
448 lines
12 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env lua
-- ## Delaunay, Lua module for convex polygon triangulation
-- @author Roland Yonaba
-- @copyright 2013
-- @license MIT
-- @script delaunay
-- ================
-- Private helpers
-- ================
local setmetatable = setmetatable
local tostring = tostring
local assert = assert
local unpack = unpack
local remove = table.remove
local sqrt = math.sqrt
local max = math.max
-- Internal class constructor
local class = function(...)
local klass = {}
klass.__index = klass
klass.__call = function(_,...) return klass:new(...) end
function klass:new(...)
local instance = setmetatable({}, klass)
klass.__init(instance, ...)
return instance
return setmetatable(klass,{__call = klass.__call})
-- Triangle semi-perimeter by Heron's formula
local function quatCross(a, b, c)
local p = (a + b + c) * (a + b - c) * (a - b + c) * (-a + b + c)
return sqrt(p)
-- Cross product (p1-p2, p2-p3)
local function crossProduct(p1, p2, p3)
local x1, x2 = p2.x - p1.x, p3.x - p2.x
local y1, y2 = p2.y - p1.y, p3.y - p2.y
return x1 * y2 - y1 * x2
-- Checks if angle (p1-p2-p3) is flat
local function isFlatAngle(p1, p2, p3)
return (crossProduct(p1, p2, p3) == 0)
-- ================
-- Module classes
-- ================
--- `Edge` class
-- @type Edge
local Edge = class()
Edge.__eq = function(a, b) return (a.p1 == b.p1 and a.p2 == b.p2) end
Edge.__tostring = function(e)
return (('Edge :\n %s\n %s'):format(tostring(e.p1), tostring(e.p2)))
--- Creates a new `Edge`
-- @name Edge:new
-- @param p1 a `Point`
-- @param p2 a `Point`
-- @return a new `Edge`
-- @usage
-- local Delaunay = require 'Delaunay'
-- local Edge = Delaunay.Edge
-- local Point = Delaunay.Point
-- local e = Edge:new(Point(1,1), Point(2,5))
-- local e = Edge(Point(1,1), Point(2,5)) -- Alias to
-- print(e) -- print the edge members p1 and p2
function Edge:__init(p1, p2)
self.p1, self.p2 = p1, p2
--- Test if `otherEdge` is similar to self. It does not take into account the direction.
-- @param otherEdge an `Edge`
-- @return `true` or `false`
-- @usage
-- local e1 = Edge(Point(1,1), Point(2,5))
-- local e2 = Edge(Point(2,5), Point(1,1))
-- print(e1:same(e2)) --> true
-- print(e1 == e2)) --> false, == operator considers the direction
function Edge:same(otherEdge)
return ((self.p1 == otherEdge.p1) and (self.p2 == otherEdge.p2))
or ((self.p1 == otherEdge.p2) and (self.p2 == otherEdge.p1))
--- Returns the length.
-- @return the length of self
-- @usage
-- local e = Edge(Point(), Point(10,0))
-- print(e:length()) --> 10
function Edge:length()
return self.p1:dist(self.p2)
--- Returns the midpoint coordinates.
-- @return the x-coordinate of self midpoint
-- @return the y-coordinate of self midpoint
-- @usage
-- local e = Edge(Point(), Point(10,0))
-- print(e:getMidPoint()) --> 5, 0
function Edge:getMidPoint()
local x = self.p1.x + (self.p2.x - self.p1.x) / 2
local y = self.p1.x + (self.p2.y - self.p1.y) / 2
return x, y
--- Point class
-- @type Point
local Point = class()
Point.__eq = function(a,b) return (a.x == b.x and a.y == b.y) end
Point.__tostring = function(p)
return ('Point (%s) x: %.2f y: %.2f'):format(, p.x, p.y)
--- Creates a new `Point`
-- @name Point:new
-- @param x the x-coordinate
-- @param y the y-coordinate
-- @return a new `Point`
-- @usage
-- local Delaunay = require 'Delaunay'
-- local Point = Delaunay.Point
-- local p = Point:new(1,1)
-- local p = Point(1,1) -- Alias to
-- print(p) -- print the point members x and y
function Point:__init(x, y)
self.x, self.y, = x or 0, y or 0, '?'
--- Returns the square distance to another `Point`.
-- @param p a `Point`
-- @return the square distance from self to `p`.
-- @usage
-- local p1, p2 = Point(), Point(1,1)
-- print(p1:dist2(p2)) --> 2
function Point:dist2(p)
local dx, dy = (self.x - p.x), (self.y - p.y)
return dx * dx + dy * dy
--- Returns the distance to another `Point`.
-- @param p a `Point`
-- @return the distance from self to `p`.
-- @usage
-- local p1, p2 = Point(), Point(1,1)
-- print(p1:dist2(p2)) --> 1.4142135623731
function Point:dist(p)
return sqrt(self:dist2(p))
--- Checks if self lies into the bounds of a circle
-- @param cx the x-coordinate of the circle center
-- @param cy the y-coordinate of the circle center
-- @param r the radius of the circle
-- @return `true` or `false`
-- @usage
-- local p = Point()
-- print(p:isInCircle(0,0,1)) --> true
function Point:isInCircle(cx, cy, r)
local dx = (cx - self.x)
local dy = (cy - self.y)
return ((dx * dx + dy * dy) <= (r * r))
--- `Triangle` class
-- @type Triangle
local Triangle = class()
Triangle.__tostring = function(t)
return (('Triangle: \n %s\n %s\n %s')
:format(tostring(t.p1), tostring(t.p2), tostring(t.p3)))
--- Creates a new `Triangle`
-- @name Triangle:new
-- @param p1 a `Point`
-- @param p2 a `Point`
-- @param p3 a `Point`
-- @return a new `Triangle`
-- @usage
-- local Delaunay = require 'Delaunay'
-- local Triangle = Delaunay.Triangle
-- local p1, p2, p3 = Point(), Point(2,0), Point(1,1)
-- local t = Triangle:new(p1, p2, p3)
-- local t = Triangle(p1, p2, p3) -- Alias to
-- print(t) -- print the triangle members p1, p2 and p3
function Triangle:__init(p1, p2, p3)
assert(not isFlatAngle(p1, p2, p3), ("angle (p1, p2, p3) is flat:\n %s\n %s\n %s")
:format(tostring(p1), tostring(p2), tostring(p3)))
self.p1, self.p2, self.p3 = p1, p2, p3
self.e1, self.e2, self.e3 = Edge(p1, p2), Edge(p2, p3), Edge(p3, p1)
--- Checks if the triangle is defined clockwise (sequence p1-p2-p3)
-- @return `true` or `false`
-- @usage
-- local p1, p2, p3 = Point(), Point(1,1), Point(2,0)
-- local t = Triangle(p1, p2, p3)
-- print(t:isCW()) --> true
function Triangle:isCW()
return (crossProduct(self.p1, self.p2, self.p3) < 0)
--- Checks if the triangle is defined counter-clockwise (sequence p1-p2-p3)
-- @return `true` or `false`
-- @usage
-- local p1, p2, p3 = Point(), Point(2,0), Point(1,1)
-- local t = Triangle(p1, p2, p3)
-- print(t:isCCW()) --> true
function Triangle:isCCW()
return (crossProduct(self.p1, self.p2, self.p3) > 0)
--- Returns the length of the edges
-- @return the length of the edge p1-p2
-- @return the length of the edge p2-p3
-- @return the length of the edge p3-p1
-- @usage
-- local p1, p2, p3 = Point(), Point(2,0), Point(1,1)
-- local t = Triangle(p1, p2, p3)
-- print(t:getSidesLength()) --> 2 1.4142135623731 1.4142135623731
function Triangle:getSidesLength()
return self.e1:length(), self.e2:length(), self.e3:length()
--- Returns the coordinates of the center
-- @return the x-coordinate of the center
-- @return the y-coordinate of the center
-- @usage
-- local p1, p2, p3 = Point(), Point(2,0), Point(1,1)
-- local t = Triangle(p1, p2, p3)
-- print(t:getCenter()) --> 1 0.33333333333333
function Triangle:getCenter()
local x = (self.p1.x + self.p2.x + self.p3.x) / 3
local y = (self.p1.y + self.p2.y + self.p3.y) / 3
return x, y
--- Returns the coordinates of the circumcircle center and its radius
-- @return the x-coordinate of the circumcircle center
-- @return the y-coordinate of the circumcircle center
-- @return the radius of the circumcircle
-- @usage
-- local p1, p2, p3 = Point(), Point(2,0), Point(1,1)
-- local t = Triangle(p1, p2, p3)
-- print(t:getCircumCircle()) --> 1 0 1
function Triangle:getCircumCircle()
local x, y = self:getCircumCenter()
local r = self:getCircumRadius()
return x, y, r
--- Returns the coordinates of the circumcircle center
-- @return the x-coordinate of the circumcircle center
-- @return the y-coordinate of the circumcircle center
-- @usage
-- local p1, p2, p3 = Point(), Point(2,0), Point(1,1)
-- local t = Triangle(p1, p2, p3)
-- print(t:getCircumCenter()) --> 1 0
function Triangle:getCircumCenter()
local p1, p2, p3 = self.p1, self.p2, self.p3
local D = ( p1.x * (p2.y - p3.y) +
p2.x * (p3.y - p1.y) +
p3.x * (p1.y - p2.y)) * 2
local x = (( p1.x * p1.x + p1.y * p1.y) * (p2.y - p3.y) +
( p2.x * p2.x + p2.y * p2.y) * (p3.y - p1.y) +
( p3.x * p3.x + p3.y * p3.y) * (p1.y - p2.y))
local y = (( p1.x * p1.x + p1.y * p1.y) * (p3.x - p2.x) +
( p2.x * p2.x + p2.y * p2.y) * (p1.x - p3.x) +
( p3.x * p3.x + p3.y * p3.y) * (p2.x - p1.x))
return (x / D), (y / D)
--- Returns the radius of the circumcircle
-- @return the radius of the circumcircle
-- @usage
-- local p1, p2, p3 = Point(), Point(2,0), Point(1,1)
-- local t = Triangle(p1, p2, p3)
-- print(t:getCircumRadius()) --> 1
function Triangle:getCircumRadius()
local a, b, c = self:getSidesLength()
return ((a * b * c) / quatCross(a, b, c))
--- Returns the area
-- @return the area
-- @usage
-- local p1, p2, p3 = Point(), Point(2,0), Point(1,1)
-- local t = Triangle(p1, p2, p3)
-- print(t:getArea()) --> 1
function Triangle:getArea()
local a, b, c = self:getSidesLength()
return (quatCross(a, b, c) / 4)
--- Checks if a given point lies into the triangle circumcircle
-- @param p a `Point`
-- @return `true` or `false`
-- @usage
-- local p1, p2, p3 = Point(), Point(2,0), Point(1,1)
-- local t = Triangle(p1, p2, p3)
-- print(t:inCircumCircle(Point(1,-1))) --> true
function Triangle:inCircumCircle(p)
return p:isInCircle(self:getCircumCircle())
--- Delaunay module
-- @section public
--- Delaunay module
-- @table Delaunay
-- @field Point reference to the `Point` class
-- @field Edge reference to the `Edge` class
-- @field Triangle reference to the `Triangle` class
-- @field _VERSION the version of the current module
local Delaunay = {
Point = Point,
Edge = Edge,
Triangle = Triangle,
_VERSION = "0.1"
--- Triangulates a set of given vertices
-- @param ... a `vargarg` list of objects of type `Point`
-- @return a set of objects of type `Triangle`
-- @usage
-- local Delaunay = require 'Delaunay'
-- local Point = Delaunay.Point
-- local p1, p2, p3, p4 = Point(), Point(2,0), Point(1,1), Point(1,-1)
-- local triangles = Delaunay.triangulate(p1, p2, p3, p4)
-- for i = 1, #triangles do
-- print(triangles[i])
-- end
function Delaunay.triangulate(...)
local vertices = {...}
local nvertices = #vertices
assert(nvertices > 2, "Cannot triangulate, needs more than 3 vertices")
if nvertices == 3 then
return {Triangle(unpack(vertices))}
local trmax = nvertices * 4
local minX, minY = vertices[1].x, vertices[1].y
local maxX, maxY = minX, minY
for i = 1, #vertices do
local vertex = vertices[i] = i
if vertex.x < minX then minX = vertex.x end
if vertex.y < minY then minY = vertex.y end
if vertex.x > maxX then maxX = vertex.x end
if vertex.y > maxY then maxY = vertex.y end
local dx, dy = maxX - minX, maxY - minY
local deltaMax = max(dx, dy)
local midx, midy = (minX + maxX) * 0.5, (minY + maxY) * 0.5
local p1 = Point(midx - 2 * deltaMax, midy - deltaMax)
local p2 = Point(midx, midy + 2 * deltaMax)
local p3 = Point(midx + 2 * deltaMax, midy - deltaMax),, = nvertices + 1, nvertices + 2, nvertices + 3
vertices[] = p1
vertices[] = p2
vertices[] = p3
local triangles = {}
triangles[#triangles + 1] = Triangle(vertices[nvertices + 1],
vertices[nvertices + 2],
vertices[nvertices + 3]
for i = 1, nvertices do
local edges = {}
local ntriangles = #triangles
for j = #triangles, 1, -1 do
local curTriangle = triangles[j]
if curTriangle:inCircumCircle(vertices[i]) then
edges[#edges + 1] = curTriangle.e1
edges[#edges + 1] = curTriangle.e2
edges[#edges + 1] = curTriangle.e3
remove(triangles, j)
for j = #edges - 1, 1, -1 do
for k = #edges, j + 1, -1 do
if edges[j] and edges[k] and edges[j]:same(edges[k]) then
remove(edges, j)
remove(edges, k-1)
for j = 1, #edges do
local n = #triangles
assert(n <= trmax, "Generated more than needed triangles")
triangles[n + 1] = Triangle(edges[j].p1, edges[j].p2, vertices[i])
for i = #triangles, 1, -1 do
local triangle = triangles[i]
if ( > nvertices or > nvertices or > nvertices) then
remove(triangles, i)
for _ = 1,3 do remove(vertices) end
return triangles
return Delaunay