
106 lines
3.1 KiB

-- Project: LuaIDL
-- Version: 0.8.9b
-- Author: Ricardo Cosme <>
-- Filename: init.lua
local assert = assert
local error = error
local pcall = pcall
local require = require
local type = type
local unpack = unpack
local io = require "io"
local string = require "string"
module 'luaidl'
local _pre = require 'luaidl.pre'
local sin = require 'luaidl.sin'
VERSION = '0.8.9b'
--- Preprocesses an IDL code.
-- @param idl String with IDL code.
-- @param options (optional)Table with preprocessor options, the available keys are:
-- 'incpath', a table with include paths;
-- 'filename', the IDL filename.
-- @return String with the given IDL preprocessed.
function pre( idl, options )
return idl, options )
--- Preprocesses an IDL file.
-- @param filename The IDL filename.
-- @param options (optional)Table with preprocessor options, the available keys are:
-- 'incpath', a table with include paths.
-- @return String with the given IDL preprocessed.
-- @see pre
function prefile( filename, options )
local t = type( filename )
if t ~= 'string' then
error( string.format( "bad argument #1 to 'prefile' (filename expected, got %s)", t ), 2 )
end --if
local fh, msg = filename )
if not fh then
error( msg, 2 )
end --if
if not options then
options = { }
end --if
options.filename = filename
local str = pre( fh:read( '*a' ), options )
return str
local function parseAux( idl, options )
local status, tab_output = pcall( sin.parse, idl, options )
if status then
return unpack( tab_output )
return nil, tab_output
end --if
--- Parses an IDL code.
-- @param idl String with IDL code.
-- @param options (optional)Table with parser and preprocessor options, the available keys are:<br>
-- 'callbacks', a table of callback methods.<br>
-- 'incpath', a table with include paths.<br>
-- 'filename',the IDL filename.<br>
-- 'notypecode', a flag that deactivates the implicit definition of a CORBA::TypeCode.<br>
-- @return A graph(lua table),
-- that represents an IDL definition in Lua, for each IDL definition found.
function parse(idl, options)
idl = pre(idl, options)
return parseAux(idl, options)
--- Parses an IDL file.
-- Calls the method 'prefile' with
-- the given arguments, and so it parses the output of 'prefile'
-- calling the method 'parse'.
-- @param filename The IDL filename.
-- @param options (optional)Table with parser and preprocessor options, the available keys are:<br>
-- 'callbacks', a table of callback methods.<br>
-- 'incpath', a table with include paths.<br>
-- 'notypecode', a flag that deactivates the implicit definition of a CORBA::TypeCode.<br>
-- @return A graph(lua table),
-- that represents an IDL definition in Lua, for each IDL definition found.
-- @see prefile
-- @see parse
function parsefile( filename, options )
local t = type( filename )
if t ~= 'string' then
error( string.format( "bad argument #1 to 'parsefile' (filename expected, got %s)", t ), 2 )
end --if
local stridl = prefile( filename, options )
return parseAux( stridl, options )