
58 lines
1.9 KiB

include "scripts/setup.php";
// Validate the mod
if (is_numeric($id)==false)
SQLerrorFancy("Mod Error","Unable to find extension <i>(extension id not valid)</i>");
$mres = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM mods WHERE mod_id=$id",$handle) or SQLerrorFancy("Mod Error","Unable to find extension <i>(sql query error)</i>");
$mod = mysql_fetch_array($mres) or SQLerrorFancy("Mod Error","Unable to find mod");
// Validate the user
$user_id = getUserId($_SESSION['user'],$handle);
$ures = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM reviews WHERE owner_id=$user_id AND mod_id=$id",$handle);
if ( mysql_num_rows($ures) > 0){
SQLerrorFancy("You have already reviewed this!","You can only review an extension once.");
// Get data
$overview = $_POST['overview'];
$desc = $_POST['description'];
// Submit code
if ($overview != "" && $desc != ""){
require_once "scripts/entry_adders_sql_safe.php";
// Insert the data into table
mysql_query("INSERT INTO reviews (mod_id,owner_id,overview,description)
VALUES ($id,$user_id,'$overview','$desc')") or die('insert error');
// Get the id
// Display the extension
header("location: review.php?id=$the_id");
// Write page
$page_title="Review '".$mod['name']."'";
include "scripts/pageheader.php";
Help: <a href="help/markup.php" target="_blank">Description Markup</a> - Not creating? Make sure you filled in all sections.
<hr />
<form action="addreview.php?id=<?php echo $id;?>" method="post">
Overview: <input type="text" name="overview" maxlength="500" size="100" placeholder="A basic paragraph summarising your review" />
<textarea name="description" cols="105" rows="25" placeholder="Your article that will appear when the user clicks see more"></textarea>
<center><input type="submit" value="Add Review" /></center>
include "scripts/pagefooter.php";