
746 lines
30 KiB
Executable File

--[[LuaDate version:2.0.1]]-------------------------------
Copyright (C) 2006, by Jas Latrix (
All Rights Deserved.
use this code at your own risk!.
keep out of reach of children.
--[[ CONSTANTS ]]--
local HOURPERDAY = 24
local MINPERHOUR = 60
local MINPERDAY = 1440 -- 24*60
local SECPERMIN = 60
local SECPERHOUR = 3600 -- 60*60
local SECPERDAY = 86400 -- 24*60*60
local TICKSPERSEC = 1000000
local TICKSPERDAY = 86400000000
local TICKSPERHOUR = 3600000000
local TICKSPERMIN = 60000000
local DAYNUM_MAX = 365242500 -- Sat Jan 01 1000000 00:00:00
local DAYNUM_MIN = -365242500 -- Mon Jan 01 1000000 BCE 00:00:00
local DAYNUM_DEF = 0 -- Mon Jan 01 0001 00:00:00
local _;
local type = type
local pairs = pairs
local error = error
local assert = assert
local tonumber = tonumber
local tostring = tostring
local string = string
local math = math
local os = os
local unpack = unpack
local setmetatable = setmetatable
local getmetatable = getmetatable
local fmt = string.format
local lwr = string.lower
local upr = string.upper
local rep = string.rep
local len = string.len
local sub = string.sub
local gsub = string.gsub
local gmatch = string.gmatch or string.gfind
local find = string.find
local ostime = os.time
local osdate =
local floor = math.floor
local ceil = math.ceil
local abs = math.abs
-- removes the decimal part of a number
local function fix(n) n = tonumber(n) return n and ((n > 0 and floor or ceil)(n)) end
-- returns the modulo n % d;
local function mod (n,d) return n - d*floor(n/d) end
-- rounds a number;
local function round(n, d) d=d^10 return floor((n*d)+.5)/d end
-- rounds a number to whole;
local function whole(n)return floor(n+.5)end
-- is `str` in string list `tbl`, `ml` is the minimun len
local function inlist(str, tbl, ml, tn)
local sl = len(str)
if sl < (ml or 0) then return nil end
str = lwr(str)
for k, v in pairs(tbl) do
if str == lwr(sub(v, 1, sl)) then
if tn then tn[0] = k end
return k
local function fnil() end
local function fret(x)return x;end
local DATE_EPOCH -- to be set later
local sl_weekdays = {
local sl_meridian = {[-1]="AM", [1]="PM"}
local sl_months = {
[00]="January", [01]="February", [02]="March",
[03]="April", [04]="May", [05]="June",
[06]="July", [07]="August", [08]="September",
[09]="October", [10]="November", [11]="December",
[12]="Jan", [13]="Feb", [14]="Mar",
[15]="Apr", [16]="May", [17]="Jun",
[18]="Jul", [19]="Aug", [20]="Sep",
[21]="Oct", [22]="Nov", [23]="Dec",
-- added the '.2' to avoid collision, use `fix` to remove
local sl_timezone = {
[000]="utc", [0.2]="gmt",
[300]="est", [240]="edt",
[360]="cst", [300.2]="cdt",
[420]="mst", [360.2]="mdt",
[480]="pst", [420.2]="pdt",
-- set the day fraction resolution
local function setticks(t)
-- is year y leap year?
local function isleapyear(y) -- y must be int!
return (mod(y, 4) == 0 and (mod(y, 100) ~= 0 or mod(y, 400) == 0))
-- day since year 0
local function dayfromyear(y) -- y must be int!
return 365*y + floor(y/4) - floor(y/100) + floor(y/400)
-- day number from date, month is zero base
local function makedaynum(y, m, d)
local mm = mod(mod(m,12) + 10, 12)
return dayfromyear(y + floor(m/12) - floor(mm/10)) + floor((mm*306 + 5)/10) + d - 307
--local yy = y + floor(m/12) - floor(mm/10)
--return dayfromyear(yy) + floor((mm*306 + 5)/10) + (d - 1)
-- date from day number, month is zero base
local function breakdaynum(g)
local g = g + 306
local y = floor((10000*g + 14780)/3652425)
local d = g - dayfromyear(y)
if d < 0 then y = y - 1; d = g - dayfromyear(y) end
local mi = floor((100*d + 52)/3060)
return (floor((mi + 2)/12) + y), mod(mi + 2,12), (d - floor((mi*306 + 5)/10) + 1)
--[[ for floats or int32 Lua Number data type
local function breakdaynum2(g)
local g, n = g + 306;
local n400 = floor(g/DI400Y);n = mod(g,DI400Y);
local n100 = floor(n/DI100Y);n = mod(n,DI100Y);
local n004 = floor(n/DI4Y); n = mod(n,DI4Y);
local n001 = floor(n/365); n = mod(n,365);
local y = (n400*400) + (n100*100) + (n004*4) + n001 - ((n001 == 4 or n100 == 4) and 1 or 0)
local d = g - dayfromyear(y)
local mi = floor((100*d + 52)/3060)
return (floor((mi + 2)/12) + y), mod(mi + 2,12), (d - floor((mi*306 + 5)/10) + 1)
-- day fraction from time
local function makedayfrc(h,r,s,t)
return ((h*60 + r)*60 + s)*TICKSPERSEC + t
-- time from day fraction
local function breakdayfrc(df)
-- weekday sunday = 0, monday = 1 ...
local function weekday(dn) return mod(dn + 1, 7) end
-- yearday 0 based ...
local function yearday(dn)
return dn - dayfromyear((breakdaynum(dn))-1)
-- parse v as a month
local function getmontharg(v)
local m = tonumber(v);
return (m and fix(m - 1)) or inlist(tostring(v) or "", sl_months, 2)
-- get daynum of isoweek one of year y
local function isow1(y)
local f = makedaynum(y, 0, 4) -- get the date for the 4-Jan of year `y`
local d = weekday(f)
d = d == 0 and 7 or d -- get the ISO day number, 1 == Monday, 7 == Sunday
return f + (1 - d)
local function isowy(dn)
local w1;
local y = (breakdaynum(dn))
if dn >= makedaynum(y, 11, 29) then
w1 = isow1(y + 1);
if dn < w1 then
w1 = isow1(y);
y = y + 1;
w1 = isow1(y);
if dn < w1 then
w1 = isow1(y-1)
y = y - 1
return floor((dn-w1)/7)+1, y
local function isoy(dn)
local y = (breakdaynum(dn))
return y + (((dn >= makedaynum(y, 11, 29)) and (dn >= isow1(y + 1))) and 1 or (dn < isow1(y) and -1 or 0))
local function makedaynum_isoywd(y,w,d)
return isow1(y) + 7*w + d - 8 -- simplified: isow1(y) + ((w-1)*7) + (d-1)
local fmtstr = "%x %X";
--#if not DATE_OBJECT_AFX then
date = {}
local date = date
setmetatable(date, date)
-- Version: VMMMRRRR; V-Major, M-Minor, R-Revision; e.g. 5.45.321 == 50450321
date.version = 20000000 -- 2.0.0
--#end -- not DATE_OBJECT_AFX
local dobj = {}
dobj.__index = dobj
dobj.__metatable = dobj
-- shout invalid arg
local function date_error_arg() return error("invalid argument(s)",0) end
-- create new date object
local function date_new(dn, df)
return setmetatable({daynum=dn, dayfrc=df}, dobj)
-- is `v` a date object?
local function date_isdobj(v)
return (type(v) == 'table' and getmetatable(v) == dobj) and v
--#if not NO_LOCAL_TIME_SUPPORT then
-- magic year table
local date_epoch, yt;
local function getequivyear(y)
assert(not yt)
yt = {}
local de, dw, dy = date_epoch:copy()
for i = 0, 3000 do
de:setyear(de:getyear() + 1, 1, 1)
dy = de:getyear()
dw = de:getweekday() * (isleapyear(dy) and -1 or 1)
if not yt[dw] then yt[dw] = dy end --print(de)
if yt[1] and yt[2] and yt[3] and yt[4] and yt[5] and yt[6] and yt[7] and yt[-1] and yt[-2] and yt[-3] and yt[-4] and yt[-5] and yt[-6] and yt[-7] then
getequivyear = function(y) return yt[ (weekday(makedaynum(y, 0, 1)) + 1) * (isleapyear(y) and -1 or 1) ] end
return getequivyear(y)
-- TimeValue from daynum and dayfrc
local function dvtotv(dn, df)
return fix(dn - DATE_EPOCH) * SECPERDAY + (df/1000)
-- TimeValue from date and time
local function totv(y,m,d,h,r,s)
return (makedaynum(y, m, d) - DATE_EPOCH) * SECPERDAY + ((h*60 + r)*60 + s)
-- TimeValue from TimeTable
local function tmtotv(tm)
return tm and totv(tm.year, tm.month - 1,, tm.hour, tm.min, tm.sec)
-- Returns the bias in seconds of utc time daynum and dayfrc
local function getbiasutc2(self)
local y,m,d = breakdaynum(self.daynum)
local h,r,s = breakdayfrc(self.dayfrc)
local tvu = totv(y,m,d,h,r,s) -- get the utc TimeValue of date and time
local tml = osdate("*t", tvu) -- get the local TimeTable of tvu
if (not tml) or (tml.year > (y+1) or tml.year < (y-1)) then -- failed try the magic
y = getequivyear(y)
tvu = totv(y,m,d,h,r,s)
tml = osdate("*t", tvu)
local tvl = tmtotv(tml)
if tvu and tvl then
return tvu - tvl, tvu, tvl
return error("failed to get bias from utc time")
-- Returns the bias in seconds of local time daynum and dayfrc
local function getbiasloc2(daynum, dayfrc)
local tvu
-- extract date and time
local y,m,d = breakdaynum(daynum)
local h,r,s = breakdayfrc(dayfrc)
-- get equivalent TimeTable
local tml = {year=y, month=m+1, day=d, hour=h, min=r, sec=s}
-- get equivalent TimeValue
local tvl = tmtotv(tml)
local function chkutc()
tml.isdst = nil; local tvug = ostime(tml) if tvug and (tvl == tmtotv(osdate("*t", tvug))) then tvu = tvug return end
tml.isdst = true; local tvud = ostime(tml) if tvud and (tvl == tmtotv(osdate("*t", tvud))) then tvu = tvud return end
tvu = tvud or tvug
if not tvu then
tml.year = getequivyear(y)
tvl = tmtotv(tml)
return ((tvu and tvl) and (tvu - tvl)) or error("failed to get bias from local time"), tvu, tvl
--#if not DATE_OBJECT_AFX then
-- the date parser
local strwalker = {} -- ^Lua regular expression is not as powerful as Perl$
strwalker.__index = strwalker
local function newstrwalker(s)return setmetatable({s=s, i=1, e=1, c=len(s)}, strwalker) end
function strwalker:aimchr() return "\n" .. self.s .. "\n" .. rep(".",self.e-1) .. "^" end
function strwalker:finish() return self.i > self.c end
function strwalker:back() self.i = self.e return self end
function strwalker:restart() self.i, self.e = 1, 1 return self end
function strwalker:match(s) return (find(self.s, s, self.i)) end
function strwalker:__call(s, f)-- print("strwalker:__call "..s..self:aimchr())
local is, ie; is, ie, self[1], self[2], self[3], self[4], self[5] = find(self.s, s, self.i)
if is then self.e, self.i = self.i, 1+ie; if f then f(unpack(self)) end return self end
local function date_parse(str)
local y,m,d, h,r,s, z, w,u, j, e, k, x,v,c, chkfin, dn,df;
local sw = newstrwalker(gsub(gsub(str, "(%b())", ""),"^(%s*)","")) -- remove comment, trim leading space
--local function error_out() print(y,m,d,h,r,s) end
local function error_dup(q) --[[error_out()]] error("duplicate value: " .. (q or "") .. sw:aimchr()) end
local function error_syn(q) --[[error_out()]] error("syntax error: " .. (q or "") .. sw:aimchr()) end
local function error_inv(q) --[[error_out()]] error("invalid date: " .. (q or "") .. sw:aimchr()) end
local function sety(q) y = y and error_dup() or tonumber(q); end
local function setm(q) m = (m or w or j) and error_dup(m or w or j) or tonumber(q) end
local function setd(q) d = d and error_dup() or tonumber(q) end
local function seth(q) h = h and error_dup() or tonumber(q) end
local function setr(q) r = r and error_dup() or tonumber(q) end
local function sets(q) s = s and error_dup() or tonumber(q) end
local function adds(q) s = s + tonumber(q) end
local function setj(q) j = (m or w or j) and error_dup() or tonumber(q); end
local function setz(q) z = (z ~= 0 and z) and error_dup() or q end
local function setzn(zs,zn) zn = tonumber(zn); setz( ((zn<24) and (zn*60) or (mod(zn,100) + floor(zn/100) * 60))*( zs=='+' and -1 or 1) ) end
local function setzc(zs,zh,zm) setz( ((tonumber(zh)*60) + tonumber(zm))*( zs=='+' and -1 or 1) ) end
if not (sw("^(%d%d%d%d)",sety) and (sw("^(%-?)(%d%d)%1(%d%d)",function(_,a,b) setm(tonumber(a)); setd(tonumber(b)) end) or sw("^(%-?)[Ww](%d%d)%1(%d?)",function(_,a,b) w, u = tonumber(a), tonumber(b or 1) end) or sw("^%-?(%d%d%d)",setj) or sw("^%-?(%d%d)",function(a) setm(a);setd(1) end))
and ((sw("^%s*[Tt]?(%d%d):?",seth) and sw("^(%d%d):?",setr) and sw("^(%d%d)",sets) and sw("^(%.%d+)",adds))
or sw:finish() or (sw"^%s*$" or sw"^%s*[Zz]%s*$" or sw("^%s-([%+%-])(%d%d):?(%d%d)%s*$",setzc) or sw("^%s*([%+%-])(%d%d)%s*$",setzn))
) )
then --print(y,m,d,h,r,s,z,w,u,j)
sw:restart(); y,m,d,h,r,s,z,w,u,j = nil;
repeat -- print(sw:aimchr())
if sw("^[tT:]?%s*(%d%d?):",seth) then --print("$Time")
_ = sw("^%s*(%d%d?)",setr) and sw("^%s*:%s*(%d%d?)",sets) and sw("^(%.%d+)",adds)
elseif sw("^(%d+)[/\%s,-]?%s*") then --print("$Digits")
x, c = tonumber(sw[1]), len(sw[1])
if (x >= 70) or (m and d and (not y)) or (c > 3) then
sety( x + ((x >= 100 or c>3)and 0 or 1900) )
if m then setd(x) else m = x end
elseif sw("^(%a+)[/\%s,-]?%s*") then --print("$Words")
x = sw[1]
if inlist(x, sl_months, 2, sw) then
if m and (not d) and (not y) then d, m = m, false end
elseif inlist(x, sl_timezone, 2, sw) then
c = fix(sw[0]) -- ignore gmt and utc
if c ~= 0 then setz(c, x) end
elseif inlist(x, sl_weekdays, 2, sw) then
k = sw[0]
-- am pm bce ad ce bc
if sw ("^([bB])%s*(%.?)%s*[Cc]%s*(%2)%s*[Ee]%s*(%2)%s*") or sw ("^([bB])%s*(%.?)%s*[Cc]%s*(%2)%s*") then
e = e and error_dup() or -1
elseif sw ("^([aA])%s*(%.?)%s*[Dd]%s*(%2)%s*") or sw ("^([cC])%s*(%.?)%s*[Ee]%s*(%2)%s*") then
e = e and error_dup() or 1
elseif sw("^([PApa])%s*(%.?)%s*[Mm]?%s*(%2)%s*") then
x = lwr(sw[1]) -- there should be hour and it must be correct
if (not h) or (h > 12) or (h < 0) then return error_inv() end
if x == 'a' and h == 12 then h = 0 end -- am
if x == 'p' and h ~= 12 then h = h + 12 end -- pm
else error_syn() end
elseif not(sw("^([+-])(%d%d?):(%d%d)",setzc) or sw("^([+-])(%d+)",setzn) or sw("^[Zz]%s*$")) then -- sw{"([+-])",{"(%d%d?):(%d%d)","(%d+)"}}
sw("^%s*") until sw:finish()
--else print("$Iso(Date|Time|Zone)")
-- if date is given, it must be complete year, month & day
if (not y and not h) or ((m and not d) or (d and not m)) or ((m and w) or (m and j) or (j and w)) then return error_inv("!") end
-- fix month
if m then m = m - 1 end
-- fix year if we are on BCE
if e and e < 0 and y > 0 then y = 1 - y end
-- create date object
dn = (y and ((w and makedaynum_isoywd(y,w,u)) or (j and makedaynum(y, 0, j)) or makedaynum(y, m, d))) or DAYNUM_DEF
df = makedayfrc(h or 0, r or 0, s or 0, 0) + ((z or 0)*TICKSPERMIN)
return date_new(dn, df) -- no need to :normalize();
local function date_fromtable(v)
local y, m, d = fix(v.year), getmontharg(v.month), fix(
local h, r, s, t = tonumber(v.hour), tonumber(v.min), tonumber(v.sec), tonumber(v.ticks)
-- atleast there is time or complete date
if (y or m or d) and (not(y and m and d)) then return error("incomplete table") end
return (y or h or r or s or t) and date_new(y and makedaynum(y, m, d) or DAYNUM_DEF, makedayfrc(h or 0, r or 0, s or 0, t or 0))
local tmap = {
['number'] = function(v) return date_epoch:copy():addseconds(v) end,
['string'] = function(v) return date_parse(v) end,
['boolean']= function(v) return date_fromtable(osdate(v and "!*t" or "*t")) end,
['table'] = function(v) local ref = getmetatable(v) == dobj; return ref and v or date_fromtable(v), ref end
local function date_getdobj(v)
local o, r = (tmap[type(v)] or fnil)(v);
return (o and o:normalize() or error"invalid date time value"), r -- if r is true then o is a reference to a date obj
--#end -- not DATE_OBJECT_AFX
local function date_from(...)
local y, m, d = fix(arg[1]), getmontharg(arg[2]), fix(arg[3])
local h, r, s, t = tonumber(arg[4] or 0), tonumber(arg[5] or 0), tonumber(arg[6] or 0), tonumber(arg[7] or 0)
if y and m and d and h and r and s and t then
return date_new(makedaynum(y, m, d), makedayfrc(h, r, s, t)):normalize()
return date_error_arg()
function dobj:normalize()
local dn, df = fix(self.daynum), self.dayfrc
self.daynum, self.dayfrc = dn + floor(df/TICKSPERDAY), mod(df, TICKSPERDAY)
return (dn >= DAYNUM_MIN and dn <= DAYNUM_MAX) and self or error("date beyond imposed limits:"..self)
function dobj:getdate() local y, m, d = breakdaynum(self.daynum) return y, m+1, d end
function dobj:gettime() return breakdayfrc(self.dayfrc) end
function dobj:getclockhour() local h = self:gethours() return h>12 and mod(h,12) or (h==0 and 12 or h) end
function dobj:getyearday() return yearday(self.daynum) + 1 end
function dobj:getweekday() return weekday(self.daynum) + 1 end -- in lua weekday is sunday = 1, monday = 2 ...
function dobj:getyear() local r,_,_ = breakdaynum(self.daynum) return r end
function dobj:getmonth() local _,r,_ = breakdaynum(self.daynum) return r+1 end-- in lua month is 1 base
function dobj:getday() local _,_,r = breakdaynum(self.daynum) return r end
function dobj:gethours() return mod(floor(self.dayfrc/TICKSPERHOUR),HOURPERDAY) end
function dobj:getminutes() return mod(floor(self.dayfrc/TICKSPERMIN), MINPERHOUR) end
function dobj:getseconds() return mod(floor(self.dayfrc/TICKSPERSEC ),SECPERMIN) end
function dobj:getfracsec() return mod(floor(self.dayfrc/TICKSPERSEC ),SECPERMIN)+(mod(self.dayfrc,TICKSPERSEC)/TICKSPERSEC) end
function dobj:getticks(u) local x = mod(self.dayfrc,TICKSPERSEC) return u and ((x*u)/TICKSPERSEC) or x end
function dobj:getweeknumber(wdb)
local wd, yd = weekday(self.daynum), yearday(self.daynum)
if wdb then
wdb = tonumber(wdb)
if wdb then
wd = mod(wd-(wdb-1),7)-- shift the week day base
return date_error_arg()
return (yd < wd and 0) or (floor(yd/7) + ((mod(yd, 7)>=wd) and 1 or 0))
function dobj:getisoweekday() return mod(weekday(self.daynum)-1,7)+1 end -- sunday = 7, monday = 1 ...
function dobj:getisoweeknumber() return (isowy(self.daynum)) end
function dobj:getisoyear() return isoy(self.daynum) end
function dobj:getisodate()
local w, y = isowy(self.daynum)
return y, w, self:getisoweekday()
function dobj:setisoyear(y, w, d)
local cy, cw, cd = self:getisodate()
if y then cy = fix(tonumber(y))end
if w then cw = fix(tonumber(w))end
if d then cd = fix(tonumber(d))end
if cy and cw and cd then
self.daynum = makedaynum_isoywd(cy, cw, cd)
return self:normalize()
return date_error_arg()
function dobj:setisoweekday(d) return self:setisoyear(nil, nil, d) end
function dobj:setisoweeknumber(w,d) return self:setisoyear(nil, w, d) end
function dobj:setyear(y, m, d)
local cy, cm, cd = breakdaynum(self.daynum)
if y then cy = fix(tonumber(y))end
if m then cm = getmontharg(m) end
if d then cd = fix(tonumber(d))end
if cy and cm and cd then
self.daynum = makedaynum(cy, cm, cd)
return self:normalize()
return date_error_arg()
function dobj:setmonth(m, d)return self:setyear(nil, m, d) end
function dobj:setday(d) return self:setyear(nil, nil, d) end
function dobj:sethours(h, m, s, t)
local ch,cm,cs,ck = breakdayfrc(self.dayfrc)
ch, cm, cs, ck = tonumber(h or ch), tonumber(m or cm), tonumber(s or cs), tonumber(t or ck)
if ch and cm and cs and ck then
self.dayfrc = makedayfrc(ch, cm, cs, ck)
return self:normalize()
return date_error_arg()
function dobj:setminutes(m,s,t) return self:sethours(nil, m, s, t) end
function dobj:setseconds(s, t) return self:sethours(nil, nil, s, t) end
function dobj:setticks(t) return self:sethours(nil, nil, nil, t) end
function dobj:spanticks() return (self.daynum*TICKSPERDAY + self.dayfrc) end
function dobj:spanseconds() return (self.daynum*TICKSPERDAY + self.dayfrc)/TICKSPERSEC end
function dobj:spanminutes() return (self.daynum*TICKSPERDAY + self.dayfrc)/TICKSPERMIN end
function dobj:spanhours() return (self.daynum*TICKSPERDAY + self.dayfrc)/TICKSPERHOUR end
function dobj:spandays() return (self.daynum*TICKSPERDAY + self.dayfrc)/TICKSPERDAY end
function dobj:addyears(y, m, d)
local cy, cm, cd = breakdaynum(self.daynum)
if y then y = fix(tonumber(y))else y = 0 end
if m then m = fix(tonumber(m))else m = 0 end
if d then d = fix(tonumber(d))else d = 0 end
if y and m and d then
self.daynum = makedaynum(cy+y, cm+m, cd+d)
return self:normalize()
return date_error_arg()
function dobj:addmonths(m, d)
return self:addyears(nil, m, d)
local function dobj_adddayfrc(self,n,pt,pd)
n = tonumber(n)
if n then
local x = floor(n/pd);
self.daynum = self.daynum + x;
self.dayfrc = self.dayfrc + (n-x*pd)*pt;
return self:normalize()
return date_error_arg()
function dobj:adddays(n) return dobj_adddayfrc(self,n,TICKSPERDAY,1) end
function dobj:addhours(n) return dobj_adddayfrc(self,n,TICKSPERHOUR,HOURPERDAY) end
function dobj:addminutes(n) return dobj_adddayfrc(self,n,TICKSPERMIN,MINPERDAY) end
function dobj:addseconds(n) return dobj_adddayfrc(self,n,TICKSPERSEC,SECPERDAY) end
function dobj:addticks(n) return dobj_adddayfrc(self,n,1,TICKSPERDAY) end
local tvspec = {
-- Abbreviated weekday name (Sun)
['%a']=function(self) return sl_weekdays[weekday(self.daynum) + 7] end,
-- Full weekday name (Sunday)
['%A']=function(self) return sl_weekdays[weekday(self.daynum)] end,
-- Abbreviated month name (Dec)
['%b']=function(self) return sl_months[self:getmonth() - 1 + 12] end,
-- Full month name (December)
['%B']=function(self) return sl_months[self:getmonth() - 1] end,
-- Year/100 (19, 20, 30)
['%C']=function(self) return fmt("%.2d", fix(self:getyear()/100)) end,
-- The day of the month as a number (range 1 - 31)
['%d']=function(self) return fmt("%.2d", self:getday()) end,
-- year for ISO 8601 week, from 00 (79)
['%g']=function(self) return fmt("%.2d", mod(self:getisoyear() ,100)) end,
-- year for ISO 8601 week, from 0000 (1979)
['%G']=function(self) return fmt("%.4d", self:getisoyear()) end,
-- same as %b
['%h']=function(self) return self:fmt0("%b") end,
-- hour of the 24-hour day, from 00 (06)
['%H']=function(self) return fmt("%.2d", self:gethours()) end,
-- The hour as a number using a 12-hour clock (01 - 12)
['%I']=function(self) return fmt("%.2d", self:getclockhour()) end,
-- The day of the year as a number (001 - 366)
['%j']=function(self) return fmt("%.3d", self:getyearday()) end,
-- Month of the year, from 01 to 12
['%m']=function(self) return fmt("%.2d", self:getmonth()) end,
-- Minutes after the hour 55
['%M']=function(self) return fmt("%.2d", self:getminutes())end,
-- AM/PM indicator (AM)
['%p']=function(self) return sl_meridian[self:gethours() > 11 and 1 or -1] end, --AM/PM indicator (AM)
-- The second as a number (59, 20 , 01)
['%S']=function(self) return fmt("%.2d", self:getseconds()) end,
-- ISO 8601 day of the week, to 7 for Sunday (7, 1)
['%u']=function(self) return self:getisoweekday() end,
-- Sunday week of the year, from 00 (48)
['%U']=function(self) return fmt("%.2d", self:getweeknumber()) end,
-- ISO 8601 week of the year, from 01 (48)
['%V']=function(self) return fmt("%.2d", self:getisoweeknumber()) end,
-- The day of the week as a decimal, Sunday being 0
['%w']=function(self) return self:getweekday() - 1 end,
-- Monday week of the year, from 00 (48)
['%W']=function(self) return fmt("%.2d", self:getweeknumber(2)) end,
-- The year as a number without a century (range 00 to 99)
['%y']=function(self) return fmt("%.2d", mod(self:getyear() ,100)) end,
-- Year with century (2000, 1914, 0325, 0001)
['%Y']=function(self) return fmt("%.4d", self:getyear()) end,
-- Time zone offset, the date object is assumed local time (+1000, -0230)
['%z']=function(self) local b = -self:getbias(); local x = abs(b); return fmt("%s%.4d", b < 0 and "-" or "+", fix(x/60)*100 + floor(mod(x,60))) end,
-- Time zone name, the date object is assumed local time
['%Z']=function(self) return self:gettzname() end,
-- Misc --
-- Year, if year is in BCE, prints the BCE Year representation, otherwise result is similar to "%Y" (1 BCE, 40 BCE)
['%\b']=function(self) local x = self:getyear() return fmt("%.4d%s", x>0 and x or (-x+1), x>0 and "" or " BCE") end,
-- Seconds including fraction (59.998, 01.123)
['%\f']=function(self) local x = self:getfracsec() return fmt("%s%.9g",x >= 10 and "" or "0", x) end,
-- percent character %
['%%']=function(self) return "%" end,
-- Group Spec --
-- 12-hour time, from 01:00:00 AM (06:55:15 AM); same as "%I:%M:%S %p"
['%r']=function(self) return self:fmt0("%I:%M:%S %p") end,
-- hour:minute, from 01:00 (06:55); same as "%I:%M"
['%R']=function(self) return self:fmt0("%I:%M") end,
-- 24-hour time, from 00:00:00 (06:55:15); same as "%H:%M:%S"
['%T']=function(self) return self:fmt0("%H:%M:%S") end,
-- month/day/year from 01/01/00 (12/02/79); same as "%m/%d/%y"
['%D']=function(self) return self:fmt0("%m/%d/%y") end,
-- year-month-day (1979-12-02); same as "%Y-%m-%d"
['%F']=function(self) return self:fmt0("%Y-%m-%d") end,
-- The preferred date and time representation; same as "%x %X"
['%c']=function(self) return self:fmt0("%x %X") end,
-- The preferred date representation, same as "%a %b %d %\b"
['%x']=function(self) return self:fmt0("%a %b %d %\b") end,
-- The preferred time representation, same as "%H:%M:%\f"
['%X']=function(self) return self:fmt0("%H:%M:%\f") end,
-- GroupSpec --
-- Iso format, same as "%Y-%m-%dT%T"
['${iso}'] = function(self) return self:fmt0("%Y-%m-%dT%T") end,
-- http format, same as "%a, %d %b %Y %T GMT"
['${http}'] = function(self) return self:fmt0("%a, %d %b %Y %T GMT") end,
-- ctime format, same as "%a %b %d %T GMT %Y"
['${ctime}'] = function(self) return self:fmt0("%a %b %d %T GMT %Y") end,
-- RFC850 format, same as "%A, %d-%b-%y %T GMT"
['${rfc850}'] = function(self) return self:fmt0("%A, %d-%b-%y %T GMT") end,
-- RFC1123 format, same as "%a, %d %b %Y %T GMT"
['${rfc1123}'] = function(self) return self:fmt0("%a, %d %b %Y %T GMT") end,
-- asctime format, same as "%a %b %d %T %Y"
['${asctime}'] = function(self) return self:fmt0("%a %b %d %T %Y") end,
function dobj:fmt0(str) return (gsub(str, "%%[%a%%\b\f]", function(x) local f = tvspec[x];return (f and f(self)) or x end)) end
function dobj:fmt(str)
str = str or self.fmtstr or fmtstr
return self:fmt0((gmatch(str, "${%w+}")) and (gsub(str, "${%w+}", function(x)local f=tvspec[x];return (f and f(self)) or x end)) or str)
function dobj.__lt(a,b) return (a.daynum == b.daynum) and (a.dayfrc < b.dayfrc) or (a.daynum < b.daynum) end
function dobj.__le(a, b)return (a.daynum == b.daynum) and (a.dayfrc <= b.dayfrc) or (a.daynum <= b.daynum) end
function dobj.__eq(a, b)return (a.daynum == b.daynum) and (a.dayfrc == b.dayfrc) end
function dobj.__sub(a,b)
local d1, d2 = date_getdobj(a), date_getdobj(b)
local d0 = d1 and d2 and date_new(d1.daynum - d2.daynum, d1.dayfrc - d2.dayfrc)
return d0 and d0:normalize()
function dobj.__add(a,b)
local d1, d2 = date_getdobj(a), date_getdobj(b)
local d0 = d1 and d2 and date_new(d1.daynum + d2.daynum, d1.dayfrc + d2.dayfrc)
return d0 and d0:normalize()
function dobj.__concat(a, b) return tostring(a) .. tostring(b) end
function dobj:__tostring() return self:fmt() end
function dobj:copy() return date_new(self.daynum, self.dayfrc) end
function dobj:tolocal()
local dn,df = self.daynum, self.dayfrc
local bias = getbiasutc2(self)
if bias then
-- utc = local + bias; local = utc - bias
self.daynum = dn
self.dayfrc = df - bias*TICKSPERSEC
return self:normalize()
return nil
function dobj:toutc()
local dn,df = self.daynum, self.dayfrc
local bias = getbiasloc2(dn, df)
if bias then
-- utc = local + bias;
self.daynum = dn
self.dayfrc = df + bias*TICKSPERSEC
return self:normalize()
return nil
function dobj:getbias() return (getbiasloc2(self.daynum, self.dayfrc))/SECPERMIN end
function dobj:gettzname()
local _, tvu, _ = getbiasloc2(self.daynum, self.dayfrc)
return tvu and osdate("%Z",tvu) or ""
--#if not DATE_OBJECT_AFX then
function date.time(h, r, s, t)
h, r, s, t = tonumber(h or 0), tonumber(r or 0), tonumber(s or 0), tonumber(t or 0)
if h and r and s and t then
return date_new(DAYNUM_DEF, makedayfrc(h, r, s, t))
return date_error_arg()
function date:__call(...)
local n = arg.n
if n > 1 then return (date_from(unpack(arg)))
elseif n == 0 then return (date_getdobj(false))
else local o, r = date_getdobj(arg[1]); return r and o:copy() or o end
date.diff = dobj.__sub
function date.isleapyear(v)
local y = fix(v);
if not y then
y = date_getdobj(v)
y = y and y:getyear()
return isleapyear(y+0)
function date.epoch() return date_epoch:copy() end
function date.isodate(y,w,d) return date_new(makedaynum_isoywd(y + 0, w and (w+0) or 1, d and (d+0) or 1), 0) end
-- Internal functions
function date.fmt(str) if str then fmtstr = str end; return fmtstr end
function date.daynummin(n) DAYNUM_MIN = (n and n < DAYNUM_MAX) and n or DAYNUM_MIN return n and DAYNUM_MIN or date_new(DAYNUM_MIN, 0):normalize()end
function date.daynummax(n) DAYNUM_MAX = (n and n > DAYNUM_MIN) and n or DAYNUM_MAX return n and DAYNUM_MAX or date_new(DAYNUM_MAX, 0):normalize()end
function date.ticks(t) if t then setticks(t) end return TICKSPERSEC end
--#end -- not DATE_OBJECT_AFX
local tm = osdate("!*t", 0);
if tm then
date_epoch = date_new(makedaynum(tm.year, tm.month - 1,, makedayfrc(tm.hour, tm.min, tm.sec, 0))
-- the distance from our epoch to os epoch in daynum
DATE_EPOCH = date_epoch and date_epoch:spandays()
else -- error will be raise only if called!
date_epoch = setmetatable({},{__index = function() error("failed to get the epoch date") end})
--#if not DATE_OBJECT_AFX then
return date
--$return date_from