root 2020-12-25 22:23:30 +01:00
parent a290712f38
commit 5edd643415
143 changed files with 2802 additions and 562 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
# [mod] Visible Player Armor [3d_armor]
| | | | |
|-[Overview](#overview) |||-[API](#api)|
|-[Armor Configuration](#armor-configuration) |||- - [3d_Armor Item Storage](#3d_armor-item-storage)
|- - [disable_specific_materials](#to-disable-individual-armor-materials) |||- - [Armor Registration](#armor-registration)
|- - [armor_init_delay](#initialization-glitches-when-a-player-first-joins) |||- - [Registering Armor Groups](#registering-armor-groups)
|- - [armor_init_times](#number-of-initialization-attempts) |||- - [Groups used by 3d_Armor](#groups-used-by-3d_armor)
|- - [armor_bones_delay](#armor-not-in-bones-due-to-server-lag) |||- - - [Elements](#elements)
|- - [armor_update_time](#how-often-player-armor-items-are-updated) |||- - - [Attributes](#attributes)
|- - [armor_drop](#drop-armor-when-a-player-dies) |||- - - [Physics](#physics)
|- - [armor_destroy](#destroy-armor-when-a-player-dies) |||- - - [Durability](#durability)
|- - [armor_level_multiplier](#armor-level-multiplyer) |||- - [Armour Functions](#armour-functions)
|- - [armor_heal_multiplier](#armor-healing-multiplyer) |||- - - [armor:set_player_armor](#armor-set_player_armor)
|- - [armor_water_protect](#enable-water-protection) |||- - - [armor:punch](#armor-punch)
|- - [armor_fire_protect](#enable-fire-protection) |||- - - [armor:damage](#armor-damage)
|- - [armor_punch_damage](#enable-punch-damage-effects) |||- - - [armor:remove_all](#armor-remove_all)
|- - [armor_migrate_old_inventory](#migration-of-old-armor-inventories) |||- - - [armor:equip](#armor-equip)
|- - [wieldview_update_time](#how-often-player-wield-items-are-updated) |||- - - [armor:unequip](#armor-unequip)
| - [Credits](#credits) |||- - - [armor:update_skin](#armor-update_skin)
| |||- - [Callbacks](#Callbacks)
| |||- - - [Item callbacks](#item-callbacks)
| |||- - - [Global callbacks](#global-callbacks)
# Overview
**Depends:** default
**Recommends:** sfinv, unified_inventory or smart_inventory (use only one to avoid conflicts)
**Supports:** player_monoids, armor_monoid and POVA
Adds craftable armor that is visible to other players. Each armor item worn contributes to
a player's armor group level making them less vulnerable to weapons.
Armor takes damage when a player is hurt but also offers a percentage chance of healing.
Overall level is boosted by 10% when wearing a full matching set.
# Armor Configuration
Override the following default settings by adding them to your ***minetest.conf*** file.
### To disable individual armor materials
**set the below to false**
armor_material_wood = true
armor_material_cactus = true
armor_material_steel = true
armor_material_bronze = true
armor_material_diamond = true
armor_material_gold = true
armor_material_mithril = true
armor_material_crystal = true
### Initialization glitches when a player first joins
**Increase to prevent glitches**
armor_init_delay = 2
### Number of initialization attempts
**Increase to prevent glitches - Use in conjunction with armor_init_delay if initialization problems persist.**
armor_init_times = 10
### Armor not in bones due to server lag
**Increase to help resolve**
armor_bones_delay = 1
### How often player armor items are updated
**Number represents how often per second update is performed, higher value means less performance hit for servers but armor items maybe delayed in updating when switching.Fractional seconds also supported eg 0.1**
armor_update_time = 1
### Drop armor when a player dies
**Uses bones mod if present, otherwise items are dropped around the player when false.**
armor_drop = true
### Destroy armor when a player dies
**overrides armor_drop.**
armor_destroy = false
### Armor level multiplyer
**Increase to make armor more effective and decrease to make armor less effective**
**eg: level_multiplier = 0.5 will reduce armor level by half.**
armor_level_multiplier = 1
### Armor healing multiplyer
**Increase to make armor healing more effective and decrease to make healing less effective**
**eg: armor_heal_multiplier = 0 will disable healing altogether.**
armor_heal_multiplier = 1
### Enable water protection
**periodically restores breath when activated**
armor_water_protect = true
### Enable fire protection
**defaults to true if using ethereal mod**
armor_fire_protect = false
### Fire protection enabled, disable torch fire damage
**when fire protection is enabled allows you to disable fire damage from torches**
**defaults to true if using ethereal mod**
armor_fire_protect_torch = false
### Enable punch damage effects
armor_punch_damage = true
### Migration of old armor inventories
armor_migrate_old_inventory = true
### How often player wield items are updated
**Number represents how often per second update is performed, higher value means less performance hit for servers but wield items maybe delayed in updating when switching. Fractional seconds also supported eg 0.1**
***Note this is MT engine functionality but included for completness***
wieldview_update_time = 1
## 3d_Armor item storage
3d_Armor stores each armor piece a player currently has equiped in a ***detached*** inventory. The easiest way to access this inventory if needed is using this line of code
local _, armor_inv = armor:get_valid_player(player, "3d_armor")
armor:register_on_equip(function(player, index, stack)
local _, armor_inv = armor:get_valid_player(player, "3d_armor")
for i = 1, 6 do
local stack = armor_inv:get_stack("armor", i)
if stack:get_name() == "3d_armor:chestplate_gold" then
minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(),"Got to love the Bling!!!")
## Armor Registration
armor:register_armor(name, def)
Wrapper function for `minetest.register_tool`, which enables the easy registration of new armor items. While registering armor as a tool item is still supported, this may be deprecated in future so all armor items should be registered using *armor:register_armor(name,def)*.
### Additional fields supported by 3d_armor
texture = <filename>
preview = <filename>
armor_groups = <table>
damage_groups = <table>
reciprocate_damage = <bool>
on_equip = <function>
on_unequip = <function>
on_destroy = <function>
on_damage = <function>
on_punched = <function>
***Reciprocal tool*** damage will apply damage back onto the attacking tool/weapon, however this will only be done by the first armor inventory item with `reciprocate_damage = true`, damage does not stack.
**Example Simple:**
armor:register_armor("mod_name:chestplate_leather", {
description = "Leather Chestplate",
inventory_image = "mod_name_inv_chestplate_leather.png",
texture = "mod_name_leather_chestplate.png",
preview = "mod_name_leather_chestplate_preview.png",
groups = {armor_torso=1, armor_heal=0, armor_use=2000, flammable=1},
armor_groups = {fleshy=10},
damage_groups = {cracky=3, snappy=2, choppy=3, crumbly=2, level=1}
*See ***armor.lua*** under **3d_armor>>3d_armor** for further examples*
**Extended functionality**
The values for ***texture*** and ***preview*** do not need to be included when registering armor if they follow the naming convention in the textures mod folder of:
***texture:*** *mod_name_leather_chestplate.png*
***preview:*** *mod_name_leather_chestplate_preview.png*
## Registering Armor Groups
3d armor has a built in armor group which is ***fleshy*** all players base vulnerability to being fleshy is ***100***.
3d armour allows for the easy registration/addition of new armor groups::
armor:register_armor_group(group, base)
***group:*** Is the name of the new armor group
***base*** Is the starting vulnerability that all players have to that new group. This dosent need to be 100.
armor:register_armor_group("radiation", 100)
New armor group is registered called *radiation* and all players start off with a base vulnerability of *100* to radiation.
**Example** *Showing armor reg, new group usage and custom function*
armor:register_armor("mod_name:speed_boots", {
description = "Speed Boots",
inventory_image = "mod_name_speed_boots_inv.png",
texture = "mod_name_speed_boots.png",
preview = "mod_name_speed_boots_preview.png",
groups = {armor_feet=1, armor_use=500, physics_speed=1.2, flammable=1},
armor_groups = {fleshy=10, radiation=10},
damage_groups = {cracky=3, snappy=3, choppy=3, crumbly=3, level=1},
reciprocate_damage = true,
on_destroy = function(player, index, stack)
local pos = player:get_pos()
if pos then
name = "mod_name_break_sound",
pos = pos,
gain = 0.5,
### Tools/weapons and new armor groups
The above allows armor to block/prevent new damage types but you also need to assign the new damage group to a tool/weapon or even a node (see technic mod) to make wearing the armor item meaningful. Simply add the ***armor_groups*** name to the tool items ***damage_groups***.
minetest.register_tool("mod_name:glowing_sword", {
description = "Glowing Sword",
inventory_image = "mod_name_tool_glowingsword.png",
tool_capabilities = {full_punch_interval = 1.2,max_drop_level=0,
cracky = {times={[3]=1.60}, uses=10, maxlevel=1},},
damage_groups = {fleshy=10,radiation=20},
sound = {breaks = "default_tool_breaks"},
groups = {pickaxe = 1, flammable = 2}
## Groups used by 3d_Armor
3d_armor has many default groups already registered, these are categorized under 4 main headings
- **Elements:** armor_head, armor_torso, armor_legs, armor_feet
- **Attributes:** armor_heal, armor_fire, armor_water
- **Physics:** physics_jump, physics_speed, physics_gravity
- **Durability:** armor_use, flammable
***Note: for calculation purposes "Attributes" and "Physics" values stack***
### Elements
Additional armor elements can be added by dependant mods, for example shields adds the group armor_shield which has by default a limit that only 1 shield can be worn at a time.
Adding Elements is more complex but the below code can be used to add new elements;
if minetest.global_exists("armor") and armor.elements then
table.insert(armor.elements, "hands")
local mult = armor.config.level_multiplier or 1
armor.config.level_multiplier = mult * 0.5
**1st line** not strictly needed but checks that the global table "armor" and subtable "elements" exists
**2nd line** adds a new value to the armor.elements table called "hands"
**3rd line** in this case will be set to one ***note: need more detail here***
**4th line** simply sets the multiplier, by setting 0.5 smaller armor becomes less effective and larger more effective. good values are between 0.1 and 1 in increments of 0.1.
See ***init.lua*** under **3d_armor>>shields** for a further example
The new armor item can now be registered using the new element
armor:register_armor("mod_name:gloves_wood", {
description = "Wood Gauntlets",
inventory_image = "mod_name_inv_gloves_wood.png",
texture = "mod_name_gloves_wood.png",
preview = "mod_name_gloves_wood_preview.png",
groups = {armor_hands=1, armor_heal=0, armor_use=2000, flammable=1},
armor_groups = {fleshy=5},
damage_groups = {cracky=3, snappy=2, choppy=3, crumbly=2, level=1},
### Attributes
Three attributes are avaliable in 3d_armor these are armor_heal, armor_fire and armor_water. Although possible to add additional attributes they would do nothing as code needs to be provide to specifiy the behaviour this could be done in a dependant mod
#### Armor_heal
This isn't how much the armor will heal but relates to the chance the armor will completely block the damage. For each point of ***armor_heal*** there is a 1% chance that damage will be completely blocked, this value will stack between all armor pieces
The below Diamond chestplate has a 12% chance to completely block all damage (armor_heal=12), however so do boots, helmet and trousers so if the player was wearing all 4 pieces they would have a 48% chance of blocking all damage each attack.
armor:register_armor("3d_armor:chestplate_diamond", {
description = S("Diamond Chestplate"),
inventory_image = "3d_armor_inv_chestplate_diamond.png",
groups = {armor_torso=1, armor_heal=12, armor_use=200},
armor_groups = {fleshy=20},
damage_groups = {cracky=2, snappy=1, choppy=1, level=3},
#### Armor_fire
***"Armor_fire"*** provides 5 levels of fire protection
- level 1 protects against torches
- level 2 protects against crystal spike (Ethereal mod)
- level 3 protects against fire
- level 4 unused
- level 5 protects against lava
armor:register_armor("mod_name:fire_proof_jacket", {
description = "Fire Proof Jacket",
inventory_image = "mod_name_inv_fire_proof_jacket.png",
groups = {armor_torso=1, armor_fire=3, armor_use=1000},
armor_groups = {fleshy=10},
damage_groups = {cracky=2, snappy=1, choppy=1, level=3},
#### Armor_water
***"Armor_water"*** will periodically restore a players breath when underwater. This only has one level or state, which is armor_water=1
armor:register_armor("mod_name:helmet_underwater_breath", {
description = "Helmet of Underwater Breathing",
inventory_image = "mod_name_inv_helmet_underwater_breath.png",
groups = {armor_head=1, armor_water=1, armor_use=1000},
armor_groups = {fleshy=5},
damage_groups = {cracky=2, snappy=1, choppy=1, level=3},
### Physics
The physics attributes supported by 3d_armor are ***physics_jump, physics_speed and physics_gravity***. Although 3d_armor supports the use of this with no other mods it is recommended that the mod [player_monoids]( is used to help with intermod compatability.
***physics_jump*** - Will increase/decrease the jump strength of the player so they can jump more/less. The base number is "1" and any value is added or subtracted, supports fractional so "physics_jump=1" will increase jump strength by 100%. "physics_jump= -0.5" will decrease jump by 50%.
***physics_speed*** - Will increase/decrease the walk speed of the player so they walk faster/slower. The base number is "1" and any value is added or subtracted, supports fractional so "physics_speed=1.5" will increase speed by 150%, "physics_speed= -0.5" will decrease speed by 50%.
***physics_gravity*** - Will increase/decrease gravity the player experiences so it's higher/lower. The base number is "1" and any value is added or subtracted, supports fractional so "physics_gravity=2" will increase gravity by 200%, "physics_gravity= -1" will decrease gravity by 100%.
*Note: The player physics modifications won't be applied via `set_physics_override` if `player_physics_locked` is set to 1 in the respective player's meta.*
### Durability
Durability is determined by the value assigned to the group ***armor_use***. The higher the ***armor_use*** value the faster/more quickly it is damaged/degrades. This is calculated using the formula:
Total uses = approx(65535/armor_use)
All wood armor items have an ***armor_use=2000***;
65535/2000 = 32.76 (32)
After 32 uses(hits) the armor item will break.
All diamond armor items have an ***armor_use=200***;
65535/2000 = 327.6 (327)
After 327 uses(hits) the armor item will break.
## Armor Functions
### armor set_player_armor
Primarily an internal function but can be called externally to apply any
changes that might not otherwise get handled.
### armor punch
armor:punch(player, hitter, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities)
Used to apply damage to all equipped armor based on the damage groups of
each individual item.`hitter`, `time_from_last_punch` and `tool_capabilities`
are optional but should be valid if included.
### armor damage
armor:damage(player, index, stack, use)
Adds wear to a single armor itemstack, triggers `on_damage` callbacks and
updates the necessary inventories. Also handles item destruction callbacks
and so should NOT be called from `on_unequip` to avoid an infinite loop.
### armor remove_all
Removes all armors from the player's inventory without triggering any callback.
### armor equip
armor:equip(player, armor_name)
Equip the armor, removing the itemstack from the main inventory if there's one.
### armor unequip
armor:unequip(player, armor_name)
Unequip the armor, adding the itemstack to the main inventory.
### armor update_skin
Triggers a skin update with the same action as if a field with `skins_set` was submitted.
## Callbacks
### Item Callbacks
In all of the below when armor is destroyed `stack` will contain a copy of the previous stack.
*unsure what this note means may apply to all item callbacks or just on_punched*
Return `false` to override armor damage effects.
#### on_equip
on_equip = func(player, index, stack)
#### on_unequip
on_unequip = func(player, index, stack)
#### on_destroy
on_destroy = func(player, index, stack)
#### on_damage
on_damage = func(player, index, stack)
#### on_punched
on_punched = func(player, hitter, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities)
`on_punched` is called every time a player is punched or takes damage, `hitter`, `time_from_last_punch` and `tool_capabilities` can be `nil` and will be in the case of fall damage.
When fire protection is enabled, hitter == "fire" in the event of fire damage.
### Global Callbacks
#### armor register_on_update
#### armor register_on_equip
armor:register_on_equip(function(player, index, stack))
#### armor register_on_unequip
armor:register_on_unequip(function(player, index, stack))
#### armor register_on_destroy
armor:register_on_destroy(function(player, index, stack))
print(player:get_player_name().." armor updated!")
# Credits
### The below have added too, tested or in other ways contributed to the development and ongoing support of 3d_Armor
|Stu |Stujones11 |Stu |Github Ghosts |
|Pavel_S |BlockMen |Tenplus1 |donat-b |
|JPRuehmann |BrandonReese |Megaf |Zeg9 |
|poet.nohit |Echoes91 |Adimgar |Khonkhortisan |
|VanessaE |CraigyDavi |proller |Thomasrudin |
|Byakuren |kilbith (jp) |afflatus |G1ov4 |
|Thomas-S |Dragonop |Napiophelios |Emojigit |
|rubenwardy |daviddoesminetest|bell07 |OgelGames |
|tobyplowy |crazyginger72 |fireglow |bhree |
|Lone_Wolf(HT) |Wuzzy(2) |numberZero |Monte48 |
|AntumDeluge |Terumoc |runsy |Dacmot |
|codexp |davidthecreator |SmallJoker |orbea |
|BuckarooBanzay |daret |Exeterdad |Calinou |
|Pilcrow182 |indriApollo |HybridDog |CraigyDavi |
|Paly-2 |Diogogomes | | |
*Note: Names gathered from 3d_armor forum thread and github, I may have missed some people, apologises if I have - S01*

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@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
[mod] Visible Player Armor [3d_armor]
Depends: default
Recommends: sfinv, unified_inventory or smart_inventory (use only one to avoid conflicts)
Supports: player_monoids and armor_monoid
Adds craftable armor that is visible to other players. Each armor item worn contributes to
a player's armor group level making them less vulnerable to weapons.
Armor takes damage when a player is hurt but also offers a percentage chance of healing.
Overall level is boosted by 10% when wearing a full matching set.
Fire protection added by TenPlus1 when using crystal armor if Ethereal mod active, level 1
protects against torches, level 2 for crystal spike, level 3 for fire, level 5 for lava.
Armor Configuration
Override the following default settings by adding them to your minetest.conf file.
-- Set false to disable individual armor materials.
armor_material_wood = true
armor_material_cactus = true
armor_material_steel = true
armor_material_bronze = true
armor_material_diamond = true
armor_material_gold = true
armor_material_mithril = true
armor_material_crystal = true
-- Increase this if you get initialization glitches when a player first joins.
armor_init_delay = 2
-- Number of initialization attempts.
-- Use in conjunction with armor_init_delay if initialization problems persist.
armor_init_times = 10
-- Increase this if armor is not getting into bones due to server lag.
armor_bones_delay = 1
-- How often player armor items are updated.
armor_update_time = 1
-- Drop armor when a player dies.
-- Uses bones mod if present, otherwise items are dropped around the player.
armor_drop = true
-- Pulverise armor when a player dies, overrides armor_drop.
armor_destroy = false
-- You can use this to increase or decrease overall armor effectiveness,
-- eg: level_multiplier = 0.5 will reduce armor level by half.
armor_level_multiplier = 1
-- You can use this to increase or decrease overall armor healing,
-- eg: armor_heal_multiplier = 0 will disable healing altogether.
armor_heal_multiplier = 1
-- Enable water protection (periodically restores breath when activated)
armor_water_protect = true
-- Enable fire protection (defaults true if using ethereal mod)
armor_fire_protect = false
-- Enable punch damage effects.
armor_punch_damage = true
-- Enable migration of old armor inventories
armor_migrate_old_inventory = true
Armor Registration:
armor:register_armor(name, def)
Wrapper function for `minetest.register_tool`, while registering armor as
a tool item is still supported, this may be deprecated in future so new code
should use this method.
Additional fields supported by 3d_armor:
texture = <filename>
preview = <filename>
armor_groups = <table>
damage_groups = <table>
reciprocate_damage = <bool>
on_equip = <function>
on_unequip = <function>
on_destroy = <function>
on_damage = <function>
on_punched = <function>
armor:register_armor_group(group, base)
armor:register_armor_group("radiation", 100)
armor:register_armor("mod_name:speed_boots", {
description = "Speed Boots",
inventory_image = "mod_name_speed_boots_inv.png",
texture = "mod_name_speed_boots.png",
preview = "mod_name_speed_boots_preview.png",
groups = {armor_feet=1, armor_use=500, physics_speed=1.2, flammable=1},
armor_groups = {fleshy=10, radiation=10},
damage_groups = {cracky=3, snappy=3, choppy=3, crumbly=3, level=1},
reciprocate_damage = true,
on_destroy = function(player, index, stack)
local pos = player:get_pos()
if pos then
name = "mod_name_break_sound",
pos = pos,
gain = 0.5,
See armor.lua, technic_armor and shields mods for more examples.
Default groups:
Elements: armor_head, armor_torso, armor_legs, armor_feet
Attributes: armor_heal, armor_fire, armor_water
Physics: physics_jump, physics_speed, physics_gravity
Durability: armor_use, flammable
Elements may be modified by dependent mods, eg shields adds armor_shield.
Attributes and physics values are 'stackable', durability is determined
by the level of armor_use, total uses == approx (65535/armor_use), non-fleshy
damage groups need to be defined in the tool/weapon used against the player.
Reciprocal tool damage will be done only by the first armor inventory item
with `reciprocate_damage = true`
Armor Functions:
Primarily an internal function but can be called externally to apply any
changes that might not otherwise get handled.
armor:punch(player, hitter, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities)
Used to apply damage to all equipped armor based on the damage groups of
each individual item.`hitter`, `time_from_last_punch` and `tool_capabilities`
are optional but should be valid if included.
armor:damage(player, index, stack, use)
Adds wear to a single armor itemstack, triggers `on_damage` callbacks and
updates the necessary inventories. Also handles item destruction callbacks
and so should NOT be called from `on_unequip` to avoid an infinite loop.
Removes all armors from the player's inventory without triggering any callback.
armor:equip(player, armor_name)
Equip the armor, removing the itemstack from the main inventory if there's one.
armor:unequip(player, armor_name)
Unequip the armor, adding the itemstack to the main inventory.
Triggers a skin update with the same action as if a field with `skins_set` was submitted.
Item Callbacks:
on_equip = func(player, index, stack)
on_unequip = func(player, index, stack)
on_destroy = func(player, index, stack)
on_damage = func(player, index, stack)
on_punched = func(player, hitter, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities)
`on_punched` is called every time a player is punched or takes damage, `hitter`,
`time_from_last_punch` and `tool_capabilities` can be `nil` and will be in the
case of fall damage, etc. When fire protection is enabled, hitter == "fire"
in the event of fire damage. Return `false` to override armor damage effects.
When armor is destroyed `stack` will contain a copy of the previous stack.
Global Callbacks:
armor:register_on_equip(func(player, index, stack))
armor:register_on_unequip(func(player, index, stack))
armor:register_on_destroy(func(player, index, stack))
Global Callback Example:
print(player:get_player_name().." armor updated!")
The player physics modifications won't be applied via `set_physics_override` if `player_physics_locked` is set to 1
in the respective player's meta.

View File

@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ armor.config = {
material_crystal = true, material_crystal = true,
water_protect = true, water_protect = true,
fire_protect = minetest.get_modpath("ethereal") ~= nil, fire_protect = minetest.get_modpath("ethereal") ~= nil,
fire_protect_torch = minetest.get_modpath("ethereal") ~= nil,
punch_damage = true, punch_damage = true,
} }
@ -365,6 +366,9 @@ armor.punch = function(self, player, hitter, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabili
local groupcaps = tool_capabilities.groupcaps or {} local groupcaps = tool_capabilities.groupcaps or {}
local uses = 0 local uses = 0
damage = false damage = false
if next(groupcaps) == nil then
damage = true
for group, caps in pairs(groupcaps) do for group, caps in pairs(groupcaps) do
local maxlevel = caps.maxlevel or 0 local maxlevel = caps.maxlevel or 0
local diff = maxlevel - level local diff = maxlevel - level

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@ -5,3 +5,4 @@ pova?
fire? fire?
ethereal? ethereal?
bakedclay? bakedclay?

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@ -61,6 +61,17 @@ for material, _ in pairs(armor.materials) do
end end
end end
-- Remove torch damage if fire_protect_torch == false
if armor.config.fire_protect_torch == false and armor.config.fire_protect == true then
for k,v in pairs(armor.fire_nodes) do
for k2,v2 in pairs(v) do
if string.find (v2,"torch") then
armor.fire_nodes[k] = nil
-- Mod Compatibility -- Mod Compatibility
if minetest.get_modpath("technic") then if minetest.get_modpath("technic") then
@ -292,6 +303,10 @@ default.player_register_model("3d_armor_character.b3d", {
mine = {x=189, y=198}, mine = {x=189, y=198},
walk_mine = {x=200, y=219}, walk_mine = {x=200, y=219},
sit = {x=81, y=160}, sit = {x=81, y=160},
swin = {x = 221, y = 269},
swin_mine = {x = 270, y = 290},
swin_and_mine = {x = 291, y = 314},
swin_stand = {x = 221, y = 221},
}, },
}) })
@ -309,6 +324,10 @@ default.player_register_model("3d_armor_female.b3d", {
mine = {x=189, y=198}, mine = {x=189, y=198},
walk_mine = {x=200, y=219}, walk_mine = {x=200, y=219},
sit = {x=81, y=160}, sit = {x=81, y=160},
swin = {x = 221, y = 269},
swin_mine = {x = 270, y = 290},
swin_and_mine = {x = 291, y = 314},
swin_stand = {x = 221, y = 221},
}, },
}) })
@ -394,13 +413,20 @@ if armor.config.drop == true or armor.config.destroy == true then
end) end)
end end
end) end)
else -- reset un-dropped armor and it's effects
end end
if armor.config.punch_damage == true then if armor.config.punch_damage == true then
minetest.register_on_punchplayer(function(player, hitter, minetest.register_on_punchplayer(function(player, hitter,
time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities) time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities)
local name = player:get_player_name() local name = player:get_player_name()
if name then local hit_ip = hitter:is_player()
if name and hit_ip and minetest.is_protected(player:get_pos(), "") then
elseif name then
armor:punch(player, hitter, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities) armor:punch(player, hitter, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities)
last_punch_time[name] = minetest.get_gametime() last_punch_time[name] = minetest.get_gametime()
end end

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
name = 3d_armor name = 3d_armor
depends = default depends = default
optional_depends = player_monoids, armor_monoid, pova, fire, ethereal, bakedclay optional_depends = player_monoids, armor_monoid, pova, fire, ethereal, bakedclay, moreores
description = Adds craftable armor that is visible to other players. description = Adds craftable armor that is visible to other players.

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
Modpack - 3d Armor [0.4.13] Modpack - 3d Armor [0.4.13]
=========================== ===========================
![3d_armor screenshot](
![]( ![](
![]( ![](

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@ -44,6 +44,9 @@ armor_water_protect (Enable water protection) bool true
# Enable fire protection (defaults true if using ethereal mod). # Enable fire protection (defaults true if using ethereal mod).
armor_fire_protect (Enable fire protection) bool false armor_fire_protect (Enable fire protection) bool false
# Enable fire damage from torches (defaults true if using ethereal mod).
armor_fire_protect_torch (Enable fire protection torch damage) bool false
# Enable punch damage effects. # Enable punch damage effects.
armor_punch_damage (Enable damage effects) bool true armor_punch_damage (Enable damage effects) bool true

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ local S = minetest.get_translator(minetest.get_current_modname())
local function register_tnt(name, def) local function register_tnt(name, def)
local primed_name = "bazm:primed_" .. name local primed_name = "bazm:primed_" .. name
local name = "bazm:" .. name name = "bazm:" .. name
local explode_hear_dist = 4 * math.sqrt(def.strength) local explode_hear_dist = 4 * math.sqrt(def.strength)
local function on_blast_break(pos) local function on_blast_break(pos)
@ -125,8 +125,8 @@ minetest.register_craft({
type = "shaped", type = "shaped",
output = "bazm:nuke", output = "bazm:nuke",
recipe = { recipe = {
{"basic_materials:energy_crystal_simple", "basic_materials:energy_crystal_simple", "basic_materials:energy_crystal_simple"}, {"basic_materials:energy_crystal_simple", "nuclearz:uranium_rod", "basic_materials:energy_crystal_simple"},
{"basic_materials:energy_crystal_simple", "basic_materials:ic", "basic_materials:energy_crystal_simple"}, {"nuclearz:uranium_rod", "basic_materials:ic", "nuclearz:uranium_rod"},
{"basic_materials:energy_crystal_simple", "basic_materials:energy_crystal_simple", "basic_materials:energy_crystal_simple"}, {"basic_materials:energy_crystal_simple", "nuclearz:uranium_rod", "basic_materials:energy_crystal_simple"},
} }
}) })

mods/bazm/mod.conf Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
name = bazm
description = Explosive Weapons
depends = default, explosions, nuclearz
optional_depends =

View File

@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ allow_defined_top = true
globals = { globals = {
"minetest", "minetest",
"player_api", "player_api",
"armor" "armor",
} }
read_globals = { read_globals = {

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ end)
function closet.compose_preview(clicker, gender) function closet.compose_preview(clicker, gender)
local inv = clicker:get_inventory() local inv = clicker:get_inventory()
local inv_list = inv:get_list("cloths") local inv_list = inv:get_list("cloths")
local head, upper, lower, underwear local head, upper, lower, underwear, footwear
for i = 1, #inv_list do for i = 1, #inv_list do
local item_name = inv_list[i]:get_name() local item_name = inv_list[i]:get_name()
local cloth_type = minetest.get_item_group(item_name, "cloth") local cloth_type = minetest.get_item_group(item_name, "cloth")
@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ function closet.compose_preview(clicker, gender)
elseif cloth_type == 3 then elseif cloth_type == 3 then
lower = minetest.registered_items[item_name]._cloth_preview lower = minetest.registered_items[item_name]._cloth_preview
underwear = true underwear = true
elseif cloth_type == 4 then
footwear = minetest.registered_items[item_name]._cloth_preview
end end
end end
if not(underwear) then if not(underwear) then
@ -48,6 +50,9 @@ function closet.compose_preview(clicker, gender)
if lower then if lower then
preview= preview .. ":8,40="..lower preview= preview .. ":8,40="..lower
end end
if footwear then
preview= preview .. ":8,40="..footwear
return preview return preview
end end
@ -62,17 +67,30 @@ end
--end --end
--minetest.chat_send_all(raw_texture) --minetest.chat_send_all(raw_texture)
local function get_bg(x,y,rows,columns,image)
local out = ""
for i=0,columns do
out = out .."image["..x+i..","..y..";1,1;"..image.."]"
for j = 0,rows do
out = out .."image["..x+i..","..y+j..";1,1;"..image.."]"
return out
function closet.container.get_container_formspec(pos, clicker) function closet.container.get_container_formspec(pos, clicker)
local gender = player_api.get_gender(clicker) local gender = player_api.get_gender(clicker)
local model = player_api.get_gender_model(gender) --5.4--local model = player_api.get_gender_model(gender)
local preview = closet.compose_preview(clicker, gender) local preview = closet.compose_preview(clicker, gender)
local spos = pos.x .. "," .. pos.y .. "," .. pos.z local spos = pos.x .. "," .. pos.y .. "," .. pos.z
local formspec = local formspec =
"size[8,8.25]" .. "size[8,8.25]" ..
--5.4--"model[0,0;5,5;preview_model;"..model..";"..texture..";-10,195;;;0,79]".. --5.4--"model[0,0;5,5;preview_model;"..model..";"..texture..";-10,195;;;0,79]"..
"image[0.5,0.5;2,4;"..preview.."]" .. "image[0.5,0.5;2,4;"..preview.."]" ..
"list[current_player;cloths;3,0.25;1,4]" .. "list[current_player;cloths;2.5,0.25;2,4]" ..
"list[nodemeta:" .. spos .. ";closet;5,0.25;3,12;]" .. "list[nodemeta:" .. spos .. ";closet;5,0.25;3,12;]" ..
"list[current_player;main;0,4.5;8,1;]" .. "list[current_player;main;0,4.5;8,1;]" ..
"list[current_player;main;0,5.5;8,3;8]" .. "list[current_player;main;0,5.5;8,3;8]" ..
default.get_hotbar_bg(0,4.5) default.get_hotbar_bg(0,4.5)
@ -82,15 +100,19 @@ end
-- Allow only "cloth" groups to put/move -- Allow only "cloth" groups to put/move
minetest.register_allow_player_inventory_action(function(player, action, inventory, inventory_info) minetest.register_allow_player_inventory_action(function(player, action, inventory, inventory_info)
local stack local stack, from_inv, to_index
if action == "move" and inventory_info.to_list == "cloths" then if action == "move" and inventory_info.to_list == "cloths" then
--for moving items from player inventory list 'main' to 'cloths'
if inventory_info.from_list == inventory_info.to_list then --for moving inside the 'cloths' inventory if inventory_info.from_list == inventory_info.to_list then --for moving inside the 'cloths' inventory
return 1 return 1
end end
--for moving items from player inventory list 'main' to 'cloths'
from_inv = "main"
to_index = inventory_info.to_index
stack = inventory:get_stack(inventory_info.from_list, inventory_info.from_index) stack = inventory:get_stack(inventory_info.from_list, inventory_info.from_index)
elseif action == "put" and inventory_info.listname == "cloths" then elseif action == "put" and inventory_info.listname == "cloths" then
--for moving from node inventory 'closet' to player inventory 'cloths' --for moving from node inventory 'closet' to player inventory 'cloths'
from_inv = "closet"
to_index = inventory_info.index
stack = inventory_info.stack stack = inventory_info.stack
else else
return return
@ -102,10 +124,28 @@ minetest.register_allow_player_inventory_action(function(player, action, invento
return 0 return 0
end end
--search for another cloth of the same type --search for another cloth of the same type
local cloth_list = player:get_inventory():get_list("cloths") local player_inv = player:get_inventory()
local cloth_list = player_inv:get_list("cloths")
for i = 1, #cloth_list do for i = 1, #cloth_list do
local cloth_type = minetest.get_item_group(cloth_list[i]:get_name(), "cloth") local cloth_name = cloth_list[i]:get_name()
local cloth_type = minetest.get_item_group(cloth_name, "cloth")
if cloth_type == item_group then if cloth_type == item_group then
if player_inv:get_stack("cloths", to_index):get_count() == 0 then --if put on an empty slot
if from_inv == "main" then
if player_inv:room_for_item("main", cloth_name) then
player_inv:remove_item("cloths", cloth_name)
player_inv:add_item("main", cloth_name)
return 1
else --closet inventory
local closet_inv = minetest.get_inventory({ type="node", pos=get_context(player:get_player_name())})
if closet_inv:room_for_item("closet", cloth_name) then
player_inv:remove_item("cloths", cloth_name)
closet_inv:add_item("closet", cloth_name)
return 1
return 0 return 0
end end
end end
@ -120,8 +160,9 @@ minetest.register_on_player_inventory_action(function(player, action, inventory,
--for moving items from player inventory list 'main' to 'cloths' --for moving items from player inventory list 'main' to 'cloths'
if inventory_info.from_list == inventory_info.to_list then --for moving inside the 'cloths' inventory if inventory_info.from_list == inventory_info.to_list then --for moving inside the 'cloths' inventory
update_cloths = false update_cloths = false
update_cloths = true
end end
update_cloths = true
elseif (action == "move" and inventory_info.to_list == "main" and inventory_info.from_list == "cloths") then elseif (action == "move" and inventory_info.to_list == "main" and inventory_info.from_list == "cloths") then
update_cloths = true update_cloths = true
elseif (action == "put" or action == "take") and inventory_info.listname == "cloths" then elseif (action == "put" or action == "take") and inventory_info.listname == "cloths" then

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Binary file not shown.


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@ -56,3 +56,13 @@ minetest.register_craft({
{"", "", ""}, {"", "", ""},
} }
}) })
output = "player_api:cloth_unisex_footwear_default",
type = "shaped",
recipe = {
{"fabric:black", "", "fabric:black"},
{"fabric:black", "", "fabric:black"},
{"", "", ""},

View File

@ -95,8 +95,7 @@ function beds.register_bed(name, def)
minetest.set_node(pos, {name = name .. "_bottom", param2 = dir}) minetest.set_node(pos, {name = name .. "_bottom", param2 = dir})
minetest.set_node(botpos, {name = name .. "_top", param2 = dir}) minetest.set_node(botpos, {name = name .. "_top", param2 = dir})
if not (creative and creative.is_enabled_for if not minetest.is_creative_enabled(player_name) then
and creative.is_enabled_for(player_name)) then
itemstack:take_item() itemstack:take_item()
end end
return itemstack return itemstack

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
# textdomain: beds # textdomain: beds
Leave Bed=Tinggalkan Dipan Leave Bed=Tinggalkan Ranjang
Good morning.=Selamat pagi. Good morning.=Selamat pagi.
@1 of @2 players are in bed=@1 dari @2 pemain sedang tidur @1 of @2 players are in bed=@1 dari @2 pemain sedang tidur
Force night skip=Paksa lewati malam Force night skip=Paksa lewati malam
You can only sleep at night.=Anda hanya boleh tidur pada waktu malam. You can only sleep at night.=Anda hanya dapat tidur pada waktu malam.
Fancy Bed=Dipan Mewah Fancy Bed=Ranjang Mewah
Simple Bed=Dipan Sederhana Simple Bed=Ranjang Sederhana

View File

@ -8,25 +8,16 @@ binoculars = {}
local S = minetest.get_translator("binoculars") local S = minetest.get_translator("binoculars")
-- Detect creative mod
local creative_mod = minetest.get_modpath("creative")
-- Cache creative mode setting as fallback if creative mod not present
local creative_mode_cache = minetest.settings:get_bool("creative_mode")
-- Update player property -- Update player property
-- Global to allow overriding -- Global to allow overriding
function binoculars.update_player_property(player) function binoculars.update_player_property(player)
local creative_enabled =
(creative_mod and creative.is_enabled_for(player:get_player_name())) or
local new_zoom_fov = 0 local new_zoom_fov = 0
if player:get_inventory():contains_item( if player:get_inventory():contains_item(
"main", "binoculars:binoculars") then "main", "binoculars:binoculars") then
new_zoom_fov = 10 new_zoom_fov = 10
elseif creative_enabled then elseif minetest.is_creative_enabled(player:get_player_name()) then
new_zoom_fov = 15 new_zoom_fov = 15
end end

View File

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
# textdomain: binoculars # textdomain: binoculars
Binoculars=Binokular Binoculars=Teropong
Use with 'Zoom' key=Pakai dengan tombol 'Zum' Use with 'Zoom' key=Pakai dengan tombol 'Zoom'

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
name = binoculars name = binoculars
description = Minetest Game mod: binoculars description = Minetest Game mod: binoculars
depends = default depends = default
optional_depends = creative

View File

@ -119,8 +119,7 @@ function boat.on_punch(self, puncher)
if not self.driver then if not self.driver then
self.removed = true self.removed = true
local inv = puncher:get_inventory() local inv = puncher:get_inventory()
if not (creative and creative.is_enabled_for if not minetest.is_creative_enabled(name)
and creative.is_enabled_for(name))
or not inv:contains_item("main", "boats:boat") then or not inv:contains_item("main", "boats:boat") then
local leftover = inv:add_item("main", "boats:boat") local leftover = inv:add_item("main", "boats:boat")
-- if no room in inventory add a replacement boat to the world -- if no room in inventory add a replacement boat to the world
@ -268,8 +267,7 @@ minetest.register_craftitem("boats:boat", {
boat:set_yaw(placer:get_look_horizontal()) boat:set_yaw(placer:get_look_horizontal())
end end
local player_name = placer and placer:get_player_name() or "" local player_name = placer and placer:get_player_name() or ""
if not (creative and creative.is_enabled_for and if not minetest.is_creative_enabled(player_name) then
creative.is_enabled_for(player_name)) then
itemstack:take_item() itemstack:take_item()
end end
end end

View File

@ -141,8 +141,18 @@ local function may_replace(pos, player)
return false return false
end end
-- allow replacing air and liquids -- allow replacing air
if node_name == "air" or node_definition.liquidtype ~= "none" then if node_name == "air" then
return true
-- don't replace nodes inside protections
if minetest.is_protected(pos, player:get_player_name()) then
return false
-- allow replacing liquids
if node_definition.liquidtype ~= "none" then
return true return true
end end
@ -154,8 +164,7 @@ local function may_replace(pos, player)
-- default to each nodes buildable_to; if a placed block would replace it, why shouldn't bones? -- default to each nodes buildable_to; if a placed block would replace it, why shouldn't bones?
-- flowers being squished by bones are more realistical than a squished stone, too -- flowers being squished by bones are more realistical than a squished stone, too
-- exception are of course any protected buildable_to return node_definition.buildable_to
return node_definition.buildable_to and not minetest.is_protected(pos, player:get_player_name())
end end
local drop = function(pos, itemstack) local drop = function(pos, itemstack)
@ -182,7 +191,6 @@ local function is_all_empty(player_inv)
end end
minetest.register_on_dieplayer(function(player) minetest.register_on_dieplayer(function(player)
local bones_mode = minetest.settings:get("bones_mode") or "bones" local bones_mode = minetest.settings:get("bones_mode") or "bones"
if bones_mode ~= "bones" and bones_mode ~= "drop" and bones_mode ~= "keep" then if bones_mode ~= "bones" and bones_mode ~= "drop" and bones_mode ~= "keep" then
bones_mode = "bones" bones_mode = "bones"
@ -194,8 +202,7 @@ minetest.register_on_dieplayer(function(player)
local pos_string = minetest.pos_to_string(pos) local pos_string = minetest.pos_to_string(pos)
-- return if keep inventory set or in creative mode -- return if keep inventory set or in creative mode
if bones_mode == "keep" or (creative and creative.is_enabled_for if bones_mode == "keep" or minetest.is_creative_enabled(player_name) then
and creative.is_enabled_for(player:get_player_name())) then
minetest.log("action", player_name .. " dies at " .. pos_string .. minetest.log("action", player_name .. " dies at " .. pos_string ..
". No bones placed") ". No bones placed")
if bones_position_message then if bones_position_message then

View File

@ -108,8 +108,7 @@ function cart_entity:on_punch(puncher, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities,
end end
-- Pick up cart -- Pick up cart
local inv = puncher:get_inventory() local inv = puncher:get_inventory()
if not (creative and creative.is_enabled_for if not minetest.is_creative_enabled(puncher:get_player_name())
and creative.is_enabled_for(puncher:get_player_name()))
or not inv:contains_item("main", "carts:cart") then or not inv:contains_item("main", "carts:cart") then
local leftover = inv:add_item("main", "carts:cart") local leftover = inv:add_item("main", "carts:cart")
-- If no room in inventory add a replacement cart to the world -- If no room in inventory add a replacement cart to the world
@ -416,8 +415,7 @@ minetest.register_craftitem("carts:cart", {
minetest.sound_play({name = "default_place_node_metal", gain = 0.5}, minetest.sound_play({name = "default_place_node_metal", gain = 0.5},
{pos = pointed_thing.above}, true) {pos = pointed_thing.above}, true)
if not (creative and creative.is_enabled_for if not minetest.is_creative_enabled(placer:get_player_name()) then
and creative.is_enabled_for(placer:get_player_name())) then
itemstack:take_item() itemstack:take_item()
end end
return itemstack return itemstack

View File

@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ Rail=Rel
Powered Rail=Rel Bertenaga Powered Rail=Rel Bertenaga
Brake Rail=Rel Rem Brake Rail=Rel Rem
Cart=Kereta Cart=Kereta
(Sneak+Click to pick up)=(selinap + klik untuk ambil) (Sneak+Click to pick up)=(Menyelinap + Klik untuk ambil)

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# textdomain: carts # textdomain: carts
Cart=Вагонетка Cart=Вагонетка
(Sneak+Click to pick up)=(Пригнитесь и кликните по вагонетке, чтобы забрать) (Sneak+Click to pick up)=(Пригнитесь и кликните по вагонетке, чтобы забрать)
Rail=Рельса Rail=Рельсы
Powered Rail=Механизированная Рельса Powered Rail=Запитанные рельсы
Brake Rail=Рельса с тормозом Brake Rail=Тормозящие рельсы

View File

@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ end
-- Unlimited node placement -- Unlimited node placement
minetest.register_on_placenode(function(pos, newnode, placer, oldnode, itemstack) minetest.register_on_placenode(function(pos, newnode, placer, oldnode, itemstack)
if placer and placer:is_player() then if placer and placer:is_player() then
return creative.is_enabled_for(placer:get_player_name()) return minetest.is_creative_enabled(placer:get_player_name())
end end
end) end)
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ end)
local old_handle_node_drops = minetest.handle_node_drops local old_handle_node_drops = minetest.handle_node_drops
function minetest.handle_node_drops(pos, drops, digger) function minetest.handle_node_drops(pos, drops, digger)
if not digger or not digger:is_player() or if not digger or not digger:is_player() or
not creative.is_enabled_for(digger:get_player_name()) then not minetest.is_creative_enabled(digger:get_player_name()) then
return old_handle_node_drops(pos, drops, digger) return old_handle_node_drops(pos, drops, digger)
end end
local inv = digger:get_inventory() local inv = digger:get_inventory()

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ function creative.init_creative_inventory(player)
minetest.create_detached_inventory("creative_" .. player_name, { minetest.create_detached_inventory("creative_" .. player_name, {
allow_move = function(inv, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, player2) allow_move = function(inv, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, player2)
local name = player2 and player2:get_player_name() or "" local name = player2 and player2:get_player_name() or ""
if not creative.is_enabled_for(name) or if not minetest.is_creative_enabled(name) or
to_list == "main" then to_list == "main" then
return 0 return 0
end end
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ function creative.init_creative_inventory(player)
end, end,
allow_take = function(inv, listname, index, stack, player2) allow_take = function(inv, listname, index, stack, player2)
local name = player2 and player2:get_player_name() or "" local name = player2 and player2:get_player_name() or ""
if not creative.is_enabled_for(name) then if not minetest.is_creative_enabled(name) then
return 0 return 0
end end
return -1 return -1
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ function creative.register_tab(name, title, items)
sfinv.register_page("creative:" .. name, { sfinv.register_page("creative:" .. name, {
title = title, title = title,
is_in_nav = function(self, player, context) is_in_nav = function(self, player, context)
return creative.is_enabled_for(player:get_player_name()) return minetest.is_creative_enabled(player:get_player_name())
end, end,
get = function(self, player, context) get = function(self, player, context)
local player_name = player:get_player_name() local player_name = player:get_player_name()
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ creative.register_tab("craftitems", S("Items"), registered_craftitems)
local old_homepage_name = sfinv.get_homepage_name local old_homepage_name = sfinv.get_homepage_name
function sfinv.get_homepage_name(player) function sfinv.get_homepage_name(player)
if creative.is_enabled_for(player:get_player_name()) then if minetest.is_creative_enabled(player:get_player_name()) then
return "creative:all" return "creative:all"
else else
return old_homepage_name(player) return old_homepage_name(player)

View File

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ Stone=Stein
Cobblestone=Kopfsteinpflaster Cobblestone=Kopfsteinpflaster
Stone Brick=Steinziegel Stone Brick=Steinziegel
Stone Block=Steinblock Stone Block=Steinblock
Mossy Cobblestone=Mosiges Kopfsteinpflaster Mossy Cobblestone=Moosiges Kopfsteinpflaster
Desert Stone=Wüstenstein Desert Stone=Wüstenstein
Desert Cobblestone=Wüstenkopfsteinpflaster Desert Cobblestone=Wüstenkopfsteinpflaster
Desert Stone Brick=Wüstensteinziegel Desert Stone Brick=Wüstensteinziegel

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Obsidian Brick=Tembok Obsidian
Obsidian Block=Balok Obsidian Obsidian Block=Balok Obsidian
Dirt=Tanah Dirt=Tanah
Dirt with Grass=Tanah Berumput Dirt with Grass=Tanah Berumput
Dirt with Grass and Footsteps=Tanah Berumput dan Tapak Kaki Dirt with Grass and Footsteps=Tanah Berumput dengan Jejak Kaki
Dirt with Savanna Grass=Tanah Berumput Sabana Dirt with Savanna Grass=Tanah Berumput Sabana
Dirt with Snow=Tanah Bersalju Dirt with Snow=Tanah Bersalju
Dirt with Rainforest Litter=Tanah Berserasah Hutan Hujan Dirt with Rainforest Litter=Tanah Berserasah Hutan Hujan
@ -36,37 +36,37 @@ Sand=Pasir
Desert Sand=Pasir Gurun Desert Sand=Pasir Gurun
Silver Sand=Pasir Perak Silver Sand=Pasir Perak
Gravel=Kerikil Gravel=Kerikil
Clay=Semen Clay=Tanah Liat
Snow=Salju Snow=Salju
Snow Block=Balok Salju Snow Block=Balok Salju
Ice=Es Ice=Es
Cave Ice=Es Gua Cave Ice=Gua Es
Apple Tree=Pohon Apel Apple Tree=Pohon Apel
Apple Wood Planks=Papan Kayu Pohon Apel Apple Wood Planks=Papan Kayu Pohon Apel
Apple Tree Sapling=Bibit Apel Apple Tree Sapling=Anak Pohon Apel
Apple Tree Leaves=Daun Pohon Apel Apple Tree Leaves=Daun Pohon Apel
Apple=Apel Apple=Apel
Apple Marker=Penanda Apel Apple Marker=Penanda Apel
Jungle Tree=Pohon Hutan Rimba Jungle Tree=Pohon Hutan Rimba
Jungle Wood Planks=Papan Kayu Pohon Rimba Jungle Wood Planks=Papan Kayu Pohon Rimba
Jungle Tree Leaves=Daun Pohon Rimba Jungle Tree Leaves=Daun Pohon Rimba
Jungle Tree Sapling=Bibit Pohon Rimba Jungle Tree Sapling=Anak Pohon Rimba
Emergent Jungle Tree Sapling=Bibit Bertumbuh Pohon Rimba Emergent Jungle Tree Sapling=Anak Pohon Rimba Bertumbuh
Pine Tree=Pohon Pinus Pine Tree=Pohon Pinus
Pine Wood Planks=Papan Kayu Pinus Pine Wood Planks=Papan Kayu Pinus
Pine Needles=Daun Pinus Pine Needles=Daun Pinus
Pine Tree Sapling=Bibit Pinus Pine Tree Sapling=Anak Pohon Pinus
Acacia Tree=Pohon Akasia Acacia Tree=Pohon Akasia
Acacia Wood Planks=Papan Kayu Akasia Acacia Wood Planks=Papan Kayu Akasia
Acacia Tree Leaves=Daun Akasia Acacia Tree Leaves=Daun Akasia
Acacia Tree Sapling=Bibit Akasia Acacia Tree Sapling=Anak Pohon Akasia
Aspen Tree=Pohon Aspen Aspen Tree=Pohon Aspen
Aspen Wood Planks=Papan Kayu Aspen Aspen Wood Planks=Papan Kayu Aspen
Aspen Tree Leaves=Daun Aspen Aspen Tree Leaves=Daun Aspen
Aspen Tree Sapling=Bibit Aspen Aspen Tree Sapling=Anak Pohon Aspen
Coal Ore=Bijih Batu Bara Coal Ore=Bijih Batu Bara
Coal Block=Balok Batu Bara Coal Block=Balok Batu Bara
Iron Ore=Biji Besi Iron Ore=Bijih Besi
Steel Block=Balok Baja Steel Block=Balok Baja
Copper Ore=Bijih Tembaga Copper Ore=Bijih Tembaga
Copper Block=Balok Tembaga Copper Block=Balok Tembaga
@ -87,13 +87,13 @@ Jungle Grass=Rumput Rimba
Grass=Rumput Grass=Rumput
Savanna Grass=Rumput Sabana Savanna Grass=Rumput Sabana
Fern=Pakis Fern=Pakis
Marram Grass=Rumput Pantai Marram Grass=Rumput Maram
Bush Stem=Batang Semak Bush Stem=Batang Semak
Bush Leaves=Daun Semak Bush Leaves=Daun Semak
Bush Sapling=Bibit Semak Bush Sapling=Anak Semak
Blueberry Bush Leaves with Berries=Daun Bluberi Berbuah Blueberry Bush Leaves with Berries=Daun Semak Blueberry Berbuah
Blueberry Bush Leaves=Daun Bluberi Blueberry Bush Leaves=Daun Semak Blueberry
Blueberry Bush Sapling=Bibit Bluberi Blueberry Bush Sapling=Anak Semak Blueberry
Acacia Bush Stem=Batang Semak Akasia Acacia Bush Stem=Batang Semak Akasia
Acacia Bush Leaves=Daun Semak Akasia Acacia Bush Leaves=Daun Semak Akasia
Acacia Bush Sapling=Bibit Semak Akasia Acacia Bush Sapling=Bibit Semak Akasia
@ -139,12 +139,12 @@ Mese Post Light=Lampu Taman Mese
Cloud=Awan Cloud=Awan
@1 will intersect protection on growth.=@1 akan memotong perlindungan ketika tumbuh. @1 will intersect protection on growth.=@1 akan memotong perlindungan ketika tumbuh.
Torch=Obor Torch=Obor
Wooden Pickaxe=Beliung Kayu Wooden Pickaxe=Gancu Kayu
Stone Pickaxe=Beliung Batu Stone Pickaxe=Gancu Batu
Bronze Pickaxe=Beliung Perunggu Bronze Pickaxe=Gancu Perunggu
Steel Pickaxe=Beliung Baja Steel Pickaxe=Gancu Baja
Mese Pickaxe=Beliung Mese Mese Pickaxe=Gancu Mese
Diamond Pickaxe=Beliung Berlian Diamond Pickaxe=Gancu Berlian
Wooden Shovel=Sekop Kayu Wooden Shovel=Sekop Kayu
Stone Shovel=Sekop Batu Stone Shovel=Sekop Batu
Bronze Shovel=Sekop Perunggu Bronze Shovel=Sekop Perunggu
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ Key=Kunci
Furnace is empty=Tungku kosong Furnace is empty=Tungku kosong
100% (output full)=100% (keluaran penuh) 100% (output full)=100% (keluaran penuh)
@1%=@1% @1%=@1%
Not cookable=Tidak bisa dimasak Not cookable=Tidak dapat dimasak
Empty=Kosong Empty=Kosong
Furnace active=Tungku nyala Furnace active=Tungku nyala
Furnace inactive=Tungku mati Furnace inactive=Tungku mati
@ -182,12 +182,12 @@ Page @1 of @2=Halaman @1 dari @2
"@1" by @2="@1" oleh @2 "@1" by @2="@1" oleh @2
Skeleton Key=Kunci Induk Skeleton Key=Kunci Induk
Key to @1's @2=Kunci @2 milik @1 Key to @1's @2=Kunci @2 milik @1
Blueberries=Bluberi Blueberries=Blueberry
Book=Buku Book=Buku
Book with Text=Buku Tertulis Book with Text=Buku Tertulis
Bronze Ingot=Perunggu Batangan Bronze Ingot=Perunggu Batangan
Clay Brick=Bata Clay Brick=Bata
Clay Lump=Bongkahan Semen Clay Lump=Bongkahan Tanah Liat
Coal Lump=Bongkahan Batu Bara Coal Lump=Bongkahan Batu Bara
Copper Ingot=Tembaga Batangan Copper Ingot=Tembaga Batangan
Copper Lump=Bongkahan Tembaga Copper Lump=Bongkahan Tembaga
@ -207,5 +207,5 @@ Tin Lump=Bongkahan Timah
Locked Chest=Peti Terkunci Locked Chest=Peti Terkunci
Locked Chest (owned by @1)=Peti Terkunci (milik @1) Locked Chest (owned by @1)=Peti Terkunci (milik @1)
You do not own this chest.=Anda bukan pemilik peti ini. You do not own this chest.=Anda bukan pemilik peti ini.
a locked chest=suatu peti terkunci a locked chest=peti terkunci
Chest=Peti Chest=Peti

View File

@ -2036,8 +2036,7 @@ minetest.register_node("default:sand_with_kelp", {
not minetest.is_protected(pos_top, player_name) then not minetest.is_protected(pos_top, player_name) then
minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "default:sand_with_kelp", minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "default:sand_with_kelp",
param2 = height * 16}) param2 = height * 16})
if not (creative and creative.is_enabled_for if not minetest.is_creative_enabled(player_name) then
and creative.is_enabled_for(player_name)) then
itemstack:take_item() itemstack:take_item()
end end
else else
@ -2092,7 +2091,7 @@ local function coral_on_place(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) = itemstack:get_name() = itemstack:get_name()
minetest.set_node(pos_under, node_under) minetest.set_node(pos_under, node_under)
if not (creative and creative.is_enabled_for(player_name)) then if not minetest.is_creative_enabled(player_name) then
itemstack:take_item() itemstack:take_item()
end end

View File

@ -575,8 +575,7 @@ function default.sapling_on_place(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing,
minetest.log("action", player_name .. " places node " minetest.log("action", player_name .. " places node "
.. sapling_name .. " at " .. minetest.pos_to_string(pos)) .. sapling_name .. " at " .. minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
local take_item = not (creative and creative.is_enabled_for local take_item = not minetest.is_creative_enabled(player_name)
and creative.is_enabled_for(player_name))
local newnode = {name = sapling_name} local newnode = {name = sapling_name}
local ndef = minetest.registered_nodes[sapling_name] local ndef = minetest.registered_nodes[sapling_name]
minetest.set_node(pos, newnode) minetest.set_node(pos, newnode)

View File

@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ function doors.register(name, def)
meta:set_string("infotext", def.description .. "\n" .. S("Owned by @1", pn)) meta:set_string("infotext", def.description .. "\n" .. S("Owned by @1", pn))
end end
if not (creative and creative.is_enabled_for and creative.is_enabled_for(pn)) then if not minetest.is_creative_enabled(pn) then
itemstack:take_item() itemstack:take_item()
end end
@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ function doors.register_trapdoor(name, def)
meta:set_string("owner", pn) meta:set_string("owner", pn)
meta:set_string("infotext", def.description .. "\n" .. S("Owned by @1", pn)) meta:set_string("infotext", def.description .. "\n" .. S("Owned by @1", pn))
return (creative and creative.is_enabled_for and creative.is_enabled_for(pn)) return minetest.is_creative_enabled(pn)
end end
def.on_blast = function() end def.on_blast = function() end

View File

@ -13,4 +13,4 @@ Brown Dye=Pewarna Cokelat
Orange Dye=Pewarna Oranye Orange Dye=Pewarna Oranye
Red Dye=Pewarna Merah Red Dye=Pewarna Merah
Magenta Dye=Pewarna Magenta Magenta Dye=Pewarna Magenta
Pink Dye=Pewarna Jambon Pink Dye=Pewarna Merah Jambu

View File

@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
# textdomain: dye # textdomain: dye
White Dye=白染料 White Dye=白染料
Grey Dye=灰染料 Grey Dye=灰染料
Dark Grey Dye=暗灰染料 Dark Grey Dye=暗灰染料
Black Dye=黑染料 Black Dye=黑染料
Violet Dye=紫染料 Violet Dye=紫染料
Blue Dye=蓝染料 Blue Dye=蓝染料
Cyan Dye=青染料 Cyan Dye=青染料
Dark Green Dye=暗绿染料 Dark Green Dye=暗绿染料
Green Dye=绿染料 Green Dye=绿染料
Yellow Dye=黄染料 Yellow Dye=黄染料
Brown Dye=棕染料 Brown Dye=棕染料
Orange Dye=橙染料 Orange Dye=橙染料
Red Dye=红染料 Red Dye=红染料
Magenta Dye=品红染料 Magenta Dye=品红染料
Pink Dye=粉红染料 Pink Dye=粉红染料

View File

@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
# textdomain: dye # textdomain: dye
White Dye=白染料 White Dye=白染料
Grey Dye=灰染料 Grey Dye=灰染料
Dark Grey Dye=暗灰染料 Dark Grey Dye=暗灰染料
Black Dye=黑染料 Black Dye=黑染料
Violet Dye=紫染料 Violet Dye=紫染料
Blue Dye=藍染料 Blue Dye=藍染料
Cyan Dye=青染料 Cyan Dye=青染料
Dark Green Dye=暗綠染料 Dark Green Dye=暗綠染料
Green Dye=綠染料 Green Dye=綠染料
Yellow Dye=黃染料 Yellow Dye=黃染料
Brown Dye=棕染料 Brown Dye=棕染料
Orange Dye=橙染料 Orange Dye=橙染料
Red Dye=紅染料 Red Dye=紅染料
Magenta Dye=品紅染料 Magenta Dye=品紅染料
Pink Dye=粉紅染料 Pink Dye=粉紅染料

View File

@ -45,12 +45,14 @@ farming.hoe_on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing, uses)
return return
end end
if minetest.is_protected(pt.under, user:get_player_name()) then local player_name = user and user:get_player_name() or ""
minetest.record_protection_violation(pt.under, user:get_player_name())
if minetest.is_protected(pt.under, player_name) then
minetest.record_protection_violation(pt.under, player_name)
return return
end end
if minetest.is_protected(pt.above, user:get_player_name()) then if minetest.is_protected(pt.above, player_name) then
minetest.record_protection_violation(pt.above, user:get_player_name()) minetest.record_protection_violation(pt.above, player_name)
return return
end end
@ -61,8 +63,7 @@ farming.hoe_on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing, uses)
gain = 0.5, gain = 0.5,
}, true) }, true)
if not (creative and creative.is_enabled_for if not minetest.is_creative_enabled(player_name) then
and creative.is_enabled_for(user:get_player_name())) then
-- wear tool -- wear tool
local wdef = itemstack:get_definition() local wdef = itemstack:get_definition()
itemstack:add_wear(65535/(uses-1)) itemstack:add_wear(65535/(uses-1))
@ -181,8 +182,7 @@ farming.place_seed = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing, plantname)
minetest.pos_to_string(pt.above)) minetest.pos_to_string(pt.above))
minetest.add_node(pt.above, {name = plantname, param2 = 1}) minetest.add_node(pt.above, {name = plantname, param2 = 1})
tick(pt.above) tick(pt.above)
if not (creative and creative.is_enabled_for if not minetest.is_creative_enabled(player_name) then
and creative.is_enabled_for(player_name)) then
itemstack:take_item() itemstack:take_item()
end end
return itemstack return itemstack

View File

@ -111,8 +111,7 @@ minetest.register_tool("fire:flint_and_steel", {
minetest.set_node(pointed_thing.above, {name = "fire:basic_flame"}) minetest.set_node(pointed_thing.above, {name = "fire:basic_flame"})
end end
end end
if not (creative and creative.is_enabled_for if not minetest.is_creative_enabled(player_name) then
and creative.is_enabled_for(player_name)) then
-- Wear tool -- Wear tool
local wdef = itemstack:get_definition() local wdef = itemstack:get_definition()
itemstack:add_wear(1000) itemstack:add_wear(1000)

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# textdomain: fire # textdomain: fire
Fire=Api Fire=Api
Permanent Fire=Api Abadi Permanent Fire=Api Abadi
Flint and Steel=Pemantik Flint and Steel=Pemantik Api

View File

@ -92,8 +92,9 @@ minetest.register_tool("fireflies:bug_net", {
description = S("Bug Net"), description = S("Bug Net"),
inventory_image = "fireflies_bugnet.png", inventory_image = "fireflies_bugnet.png",
on_use = function(itemstack, player, pointed_thing) on_use = function(itemstack, player, pointed_thing)
local player_name = player and player:get_player_name() or ""
if not pointed_thing or pointed_thing.type ~= "node" or if not pointed_thing or pointed_thing.type ~= "node" or
minetest.is_protected(pointed_thing.under, player:get_player_name()) then minetest.is_protected(pointed_thing.under, player_name) then
return return
end end
local node_name = minetest.get_node(pointed_thing.under).name local node_name = minetest.get_node(pointed_thing.under).name
@ -106,7 +107,7 @@ minetest.register_tool("fireflies:bug_net", {
minetest.add_item(pointed_thing.under, node_name.." 1") minetest.add_item(pointed_thing.under, node_name.." 1")
end end
end end
if not (creative and creative.is_enabled_for(player:get_player_name())) then if not minetest.is_creative_enabled(player_name) then
itemstack:add_wear(256) itemstack:add_wear(256)
return itemstack return itemstack
end end

View File

@ -342,8 +342,7 @@ local waterlily_def = {
minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "flowers:waterlily" .. minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "flowers:waterlily" ..
(def.waving == 3 and "_waving" or ""), (def.waving == 3 and "_waving" or ""),
param2 = math.random(0, 3)}) param2 = math.random(0, 3)})
if not (creative and creative.is_enabled_for if not minetest.is_creative_enabled(player_name) then
and creative.is_enabled_for(player_name)) then
itemstack:take_item() itemstack:take_item()
end end
else else

View File

@ -9,18 +9,11 @@ map = {}
local S = minetest.get_translator("map") local S = minetest.get_translator("map")
-- Cache creative mode setting
local creative_mode_cache = minetest.settings:get_bool("creative_mode")
-- Update HUD flags -- Update HUD flags
-- Global to allow overriding -- Global to allow overriding
function map.update_hud_flags(player) function map.update_hud_flags(player)
local creative_enabled = local creative_enabled = minetest.is_creative_enabled(player:get_player_name())
(creative and creative.is_enabled_for(player:get_player_name())) or
local minimap_enabled = creative_enabled or local minimap_enabled = creative_enabled or
player:get_inventory():contains_item("main", "map:mapping_kit") player:get_inventory():contains_item("main", "map:mapping_kit")

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
name = map name = map
description = Minetest Game mod: map description = Minetest Game mod: map
depends = default, dye depends = default, dye
optional_depends = creative

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
# textdomain: mtg_craftguide
# This Translation by IFRFSX<>
### init.lua ###
Any black dye=任何黑色染料
Any black flower=任何黑色花朵
Any blue dye=任何蓝色染料
Any blue flower=任何蓝色花朵
Any brown dye=任何棕色染料
Any coal=任何煤炭
Any cyan dye=任何青色染料
Any dark green dye=任何暗绿染料
Any dark grey dye=任何暗灰染料
Any green dye=任何绿色染料
Any green flower=任何绿色花朵
Any grey dye=任何灰色染料
Any item belonging to the group(s): @1=属于该组的任何项目:@1
Any kind of stone block=任何种类的石块
Any magenta dye=任何品红染料
Any orange dye=任何橙色染料
Any orange flower=任何橙色花朵
Any pink dye=任何粉色染料
Any red dye=任何红色染料
Any red flower=任何红色花朵
Any sand=任何沙子
Any stick=任何棒
Any vessel=任何容器
Any violet dye=任何紫色染料
Any violet flower=任何紫色花朵
Any white dye=任何白色染料
Any white flower=任何白色花朵
Any wood planks=任何木板
Any wool=任何羊毛
Any yellow dye=任何黄色染料
Any yellow flower=任何黄色花朵
Click again to show recipes.=再次单击以显示配方。
Click again to show usages.=再次单击以显示用法
Cooking time: @1=烹饪时间:@1
# Label for group ingredients
Next page=下一页
Next recipe=下一配方
No items to show.=没有项目可以显示。
No recipes.=没有配方。
No usages.=没有用法
Previous page=上一页
Previous recipe=上一配方
Recipe @1 of @2=配方@1共@2个
Recipe is too big to be displayed.=配方太大,无法显示
Unknown Item=未知项目
Usage @1 of @2=用法@1,共@2个

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
# textdomain: mtg_craftguide
# This Translation by IFRFSX<>
### init.lua ###
Any black dye=任何黑色染料
Any black flower=任何黑色花朵
Any blue dye=任何藍色染料
Any blue flower=任何藍色花朵
Any brown dye=任何棕色染料
Any coal=任何煤炭
Any cyan dye=任何青色染料
Any dark green dye=任何暗綠染料
Any dark grey dye=任何暗灰染料
Any green dye=任何綠色染料
Any green flower=任何綠色花朵
Any grey dye=任何灰色染料
Any item belonging to the group(s): @1=屬於該組的任何項目:@1
Any kind of stone block=任何種類的石塊
Any magenta dye=任何品紅染料
Any orange dye=任何橙色染料
Any orange flower=任何橙色花朵
Any pink dye=任何粉色染料
Any red dye=任何紅色染料
Any red flower=任何紅色花朵
Any sand=任何沙子
Any stick=任何棒
Any vessel=任何容器
Any violet dye=任何紫色染料
Any violet flower=任何紫色花朵
Any white dye=任何白色染料
Any white flower=任何白色花朵
Any wood planks=任何木板
Any wool=任何羊毛
Any yellow dye=任何黃色染料
Any yellow flower=任何黃色花朵
Click again to show recipes.=再次單擊以顯示配方。
Click again to show usages.=再次單擊以顯示用法
Cooking time: @1=烹飪時間:@1
# Label for group ingredients
Next page=下一頁
Next recipe=下一配方
No items to show.=沒有項目可以顯示。
No recipes.=沒有配方。
No usages.=沒有用法
Previous page=上一頁
Previous recipe=上一配方
Recipe @1 of @2=配方@1共@2個
Recipe is too big to be displayed.=配方太大,無法顯示
Unknown Item=未知項目
Usage @1 of @2=用法@1,共@2個

View File

@ -172,7 +172,8 @@ function minetest.calculate_knockback(player, ...)
end end
-- Check each player and apply animations -- Check each player and apply animations
minetest.register_globalstep(function() local timer = 0
for _, player in pairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do for _, player in pairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do
local name = player:get_player_name() local name = player:get_player_name()
local model_name = player_model[name] local model_name = player_model[name]
@ -186,6 +187,52 @@ minetest.register_globalstep(function()
animation_speed_mod = animation_speed_mod / 2 animation_speed_mod = animation_speed_mod / 2
end end
local on_water
--Determine if the player is in a water node
local player_pos = player:get_pos()
local node_name = minetest.get_node(player_pos).name
if minetest.registered_nodes[node_name] then
if minetest.registered_nodes[node_name]["liquidtype"] == "source" or
minetest.registered_nodes[node_name]["liquidtype"] == "flowing" then
local player_pos_below = {x= player_pos.x, y= player_pos.y-1, z= player_pos.z}
local node_name_below = minetest.get_node(player_pos_below).name
local player_pos_above = {x= player_pos.x, y= player_pos.y+1, z= player_pos.z}
local node_name_above = minetest.get_node(player_pos_above).name
if minetest.registered_nodes[node_name_below] and minetest.registered_nodes[node_name_above] then
local node_below_is_liquid
if minetest.registered_nodes[node_name_below]["liquidtype"] == "source" or
minetest.registered_nodes[node_name_below]["liquidtype"] == "flowing" then
node_below_is_liquid = true
node_below_is_liquid = false
local node_above_is_liquid
if minetest.registered_nodes[node_name_above]["liquidtype"] == "source" or
minetest.registered_nodes[node_name_above]["liquidtype"] == "flowing" then
node_above_is_liquid = true
node_above_is_liquid = false
local node_above_is_air
if minetest.registered_nodes[node_name_above] == "air" then
node_above_is_air = true
node_above_is_air = false
if ((node_below_is_liquid) and not(node_above_is_air)) or
(not(node_below_is_liquid) and node_above_is_liquid) then
on_water = true
on_water = false
on_water = true
on_water = false
-- Apply animations based on what the player is doing -- Apply animations based on what the player is doing
if player:get_hp() == 0 then if player:get_hp() == 0 then
player_set_animation(player, "lay") player_set_animation(player, "lay")
@ -196,14 +243,54 @@ minetest.register_globalstep(function()
player_sneak[name] = controls.sneak player_sneak[name] = controls.sneak
end end
if controls.LMB or controls.RMB then if controls.LMB or controls.RMB then
player_set_animation(player, "walk_mine", animation_speed_mod) if not(on_water) then
player_set_animation(player, "walk_mine", animation_speed_mod)
player_set_animation(player, "swin_and_mine", animation_speed_mod)
else else
player_set_animation(player, "walk", animation_speed_mod) if not(on_water) then
player_set_animation(player, "walk", animation_speed_mod)
player_set_animation(player, "swin", animation_speed_mod)
end end
elseif controls.LMB or controls.RMB then elseif controls.LMB or controls.RMB then
player_set_animation(player, "mine", animation_speed_mod) if not(on_water) then
player_set_animation(player, "mine", animation_speed_mod)
player_set_animation(player, "swin_mine", animation_speed_mod)
else else
player_set_animation(player, "stand", animation_speed_mod) if not(on_water) then
player_set_animation(player, "stand", animation_speed_mod)
player_set_animation(player, "swin_stand", animation_speed_mod)
if on_water and player_pos.y < 0 then
timer = timer + dtime
if timer > 1 then
player_pos.y = player_pos.y + 1
amount = 6,
time = 1,
minpos = player_pos,
maxpos = player_pos,
minvel = {x=0, y=0, z=0},
maxvel = {x=1, y=5, z=1},
minacc = {x=0, y=0, z=0},
maxacc = {x=1, y=1, z=1},
minexptime = 0.2,
maxexptime = 1.0,
minsize = 1,
maxsize = 1.5,
collisiondetection = false,
vertical = false,
texture = "bubble.png",
timer = 0
end end
end end
end end

View File

@ -21,8 +21,10 @@ function player_api.register_cloth(name, def)
tooltip = S("Head") tooltip = S("Head")
elseif def.groups["cloth"] == 2 then elseif def.groups["cloth"] == 2 then
tooltip = S("Upper") tooltip = S("Upper")
else elseif def.groups["cloth"] == 3 then
tooltip = S("Lower") tooltip = S("Lower")
tooltip = S("Footwear")
end end
tooltip = "(" .. tooltip .. ")" tooltip = "(" .. tooltip .. ")"
local gender, gender_color local gender, gender_color
@ -69,6 +71,16 @@ player_api.register_cloth("player_api:cloth_female_lower_default", {
groups = {cloth = 3}, groups = {cloth = 3},
}) })
player_api.register_cloth("player_api:cloth_unisex_footwear_default", {
description = S("Common Black Shoes"),
inventory_image = "cloth_unisex_footwear_default_inv.png",
wield_image = "cloth_unisex_footwear_default_inv.png",
texture = "cloth_unisex_footwear_default.png",
preview = "cloth_unisex_footwear_preview.png",
gender = "unisex",
groups = {cloth = 4},
player_api.register_cloth("player_api:cloth_female_head_default", { player_api.register_cloth("player_api:cloth_female_head_default", {
description = S("Pink Bow"), description = S("Pink Bow"),
inventory_image = "cloth_female_head_default_inv.png", inventory_image = "cloth_female_head_default_inv.png",
@ -113,6 +125,7 @@ function player_api.set_cloths(player)
inv:add_item("cloths", 'player_api:cloth_female_upper_default') inv:add_item("cloths", 'player_api:cloth_female_upper_default')
inv:add_item("cloths", 'player_api:cloth_female_lower_default') inv:add_item("cloths", 'player_api:cloth_female_lower_default')
end end
inv:add_item("cloths", 'player_api:cloth_unisex_footwear_default')
end end
function player_api.compose_cloth(player) function player_api.compose_cloth(player)
@ -120,9 +133,7 @@ function player_api.compose_cloth(player)
local gender = meta:get_string("gender") local gender = meta:get_string("gender")
local inv = player:get_inventory() local inv = player:get_inventory()
local inv_list = inv:get_list("cloths") local inv_list = inv:get_list("cloths")
local upper_ItemStack local upper_ItemStack, lower_ItemStack, footwear_ItemStack, head_ItemStack
local lower_ItemStack
local head_ItemStack
local underwear = false local underwear = false
for i = 1, #inv_list do for i = 1, #inv_list do
local item_name = inv_list[i]:get_name() local item_name = inv_list[i]:get_name()
@ -136,6 +147,8 @@ function player_api.compose_cloth(player)
elseif cloth_type == 3 then elseif cloth_type == 3 then
lower_ItemStack = minetest.registered_items[item_name]._cloth_texture lower_ItemStack = minetest.registered_items[item_name]._cloth_texture
underwear = true underwear = true
elseif cloth_type == 4 then
footwear_ItemStack = minetest.registered_items[item_name]._cloth_texture
end end
end end
if not(underwear) then if not(underwear) then
@ -154,6 +167,9 @@ function player_api.compose_cloth(player)
if lower_ItemStack then if lower_ItemStack then
cloth = cloth .. ":0,32="..lower_ItemStack cloth = cloth .. ":0,32="..lower_ItemStack
end end
if footwear_ItemStack then
cloth = cloth .. ":0,32="..footwear_ItemStack
if head_ItemStack then if head_ItemStack then
cloth = cloth .. ":48,0="..head_ItemStack cloth = cloth .. ":48,0="..head_ItemStack
end end

View File

@ -9,12 +9,16 @@ player_api.register_model("character.b3d", {
textures = {"character.png"}, textures = {"character.png"},
animations = { animations = {
-- Standard animations. -- Standard animations.
stand = {x = 0, y = 79}, stand = {x = 0, y = 79},
lay = {x = 162, y = 166}, lay = {x = 162, y = 166},
walk = {x = 168, y = 187}, walk = {x = 168, y = 187},
mine = {x = 189, y = 198}, mine = {x = 189, y = 198},
walk_mine = {x = 200, y = 219}, walk_mine = {x = 200, y = 219},
sit = {x = 81, y = 160}, sit = {x = 81, y = 160},
swin = {x = 221, y = 269},
swin_mine = {x = 270, y = 290},
swin_and_mine = {x = 291, y = 314},
swin_stand = {x = 221, y = 221},
}, },
collisionbox = {-0.3, 0.0, -0.3, 0.3, 1.7, 0.3}, collisionbox = {-0.3, 0.0, -0.3, 0.3, 1.7, 0.3},
stepheight = 0.6, stepheight = 0.6,
@ -36,6 +40,10 @@ player_api.register_model("female.b3d", {
mine = {x = 189, y = 198}, mine = {x = 189, y = 198},
walk_mine = {x = 200, y = 219}, walk_mine = {x = 200, y = 219},
sit = {x = 81, y = 160}, sit = {x = 81, y = 160},
swin = {x = 221, y = 269},
swin_mine = {x = 270, y = 290},
swin_and_mine = {x = 291, y = 314},
swin_stand = {x = 221, y = 221},
}, },
collisionbox = {-0.3, 0.0, -0.3, 0.3, 1.7, 0.3}, collisionbox = {-0.3, 0.0, -0.3, 0.3, 1.7, 0.3},
stepheight = 0.6, stepheight = 0.6,
@ -54,11 +62,4 @@ minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player)
player_api.registered_models[player_api.get_gender_model(gender)].textures[1] = cloth player_api.registered_models[player_api.get_gender_model(gender)].textures[1] = cloth
player_api.set_model(player, player_api.get_gender_model(gender)) player_api.set_model(player, player_api.get_gender_model(gender))
end end
{x = 0, y = 79},
{x = 168, y = 187},
{x = 189, y = 198},
{x = 200, y = 219},
end) end)

View File

@ -8,8 +8,10 @@ Your gender is changed to=Tu género se ha cambiado a
Head=Cabeza Head=Cabeza
Upper=Parte superior Upper=Parte superior
Lower=Parte inferior Lower=Parte inferior
Purple Stripe Summer T-shirt=Camiseta veraniega púrpura a rayas Purple Stripe Summer T-shirt=Camiseta veraniega púrpura a rayas
Fresh Summer Denim Shorts=Pantalones vaqueros cortos y frescos Fresh Summer Denim Shorts=Pantalones vaqueros cortos y frescos
Pink Bow=Lazo rosa Pink Bow=Lazo rosa
Fine Blue Pants=Pantalones azules finos Fine Blue Pants=Pantalones azules finos
Classic Green Sweater=Jersei verde clásico Classic Green Sweater=Jersei verde clásico
Common Black Shoes=Zapatos negros comunes

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.1 KiB

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View File

@ -140,8 +140,7 @@ screwdriver.handler = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing, mode, uses)
minetest.check_for_falling(pos) minetest.check_for_falling(pos)
end end
if not (creative and creative.is_enabled_for and if not minetest.is_creative_enabled(player_name) then
creative.is_enabled_for(player_name)) then
itemstack:add_wear(65535 / ((uses or 200) - 1)) itemstack:add_wear(65535 / ((uses or 200) - 1))
end end

View File

@ -197,8 +197,6 @@ function stairs.register_slab(subname, recipeitem, groups, images, description,
local under = minetest.get_node(pointed_thing.under) local under = minetest.get_node(pointed_thing.under)
local wield_item = itemstack:get_name() local wield_item = itemstack:get_name()
local player_name = placer and placer:get_player_name() or "" local player_name = placer and placer:get_player_name() or ""
local creative_enabled = (creative and creative.is_enabled_for
and creative.is_enabled_for(player_name))
if under and"^stairs:slab_") then if under and"^stairs:slab_") then
-- place slab using under node orientation -- place slab using under node orientation
@ -217,7 +215,7 @@ function stairs.register_slab(subname, recipeitem, groups, images, description,
-- else attempt to place node with proper param2 -- else attempt to place node with proper param2
minetest.item_place_node(ItemStack(wield_item), placer, pointed_thing, p2) minetest.item_place_node(ItemStack(wield_item), placer, pointed_thing, p2)
if not creative_enabled then if not minetest.is_creative_enabled(player_name) then
itemstack:take_item() itemstack:take_item()
end end
return itemstack return itemstack

View File

@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ Cobblestone Stair=Kopfsteinpflastertreppe
Inner Cobblestone Stair=Innere Kopfsteinpflastertreppe Inner Cobblestone Stair=Innere Kopfsteinpflastertreppe
Outer Cobblestone Stair=Äußere Kopfsteinpflastertreppe Outer Cobblestone Stair=Äußere Kopfsteinpflastertreppe
Cobblestone Slab=Kopfsteinpflasterplatte Cobblestone Slab=Kopfsteinpflasterplatte
Mossy Cobblestone Stair=Mosige Kopfsteinpflastertreppe Mossy Cobblestone Stair=Moosige Kopfsteinpflastertreppe
Inner Mossy Cobblestone Stair=Innere mosige Kopfsteinpflastertreppe Inner Mossy Cobblestone Stair=Innere moosige Kopfsteinpflastertreppe
Outer Mossy Cobblestone Stair=Äußere mosige Kopfsteinpflastertreppe Outer Mossy Cobblestone Stair=Äußere moosige Kopfsteinpflastertreppe
Mossy Cobblestone Slab=Mosige Kopfsteinpflasterplatte Mossy Cobblestone Slab=Moosige Kopfsteinpflasterplatte
Stone Brick Stair=Steinziegeltreppe Stone Brick Stair=Steinziegeltreppe
Inner Stone Brick Stair=Innere Steinziegeltreppe Inner Stone Brick Stair=Innere Steinziegeltreppe
Outer Stone Brick Stair=Äußere Steinziegeltreppe Outer Stone Brick Stair=Äußere Steinziegeltreppe

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# textdomain: walls # textdomain: walls
Cobblestone Wall=Kopfsteinpflastermauer Cobblestone Wall=Kopfsteinpflastermauer
Mossy Cobblestone Wall=Mosige Kopfsteinpflastermauer Mossy Cobblestone Wall=Moosige Kopfsteinpflastermauer
Desert Cobblestone Wall=Wüstenkopfsteinpflastermauer Desert Cobblestone Wall=Wüstenkopfsteinpflastermauer

View File

@ -13,4 +13,4 @@ Brown Wool=Wol Cokelat
Orange Wool=Wol Oranye Orange Wool=Wol Oranye
Red Wool=Wol Merah Red Wool=Wol Merah
Magenta Wool=Wol Magenta Magenta Wool=Wol Magenta
Pink Wool=Wol Jambon Pink Wool=Wol Merah Jambu

mods/nuclearz/LICENSE.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
Creative Commons Legal Code
CC0 1.0 Universal
Statement of Purpose
The laws of most jurisdictions throughout the world automatically confer
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party to this document and has no duty or obligation with respect to
this CC0 or use of the Work.

mods/nuclearz/init.lua Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
-- internationalization boilerplate
local S = minetest.get_translator(minetest.get_current_modname())
minetest.register_node("nuclearz:stone_with_uranium", {
description = S("Uranium Ore"),
light_source = 5,
tiles = {"default_stone.png^nuclearz_mineral_uranium.png"},
groups = {cracky = 2},
drop = "nuclearz:uranium_lump 6",
sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(),
function default.register_ores()
ore_type = "scatter",
ore = "nuclearz:stone_with_uranium",
wherein = "default:stone",
clust_scarcity = 25 * 25 * 25,
clust_num_ores = 3,
clust_size = 3,
y_max = -384,
y_min = -512,
minetest.register_craftitem("nuclearz:uranium_lump", {
description = S("Uranium Lump"),
inventory_image = "nuclearz_uranium_lump.png"
minetest.register_craftitem("nuclearz:uranium_rod", {
description = S("Uranium Rod"),
inventory_image = "nuclearz_uranium_rod.png"
output = "nuclearz:uranium_rod",
recipe = {
{"", "", ""},
{"", "", ""},
{"nuclearz:uranium_lump", "nuclearz:uranium_lump", "nuclearz:uranium_lump"},

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# textdomain: nuclearz
Uranium Ore=Mineral de uranio
Uranium Lump=Pepita de uranio
Uranium Rod=Barra de uranio

mods/nuclearz/mod.conf Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
name = nuclearz
description = Nuclear Stuff
depends = default
optional_depends =

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mods/petz/.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -2,3 +2,24 @@
*.obj *.obj
*.blend1 *.blend1
user.conf user.conf
globals = {
read_globals = {
string = {fields = {"split"}},
table = {fields = {"copy", "getn"}},
-- Builtin
"vector", "ItemStack",
"dump", "DIR_DELIM", "VoxelArea", "Settings",
-- MTG
"default", "sfinv", "creative",

View File

@ -11,7 +11,10 @@ globals = {
"farming", "farming",
"player_api", "player_api",
"hunger_ng", "hunger_ng",
"dye" "dye",
} }
read_globals = { read_globals = {

View File

@ -1,43 +1,41 @@
local modpath, S = ... local modpath, S = ...
local creative_mode = minetest.settings:get_bool("creative_mode") assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_helper_functions.lua"))()
assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_datetime.lua"))()
assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_helper_functions.lua"))(modpath, S) assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_spawn.lua"))()
assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_datetime.lua"))(modpath, S) assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_orders.lua"))()
assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_spawn.lua"))(modpath, S) assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_init_prop.lua"))() --Load the init the properties for the entities
assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_orders.lua"))(modpath, S) assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_forms.lua"))(S)
assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_init_prop.lua"))(modpath, S) --Load the init the properties for the entities assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_on_rightclick.lua"))(S)
assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_forms.lua"))(modpath, S) assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_on_die.lua"))()
assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_on_rightclick.lua"))(modpath, S) assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_on_punch.lua"))()
assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_on_die.lua"))(modpath, S) assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_feed_tame.lua"))(S)
assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_on_punch.lua"))(modpath, S)
assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_feed_tame.lua"))(modpath, S, creative_mode)
assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_capture.lua"))(S) assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_capture.lua"))(S)
assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_tamagochi.lua"))(modpath, S) assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_tamagochi.lua"))(S)
assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_breed.lua"))(S) assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_breed.lua"))(S)
assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_wool_milk.lua"))(modpath, S) assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_wool_milk.lua"))()
assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_mount.lua"))(modpath, S) assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_mount.lua"))()
assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_dreamcatcher.lua"))(modpath, S) assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_dreamcatcher.lua"))(S)
assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_eggs.lua"))(modpath, S) assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_eggs.lua"))()
assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_squareball.lua"))(modpath, S) assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_squareball.lua"))(S)
assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_convert.lua"))(modpath, S) assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_convert.lua"))(S)
assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_nametag.lua"))(modpath, S) assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_nametag.lua"))()
assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_dam_beaver.lua"))(modpath, S) assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_dam_beaver.lua"))(modpath)
assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_particles.lua"))(modpath, S) assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_particles.lua"))()
assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_whistle.lua"))(modpath, S) assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_whistle.lua"))(S)
assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_silk.lua"))(modpath, S) assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_silk.lua"))(S)
assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_on_step.lua"))(modpath, S) assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_on_step.lua"))()
assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_sleep.lua"))(modpath, S) assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_sleep.lua"))()
assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_env_damage.lua"))(modpath, S) assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_env_damage.lua"))()
assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_bees.lua"))(S) assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_bees.lua"))(S)
assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_throw.lua"))(modpath, S) assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_throw.lua"))()
assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_collisionbox.lua"))() assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_collisionbox.lua"))()
assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_colorize.lua"))() assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_colorize.lua"))()
assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_horseshoes.lua"))(modpath, S) assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_horseshoes.lua"))(S)
assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_blood.lua"))() assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_blood.lua"))()
assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_poop.lua"))(modpath, S) assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_poop.lua"))()
assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_brush.lua"))(S) assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_brush.lua"))(S)
assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_bottled.lua"))(modpath, S) assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_bottled.lua"))(modpath, S)
assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_colors.lua"))() assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_colors.lua"))()
assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_sell_buy.lua"))(S) assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_sell_buy.lua"))(S)
assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_lifetime.lua"))(S) assert(loadfile(modpath .. "/api/api_lifetime.lua"))()

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
local modpath, S = ... local S = ...
petz.convert = function(self, player_name) petz.convert = function(self, player_name)
local old_pet_name = petz.first_to_upper(self.type) local old_pet_name = petz.first_to_upper(self.type)

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
local modpath, S = ... local modpath = ...
-- --
--Create Dam Beaver Mechanics --Create Dam Beaver Mechanics

View File

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
local modpath, S = ...
petz.get_os_month = function() petz.get_os_month = function()
local nowTable='*t') local nowTable='*t')
return nowTable.month return nowTable.month

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
local modpath, S = ... local S = ...
-- --
-- Dreamcatcher (protector for Petz) -- Dreamcatcher (protector for Petz)
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ petz.create_form_list_by_owner_dreamcatcher = function(user_name, user_pos)
return '' return ''
end end
local item_list = "" local item_list = ""
local text_color --local text_color
for key, pet_table in ipairs(item_list_table) do for key, pet_table in ipairs(item_list_table) do
local pet = local pet =
local pet_type local pet_type
@ -88,17 +88,17 @@ petz.create_form_list_by_owner_dreamcatcher = function(user_name, user_pos)
pet_tag = pet.tag pet_tag = pet.tag
pet_type = pet.type pet_type = pet.type
pet_pos = pet.object:get_pos() pet_pos = pet.object:get_pos()
text_color = petz.colors["green"] --text_color = petz.colors["green"]
list_pet = true list_pet = true
elseif pet_table.metadata.dreamcatcher == true then elseif pet_table.metadata.dreamcatcher == true then
pet_tag = pet_table.metadata.tag pet_tag = pet_table.metadata.tag
pet_type = pet_table.metadata.type pet_type = pet_table.metadata.type
pet_pos = pet_table.metadata.last_pos pet_pos = pet_table.metadata.last_pos
text_color = petz.colors["red"] --text_color = petz.colors["red"]
list_pet = true list_pet = true
end end
if list_pet and pet_pos then if list_pet and pet_pos then
local pet_type = pet.type:gsub("^%l", string.upper) pet_type = pet_type:gsub("^%l", string.upper)
local distance, pet_pos_x, pet_pos_y, pet_pos_z local distance, pet_pos_x, pet_pos_y, pet_pos_z
distance = tostring(petz.round(vector.distance(user_pos, pet_pos))) distance = tostring(petz.round(vector.distance(user_pos, pet_pos)))
pet_pos_x = tostring(math.floor(pet_pos.x+0.5)) pet_pos_x = tostring(math.floor(pet_pos.x+0.5))

View File

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
local modpath, S = ...
petz.increase_egg_count = function(self) petz.increase_egg_count = function(self)
self.eggs_count = mobkit.remember(self, "eggs_count", self.eggs_count+1) self.eggs_count = mobkit.remember(self, "eggs_count", self.eggs_count+1)
end end

View File

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
local modpath, S = ...
-- --
-- Enviromental Damage -- Enviromental Damage
-- --

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
local modpath, S, creative_mode = ... local S= ...
petz.insert_tamed_by_owner = function(self) petz.insert_tamed_by_owner = function(self)
if not self.owner then if not self.owner then

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
local modpath, S = ... local S = ...
petz.create_form = function(player_name, context) petz.create_form = function(player_name, context)
local pet =[player_name] local pet =[player_name]

View File

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
local modpath, S = ...
-- --
--Helper Functions --Helper Functions
-- --

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
local modpath, S = ... local S = ...
petz.put_horseshoe = function(self, clicker) petz.put_horseshoe = function(self, clicker)
if self.horseshoes >= 4 then if self.horseshoes >= 4 then

View File

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
local modpath, S = ...
-- --
--'set_initial_properties' is call by 'on_activate' for each pet --'set_initial_properties' is call by 'on_activate' for each pet
-- --

View File

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
local modpath, S = ...
petz.check_lifetime = function(self) petz.check_lifetime = function(self)
local pet_lifetime = petz.settings[self.type.."_lifetime"] local pet_lifetime = petz.settings[self.type.."_lifetime"]
--minetest.chat_send_all("test") --minetest.chat_send_all("test")

View File

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
local modpath, S = ...
-- --
-- Mount Engine -- Mount Engine
-- --

View File

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
local modpath, S = ...
petz.update_nametag = function(self) petz.update_nametag = function(self)
local name_tag local name_tag
if self.show_tag == true and self.tag and not(self.tag == "") then if self.show_tag == true and self.tag and not(self.tag == "") then

View File

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
local modpath, S = ...
-- --
--on_die event for all the mobs --on_die event for all the mobs
-- --

View File

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
local modpath, S = ...
petz.puncher_is_player = function(puncher) petz.puncher_is_player = function(puncher)
if type(puncher) == 'userdata' and puncher:is_player() then if type(puncher) == 'userdata' and puncher:is_player() then
return true return true

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
local modpath, S = ... local S = ...
--Context --Context
--In this temporary table is saved the reference to an entity by its owner --In this temporary table is saved the reference to an entity by its owner

View File

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
local modpath, S = ...
petz.on_step = function(self, dtime) petz.on_step = function(self, dtime)
local on_step_time = 1 local on_step_time = 1
if mobkit.timer(self, on_step_time) and not(self.dead) then --Only check every 1 sec, not every step! if mobkit.timer(self, on_step_time) and not(self.dead) then --Only check every 1 sec, not every step!

View File

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
local modpath, S = ...
petz.ownthing = function(self) petz.ownthing = function(self)
self.status = mobkit.remember(self, "status", nil) self.status = mobkit.remember(self, "status", nil)
if self.can_fly then if self.can_fly then

View File

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
local modpath, S = ...
-- --
--Particle Effects --Particle Effects
-- --

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More