
335 lines
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=================== Lua For Windows ===================
03/18/2015 Version 5.1.4-47
^ Updated stdlib to release 28.
^ Updated Penlight to 1.3.2.
^ Updated SubLua to 1.8.10.
* Moved all downloads and code hosting to GitHub. Older
releases will not function when Google Code is shut down.
Make sure to upgrade.
08/07/2012 Version 5.1.4-46
* Fixes #43 - require('lpeg') -- system error 14001
^ Updated stdlib to release 25.
^ Updated the Visual C++ 8.0 run-time to SP1-4053.
^ Updated lpeg.dll manifest to allow running on older vcredist_x86.
^ Updated alien/core.dll manifest to allow running on older vcredist_x86.
^ Updated alien/struct.dll manifest to allow running on older vcredist_x86.
^ Updated examples/alien/tests/alientest.dll manifest to allow running on older vcredist_x86.
^ Updated LuaXML_lib.dll manifest to allow running on older vcredist_x86.
^ Updated w32.dll manifest to allow running on older vcredist_x86.
^ Updated Penlight to version 1.0.3.
^ Updated LuaUnit to version 2.0.
+ Added SubLua version 1.7.4 - Subversion binding
06/14/2011 Version 5.1.4-45
* Fixes #42 - Please update Tecgraf libs (CD, IM, IUP)
^ Updated IUP to version 3.5.0.
^ Updated CD to version 5.4.1.
^ Updated IM to version 3.6.3.
06/08/2011 Version 5.1.4-44
* Fixed pl.dir so you can use strict module
06/06/2011 Version 5.1.4-43
* Fixes #1 - LuaSocket example not upto date - cddb.lua.
* Fixes #24 - Commented-out visible whitespace acquires coment colour.
+ Closed #19 - Added LuaJSON v1.2.2 library.
^ Closed #41 - Updated Alien to version 0.5.0.
^ Updated LPeg to version 0.10-1.
^ Updated stdlib to release 21.
06/01/2011 Version 5.1.4-42
^ Updated LuaLogging to version 1.2.0.
^ Updated stdlib to release 20.
^ Updated Penlight to version 0.9.4.
01/11/2011 Version 5.1.4-41
* Fixes #34 - LuaXML clib delivered with LuaForWindows causes memory
07/26/2010 Version 5.1.4-40
* Fixes #14 - Just a simple mistake in the link to LuaEx.
* Fixes #18 - Lua tutorial typo.
* Reverted to wxLua version 2.8.7 because there are issues with the new
versions stability. It will get updated later.
* Fixed pplot examples that ship with IUP.
^ Closed #20 - Updated IUP to version 3.2.0.
^ Updated Lanes to version 2.0.4.
+ Added Oil version 0.4-beta.
06/17/2010 Version 5.1.4-39
+ Added LuaRocks version 2.0.2.
* Fixes #13 - Updated wxLua to version 2.8.10.
^ Updated stdlib to release 15.
^ Updated stdlib to release 14.
^ Updated stdlib to release 13.
05/18/2010 Version 5.1.4-38
* Fixed #10 - LuaDoc incomplete. Added luadoc_start.bat.
* Fixed #09 - luanet kill lua.exe
^ Updated the SciTE .api file. Now includes lfs, bit and pack.
05/04/2010 Version 5.1.4-37
^ Updated Penlight to version 0.8.4
04/09/2010 Version 5.1.4-36
^ Updated Penlight to version 0.8.3
04/07/2010 Version 5.1.4-35
^ Updated lExecutor to version 1.01
^ Updated Penlight to version 0.8.2
03/18/2010 Version 5.1.4-34
^ Updated Penlight to version 0.8.1
03/15/2010 Version 5.1.4-33
+ Added LeMock v0.6
03/12/2010 Version 5.1.4-32
+ Added LuaRS232 v1.0.0
+ Added iLua.cmd to easily launch iLua. Also added it to the start menu.
* Fixed SciTE to properly run interactive Lua session.
^ Updated the clidebugger to take the same paramaters to allow for debug level.
^ Updated Penlight to version 0.8.0.
^ Updated IUP to version 3.0.0.
^ Updated CD to version 5.3.0.
^ Updated IM to version 3.6.0.
12/07/2009 Version 5.1.4-31
+ Added markdown v0.32 Lua module.
* Fixed Issue 4: C Run-Time Error R6034.
* Fixed LuaInterface manifest loading issue.
^ Updated luanet.dll to CoInitialize and search in the LUA_CPATH.
09/15/2009 Version 5.1.4-30
+ Added lbase64 version for 5.1 module.
+ Added gzio version 0.9.0 module.
^ Updated Stdlib to version 12.
^ Updated the LfW documentation to describe how to add your own modules
to the system.
09/02/2009 Version 5.1.4-29
+ Added Penlight v0.7.2 Lua module.
^ Updated LuaCOM to version 1.4.
^ Updated LuaGL to version 1.3.
^ Updated VStruct to version 1.0.2.
06/29/2009 Version 5.1.4-28
* Fixed SciTE debugger to allow it to debug modules in the same directory
as the file using the module.
^ Updated Stdlib to version 11.
04/27/2009 Version 5.1.4-27 rc4
* Fixed SciTE debugger looking for the temp file in the %TMP% location.
* Fixed debugging files with spaces in the filename.
^ Updated the IM, CD, and IUP examples.
^ Made SciTE use the lua5.1.dll.
^ Changed the version number to use a '-' as a build number of the LfW
^ Changed the installer display name to 'Lua For Windows'.
04/23/2009 Version rc3
+ Added an option to start the quickluatour.lua after installation
+ Added a link to the lExecutor documentation in the start menu.
+ Now you can launch quickluatour.lua at the end of the installer
^ Updated luaforwindows.html to be the right version in the example.
^ Updated the LuaQuickTour thanks to Dirk Feytons.
* Fixed SciTE saving a debugger file to the current running scripts
directory. Now it saves it to your local temp directory.
* Fixed SciTE toolbar icons being incorrect.
04/15/2009 Version rc2
^ Updated lua51.dll manifest to allow running on Windows 64.
04/14/2009 Version rc1
^ Updated LPeg to version 0.9.
^ Updated Copas to version 1.1.5.
^ Updated the Lua executables so they run on Windows 64.
02/06/2009 Version
+ Added MetaLua v0.5-rc1.
+ Added the 'strict.lua' file shipped in the Lua in the 'etc' directory.
+ Added Lanes v2.0.3 library.
^ Updated LuaFileSystem to version 1.4.2.
01/12/2009 Version
+ Added LuaBitOp v1.0.1 library.
* Fixed a bug in lExecutor to properly pass file loading error to the user.
* Fixed LuaDoc templates a bit for 'tables' and 'functions'.
* Fixed LuaXML so it actually works. Opps.
^ Updated Copas to version 1.1.4.
- Removed BitLib. Use LuaBitOp instead.
12/05/2008 Version
* Fixed a SciTE bug when opening the Lua manual.
+ Added lExecutor. This is a wxLua application that allows users to run console
Lua scripts in a simple GUI. Look at the documentation
(<LFW root>\docs\lexecutor) for more information.
+ Added *.lexe files to run using lExecutor.
+ Associated *.lexe files to a custom icon.
11/26/2008 Version
+ Added lpack (29 Jun 2007 19:27:20) module.
+ Added VStruct v 1.0 beta2 Lua module.
+ Added BitLib release 25 module.
+ Added LuaXML v1.3 module.
^ Updated IUP to version 2.7.
^ Updated CD to version 5.1.
^ Updated IM to version 3.4.
10/08/2008 Version
^ Updated vcredistx86.exe download link in the installer.
09/11/2008 Version
^ Updated Stdlib to version 8.
^ Updated the quickluatour.lua.
^ Updated the luaforwindows document.
* Fixed LuaInterface module.
09/02/2008 Version
* Fixed the readyiss.bat file to work with the new 'lua' directory.
08/29/2008 Version - RC1
+ Added wxLua support.
^ Updated to Lua v5.1.4.
^ Changed the 'lualibs' to 'lua' to support the default locations.
^ Updated SciTE property file to make the help show up correctly.
- Removed setting the LUA_PATH and LUA_CPATH environment variables.
08/07/2008 Version
* Fixed SciTE install.
08/07/2008 Version
+ Added an environment variable called "LUA_DEV" to help C module developers
configure their build files. This allows for the paths to be common and
easily added to the project settings.
(e.g. $(LUA_DEV)/include; $(LUA_DEV)/lib)
+ Added the ability to download the 'vcredist_x86.exe'.
* Fixed Visual C++ 8.0 run-time problems. There now has to ba a run-time
for every dll loaded.
- Removed 'msvcr80.dll' from the root application directory.
^ Updated the Visual C++ 8.0 run-time to SP1.
^ Updated StdLib to version 6.
07/16/2008 Version
+ Added LOOP Module. NOTE: It does not have any examples.
+ Added IUP simple documentation.
+ Added LuaTask module.
+ Added LuaInterface module.
+ Added Lua's headers and libraries so that you can develope Lua modules.
- Removed the 'alien/gtk.lua' example. It was Unix only.
^ Updated LuaCURL with a better supported version.
^ Updated the LuaCURL example.
07/08/2008 Version
+ Added Rings module.
+ Added copas module.
+ Added coxpcall module.
* Fixed a couple of typos in quickluatour.lua.
^ Updated to the latest version of luaforwindows.html.
^ Updated io_ext.lua to handle backslashes as well as forward slashes.
06/27/2008 Version - RC1
+ Added the ability to "self-host" the creation of this installer.
That means if INNO Setup is installed on the installers machine they
can create the LfW installer. This gives anybody the ability to add or
remove items and modules from the installer.
See <LfW_Install>\installer\support\readyiss.bat for more information.
+ Added a basic guide to using IUP.
+ Added the ability to completely uninstall the environment variables.
* Fixed a few typos in quickluatour.lua.
^ Updated all no-extension files to have a .txt extension.
^ Updated all the *.lua and *.wlua files to use Windows line endings.
06/24/2008 Version - Alpha 7
+ Added classlib for creating classes in Lua.
+ Added quickluatour.lua.
+ Added SciTE as the default script editor.
^ Updated to the latest version of luaforwindows.html.
05/27/2008 Version - Alpha 6
+ Added lrexlib
+ Added stdlib
+ Added Lua-Ex
+ Added LuaGL
^ Updated the luaforwindows.html file with more formatting.
- Removed "wlua.exe.manifest" because it is now built into 'wlua.exe'.
05/23/2008 Version - Alpha 5
+ Added Lua-GD
+ Added the PN help file.
+ Added Lua file associations for limited users.
^ Updated the installer to check if PN is running and display a
message if it is.
^ Changed the way it makes web links in the start menu. The icons should
now be the machines default icon for the shortcuts.
^ Switched to html for the LuaForWindows documentation.
^ Moved the 'Lua On The Web' shortcut to the documentation directory under
the start menu.
- Removed the .lua extention from the PATHEXT environment variable.
This was leading to possible application named the same thing not
getting called when it has the same name as your lua script.
This only changes the need for the .lua on the end of you script
name. (e.g. MyScript.lua param1 param2 instead of MyScript param1 param2)
05/21/2008 Version - Alpha 4
+ Added LuaLogging examples and documentation.
+ Added LuaForWindows documentation initial draft.
* Fixed the Lua file icon not showing up.
* Fixed the the default color scheme to have a black color
for Identifiers.
05/20/2008 Version - Alpha 3
+ Added the ability to install when not an administrator.
^ Updated the default color scheme to have a slightly different color
for Identifiers.
05/17/2008 Version - Alpha 3
* Internal release only.
+ Added more keywords to the Lua lexer in PN.
05/16/2008 Version - Alpha 2
+ LuaCOM
05/16/2008 Version - Alpha 2
+ LuaUnit
+ LuaZip
+ LuaExpat
+ LuaDate
+ LuaProfiler
+ MD5
+ LuaSQL - Only the SQLite3 driver is tested.
+ Alien
+ LPeg
+ LuaCOM
+ Added a 'utils' directory to hold helpful Lua tools like the
LuaProfiler summary tool
+ Added a Start Menu shortcut to the documentation
+ Added the LuaDoc examples
* Fixed the missing documentation for LuaDoc
* Fix PN so that it has a profile for wlua.
05/14/2008 Version - Alpha 1
^ First public alpha
+ Programmer Notepad for a simple IDE
+ Registers .lua and .wlua files so they can just be double-clicked on
+ Registers .lua and .wlua files act just like executables
(e.g. script param1 param2 NOT script.lua param1 param2)
+ Added the needed paths to the PATH environment variable
+ LuaBiniaries
+ LuaFileSystem
+ LuaSocket
+ LuaLogging
+ LuaDoc
+ w32 - Wrappers for Win32 API functions & constants
'+' = Addition, '*' = Bug Fix, '-' = Removed, '~' = Move, '^' = Updated