rubenwardy b4fc06db87 Report
2014-03-29 19:41:21 +00:00

65 lines
1.6 KiB

// Include shared subprograms
$level = "../";
require "../common/common.php";
// Get search critera
$author = $_GET['user'];
// Do validation
if (($author!=null && !is_numeric($author)) || ($year!=null &&!is_numeric($year)))
msgscrn("Query blocked","Your search terms are invalid.","","");
// Collect search criteria
$query = "";
if ($author)
$query .= "userID = $author";
// Get tests
$tests = Test::_search( ($author!="")? "WHERE userID = $author" : "" ); // The ? here adds WHERE if there is a query
// Show test player page
showHeader("Test Search");
echo "<h1>Tests</h1>\n";
// Show buttons for staff members
if ($current_user->isStaff()){
// Create a test button
echo "<a class=\"button\" href=\"add.php\">Create</a>\n";
// Filter by my tests button
if ($author != $current_user->id)
echo "<a class=\"button\" href=\"?user={$current_user->id}\">My Tests</a>\n";
// Spacing
echo "<br /><br />";
// Start table
echo "<table class=\"resultTable\"><tr><th>Name</th><th>Controls</th></tr>\n";
// Loop through tests with applied filters
foreach ($tests as $t){
// Test details
echo "<tr><td style=\"width: 60%;\">{$t->title}</td><td>";
// Buttons
if ($current_user->isStaff())
echo "<a href=\"edit.php?id={$t->id}\" class=\"button\">Edit</a> ";
$res = Score::getfromusertest($current_user->id,$t->id);
if (!$res || count($res)==0)
echo "<a href=\"take.php?id={$t->id}\" class=\"button\">Take</a> ";
echo "<a href=\"take.php?id={$t->id}\" class=\"button\">Retake</a> ";
echo "<a href=\"view.php?id={$t->id}\" class=\"button\">View Submissions</a></td></tr>\n";
// End table
echo "</table>\n";