
134 lines
3.7 KiB

// Include shared subprograms
$level = "../";
require "../common/common.php";
// Load Test details from database
$test = Test::get($_GET['id']);
// Check that test exists
if (!$test)
msgscrn("Test not found","Test could not be found","","");
// Get author of test
$author = User::get($test->userID);
// Show page
showHeader($test->title." - Results");
echo "<h2>".$test->title."</h2>";
echo "<p>Created on ".$test->datecreated;
if ($author)
echo " by ".$author->firstname ." ". $author->surname;
echo "</p>";
// Show user test submissions
if ($current_user->rank == 1 || $_GET['user']){
// Get the id of the pupil whose results we are looking at
$search_id = ($current_user->rank == 1) ? $current_user->id : $_GET['user'];
// Get results
$myres = Score::_search("WHERE userID = $search_id AND testID = {$test->id} ORDER BY scoreID desc");
if (count($myres)<1){
// They have not taken this test yet, display message
if ($search_id == $current_user->id)
echo "You have not taken this test yet.";
echo "The pupil has not taken this test yet.";
// Show appropriate buttons
if($current_user->rank > 1)
echo "<p><a href=\"view.php?id={$test->id}\" class=\"button\">Back</a></p>";
echo "<p><a href=\"take.php?id={$test->id}\" class=\"button\">Take test</a></p>";
// Display messages, and table start
echo "<p>Each row in this table is an attempt at the test. The latest attempt is at the top</p>";
if ($_GET['latest']==1){
.resultTable tr:nth-child(2){
background: yellow;
<p>The row marked in yellow was the latest test.</p>
echo "<table class=\"resultTable\">";
echo "<tr><th>Score</th><th>Incorrect words</th></tr>";
// Loop through scores
foreach($myres as $s){
echo "<tr><td>{$s->score}</td><td>";
// Get the words they got wrong, and print them.
$ww = $s->wrongWords();
if ($ww){
echo "<span style=\"color:red\">";
$comma = false;
foreach($ww as $w){
if ($comma)
echo ", ";
echo "'".$w->word."'";
$comma = true;
echo "</span>";
echo ":D";
echo "</td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
// Display appropriate buttons
if($current_user->rank > 1)
echo "<p><a href=\"view.php?id={$test->id}\" class=\"button\">Back</a>";
echo "<p><a href=\"take.php?id={$test->id}\" class=\"button\">Retake test</a>";
echo "<a href=\"../report.php?id=$search_id\" class=\"button\">View Report</a></p>";
}else if($current_user->rank > 1){
// Get users that this test applies to
$users = $test->users();
if (!$users || count($users)<1){
// Display message
echo "No pupils are to take this test<br>";
// Display table head
echo "<table class=\"resultTable\">";
echo "<tr><th>User</th><th>Score</th><th>Attempts</td><th></th></tr>";
// Loop through users
foreach($users as $u){
echo "<tr><td>{$u->surname} {$u->firstname}</td>";
// Declare score here, so it is in the correct scope
$score = -1;
// Load score submissions
$scr = Score::_search("WHERE userID = {$u->id} AND testID = {$test->id}");
if ($scr){
foreach ($scr as $s){
if ($s->score > $score || $score == -1){
$score = $s->score;
// Display score and attempts
if (!$scr || count($scr)<1){
echo "<td style=\"background:red;color:white;\" colspan=2>Test not taken yet!</td>";
echo "<td>$score</td><td>".count($scr)." attempts</td>";
echo "<td style=\"width: 200px;\"><a class=\"button\" href=\"view.php?id={$test->id}&user={$u->id}\">View</a> <a class=\"button\" href=\"../profile.php?id={$u->id}\">Profile</a></td></tr>";
echo "</table>";