Update the example code to use the new layout system

Bruno Van de Velde 2017-06-29 14:31:29 +02:00
parent 3525aa941d
commit c6db649c67
1 changed files with 8 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -36,35 +36,32 @@ void loadWidgets( tgui::Gui& gui )
// Create the background image
// The picture is of type tgui::Picture::Ptr which is actually just a typedef for std::shared_widget<Picture>
// Instead of setting a fixed size, we are passing a layout represented as a string
// The layout will take care of resizing the picture when the parent (here the gui) gets resized
// Giving the picture a minimum size of 800x600 is just for show what the layout system can do
// The picture will fit the entire window and will scale with it
auto picture = tgui::Picture::create("../xubuntu_bg_aluminium.jpg");
picture->setSize({"max(800, parent.width)", "max(600, parent.height)"});
picture->setSize({"100%", "100%"});
// Create the username edit box
// Similar to the picture, we set a layout to automatically update the position and size when the size of the gui changes
// Similar to the picture, we set a relative position and size
// In case it isn't obvious, the default text is the text that is displayed when the edit box is empty
auto editBoxUsername = tgui::EditBox::create();
editBoxUsername->setSize({"parent.width * 2/3", "parent.height / 8"});
editBoxUsername->setPosition({"parent.width / 6", "parent.height / 6"});
editBoxUsername->setSize({"66.67%", "12.5%"});
editBoxUsername->setPosition({"16.67%", "16.67%"});
// Create the password edit box
// We copy the previous edit box here and keep the same size
auto editBoxPassword = tgui::EditBox::copy(editBoxUsername);
editBoxPassword->setPosition({"parent.width / 6", "parent.height * 5/12"});
editBoxPassword->setPosition({"16.67%", "41.6%"});
// Create the login button
// Instead of "parent.width" and "parent.height", we use the shorter "&.w" and "&.h" here as an example
auto button = tgui::Button::create("Login");
button->setSize({"&.w / 2", "&.h / 6"});
button->setPosition({"&.w / 4", "&.h * 7/10"});
button->setSize({"50%", "16.67%"});
button->setPosition({"25%", "70%"});
// Call the login function when the button is pressed and pass the edit boxes that we created as parameters