Removed SignalWrapper code that was commented instead of removed earlier

Bruno Van de Velde 2017-08-27 22:51:23 +02:00
parent 84e903c5dd
commit 4bd6b662bb
1 changed files with 0 additions and 79 deletions

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@ -517,85 +517,6 @@ namespace tgui
/// @brief Wrapper around signals to allow copying and moving
/// The signal itself can't be copied of moved. The wrapper will just copy the pointer to the signal when moving but will
/// reset the signal when being copied. A copied widget has no signal handlers at all.
template <typename SignalType>
class SignalWrapper
/// @brief Constructor
SignalWrapper(std::string&& name) :
/// @brief Copy constructor that will default initialize the signal (as handlers are not copied)
SignalWrapper(const SignalWrapper& other) :
/// @brief Default move constructor
SignalWrapper(SignalWrapper&&) = default;
/// @brief Copy assignment operator that will default initialize the signal (as handlers are not copied)
SignalWrapper& operator=(const SignalWrapper& other)
if (this != &other)
m_signal = std::make_unique<SignalType>(other->getName());
return *this;
/// @brief Default move assignment operator
SignalWrapper& operator=(SignalWrapper&&) = default;
/// @brief Access the signal
SignalType& operator*() const
return *m_signal;
/// @brief Access the signal
SignalType* operator->() const
return m_signal.get();
std::unique_ptr<SignalType> m_signal = std::make_unique<SignalType>();
/// @brief Base class for Widget which provides functionality to connect signals based on their name