
270 lines
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--- Parser generator.
-- <p>A parser is created by</p>
-- <blockquote>
-- <p><code>p = Parser {grammar}</code></p>
-- </blockquote>
-- <p>and called with</p>
-- <blockquote>
-- <p><code>result = p:parse (start_token, token_list[,
-- from])</code></p>
-- </blockquote>
-- <p>where start_token is the non-terminal at which to start parsing
-- in the grammar, token_list is a list of tokens of the form</p>
-- <blockquote>
-- <p><code>{ty = "token_type", tok = "token_text"}</code></p>
-- </blockquote>
-- <p>and from is the token in the list from which to start (the
-- default value is 1).</p>
-- <p>The output of the parser is a tree, each of whose
-- nodes is of the form:</p>
-- <blockquote>
-- <p><code>{ty = symbol, node<sub>1</sub> = tree<sub>1</sub>,
-- node<sub>2</sub> = tree<sub>2</sub>, ... [, list]}</code></p>
-- </blockquote>
-- <p>where each <code>node<sub>i</sub></code> is a symbolic name, and
-- list is the list of trees returned if the corresponding token was a
-- list token.</p>
-- <p>A grammar is a table of rules of the form</p>
-- <blockquote>
-- <p><code>non-terminal = {production<sub>1</sub>,
-- production<sub>2</sub>, ...}</code></p>
-- </blockquote>
-- <p>plus a special item</p>
-- <blockquote>
-- <p><code>lexemes = Set {"class<sub>1</sub>", "class<sub>2</sub>",
-- ...}</code></p>
-- </blockquote>
-- <p>Each production gives a form that a non-terminal may take. A
-- production has the form</p>
-- <blockquote>
-- <p><code>production = {"token<sub>1</sub>", "token<sub>2</sub>",
-- ..., [action][,abstract]}</code></p>
-- </blockquote>
-- <p>A production</p>
-- <ul>
-- <li>must not start with the non-terminal being defined (it must not
-- be left-recursive)</li>
-- <li>must not be a prefix of a later production in the same
-- non-terminal</li>
-- </ul>
-- <p>Each token may be</p>
-- <ul>
-- <li>a non-terminal, i.e. a token defined by the grammar</li>
-- <ul>
-- <li>an optional symbol is indicated by the suffix <code>_opt</code></li>
-- <li>a list is indicated by the suffix <code>_list</code>, and may be
-- followed by <code>_&le;separator-symbol&gt;</code> (default is no separator)</li>
-- </ul>
-- <li>a lexeme class</li>
-- <li>a string to match literally</li>
-- </ul>
-- <p>The parse tree for a literal string or lexeme class is the string
-- that was matched. The parse tree for a non-terminal is a table of
-- the form</p>
-- <blockquote>
-- <p><code>{ty = "non_terminal_name", tree<sub>1</sub>,
-- tree<sub>2</sub>, ...}</code></p>
-- </blockquote>
-- <p>where the <code>tree<sub>i</sub></code> are the parse trees for the
-- corresponding terminals and non-terminals.</p>
-- <p>An action is of the form</p>
-- <blockquote>
-- <p><code>action = function (tree, token, pos) ... return tree_
-- end</code></p>
-- </blockquote>
-- <p>It is passed the parse tree for the current node, the token list,
-- and the current position in the token list, and returns a new parse
-- tree.</p>
-- <p>An abstract syntax rule is of the form</p>
-- <blockquote>
-- <p><code>name = {i<sub>1</sub>, i<sub>2</sub>, ...}</code></p>
-- </blockquote>
-- <p>where <code>i<sub>1</sub></code>, <code>i<sub>2</sub></code>,
-- ... are numbers. This results in a parse tree of the form</p>
-- <blockquote>
-- <p><code>{ty = "name"; tree<sub>i<sub>1</sub></sub>,
-- tree<sub>i<sub>2</sub></sub>, ...}</code></p>
-- </blockquote>
-- <p>If a production has no abstract syntax rule, the result is the
-- parse node for the current node.</p>
-- <p>FIXME: Give lexemes as an extra argument to <code>Parser</code>?
-- <br>FIXME: Rename second argument to parse method to "tokens"?
-- <br>FIXME: Make start_token an optional argument to parse? (swap with
-- token list) and have it default to the first non-terminal?</p>
module ("parser", package.seeall)
require "object"
Parser = Object {_init = {"grammar"}}
--- Parser constructor
-- @param grammar parser grammar
-- @return parser
function Parser:_clone (grammar)
local init = table.permute (self._init, grammar)
-- Reformat the abstract syntax rules
for rname, rule in pairs (init.grammar) do
if name ~= "lexemes" then
for pnum, prod in ipairs (rule) do
local abstract
for i, v in pairs (prod) do
if type (i) == "string" and i ~= "action" then
if abstract then
print (prod)
die ("more than one abstract rule for " .. rname .. "."
.. tostring (pnum))
if type (v) ~= "table" then
die ("bad abstract syntax rule of type " .. type (v))
abstract = {ty = i, template = v}
prod[i] = nil
if abstract then
prod.abstract = abstract
local object = table.merge (self, init)
return setmetatable (object, object)
--- Parse a token list.
-- @param start the token at which to start
-- @param token the list of tokens
-- @param from the index of the token to start from (default: 1)
-- @return parse tree
function Parser:parse (start, token, from)
local grammar = self.grammar -- for consistency and brevity
local rule, symbol -- functions called before they are defined
-- Try to parse an optional symbol.
-- @param sym the symbol being tried
-- @param from the index of the token to start from
-- @return the resulting parse tree, or false if empty
-- @return the index of the first unused token, or false to
-- indicate failure
local function optional (sym, from)
local tree, to = symbol (sym, from)
if to then
return tree, to
return false, from
-- Try to parse a list of symbols.
-- @param sym the symbol being tried
-- @param sep the list separator
-- @param from the index of the token to start from
-- @return the resulting parse tree, or false if empty
-- @return the index of the first unused token, or false to
-- indicate failure
local function list (sym, sep, from)
local tree, to
tree, from = symbol (sym, from)
local list = {tree}
if from == false then
return list, false
to = from
if sep ~= "" then
tree, from = symbol (sep, from)
if from then
tree, from = symbol (sym, from)
if from then
table.insert (list, tree)
to = from
until from == false
return list, to
-- Try to parse a given symbol.
-- @param sym the symbol being tried
-- @param from the index of the token to start from
-- @return tree the resulting parse tree, or false if empty
-- @return the index of the first unused token, or false to
-- indicate failure
symbol = function (sym, from) -- declared at the top
if string.sub (sym, -4, -1) == "_opt" then -- optional symbol
return optional (string.sub (sym, 1, -5), from)
elseif string.find (sym, "_list.-$") then -- list
local _, _, subsym, sep = string.find (sym, "^(.*)_list_?(.-)$")
return list (subsym, sep, from)
elseif grammar[sym] then -- non-terminal
return rule (sym, from)
elseif token[from] and -- not end of token list
((grammar.lexemes[sym] and sym == token[from].ty) or
-- lexeme
sym == token[from].tok) -- literal terminal
return token[from].tok, from + 1 -- advance to next token
return false, false
-- Try a production.
-- @param name the name of the current rule
-- @param prod the production (list of symbols) being tried
-- @param from the index of the token to start from
-- @return the parse tree (incomplete if to is false)
-- @return the index of the first unused token, or false to
-- indicate failure
local function production (name, prod, from)
local tree = {ty = name}
local to = from
for _, prod in ipairs (prod) do
local sym
sym, to = symbol (prod, to)
if to then
table.insert (tree, sym)
return tree, false
if prod.action then
tree = prod.action (tree, token, to)
if prod.abstract then
local ntree = {}
ntree.ty = prod.abstract.ty
for i, n in prod.abstract.template do
ntree[i] = tree[n]
tree = ntree
return tree, to
-- Parse according to a particular rule.
-- @param name the name of the rule to try
-- @param from the index of the token to start from
-- @return parse tree
-- @return the index of the first unused token, or false to
-- indicate failure
rule = function (name, from) -- declared at the top
local alt = grammar[name]
local tree, to
for _, alt in ipairs (alt) do
tree, to = production (name, alt, from)
if to then
return tree, to
return tree, false
return rule (start, 1, from or 1)