
429 lines
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// TGUI - Texus' Graphical User Interface
// Copyright (C) 2012-2019 Bruno Van de Velde (
// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
// In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely,
// subject to the following restrictions:
// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented;
// you must not claim that you wrote the original software.
// If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
// in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such,
// and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
#include "Tests.hpp"
#include <TGUI/Widgets/Button.hpp>
#include <TGUI/Widgets/Panel.hpp>
#include <TGUI/Gui.hpp>
#include <SFML/Graphics/RenderTexture.hpp>
using namespace tgui::bind_functions;
using tgui::Layout;
using tgui::Layout2d;
Layout l1;
Layout l2(-20.3f);
Layout l3{"60"};
Layout2d l4;
Layout2d l5({10.f, {" 50 "}});
Layout2d l6(".2", "-3.5");
REQUIRE(l1.getValue() == 0);
REQUIRE(l2.getValue() == -20.3f);
REQUIRE(l3.getValue() == 60);
REQUIRE(l4.getValue() == sf::Vector2f(0, 0));
REQUIRE(l5.getValue() == sf::Vector2f(10, 50));
REQUIRE(l6.getValue() == sf::Vector2f(0.2f, -3.5f));
SECTION("copying layouts")
Layout l1;
Layout l2{2};
Layout l3 = l2;
Layout l4;
Layout l5{0};
Layout l6{"max(2,3)+1"};
l5 = std::move(l6);
REQUIRE(l1.getValue() == 0);
REQUIRE(l3.getValue() == 2);
REQUIRE(l4.getValue() == 0);
REQUIRE(l5.getValue() == 4);
REQUIRE(l1.toString() == "0");
REQUIRE(l3.toString() == "2");
REQUIRE(l4.toString() == "0");
REQUIRE(l5.toString() == "max(2, 3) + 1");
SECTION("without strings")
Layout l1{2};
Layout l2(3);
REQUIRE((l1 + l2).getValue() == 5);
REQUIRE((l1 - l2).getValue() == -1);
REQUIRE((l1 * l2).getValue() == 6);
REQUIRE((l1 / l2).getValue() == 2.f/3.f);
REQUIRE((-Layout{1}).getValue() == -1);
REQUIRE((-Layout{-2}).getValue() == 2);
REQUIRE((l1 + l2).toString() == "2 + 3");
REQUIRE((l1 - l2).toString() == "2 - 3");
REQUIRE((l1 * l2).toString() == "2 * 3");
REQUIRE((l1 / l2).toString() == "2 / 3");
REQUIRE((-Layout{1}).toString() == "0 - 1");
REQUIRE((-Layout{-2}).toString() == "0 - -2");
Layout2d l3{-6, 5};
Layout2d l4(4, 5);
Layout2d l5(6, 7);
REQUIRE((l3 + l4).getValue() == sf::Vector2f(-2, 10));
REQUIRE((l3 - l4).getValue() == sf::Vector2f(-10, 0));
REQUIRE((-3 * l3).getValue() == sf::Vector2f(18, -15));
REQUIRE((l3 * 2).getValue() == sf::Vector2f(-12, 10));
REQUIRE((l3 / 2).getValue() == sf::Vector2f(-3, 2.5f));
REQUIRE((-l3).getValue() == sf::Vector2f(6, -5));
REQUIRE((l3 + l4).toString() == "(-6 + 4, 5 + 5)");
REQUIRE((l3 - l4).toString() == "(-6 - 4, 5 - 5)");
REQUIRE((-3 * l3).toString() == "(-3 * -6, -3 * 5)");
REQUIRE((l3 * 2).toString() == "(-6 * 2, 5 * 2)");
REQUIRE((l3 / 2).toString() == "(-6 / 2, 5 / 2)");
REQUIRE((-l3).toString() == "(0 - -6, 0 - 5)");
REQUIRE((Layout(5) + Layout(3) * Layout(2) - Layout(1)).getValue() == 10);
REQUIRE((Layout(5) + Layout(3) * (Layout(2) - Layout(1))).getValue() == 8);
REQUIRE(((Layout(5) + Layout(3)) * Layout(2) - Layout(1)).getValue() == 15);
REQUIRE((Layout2d(5, 2) + Layout2d(3, -3) / Layout(2) - Layout2d(-1, 6)).getValue() == sf::Vector2f(7.5f, -5.5f));
REQUIRE(((Layout2d(5, 2) + Layout2d(3, -3)) / Layout(2) - Layout2d(-1, 6)).getValue() == sf::Vector2f(5, -6.5f));
REQUIRE((Layout(5) + Layout(3) * Layout(2) - Layout(1)).toString() == "(5 + (3 * 2)) - 1");
REQUIRE((Layout(5) + Layout(3) * (Layout(2) - Layout(1))).toString() == "5 + (3 * (2 - 1))");
REQUIRE(((Layout(5) + Layout(3)) * Layout(2) - Layout(1)).toString() == "((5 + 3) * 2) - 1");
REQUIRE((Layout2d(5, 2) + Layout2d(3, -3) / Layout(2) - Layout2d(-1, 6)).toString() == "((5 + (3 / 2)) - -1, (2 + (-3 / 2)) - 6)");
REQUIRE(((Layout2d(5, 2) + Layout2d(3, -3)) / Layout(2) - Layout2d(-1, 6)).toString() == "(((5 + 3) / 2) - -1, ((2 + -3) / 2) - 6)");
SECTION("bind functions")
auto button1 = std::make_shared<tgui::Button>();
button1->setSize(300, 50);
button1->setPosition(40, 60);
auto button2 = std::make_shared<tgui::Button>();
button2->setPosition(bindLeft(button1), bindTop(button1));
button2->setSize(bindWidth(button1), bindHeight(button1));
REQUIRE(button2->getSize() == sf::Vector2f(300, 50));
REQUIRE(button2->getPosition() == sf::Vector2f(40, 60));
button2->setPosition(bindRight(button1), bindBottom(button1));
REQUIRE(button2->getPosition() == sf::Vector2f(340, 110));
REQUIRE(button2->getSize() == sf::Vector2f(300, 50));
REQUIRE(button2->getPosition() == sf::Vector2f(40, 60));
button1->setSize(400, 40);
button1->setPosition(60, 75);
REQUIRE(button2->getSize() == sf::Vector2f(400, 40));
REQUIRE(button2->getPosition() == sf::Vector2f(60, 75));
button1->setSize(bindSize(button2)); // Binding each other only works when value is cached
REQUIRE(button1->getSize() == sf::Vector2f(400, 40));
REQUIRE(button2->getSize() == sf::Vector2f(400, 40));
auto button3 = std::make_shared<tgui::Button>();
auto panel = std::make_shared<tgui::Panel>();
panel->setSize(200, 180);
panel->setPosition(10, 25);
button1->setSize(300, 50);
button1->setPosition(40, 60);
button2->setSize(400, 40);
button2->setPosition(60, 75);
button3->setSize(2.5 * bindPosition(button1) + bindSize(button2) / 4 + sf::Vector2f(100, 50));
REQUIRE(button3->getSize() == sf::Vector2f(300, 210));
button3->setPosition(2 * bindRight(button1) + bindLeft(button2) / 4 + bindWidth(button1), 50 - bindBottom(button2) + 75 * bindTop(button2));
REQUIRE(button3->getPosition() == sf::Vector2f(995, 5560));
REQUIRE(button3->getAbsolutePosition() == sf::Vector2f(1005, 5585));
auto button4 = std::make_shared<tgui::Button>();
button4->setSize(200, 50);
auto button5 = std::make_shared<tgui::Button>();
button5->setSize(bindMax(bindWidth(button4), bindHeight(button4)), bindMin(bindWidth(button4), bindHeight(button4)));
REQUIRE(button5->getSize() == sf::Vector2f(200, 50));
button4->setSize(80, 120);
REQUIRE(button5->getSize() == sf::Vector2f(120, 80));
sf::RenderTexture texture;
texture.create(20, 15);
tgui::Gui gui{texture};
auto width = bindWidth(gui);
auto height = bindHeight(gui);
auto size = bindSize(gui);
REQUIRE(width.getValue() == 20);
REQUIRE(height.getValue() == 15);
REQUIRE(size.getValue() == sf::Vector2f(20, 15));
gui.setView(sf::View{{4, 3, 40, 30}});
REQUIRE(width.getValue() == 40);
REQUIRE(height.getValue() == 30);
REQUIRE(size.getValue() == sf::Vector2f(40, 30));
SECTION("with strings")
Layout layout{"100%"};
REQUIRE(layout.toString() == "100%");
Layout layout2{"50%"};
REQUIRE(layout2.toString() == "50%");
auto button = std::make_shared<tgui::Button>();
button->setPosition({"40%", "30%"});
button->setSize({"20%", "10%"});
REQUIRE(button->getSize() == sf::Vector2f(0, 0));
REQUIRE(button->getPosition() == sf::Vector2f(0, 0));
auto panel = std::make_shared<tgui::Panel>();
panel->setSize(400, 300);
REQUIRE(button->getSize() == sf::Vector2f(80, 30));
REQUIRE(button->getPosition() == sf::Vector2f(160, 90));
SECTION("Inner size is used")
panel->getRenderer()->setBorders({5, 10, 15, 20});
panel->getRenderer()->setPadding({25, 30, 35, 40});
REQUIRE(button->getSize() == sf::Vector2f(0.2f * (400 - 5 - 15 - 25 - 35), 0.1f * (300 - 10 - 20 - 30 - 40)));
REQUIRE(button->getPosition() == sf::Vector2f(0.4f * (400 - 5 - 15 - 25 - 35), 0.3f * (300 - 10 - 20 - 30 - 40)));
REQUIRE(Layout("2").getValue() == 2);
REQUIRE(Layout("+2").getValue() == 2);
REQUIRE(Layout("-2").getValue() == -2);
REQUIRE(Layout("(2)").getValue() == 2);
REQUIRE(Layout("-(-2)").getValue() == 2);
REQUIRE(Layout("+(+2)").getValue() == 2);
REQUIRE(Layout("2 + 3").getValue() == 5);
REQUIRE(Layout("2 - 3").getValue() == -1);
REQUIRE(Layout("2 + -3").getValue() == -1);
REQUIRE(Layout("2 * 3").getValue() == 6);
REQUIRE(Layout("5 / 3").getValue() == 5.f/3.f);
REQUIRE(Layout("min(1,2)").getValue() == 1);
REQUIRE(Layout("min(2,1)").getValue() == 1);
REQUIRE(Layout("max(1,2)").getValue() == 2);
REQUIRE(Layout("max(2,1)").getValue() == 2);
REQUIRE(Layout("2").toString() == "2");
REQUIRE(Layout("+2").toString() == "2");
REQUIRE(Layout("-2").toString() == "-2");
REQUIRE(Layout("(2)").toString() == "2");
REQUIRE(Layout("-(-2)").toString() == "2");
REQUIRE(Layout("+(+2)").toString() == "2");
REQUIRE(Layout("2 + 3").toString() == "2 + 3");
REQUIRE(Layout("2 - 3").toString() == "2 - 3");
REQUIRE(Layout("2 + -3").toString() == "(2 + 0) - 3");
REQUIRE(Layout("2 * 3").toString() == "2 * 3");
REQUIRE(Layout("5 / 3").toString() == "5 / 3");
REQUIRE(Layout("min(1,2)").toString() == "min(1, 2)");
REQUIRE(Layout("max(2,1)").toString() == "max(2, 1)");
REQUIRE(!Layout("2 + 3").isConstant());
REQUIRE(!Layout("2 - 3").isConstant());
REQUIRE(!Layout("2 + -3").isConstant());
REQUIRE(!Layout("2 * 3").isConstant());
REQUIRE(!Layout("5 / 3").isConstant());
REQUIRE(Layout("5 + 3 * 2 - 1").getValue() == 10);
REQUIRE(Layout("5 + 3 * (2 - 1)").getValue() == 8);
REQUIRE(Layout("(5 + 3) * 2 - 1").getValue() == 15);
REQUIRE(Layout("min(5 + min(2, 3), max(2, 1) * 3)").getValue() == 6);
REQUIRE(Layout("min(5 + min(2, 3), max(2, 1) * 4)").getValue() == 7);
REQUIRE(Layout("6 * (max(2,1) + (1 - (5))) / (-3)").getValue() == 4);
REQUIRE(Layout("5 + 3 * 2 - 1").toString() == "(5 + (3 * 2)) - 1");
REQUIRE(Layout("5 + 3 * (2 - 1)").toString() == "5 + (3 * (2 - 1))");
REQUIRE(Layout("(5 + 3) * 2 - 1").toString() == "((5 + 3) * 2) - 1");
REQUIRE(Layout("min(5 + min(2, 3), max(2, 1) * 3)").toString() == "min(5 + min(2, 3), max(2, 1) * 3)");
REQUIRE(Layout("6 * (max(2,1) + (1 - (5))) / (-3)").toString() == "(6 * (max(2, 1) + (1 - 5))) / -3");
REQUIRE(Layout("(5 + 3) * 2 - 1").toString() == "((5 + 3) * 2) - 1");
REQUIRE(Layout("xyz").getValue() == 0);
REQUIRE(Layout("width").getValue() == 0);
SECTION("bind functions")
auto panel = std::make_shared<tgui::Panel>();
panel->setSize(200, 180);
panel->setPosition(10, 25);
auto button1 = std::make_shared<tgui::Button>();
button1->setSize(300, 50);
button1->setPosition(40, 60);
panel->add(button1, "b1");
auto button2 = std::make_shared<tgui::Button>();
REQUIRE(button2->getSize() == sf::Vector2f(0, 0));
REQUIRE(button2->getPosition() == sf::Vector2f(0, 0));
REQUIRE(button2->getSizeLayout().toString() == "(b1.size, b1.size)");
REQUIRE(button2->getPositionLayout().toString() == "(b1.position, b1.position)");
panel->add(button2, "b2");
REQUIRE(button2->getSize() == sf::Vector2f(300, 50));
REQUIRE(button2->getPosition() == sf::Vector2f(40, 60));
REQUIRE(button2->getSizeLayout().toString() == "(b1.size, b1.size)");
REQUIRE(button2->getPositionLayout().toString() == "(b1.position, b1.position)");
REQUIRE(button2->getPosition() == sf::Vector2f(0, 0));
REQUIRE(button2->getPosition() == sf::Vector2f(40, 60));
REQUIRE(button2->getPositionLayout().toString() == "(b1.pos, b1.pos)");
button2->setPosition("b1.left", std::string{""});
REQUIRE(button2->getPosition() == sf::Vector2f(40, 60));
REQUIRE(button2->getPositionLayout().toString() == "(b1.left,");
button2->setPosition({"b1.x"}, {"b1.y"});
REQUIRE(button2->getPosition() == sf::Vector2f(40, 60));
REQUIRE(button2->getPositionLayout().toString() == "(b1.x, b1.y)");
button2->setSize({{"b1.right"}, {"b1.bottom"}});
REQUIRE(button2->getSize() == sf::Vector2f(340, 110));
REQUIRE(button2->getSizeLayout().toString() == "(b1.left + b1.width, + b1.height)");
button2->setSize({"{@, #}"});
REQUIRE(button2->getSize() == sf::Vector2f(0, 0));
button2->setPosition({"parent.x"}, {"&.y"});
REQUIRE(button2->getPosition() == sf::Vector2f(10, 25));
REQUIRE(button2->getPositionLayout().toString() == "(parent.x, &.y)");
button2->setPosition({"parent.b1.parent.b1.x"}, {"&.b1.&.b1.y"});
REQUIRE(button2->getPosition() == sf::Vector2f(40, 60));
REQUIRE(button2->getPositionLayout().toString() == "(parent.b1.parent.b1.x, &.b1.&.b1.y)");
button1->setSize(400, 40);
button1->setPosition(60, 75);
REQUIRE(button1->getSizeLayout().toString() == "(400, 40)");
REQUIRE(button1->getPositionLayout().toString() == "(60, 75)");
REQUIRE(button2->getSize() == sf::Vector2f(400, 40));
REQUIRE(button2->getPosition() == sf::Vector2f(60, 75));
auto button3 = std::make_shared<tgui::Button>();
button1->setSize(300, 50);
button1->setPosition(40, 60);
button2->setSize(400, 40);
button2->setPosition(60, 75);
button3->setSize({"2.5 * b1.pos + b2.size / 4 + 50"});
REQUIRE(button3->getSize() == sf::Vector2f(250, 210));
REQUIRE(button3->getSizeLayout().toString() == "(((2.5 * b1.pos) + (b2.size / 4)) + 50, ((2.5 * b1.pos) + (b2.size / 4)) + 50)");
button3->setPosition({"2 * b1.right + b2.x / 4 + b1.w"}, {"50 - b2.bottom + 75 * b2.y"});
REQUIRE(button3->getPosition() == sf::Vector2f(995, 5560));
REQUIRE(button3->getAbsolutePosition() == sf::Vector2f(1005, 5585));
REQUIRE(button3->getPositionLayout().toString() == "(((2 * (b1.left + b1.width)) + (b2.x / 4)) + b1.w, (50 - ( + b2.height)) + (75 * b2.y))");
SECTION("No ambiguity with 0")
auto widget = std::make_shared<tgui::ClickableWidget>();
widget->setPosition({0, 0});
SECTION("Bug Fixes")
SECTION("Setting negative size and reverting back to positive (")
tgui::Panel::Ptr panel = std::make_shared<tgui::Panel>();
tgui::Button::Ptr button = std::make_shared<tgui::Button>();
// Button width becomes -10
panel->setSize(10, 10);
button->setSize({"&.w - 20", "&.h"});
REQUIRE(button->getSize() == sf::Vector2f(-10, 10));
// Button width will become positive again
panel->setSize(200, 100);
REQUIRE(button->getSize() == sf::Vector2f(180, 100));