sad.
#### Lamb
In 3 colors: White (common), grey & dark gray (rare) and brown (very rare).
- Lambs eat grass.
- You can get Wool with the Shears (right click).
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ In 3 colors: White (common), grey & dark gray (rare) and brown (very rare).
- Predators: Wolf & Lion.
#### Lion
- It lives in the Savanna. Wild animal. Dangerous.
- It likes raw meat.
- Can be tamed and give it orders with meat or a Whip (3 lashings to tame)
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ In Tamagochi Mode:
- Preys: Lambs, piggies and ponies.
#### Calf
- Available in three skins.
- It eats grass from time to time, like the lambs.
- It drops Leather when killed.
@ -69,20 +69,20 @@ In Tamagochi Mode:
- Predators: Calf.
#### Panda
- Panda is tamable and loves papyrus.
#### Frog
- Frog is a semiaquatic animal. It loves fireflies to eat'em. It drops a leg that you can cook in order to get a Roasted Frog Leg (food).
#### Grizzly
- Not a Teddy Bear, but a wild one. It lives in woods. It's tamable like the lion.
- Preys: Lamb.
#### Pony
- You can mount it with a Saddle and get a ride.
- You can give it orders.
- The Saddle can be cut with the Shears.
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ In Tamagochi Mode:
- Predators: Lion.
#### Parrot
- Five species.
- Tamable and you can give it orders.
- It loves wheat seeds.
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ In Tamagochi Mode:
- You can put your parrot on a Bird Stand.
#### Chicken
- Farm Animal.
- It can lay Chicken Eggs like the duckies.
- It drops Raw Chicken to cook it as food.
@ -109,30 +109,30 @@ In Tamagochi Mode:
- Put a lot of Roasted Chicken Legs into a bucket, to get a super-delicious bucket of Chicken Legs.
#### Pigeon
- Flying bird.
#### Chimp
- Agile monkey.
- Arboreal mob: It can climb trees, wood and leaves.
- It loves blueberries.
#### Piggy
- It's a source of meat.
- It drops Porkchop to being cooked.
- Predators: Lion.
#### Turtle
- Semiaquatic mob.
- It eats kelps.
- It has a chance of drop its shell.
#### Fishes
![Tropical Fish](/images/tropicalfish.png)
![Tropical Fish](images/tropicalfish.png)
Clownfish & Tropical Fish
- It lives close to a coral reef.
- It loves orange coral (clownfish) or brown coral (tropical fish).
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ Clownfish & Tropical Fish
- In tamagochi mode you have only to feed it, but no if it is in a fish tank.
#### Wolf
- Wild animal.
- Run away from players til players attack them, then agressive.
- Tamable in the same way as lion.
@ -149,19 +149,19 @@ Clownfish & Tropical Fish
- Wolves can be turned into puppies: Tame the wolf with a whip, then feed it with bones (until 5, configurable in petz.conf).
#### Moth
- It spawns only at night in the coniferous forest.
- It dies when daylight comes, unless it would be in a dark place for protection, i.e. a cave or a closed box. It needs some obscurity, not a totally dark place.
- A moth can be captured with an empty glass bottle. Deco item. If you break the bottle, the moth liberates.
#### Silkworm
- It spawn naturally on coniferous forests.
- It eats all kind of leaves.
- You can produce Silk (see below).
#### Camel
- It lives in deserts.
- It eats dry shrub.
- Predator: Lion
@ -176,30 +176,30 @@ Clownfish & Tropical Fish
- You can put together the saddle and the saddlebag. But on right click you will mount it. To access to the inventory of the saddlebag use the shears to quit both items. Then put a saddlebag only.
#### Bat
- Spawn in interiors (caves)
- If spawned outside, only at night, and when sunrise dies.
- It eats and follows fireflies.
#### Hamster
- It lives in deserts.
- 6 colors.
- Breed them.
- Mutation: Pink Hamster.
#### Dolphin
- It lives in oceans.
#### Toucan
-It lives in the jungle.
-It eats apples.
-Tamable. You can put it in a bird stand.
#### Bee
- Flying insect.
- It lives in behives and stays close to them.
- It produces honey. It searches for flowers to get the pollen and then return to the behive.
@ -242,17 +242,17 @@ In multiplayer games (servers) the Tamagochi Mode is paused if the pet owner is
This does not apply if your pet is inside its kennel.
#### Brush it!
You have to brush your pet once each 2 days at least, or it will be sad. Firstly create a hairbrush with two wood sticks and one string.
This does not apply if your pet is inside its kennel.
#### Lash it!
In the case of a lion or grizzly, you have to lash it with a whip once each 2 days at least in order to control it.
Do not use the whip with another petz!
#### Polish it!
![Beaver Oil](/images/beaver_oil.png)
![Beaver Oil](images/beaver_oil.png)
You can spread beaver oil on your pet skin. In tamagochi mode your pet will be happy, but the fact of not do it it is not mandatory for it to be sad.
Also keep in mind that:
@ -268,16 +268,16 @@ Notes
- The Tamagochi Mode is paused for pet owners in multiplayer games (servers) when they are offline.
### Pet Bowl
![Pet Bowl](/images/pet_bowl.png)
![Pet Bowl](images/pet_bowl.png)
Make a house to your pet and put a Pet Bowl. The pet will stand near it.
### Kennel
A schematic. Simply make a hole and punch inside it. You can put your pet inside after capture it. For creative mode only.
In there your dog will be well cared for and you won't have to worry about its health.
### Ducks/Chicken Farm
![Ducks/Chicken Farm](/images/duck_chicken_farm.png)
![Ducks/Chicken Farm](images/duck_chicken_farm.png)
You can breed ducks or chickens via its eggs:
- Create a empty nest and put an egg inside (right click), optionally you can create a nest with an already egg inside. Await for the egg to hatch into a new ducky or chicken.
- Also if a ducky or chicken has an empty nest near, it can lay an egg on it.
@ -295,17 +295,17 @@ Use the followig items to capture a petz:
- You cannot capture the pets of other players by default. To allow to rob pets change the setting 'rob_mobs' in 'petz.conf" file.
### Beaver Dam
![Beaver Dam](/images/beaver_dam.png)
![Beaver Dam](images/beaver_dam.png)
The beaver's home
### Fish Tank
![Fish Tank](/images/fish_tank.png)
![Fish Tank](images/fish_tank.png)
- Put your fish inside (right-click)
- Recover your fish with the Bug Net (right click) or breaking it.
- You can connect several fish tank nodes to build bigger tanks and add more fishes (one by node).
### Pony/camel Breeding
![Baby Pony](/images/baby_pony.png)![Pony Breeding](/images/pony_breeding.png)
![Baby Pony](images/baby_pony.png)![Pony Breeding](images/pony_breeding.png)
- Ponies/camels can be male or female. Check its gender right clicking on them.
- Each animal has its own velocity forward, velocity backward and acceleration. You can read its characteristics with the format "1/1/1" where the numbers represent these 3 characteristics.
- Create a Glass Syringe.
@ -327,14 +327,14 @@ The beaver's home
- The method is to breed parents with high speed statistics to get the best descendants, then select the fastest descendants to continue breeding them. This is a very slow process. Be patient.
### Square Ball
![Square Ball](/images/squareball.png)
![Square Ball](images/squareball.png)
- Make a Square Ball.
- Throw it to your puppy. You have to hit the target.
- Your puppy bring back the square ball to you.
- To get the ball, right click on it.
### Recipes
- Blueberry Cheese Cake = Blueberries, wheat, cheese and egg.
- Blueberry Ice Cream: Blueberries, wheat, milk, 2 eggs and 2 snows = 3 ice creams.
- Blueberry Muffin: Blueberries, 2 wheat, milk, 2 eggs and paper = 8 muffins.
@ -350,13 +350,13 @@ You can get baby lambs, hamsters and elefants.
6) The little petz will grown in one day.
#### Mutation! Vanilla lamb | White Elephant!
Also petz can suffer from a very rare mutation in its genes when spawn or breed, in a 1:200 ratio.
- You can get a Vanilla Lamb and 'vanilla wool' new item.
- You can get a white elephant.
### Dreamcatcher
Dreamcatcher amulet for your petz! Protect them!
- Craftable with: wood, strings and ducky feathers.
- To put it: Right click with it on a pet you own.
@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ Dreamcatcher amulet for your petz! Protect them!
- To remove the Dreamcatcher from your pet: Right click on your pet and click on the Dreamcatcher image. Another option is to kill your pet, it will drop the dreamcatcher.
### Whistle
Call your petz anywhere it is.
- Put names to pets you want to call.
- Use a Whistle: A list of pets with name and of your own will appear.
@ -378,23 +378,23 @@ You can give orders to tamed petz.
- Fly, Alight: For birds.
### Bird Stand
![Birstand Item](/images/birdstand_item.png)
![Birstand Item](images/birdstand_item.png)
- Capture your parrot with the Bug Net.
- Put it on the bird stand (right-click)
### Barn
Do create livestocks with the aid of fences.
### Silk Farm
![Silk Stuff](/images/silk_stuff.png)
![Silk Stuff](images/silk_stuff.png)
- You can get cocoons. A cocoon is silk indeed.
- Also you can capture or breed moths/silkworns to make a Silk Farm.
- Create a closed facility. Create a bed of leaves. Put inside some moths and/or silkworms. The moths will lay eggs and silkworms will turn into cocoons (be care: they will eat the leaves too).
#### Spinning Wheel
![Spinning Wheel](/images/spiniing_wheel.png)
![Spinning Wheel](images/spiniing_wheel.png)
- Create a Spinning Wheel to get Silk Bobbins. Its a one node size item, so put on a node-table.
Instructions to craft a Spinnig Wheel:
@ -406,13 +406,13 @@ Instructions to use:
- You need to put in the Spinning Wheel (right-click) 3 Silkworns Cocoons. Then a Silk Bobbin will be created. Right-click again to get the bobbin.
#### Prince Armor
![Prince Armor Stuff](/images/prince_armor_stuff.png)
![Prince Armor](/images/prince_armor.png)
![Prince Armor Stuff](images/prince_armor_stuff.png)
![Prince Armor](images/prince_armor.png)
- It requires the 3D Armor mod!
- You can create a super expensive and exquisite Prince Armor thanks to silk.
### Honey Farm
![Honey Stuff](/images/honey_stuff.png)
![Honey Stuff](images/honey_stuff.png)
- The limit of honey by behive is 10 (max_honey_behive setting in petz.conf).
- You can collect honey from a behive with an empty bottle (right click).
- You can eat the honey. Honey is very powerful in order to recover your health.

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@ -203,6 +203,7 @@ petz.register_chest("christmas_present", {
stack_max = 1,
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
sound_open = "default_chest_open",
sound_close = "default_chest_close",

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
##Important: All the values separated by commas have to be without spaces.
petz_list = kitty,puppy,ducky,lamb,lion,calf,panda,grizzly,pony,parrot,chicken,piggy,wolf,elephant,elephant_female,pigeon,moth,camel,clownfish,bat,silkworm,chimp,hamster,dolphin,tropicalfish,beaver,turtle,frog,toucan,bee,queen_bee,mr_pumpkin,foxy,penguin
petz_list = kitty,puppy,ducky,lamb,lion,calf,panda,grizzly,pony,parrot,chicken,piggy,wolf,elephant,elephant_female,pigeon,moth,camel,clownfish,bat,silkworm,chimp,hamster,dolphin,tropicalfish,beaver,turtle,frog,toucan,bee,queen_bee,mr_pumpkin,foxy,penguin,polar_bear
disable_monsters = false
@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ mr_pumpkin_spawn = true
bee_spawn = false
foxy_spawn = true
penguin_spawn = false
polar_bear_spawn = false
##Enviromental Damage
air_damage = 1
@ -150,7 +151,7 @@ lamb_copulation_distance = 2
##Lion Specific
lion_follow = petz:beef
lion_spawn_chance = 1.0
lion_spawn_nodes = default:dirt_with_dry_grass
lion_spawn_nodes = default:dirt_with_dry_grass,default:dry_dirt,default:dry_dirt_with_dry_grass
lion_preys = petz:lamb,petz:calf,petz:pony,petz:piggy,petz:camel
lion_spawn_biome = default
@ -237,7 +238,7 @@ tropicalfish_spawn_biome = default
##Elephant Specific
elephant_follow = default:acacia_sapling
elephant_spawn_nodes = default:dirt_with_dry_grass
elephant_spawn_nodes = default:dirt_with_dry_grass,default:dry_dirt,default:dry_dirt_with_dry_grass
elephant_spawn_chance = 1.0
elephant_spawn_biome = default
elephant_breed = default:blueberries
@ -328,3 +329,9 @@ penguin_spawn_chance = 1.0
penguin_spawn_nodes = default:snowblock,default:ice
penguin_preys = petz:clownfish,petz:tropicalfish
penguin_spawn_biome = ice_sheet
##Polar Bear Specific
polar_bear_spawn_nodes = default:snowblock,default:ice
polar_bear_preys = petz:penguin
polar_bear_spawn_chance = 1.0
polar_bear_spawn_biome = ice_sheet

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ local scale_model = 1.0
petz.foxy = {}
local mesh = 'petz_foxy.b3d'
local textures = {"petz_foxy.png"}
local collisionbox = {-0.5, -0.75*scale_model, -0.5, 0.375, -0.375, 0.375}
local collisionbox = {0.25, -0.75*scale_model, 0.5625, -0.25, -0.09375, -0.28125}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
local S = ...
local pet_name = "polar_bear"
local scale_model = 1.5
petz.polar_bear = {}
local mesh = 'petz_polar_bear.b3d'
local textures= {"petz_polar_bear.png"}
local collisionbox = {0.5625, -0.75*scale_model, 1.125, -0.5625, 0.28125, -1.0}
--Petz specifics
type = "polar_bear",
init_tamagochi_timer = false,
is_pet = false,
has_affinity = false,
is_wild = true,
attack_player = true,
give_orders = false,
can_be_brushed = false,
capture_item = "lasso",
drops = {
{name = "petz:bone", chance = 5, min = 1, max = 1,},
rotate = petz.settings.rotate,
physical = true,
stepheight = 0.1, --EVIL!
collide_with_objects = true,
collisionbox = collisionbox,
visual = petz.settings.visual,
mesh = mesh,
textures = textures,
visual_size = {x=petz.settings.visual_size.x*scale_model, y=petz.settings.visual_size.y*scale_model},
static_save = true,
get_staticdata = mobkit.statfunc,
-- api props
springiness= 0,
buoyancy = 0.5, -- portion of hitbox submerged
max_speed = 2.3,
jump_height = 1.5,
view_range = 10,
lung_capacity = 10, -- seconds
max_hp = 30,
attack={range=0.5, damage_groups={fleshy=7}},
animation = {
walk={range={x=1, y=12}, speed=20, loop=true},
run={range={x=13, y=25}, speed=20, loop=true},
{range={x=26, y=46}, speed=5, loop=true},
{range={x=47, y=59}, speed=5, loop=true},
{range={x=82, y=94}, speed=5, loop=true},
sit = {range={x=60, y=65}, speed=5, loop=false},
sounds = {
misc = "petz_polar_bear_growl",
attack = "petz_polar_bear_attack",
logic = petz.predator_brain,
on_activate = function(self, staticdata, dtime_s) --on_activate, required
mobkit.actfunc(self, staticdata, dtime_s)
petz.set_initial_properties(self, staticdata, dtime_s)
on_punch = function(self, puncher, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities, dir)
petz.on_punch(self, puncher, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities, dir)
on_rightclick = function(self, clicker)
petz.on_rightclick(self, clicker)
on_step = function(self, dtime)
mobkit.stepfunc(self, dtime) -- required
petz.on_step(self, dtime)
petz:register_egg("petz:polar_bear", S("Polar Bear"), "petz_spawnegg_polar_bear.png", true)

View File

@ -249,3 +249,13 @@ Author: Alexander
License: The sound effect is permitted for non-commercial use
under license “Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)”
filenames: petz_polar_bear_attack.ogg
Author: Partners In Rhyme
License: Free
filenames: petz_polar_bear_growl.ogg
Author: Partners In Rhyme
License: Free

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