
445 lines
16 KiB

local defaults = select(1, ...) or {};
---- Basic Definitions
--- Food points (half-icons) for the the maximum, fully fed bar.
-- default: fedMaximum = 20;
fedMaximum = 20;
--- Water points (half-icons) for the the maximum, fully hydrated bar.
-- default: hydratedMaximum = 20;
hydratedMaximum = 20;
--- Poison points (half-icons) for the maximum poisoned amount.
-- default: poisonedMaximum = 4;
poisonedMaximum = 4;
---- Rates and Times
--- Whether to use wallclock time, so fed and hydrated amounts go down not just
-- when logged off, but when the server isn't running (falls back to game time
-- if server's time has been set backwards enough to "go back in time"). Note
-- that poison is NOT modified while logged out, though it also doesn't cause
-- damage, etc.
-- default: useWallclock = true;
useWallclock = true;
--- Base amount of food that needs to be consumed each day to stay fed, in both
-- points (half-icons) and conventional food "HP gain".
-- default: food_perDay = 4;
food_perDay = 4;
--- Base amount of water (hydration) lost each day, in points (half-icons).
-- default: water_perDay = 8;
water_perDay = 8;
--- Amount poison decreases each day, in points (half-icons).
-- default: poison_perDay = 4;
poison_perDay = 4;
--- Amount HP (half-icons) healed per day if properly fed, hydrated, and not
-- poisoned.
-- default: healing_perDay = 8;
healing_perDay = 8;
--- Distance water must be from player while player's head is in air to drink.
-- default: drinkingDistance = 1.5;
drinkDistance = 1;
--- Amount of water to drink in points (half-icons) each period when able.
-- default: drinkAmount_perPeriod = 4.0;
drinkAmount_perPeriod = 4.0;
--- Period between tests of user controls for testing movement exertion.
-- Decrease if not responsive enough; increase if its creating too much server
-- lag.
-- default: controlTestPeriod_seconds = 0.1;
controlTestPeriod_seconds = 0.1;
--- Length of an accounting period.
-- default: accountingPeriod_seconds = 10.0;
accountingPeriod_seconds = 10.0;
--- Amount of time spent retching (can't walk or jump).
-- default: retchDuration_seconds = 2.0;
retchDuration_seconds = 2.0;
--- Time between saves.
-- default: savePeriod_seconds = 300.0;
savePeriod_seconds = 300.0;
---- Enumerated Statuses
--- Status values indicating how hard the player is exerting him-/herself. Each
-- key is a status value. Each value is a condition object indicating when
-- the player has that status. Each condition object has the following fields:
-- * priority - The status that is used is the one with the highest priority
-- and any of its condition(s) met.
-- * activityRatio - The minimum ratio of strenuous movement/breath
-- activities noted to total number of times activity is polled in an
-- accounting period to meet the status condition.
-- * builds - The minimum number of digs or node placements that must occur
-- during an accounting period to meet the status condition. Nodes
-- with the 'dig_immediate' and/or 'oddly_breakable_by_hand' groups are
-- not counted.
-- If no status conditions are met, the special status 'none' is used.
-- defaults:
-- exertionStatuses = defaults.exertionStatuses or {};
-- exertionStatuses.light =
-- { priority = 1, activityRatio = 0.25, builds = 5 };
-- exertionStatuses.heavy =
-- { priority = 2, activityRatio = 0.75, builds = 10 };
exertionStatuses = defaults.exertionStatuses or {};
exertionStatuses.light =
{ priority = 1, activityRatio = 0.25, builds = 5 };
exertionStatuses.heavy =
{ priority = 2, activityRatio = 0.75, builds = 10 };
--- Status values indicating how well fed the player is. Each key is a status.
-- Each value is a threshold for the minimum fed points (half-icons) for that
-- status. The highest threshold has precedence. Behavior is undefined if the
-- same threshold is used for multiple status keys. The special status 'none'
-- is used when no others apply.
-- defaults:
-- fedStatuses = defaults.fedStatuses or {};
-- fedStatuses.starving = 0;
-- fedStatuses.hungry = 1;
-- fedStatuses.full = 10;
fedStatuses = defaults.fedStatuses or {};
fedStatuses.starving = 0;
fedStatuses.hungry = 1;
fedStatuses.full = 10;
--- Status values indicating how well hydrated the player is. Each key is a
-- status. Each value is a threshold for the minimum hydrated points
-- (half-icons) for that status. The highest threshold has precedence.
-- Behavior is undefined if the same threshold is used for multiple status
-- keys. The special status 'none' is used when no others apply.
-- defaults:
-- hydratedStatuses = defaults.hydratedStatuses or {};
-- hydratedStatuses.dehydrated = 0;
-- hydratedStatuses.thirsty = 1;
-- hydratedStatuses.hydrated = 10;
hydratedStatuses = defaults.hydratedStatuses or {};
hydratedStatuses.dehydrated = 0;
hydratedStatuses.thirsty = 1;
hydratedStatuses.hydrated = 10;
--- Status values indicating how badly poisoned the player is. Each key is a
-- status. Each value is a threshold for the minimum hydrated points
-- (half-icons) for that status. The highest threshold has precedence.
-- Behavior is undefined if the same threshold is used for multiple status
-- keys. The special status 'none' is used when no others apply.
-- defaults:
-- poisonedStatuses = defaults.poisonedStatuses or {};
-- poisonedStatuses.poisoned = 1;
poisonedStatuses = defaults.poisonedStatuses or {};
poisonedStatuses.poisoned = 1;
---- Status Conditions/Events
--- Control keys (from Player:get_player_control()) that indicates the player is
-- engaging in strenuous movement. Any time these controls are detected
-- (and/or the player is holding his/her breath), it contributes to the
-- activity ratio.
-- default: exertionControls = { 'up', 'down', 'left', 'right', 'jump' };
exertionControls = { 'up', 'down', 'left', 'right', 'jump' };
--- Breath (from Player:get_breath()) max (inclusive) threshold that indicates
-- the player is straining to hold his/her breath. Any time the player's
-- breath is less than or equal to this (or the player is moving), it
-- contributes to the activity ratio.
-- default: exertionBreathMax = 10;
exertionHoldingBreathMax = 10;
--- Probability for each unit of (normally good) food eaten that it is poisoned.
-- default: foodPoisoningProb = 0.025;
foodPoisoningProb = 0.025;
---- Status Effects
--- Rate multipliers for amount of food decrease per period for each status
-- (exertion, fed, hydrated, poisoned). Each multiplier defaults to 1.0 if the
-- applicable status is not present.
-- defaults:
-- foodMultipliers = defaults.foodMultipliers or
-- { exertion = {}, fed = {}, hydrated = {}, poisoned = {} };
-- foodMultipliers.exertion.none = 1.0;
-- foodMultipliers.exertion.light = 2.0;
-- foodMultipliers.exertion.heavy = 3.0;
foodMultipliers = defaults.foodMultipliers or
{ exertion = {}, fed = {}, hydrated = {}, poisoned = {} };
foodMultipliers.exertion.none = 1.0;
foodMultipliers.exertion.light = 2.0;
foodMultipliers.exertion.heavy = 3.0;
--- Rate multipliers for amount of food decrease per period for each status
-- (exertion, fed, hydrated, poisoned). Each multiplier defaults to 1.0 if the
-- applicable status is not present.
-- defaults:
-- waterMultipliers = defaults.waterMultipliers or
-- { exertion = {}, fed = {}, hydrated = {}, poisoned = {} };
-- waterMultipliers.exertion.none = 1.0;
-- waterMultipliers.exertion.light = 2.0;
-- waterMultipliers.exertion.heavy = 3.0;
waterMultipliers = defaults.waterMultipliers or
{ exertion = {}, fed = {}, hydrated = {}, poisoned = {} };
waterMultipliers.exertion.none = 1.0;
waterMultipliers.exertion.light = 2.0;
waterMultipliers.exertion.heavy = 3.0;
--- Rate multipliers for healing per period for each status (exertion, fed,
-- hydrated, poisoned). Each multiplier defaults to 1.0 if the applicable
-- status is not present.
-- defaults:
-- healingMultipliers = defaults.healingMultipliers or
-- { exertion = {}, fed = {}, hydrated = {}, poisoned = {} };
-- healingMultipliers.exertion.none = 1.0;
-- healingMultipliers.exertion.light = 1.0;
-- healingMultipliers.exertion.heavy = 0.5;
-- healingMultipliers.fed.starving = 0.0;
-- healingMultipliers.fed.hungry = 0.0;
-- healingMultipliers.fed.full = 1.0;
-- healingMultipliers.hydrated.dehydrated = 0.0;
-- healingMultipliers.hydrated.thirsty = 0.0;
-- healingMultipliers.hydrated.hydrated = 1.0;
-- healingMultipliers.poisoned.none = 1.0;
-- healingMultipliers.poisoned.poisoned = 0.0;
healingMultipliers = defaults.healingMultipliers or
{ exertion = {}, fed = {}, hydrated = {}, poisoned = {} };
healingMultipliers.exertion.none = 1.0;
healingMultipliers.exertion.light = 1.0;
healingMultipliers.exertion.heavy = 0.5;
healingMultipliers.fed.starving = 0.0;
healingMultipliers.fed.hungry = 0.0;
healingMultipliers.fed.full = 1.0;
healingMultipliers.hydrated.dehydrated = 0.0;
healingMultipliers.hydrated.thirsty = 0.0;
healingMultipliers.hydrated.hydrated = 1.0;
healingMultipliers.poisoned.none = 1.0;
healingMultipliers.poisoned.poisoned = 0.0;
--- Multipliers for running speed per period for each status (exertion, fed,
-- hydrated, poisoned). Each multiplier defaults to 1.0 if the applicable
-- status is not present.
-- defaults:
-- speedMultipliers = defaults.speedMultipliers or
-- { exertion = {}, fed = {}, hydrated = {}, poisoned = {} };
-- speedMultipliers.fed.starving = 0.8;
-- speedMultipliers.fed.hungry = 1.0;
-- speedMultipliers.fed.full = 1.0;
-- speedMultipliers.hydrated.dehydrated = 0.8;
-- speedMultipliers.hydrated.thirsty = 1.0;
-- speedMultipliers.hydrated.hydrated = 1.0;
-- speedMultipliers.poisoned.none = 1.0;
-- speedMultipliers.poisoned.poisoned = 0.8;
speedMultipliers = defaults.speedMultipliers or
{ exertion = {}, fed = {}, hydrated = {}, poisoned = {} };
speedMultipliers.fed.starving = 0.8;
speedMultipliers.fed.hungry = 1.0;
speedMultipliers.fed.full = 1.0;
speedMultipliers.hydrated.dehydrated = 0.8;
speedMultipliers.hydrated.thirsty = 1.0;
speedMultipliers.hydrated.hydrated = 1.0;
speedMultipliers.poisoned.none = 1.0;
speedMultipliers.poisoned.poisoned = 0.8;
--- Multipliers for jumping per period for each status (exertion, fed, hydrated,
-- poisoned). Each multiplier defaults to 1.0 if the applicable status is not
-- present.
-- defaults:
-- jumpMultipliers = defaults.jumpMultipliers or
-- { exertion = {}, fed = {}, hydrated = {}, poisoned = {} };
-- jumpMultipliers.fed.starving = 0.95;
-- jumpMultipliers.fed.hungry = 1.0;
-- jumpMultipliers.fed.full = 1.0;
-- jumpMultipliers.hydrated.dehydrated = 0.95;
-- jumpMultipliers.hydrated.thirsty = 1.0;
-- jumpMultipliers.hydrated.hydrated = 1.0;
-- jumpMultipliers.poisoned.none = 1.0;
-- jumpMultipliers.poisoned.poisoned = 0.95;
jumpMultipliers = defaults.jumpMultipliers or
{ exertion = {}, fed = {}, hydrated = {}, poisoned = {} };
jumpMultipliers.fed.starving = 0.95;
jumpMultipliers.fed.hungry = 1.0;
jumpMultipliers.fed.full = 1.0;
jumpMultipliers.hydrated.dehydrated = 0.95;
jumpMultipliers.hydrated.thirsty = 1.0;
jumpMultipliers.hydrated.hydrated = 1.0;
jumpMultipliers.poisoned.none = 1.0;
jumpMultipliers.poisoned.poisoned = 0.95;
--- Base probability of retching each accounting period.
-- default: poisonedRetchProbability_perPeriod = 0.1;
retchProb_perPeriod = 0.1;
--- Multipliers for probability of retching for each status (exertion, fed,
-- hydrated, poisoned). Each multiplier defaults to 1.0 if the applicable
-- status is not present.
-- default:
retchProbMultipliers = defaults.retchProbMultipliers or
{ exertion = {}, fed = {}, hydrated = {}, poisoned = {} };
retchProbMultipliers.exertion.none = 1.0;
retchProbMultipliers.exertion.light = 1.5;
retchProbMultipliers.exertion.heavy = 2.0;
retchProbMultipliers.fed.starving = 0.5;
retchProbMultipliers.fed.hungry = 1.0;
retchProbMultipliers.fed.full = 2.0;
retchProbMultipliers.hydrated.dehydrated = 1.0;
retchProbMultipliers.hydrated.thirsty = 1.0;
retchProbMultipliers.hydrated.hydrated = 1.5;
retchProbMultipliers.poisoned.none = 0.0;
retchProbMultipliers.poisoned.poisoned = 1.0;
--- Amount of food loss when retching, in points (half-icons).
-- default: retchingFoodLoss = 2.0;
retchingFoodLoss = 2.0;
--- Amount of food loss when retching, in points (half-icons).
-- default: retchingWaterLoss = 4.0;
retchingWaterLoss = 4.0;
--- Damage taken when retching, in HP (half-icons).
-- default: retchingDamage = 0.1;
retchingDamage = 0.1;
--- Amount of air lost when holding breath and retching, in bubbles
-- (half-icons).
-- default: retchingAirLoss = 10.0;
retchingAirLoss = 10.0;
---- User Interface
--- Fed HUD bar definition.
-- default:
-- fedHud = defaults.fedHud or { number = 0 };
-- fedHud.hud_elem_type = 'statbar';
-- fedHud.position = { x = 0.0, y = 1.0 };
-- fedHud.text = "exertion_toastIcon_24x24.png";
-- fedHud.direction = 3;
-- fedHud.size = { x = 24, y = 24 };
-- fedHud.offset = { x = 2, y = -26 };
fedHud = defaults.fedHud or { number = 0 };
fedHud.hud_elem_type = 'statbar';
fedHud.position = { x = 0.0, y = 1.0 };
fedHud.text = "exertion_toastIcon_24x24.png";
fedHud.direction = 3;
fedHud.size = { x = 24, y = 24 };
fedHud.offset = { x = 2, y = -26 };
--- Hydrated HUD bar definition.
-- default:
-- hydratedHud = defaults.hydratedHud or { number = 0 };
-- hydratedHud.hud_elem_type = 'statbar';
-- hydratedHud.position = { x = 0.0, y = 1.0 };
-- hydratedHud.text = "exertion_waterIcon_24x24.png";
-- hydratedHud.direction = 3;
-- hydratedHud.size = { x = 24, y = 24 };
-- hydratedHud.offset = { x = 28, y = -26 };
hydratedHud = defaults.hydratedHud or { number = 0 };
hydratedHud.hud_elem_type = 'statbar';
hydratedHud.position = { x = 0.0, y = 1.0 };
hydratedHud.text = "exertion_waterIcon_24x24.png";
hydratedHud.direction = 3;
hydratedHud.size = { x = 24, y = 24 };
hydratedHud.offset = { x = 28, y = -26 };
--- Poisoned HUD bar definition.
-- default:
-- poisonedHud = defaults.poisonedHud or { number = 0 };
-- poisonedHud.hud_elem_type = 'statbar';
-- poisonedHud.position = { x = 0.0, y = 1.0 };
-- poisonedHud.text = "exertion_spiderIcon_24x24.png";
-- poisonedHud.direction = 3;
-- poisonedHud.size = { x = 24, y = 24 };
-- poisonedHud.offset = { x = 54, y = -26 };
poisonedHud = defaults.poisonedHud or { number = 0 };
poisonedHud.hud_elem_type = 'statbar';
poisonedHud.position = { x = 0.0, y = 1.0 };
poisonedHud.text = "exertion_spiderIcon_24x24.png";
poisonedHud.direction = 3;
poisonedHud.size = { x = 24, y = 24 };
poisonedHud.offset = { x = 54, y = -26 };
--- Sound played when retching.
-- default: retchingSound = "exertion_doubleRetching.ogg";
retchingSound = defaults.retchingSound or {};
retchingSound.name = "exertion_doubleRetching";
retchingSound.gain = 1.0;
retchingSound.maxDist = 32;
--- Message sent to player when eating bad food.
-- default: foodPoisoningMessage = "Food poisoning! Bleh!";
foodPoisoningMessage = "Food poisoning! Bleh!";