
29 lines
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hunger = {} = {}
HUNGER_TICK = 60 -- time in seconds after that 1 hunger point is taken
HUNGER_HEALTH_TICK = 8 -- time in seconds after player gets healed/damaged
HUNGER_MOVE_TICK = 0.5 -- time in seconds after the movement is checked
HUNGER_EXHAUST_DIG = 3 -- exhaustion increased this value after digged node
HUNGER_EXHAUST_PLACE = 1 -- exhaustion increased this value after placed
HUNGER_EXHAUST_MOVE = 1.5 -- exhaustion increased this value if player movement detected
HUNGER_EXHAUST_LVL = 160 -- at what exhaustion player saturation gets lowered
HUNGER_HEAL = 1 -- number of HP player gets healed after HUNGER_HEALTH_TICK
HUNGER_HEAL_LVL = 15 -- lower level of saturation needed to get healed
HUNGER_STARVE = 2 -- number of HP player gets damaged by hunger after HUNGER_HEALTH_TICK
HUNGER_STARVE_LVL = 0.5 -- level of staturation that causes starving
HUNGER_MAX = 30 -- maximum level of saturation
local modpath = minetest.get_modpath("hunger")
dofile(modpath .. "/functions.lua")
dofile(modpath .. "/food.lua")
dofile(modpath .. "/legacy.lua")