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2020-08-19 21:55:48 -07:00
# Seconds between each update. Increase this number if load is too high.
# When using Climate API, update interval will default to 2.0 s.
auroras_update_interval (Update interval) float 1.5 0.5 5.0
# Minimum Y-value for auroras to appear.
auroras_height_min (Min. height) int -24 -31000 31000
# Minimum heat for auroras. Actual value will be lower to allow for smooth transitions.
auroras_heat_min (Min. heat) int 0 0 100
# Maximum heat for auroras. Actual value will be higher to allow for smooth transitions.
auroras_heat_max (Max. heat) int 25 0 100
# Minimum humidity for auroras. Actual value will be lower to allow for smooth transitions.
auroras_hum_min (Min. humidity) int 0 0 100
# Maximum humidity for auroras. Actual value will be higher to allow for smooth transitions.
auroras_hum_max (Max. humidity) int 100 0 100
# Hex colors of auroras. Colors at the towards the beginning will be blended with the default sky.
auroras_colors (Aurora colors) string #14cca1 #22e6b2 #33ffc6 #49f2ac #5ce673 #82f249 #6fd916 #a0f725 #c3ff19 #a9f73b #d2f230 #d3e043 #dd564b #d93648 #b3478e
# Controls overall brightness during auroras. 0.175 is night, 1.0 is full daylight.
auroras_day_night_ratio (Day/night ratio) float 0.25 0.0 1.0
# Controls how quickly auroras change color. Higher values result in slower transitions.
auroras_time_spread (Noise time spread) int 60 20 600
# Minimum random noise value for auroras to appear, between -1 and 1.
# Lower values result in more auroras and also slower color transitions.
auroras_noise_threshold (Noise threshold) float -0.2 -1.0 0.9
# Controls how smoothly auroras start/stop at biome transitions.
auroras_biome_transition (Biome transition) int 5 1 50