Add y limits for skybox effects, set to deep ocean and cloud level, independent of the set water level where particles and sounds stop. Add 'skybox' table to track player sky status to attempt to avoid turning off skyboxes set by other mods, therefore remove randomised and lazy setting of skybox, now happens within 0.5s. For now, remove predicted player position due to issues, to be re-added later acting horizontally only

paramat 2019-01-31 01:38:17 +00:00
parent 568964eabf
commit c1d0fe4142
2 changed files with 81 additions and 59 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
snowdrift 0.6.2 by paramat
snowdrift 0.6.3 by paramat
For Minetest 0.4.16 and later. Compatible with Minetest 5.0.0.
Depends: default

View File

@ -1,25 +1,30 @@
-- Parameters
local YLIMIT = 1 -- Set to world's water level
local YWATER = 1 -- Normally set this to world's water level
-- Particles are timed to disappear at this y
-- Particles do not spawn when player's head is below this y
local PRECTIM = 5 -- Precipitation noise spread
-- Particles are not spawned for players below this y
-- Rain sound is not played for players below this y
local YMIN = -48 -- Normally set this to deepest ocean
local YMAX = 120 -- Normally set this to cloud level
-- Weather does not occur for players outside this y range
local PRECTIM = 5 -- Precipitation noise 'spread'
-- Time scale for precipitation variation, in minutes
local PRECTHR = 0.2 -- Precipitation noise threshold, -1 to 1:
-- -1 = precipitation all the time
-- 0 = precipitation half the time
-- 1 = no precipitation
local FLAKLPOS = 32 -- Snowflake light-tested positions per cycle
local FLAKLPOS = 32 -- Snowflake light-tested positions per 0.5s cycle
-- Maximum number of snowflakes spawned per 0.5s
local DROPLPOS = 64 -- Raindrop light-tested positions per cycle
-- Maximum number of raindrops spawned per 0.5s
local DROPPPOS = 2 -- Raindrops per light-tested pos
local DROPLPOS = 64 -- Raindrop light-tested positions per 0.5s cycle
local DROPPPOS = 2 -- Number of raindrops spawned per light-tested position
local RAINGAIN = 0.2 -- Rain sound volume
local NISVAL = 39 -- Overcast sky RGB value at night (brightness)
local DASVAL = 159 -- Overcast sky RGB value in daytime (brightness)
local FLAKRAD = 16 -- Radius in which flakes are created
local DROPRAD = 16 -- Radius in which drops are created
-- Precipitation noise
local np_prec = {
offset = 0,
scale = 1,
@ -58,7 +63,7 @@ local np_humid = {
-- End parameters
-- Stuff
-- Some stuff
local difsval = DASVAL - NISVAL
local grad = 14 / 95
@ -72,9 +77,14 @@ local nobj_humid = nil
local nobj_prec = nil
-- Globalstep function
-- Player tables
local handles = {}
local skybox = {} -- true/false. To not turn off skyboxes of other mods
-- Globalstep function
local timer = 0
@ -87,25 +97,24 @@ minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime)
for _, player in ipairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do
local player_name = player:get_player_name()
-- Predict player position as slightly behind the cycle interval.
-- Assume scheduling gets behind slighly (cycle time * 1.5).
local ppos = vector.add(player:getpos(),
vector.multiply(player:get_player_velocity(), 0.75))
-- Point just above player head, for precipitation when swimming
local ppos = player:getpos()
-- Point just above player head, to ensure precipitation when swimming
local pposy = math.floor(ppos.y) + 2
if pposy >= YLIMIT - 2 then
if pposy >= YMIN and pposy <= YMAX then
--TODO Predict player position? Only horizontally
--local ppos = vector.add(player:getpos(),
--vector.multiply(player:get_player_velocity(), ?))
local pposx = math.floor(ppos.x)
local pposz = math.floor(ppos.z)
local ppos = {x = pposx, y = pposy, z = pposz}
-- Heat and humidity calculations
local nobj_temp = nobj_temp or minetest.get_perlin(np_temp)
local nobj_humid = nobj_humid or minetest.get_perlin(np_humid)
local nobj_prec = nobj_prec or minetest.get_perlin(np_prec)
local nval_temp = nobj_temp:get2d({x = pposx, y = pposz})
local nval_humid = nobj_humid:get2d({x = pposx, y = pposz})
local nval_prec = nobj_prec:get2d({x = os.clock() / 60, y = 0})
-- Biome system: Frozen biomes below heat 35,
-- deserts below line 14 * t - 95 * h = -1496
-- h = (14 * t + 1496) / 95
@ -118,10 +127,9 @@ minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime)
local precip = nval_prec > PRECTHR and
nval_humid - grad * nval_temp > yint
-- Occasionally reset player sky
if math.random() < 0.1 then
if precip then
-- Set overcast sky
-- Set sky
if precip and not skybox[player_name] then
-- Set overcast sky only if normal
local sval
local time = minetest.get_timeofday()
if time >= 0.5 then
@ -138,27 +146,29 @@ minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime)
sval = math.floor(NISVAL +
((time - 0.1875) / 0.0521) * difsval)
-- Set sky to overcast bluish-grey
player:set_sky({r = sval, g = sval, b = sval + 16, a = 255},
"plain", {}, false)
-- Reset sky to normal
skybox[player_name] = true
elseif not precip and skybox[player_name] then
-- Set normal sky only if skybox
player:set_sky({}, "regular", {}, true)
skybox[player_name] = nil
if not precip or freeze then
-- Stop looping sound.
-- Stop sound if head below water level.
if not precip or freeze or pposy < YWATER then
if handles[player_name] then
-- Stop sound if playing
handles[player_name] = nil
if precip then
-- Precipitation
-- Particles and sounds.
-- Only if head above water level.
if precip and pposy >= YWATER then
if freeze then
-- Snowfall
-- Snowfall particles
for lpos = 1, FLAKLPOS do
local lposx = pposx - FLAKRAD +
math.random(0, FLAKRAD * 2)
@ -173,7 +183,7 @@ minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime)
-- in separated layers.
-- Random range = speed * cycle time
local spawny = pposy + 10 + math.random(0, 10) / 10
local extime = math.min((spawny - YLIMIT) / 2, 10)
local extime = math.min((spawny - YWATER) / 2, 10)
pos = {x = lposx, y = spawny, z = lposz},
@ -191,7 +201,7 @@ minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime)
-- Rainfall
-- Rainfall particles
for lpos = 1, DROPLPOS do
local lposx = pposx - DROPRAD +
math.random(0, DROPRAD * 2)
@ -202,7 +212,7 @@ minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime)
0.5) == 15 then
for drop = 1, DROPPPOS do
local spawny = pposy + 10 + math.random(0, 60) / 10
local extime = math.min((spawny - YLIMIT) / 12, 2)
local extime = math.min((spawny - YWATER) / 12, 2)
local spawnx = lposx - 0.4 + math.random(0, 8) / 10
local spawnz = lposz - 0.4 + math.random(0, 8) / 10
@ -221,9 +231,8 @@ minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime)
-- Start looping sound
if not handles[player_name] then
-- Start sound if not playing
local handle = minetest.sound_play(
@ -238,21 +247,34 @@ minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime)
elseif handles[player_name] then
-- Stop sound when player goes under y limit
handles[player_name] = nil
-- Stop sound and remove player handle on leaveplayer
local player_name = player:get_player_name()
-- Player outside y limits.
-- Stop sound if playing.
if handles[player_name] then
handles[player_name] = nil
-- Set normal sky if skybox
if skybox[player_name] then
player:set_sky({}, "regular", {}, true)
skybox[player_name] = nil
-- On leaveplayer function
local player_name = player:get_player_name()
-- Stop sound if playing and remove handle
if handles[player_name] then
handles[player_name] = nil
-- Remove skybox bool if necessary
if skybox[player_name] then
skybox[player_name] = nil