150 lines
3.4 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2014-03-29 19:41:21 +00:00
// Include shared subprograms
require "common/common.php";
// Get the pupil that is the subject of this report
$user = 0;
if (!$_GET['id'] || $current_user->id == $_GET['id']){
$user = $current_user;
if (!is_numeric($_GET['id']))
msgscrn("User not found","The user id is invalid.","","");
$user = User::get($_GET['id']);
if (!$user)
msgscrn("User not found","The user does not exist.","","rc");
// Get assigned tests
$ass = $user->tests();
// Averaging variables
$sigma = 0.0; // Sum of scores
$count = 0; // Number of scores
// Hold some the processed scores, so we don't need to call the database again
$the_tests = Array();
foreach ($ass as $a){
// Check the test has not already been added
$is_in = false;
foreach ($the_tests as $t){
if ($a->test()->id == $t['testID']){
$is_in = true;
if ($is_in)
// Get score from database
$res = Score::getfromusertest($user->id,$a->testID);
$score = 0;
$score_got = false;
foreach ($res as $r){
if (!$score_got==false || $r->score >= $score){
$score_got = true;
$score = $r->score;
// Get maximum score
$max = count($a->test()->words()) * 2;
// Update average
$perc = (($score+0.0) / ($max+0.0)) * 100;
$sigma += $perc;
$count += 1;
// Add test overview to array
"testID" => $a->test()->id,
"date" => $a->test()->datecreated,
"score" => $perc,
"actual" => $score,
"max" => $max,
"title" => $a->test()->title,
"taken" => $score_got
// Calculate average
$aver = ($sigma / $count);
// Show page
showHeader("Pupil Report");
// Show header
echo "<h1>Report</h1>\n";
<div id="chartContainer" style="height: 300px; width: 100%;">
<h3>There should be a graph here!</h3>
Your browser may not support this.
<table id="testlist">
<tr><th>Date</th><th>Test name</th><th>Score</th><th></th></tr>
// Create the table
foreach ($the_tests as $t){
// Create table row - display message if pupil has not taken the test
if ($t['taken']){
// Get comparison to average
$stat = "";
if ($t['score'] > $aver)
$stat = "Above average";
elseif ($t['score'] < $aver)
$stat = "Below average";
$stat = "Average";
// Output table row
echo "<tr><td style=\"width: 15%;\">".$t['date']."</td><td><a href=\"test/view.php?id=".
$t['testID']."&user=".$user->id."\">".$t['title'] .
"</a></td><td>".$t['actual']."/ ".$t['max']." - ".$t['score']."%</td><td>$stat</td></tr>\n";
// Output table row
echo "<tr><td style=\"width: 15%;\">".$t['date']."</td><td><a href=\"test/view.php?id=".
$t['testID']."&user=".$user->id."\">".$t['title'] .
"</a></td><td>Test not taken!</td><td></td></tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n<p>Average score: ".$aver."%</p>\n";
// Create the graph
<script src="graph.min.js"></script>
window.onload = function () {
var chart = new CanvasJS.Chart("chartContainer", {
text: "<?php echo $user->firstname." ".$user->surname;?>"
data: [
/*** Change type "column" to "bar", "area", "line" or "pie"***/
type: "column",
dataPoints: [
foreach ($the_tests as $t){
echo "{label:\"".$t['date']."\", y:".$t['score']."},\n";
suffix: "%",
minimum: 0,
maximum: 100