
99 lines
1.8 KiB

/* Generate a colony as test input to a game-of-life program. */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
// The number of rows or columns allowed for an example, plus one to allow for
// terminators.
enum { MAX=10 };
// A colony is a 2D array of characters. Each row is a null-terminated string,
// and the rows are terminated by an empty string.
typedef char colony[MAX][MAX];
// Define the example colonies.
colony colonies[] = {
}, {
}, {
}, {
}, {
}, {
}, {
// Find the number of colonies in the above list.
int ncolonies = sizeof(colonies) / sizeof(colony);
void fail() {
fprintf(stderr, "Use: ./colony i\n");
fprintf(stderr, "where i is a number from 0 to %d\n", ncolonies - 1);
// Print out the n'th colony.
void print(int n) {
for (int i=0; strlen(colonies[n][i]) != 0; i++) {
printf("%s\n", colonies[n][i]);
// Get the colony number from the command line, then call print.
int main(int n, char *args[n]) {
if (n != 2) fail();
char *s = args[1];
int len = strlen(s);
if (len < 1) fail();
for (int i=0; i<len; i++) if (! isdigit(s[i])) fail();
int index = atoi(s);
if (index < 0 | index >= ncolonies) fail();