
75 lines
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--- Core functions for querying manifest files.
-- This module requires no specific 'fs' functionality.
module("luarocks.manif_core", package.seeall)
local persist = require("luarocks.persist")
local type_check = require("luarocks.type_check")
local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
local util = require("luarocks.util")
local cfg = require("luarocks.cfg")
manifest_cache = {}
--- Back-end function that actually loads the manifest
-- and stores it in the manifest cache.
-- @param file string: The local filename of the manifest file.
-- @param repo_url string: The repository identifier.
function manifest_loader(file, repo_url, quick)
local manifest = persist.load_into_table(file)
if not manifest then
return nil, "Failed loading manifest for "..repo_url
if not quick then
local ok, err = type_check.type_check_manifest(manifest)
if not ok then
return nil, "Error checking manifest: "..err
manifest_cache[repo_url] = manifest
return manifest
--- Load a local manifest describing a repository.
-- All functions that use manifest tables assume they were obtained
-- through either this function or load_manifest.
-- @param repo_url string: URL or pathname for the repository.
-- @return table or (nil, string): A table representing the manifest,
-- or nil followed by an error message.
function load_local_manifest(repo_url)
assert(type(repo_url) == "string")
if manifest_cache[repo_url] then
return manifest_cache[repo_url]
local pathname = dir.path(repo_url, "manifest")
return manifest_loader(pathname, repo_url, true)
--- Get all versions of a package listed in a manifest file.
-- @param name string: a package name.
-- @param manifest table or nil: a manifest table; if not given, the
-- default local manifest table is used.
-- @return table: An array of strings listing installed
-- versions of a package.
function get_versions(name, manifest)
assert(type(name) == "string")
assert(type(manifest) == "table" or not manifest)
if not manifest then
manifest = load_local_manifest(cfg.rocks_dir)
if not manifest then
return {}
local item = manifest.repository[name]
if item then
return util.keys(item)
return {}