
294 lines
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--- Additions to the string module
-- TODO: Pretty printing (use in getopt); see source for details.
module ("string", package.seeall)
-- Write pretty-printing based on:
-- John Hughes's and Simon Peyton Jones's Pretty Printer Combinators
-- Based on The Design of a Pretty-printing Library in Advanced
-- Functional Programming, Johan Jeuring and Erik Meijer (eds), LNCS 925
-- Heavily modified by Simon Peyton Jones, Dec 96
-- Haskell types:
-- data Doc list of lines
-- quote :: Char -> Char -> Doc -> Doc Wrap document in ...
-- (<>) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc Beside
-- (<+>) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc Beside, separated by space
-- ($$) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc Above; if there is no overlap it "dovetails" the two
-- nest :: Int -> Doc -> Doc Nested
-- punctuate :: Doc -> [Doc] -> [Doc] punctuate p [d1, ... dn] = [d1 <> p, d2 <> p, ... dn-1 <> p, dn]
-- render :: Int Line length
-- -> Float Ribbons per line
-- -> (TextDetails -> a -> a) What to do with text
-- -> a What to do at the end
-- -> Doc The document
-- -> a Result
--- Give strings a subscription operator.
-- @param s string
-- @param i index
-- @return <code>string.sub (s, i, i)</code> if i is a number, or
-- falls back to any previous metamethod (by default, string methods)
local old__index = getmetatable ("").__index
getmetatable ("").__index =
function (s, i)
if type (i) == "number" then
return sub (s, i, i)
-- Fall back to old metamethods
elseif type (old__index) == "function" then
return old__index (s, i)
return old__index[i]
--- Give strings an append metamethod.
-- @param s string
-- @param c character (1-character string)
-- @return <code>s .. c</code>
getmetatable ("").__append =
function (s, c)
return s .. c
--- Capitalise each word in a string.
-- @param s string
-- @return capitalised string
function caps (s)
return (gsub (s, "(%w)([%w]*)",
function (l, ls)
return upper (l) .. ls
--- Remove any final newline from a string.
-- @param s string to process
-- @return processed string
function chomp (s)
return (gsub (s, "\n$", ""))
--- Escape a string to be used as a pattern
-- @param s string to process
-- @return
-- @param s_: processed string
function escapePattern (s)
return (gsub (s, "(%W)", "%%%1"))
-- Escape a string to be used as a shell token.
-- Quotes spaces, parentheses, brackets, quotes, apostrophes and
-- whitespace.
-- @param s string to process
-- @return processed string
function escapeShell (s)
return (gsub (s, "([ %(%)%\\%[%]\"'])", "\\%1"))
--- Return the English suffix for an ordinal.
-- @param n number of the day
-- @return suffix
function ordinalSuffix (n)
n = math.mod (n, 100)
local d = math.mod (n, 10)
if d == 1 and n ~= 11 then
return "st"
elseif d == 2 and n ~= 12 then
return "nd"
elseif d == 3 and n ~= 13 then
return "rd"
return "th"
--- Extend to work better with one argument.
-- If only one argument is passed, no formatting is attempted.
-- @param f format
-- @param ... arguments to format
-- @return formatted string
local _format = format
function format (f, arg1, ...)
if arg1 == nil then
return f
return _format (f, arg1, ...)
--- Justify a string.
-- When the string is longer than w, it is truncated (left or right
-- according to the sign of w).
-- @param s string to justify
-- @param w width to justify to (-ve means right-justify; +ve means
-- left-justify)
-- @param p string to pad with (default: <code>" "</code>)
-- @return justified string
function pad (s, w, p)
p = rep (p or " ", math.abs (w))
if w < 0 then
return sub (p .. s, w)
return sub (s .. p, 1, w)
--- Wrap a string into a paragraph.
-- @param s string to wrap
-- @param w width to wrap to (default: 78)
-- @param ind indent (default: 0)
-- @param ind1 indent of first line (default: ind)
-- @return wrapped paragraph
function wrap (s, w, ind, ind1)
w = w or 78
ind = ind or 0
ind1 = ind1 or ind
assert (ind1 < w and ind < w,
"the indents must be less than the line width")
s = rep (" ", ind1) .. s
local lstart, len = 1, len (s)
while len - lstart > w - ind do
local i = lstart + w - ind
while i > lstart and sub (s, i, i) ~= " " do
i = i - 1
local j = i
while j > lstart and sub (s, j, j) == " " do
j = j - 1
s = sub (s, 1, j) .. "\n" .. rep (" ", ind) ..
sub (s, i + 1, -1)
local change = ind + 1 - (i - j)
lstart = j + change
len = len + change
return s
--- Write a number using SI suffixes.
-- The number is always written to 3 s.f.
-- @param n number
-- @return string
function numbertosi (n)
local SIprefix = {
[-8] = "y", [-7] = "z", [-6] = "a", [-5] = "f",
[-4] = "p", [-3] = "n", [-2] = "mu", [-1] = "m",
[0] = "", [1] = "k", [2] = "M", [3] = "G",
[4] = "T", [5] = "P", [6] = "E", [7] = "Z",
[8] = "Y"
local t = format("% #.2e", n)
local _, _, m, e = t:find(".(.%...)e(.+)")
local man, exp = tonumber (m), tonumber (e)
local siexp = math.floor (exp / 3)
local shift = exp - siexp * 3
local s = SIprefix[siexp] or "e" .. tostring (siexp)
man = man * (10 ^ shift)
return tostring (man) .. s
--- Do find, returning captures as a list.
-- @param s target string
-- @param p pattern
-- @param init start position (default: 1)
-- @param plain inhibit magic characters (default: nil)
-- @return start of match, end of match, table of captures
function tfind (s, p, init, plain)
local function pack (from, to, ...)
return from, to, {...}
return pack (p.find (s, p, init, plain))
--- Do multiple <code>find</code>s on a string.
-- @param s target string
-- @param p pattern
-- @param init start position (default: 1)
-- @param plain inhibit magic characters (default: nil)
-- @return list of <code>{from, to; capt = {captures}}</code>
function finds (s, p, init, plain)
init = init or 1
local l = {}
local from, to, r
from, to, r = tfind (s, p, init, plain)
if from ~= nil then
table.insert (l, {from, to, capt = r})
init = to + 1
until not from
return l
--- Perform multiple calls to gsub.
-- @param s string to call gsub on
-- @param sub <code>{pattern1=replacement1 ...}</code>
-- @param n upper limit on replacements (default: infinite)
-- @return result string
-- @return number of replacements made
function gsubs (s, sub, n)
local r = 0
for i, v in pairs (sub) do
local rep
if n ~= nil then
s, rep = gsub (s, i, v, n)
r = r + rep
n = n - rep
if n == 0 then
s, rep = i.gsub (s, i, v)
r = r + rep
return s, r
--- Split a string at a given separator.
-- FIXME: Consider Perl and Python versions.
-- @param s string to split
-- @param sep separator regex
-- @return list of strings
function split (s, sep)
-- finds gets a list of {from, to, capt = {}} lists; we then
-- flatten the result, discarding the captures, and prepend 0 (1
-- before the first character) and append 0 (1 after the last
-- character), and then read off the result in pairs.
local pairs = list.concat ({0}, list.flatten (finds (s, sep)), {0})
local l = {}
for i = 1, #pairs, 2 do
table.insert (l, sub (s, pairs[i] + 1, pairs[i + 1] - 1))
return l
--- Remove leading matter from a string.
-- @param s string
-- @param r leading regex (default: <code>"%s+"</code>)
-- @return string without leading r
function ltrim (s, r)
r = r or "%s+"
return (gsub (s, "^" .. r, ""))
--- Remove trailing matter from a string.
-- @param s string
-- @param r trailing regex (default: <code>"%s+"</code>)
-- @return string without trailing r
function rtrim (s, r)
r = r or "%s+"
return (gsub (s, r .. "$", ""))
--- Remove leading and trailing matter from a string.
-- @param s string
-- @param r leading/trailing regex (default: <code>"%s+"</code>)
-- @return string without leading/trailing r
function trim (s, r)
return rtrim (ltrim (s, r), r)