
532 lines
16 KiB

-- noisegrid 0.3.8 by paramat
-- For latest stable Minetest and back to 0.4.8
-- Depends default
-- License: code WTFPL
-- vary tree height, lower apples
-- luxore craftable to lights
-- 2 tunnel network plus fissures
-- Parameters
local YFLAT = 7 -- Flat area elevation y
local YSAND = 4 -- Top of beach y
local TERSCA = 192 -- Vertical terrain scale in nodes
local STODEP = 5 -- Stone depth below surface in nodes at sea level
local TGRID = 0.18 -- City grid area width
local TFLAT = 0.2 -- Flat coastal area width
local TCITY = 0.3 -- City size. 0.3 = 1/3 of coastal land area, 0 = 1/2 of coastal land area
local TFIS = 0.02 -- Fissure width
local LUXCHA = 1 / 7 ^ 3 -- Luxore chance per stone node.
local ORECHA = 1 / 5 ^ 3 -- Ore chance per stone node. 1 / n ^ 3 where n = average distance between ores
local APPCHA = 1 / 4 ^ 2 -- Appletree maximum chance per grass node. 1 / n ^ 2 where n = minimum average distance between flora
local FLOCHA = 1 / 13 ^ 2 -- Flowers maximum chance per grass node
local GRACHA = 1 / 5 ^ 2 -- Grasses maximum chance per grass node
-- 2D noise for base terrain
local np_base = {
offset = 0,
scale = 1,
spread = {x=2048, y=2048, z=2048},
seed = -9111,
octaves = 6,
persist = 0.6
-- 2D noise for intercity roads
local np_road = {
offset = 0,
scale = 1,
spread = {x=2048, y=2048, z=2048},
seed = -9111, -- same seed as above for similar structre but smoother
octaves = 4,
persist = 0.5
-- 2D noise for alt roads and tunnels
local np_alt = {
offset = 0,
scale = 1,
spread = {x=1024, y=1024, z=1024},
seed = 11,
octaves = 3,
persist = 0.4
-- 2D noise for city areas
local np_city = {
offset = 0,
scale = 1,
spread = {x=1024, y=1024, z=1024},
seed = 3166616,
octaves = 2,
persist = 0.5
-- 2D noise for paths
local np_path = {
offset = 0,
scale = 1,
spread = {x=512, y=512, z=512},
seed = 7000023,
octaves = 4,
persist = 0.4
local np_path2 = {
offset = 0,
scale = 1,
spread = {x=512, y=512, z=512},
seed = -2315551,
octaves = 4,
persist = 0.4
-- 2D noise for trees
local np_tree = {
offset = 0,
scale = 1,
spread = {x=256, y=256, z=256},
seed = 133338,
octaves = 3,
persist = 0.5
-- 2D noise for grasses
local np_grass = {
offset = 0,
scale = 1,
spread = {x=256, y=256, z=256},
seed = 133,
octaves = 2,
persist = 0.5
-- 2D noise for flowers
local np_flower = {
offset = 0,
scale = 1,
spread = {x=256, y=256, z=256},
seed = -70008,
octaves = 1,
persist = 0.5
-- 3D noise for fissures
local np_fissure = {
offset = 0,
scale = 1,
spread = {x=192, y=192, z=192},
seed = 2001,
octaves = 4,
persist = 0.5
-- 3D noise for web a
local np_weba = {
offset = 0,
scale = 1,
spread = {x=192, y=192, z=192},
seed = 5900033,
octaves = 3,
persist = 0.5
-- 3D noise for web b
local np_webb = {
offset = 0,
scale = 1,
spread = {x=191, y=191, z=191},
seed = 33,
octaves = 3,
persist = 0.5
-- 3D noise for web c
local np_webc = {
offset = 0,
scale = 1,
spread = {x=190, y=190, z=190},
seed = -18000001,
octaves = 3,
persist = 0.5
-- Stuff
noisegrid = {}
-- On generated function
minetest.register_on_generated(function(minp, maxp, seed)
if minp.y > 208 then
local t1 = os.clock()
local x1 = maxp.x
local y1 = maxp.y
local z1 = maxp.z
local x0 = minp.x
local y0 = minp.y
local z0 = minp.z
print ("[noisegrid] chunk minp ("..x0.." "..y0.." "..z0..")")
local vm, emin, emax = minetest.get_mapgen_object("voxelmanip")
local area = VoxelArea:new{MinEdge=emin, MaxEdge=emax}
local data = vm:get_data()
local c_air = minetest.get_content_id("air")
local c_grass = minetest.get_content_id("noisegrid:grass")
local c_dirt = minetest.get_content_id("noisegrid:dirt")
local c_stone = minetest.get_content_id("noisegrid:stone")
local c_roadblack = minetest.get_content_id("noisegrid:roadblack")
local c_roadwhite = minetest.get_content_id("noisegrid:roadwhite")
local c_slab = minetest.get_content_id("noisegrid:slab")
local c_path = minetest.get_content_id("noisegrid:path")
local c_concrete = minetest.get_content_id("noisegrid:concrete")
local c_light = minetest.get_content_id("noisegrid:lightoff")
local c_luxore = minetest.get_content_id("noisegrid:luxoff")
local c_water = minetest.get_content_id("default:water_source")
local c_sand = minetest.get_content_id("default:sand")
local c_wood = minetest.get_content_id("default:wood")
local c_stodiam = minetest.get_content_id("default:stone_with_diamond")
local c_stomese = minetest.get_content_id("default:stone_with_mese")
local c_stogold = minetest.get_content_id("default:stone_with_gold")
local c_stocopp = minetest.get_content_id("default:stone_with_copper")
local c_stoiron = minetest.get_content_id("default:stone_with_iron")
local c_stocoal = minetest.get_content_id("default:stone_with_coal")
local sidelen = x1 - x0 + 1
local chulensxyz = {x=sidelen+1, y=sidelen, z=sidelen+1}
local minposxyz = {x=x0-1, y=y0, z=z0-1}
local chulensxz = {x=sidelen+1, y=sidelen+1, z=sidelen} -- different because here x=x, y=z
local minposxz = {x=x0-1, y=z0-1}
local nvals_base = minetest.get_perlin_map(np_base, chulensxz):get2dMap_flat(minposxz)
local nvals_road = minetest.get_perlin_map(np_road, chulensxz):get2dMap_flat(minposxz)
local nvals_alt = minetest.get_perlin_map(np_alt, chulensxz):get2dMap_flat(minposxz)
local nvals_city = minetest.get_perlin_map(np_city, chulensxz):get2dMap_flat(minposxz)
local nvals_path = minetest.get_perlin_map(np_path, chulensxz):get2dMap_flat(minposxz)
local nvals_path2 = minetest.get_perlin_map(np_path2, chulensxz):get2dMap_flat(minposxz)
local nvals_tree = minetest.get_perlin_map(np_tree, chulensxz):get2dMap_flat(minposxz)
local nvals_grass = minetest.get_perlin_map(np_grass, chulensxz):get2dMap_flat(minposxz)
local nvals_flower = minetest.get_perlin_map(np_flower, chulensxz):get2dMap_flat(minposxz)
local nvals_fissure = minetest.get_perlin_map(np_fissure, chulensxyz):get3dMap_flat(minposxyz)
local nvals_weba = minetest.get_perlin_map(np_weba, chulensxyz):get3dMap_flat(minposxyz)
local nvals_webb = minetest.get_perlin_map(np_webb, chulensxyz):get3dMap_flat(minposxyz)
local nvals_webc = minetest.get_perlin_map(np_webc, chulensxyz):get3dMap_flat(minposxyz)
local cross = math.abs(nvals_base[3281]) < TGRID and nvals_city[3281] > TCITY -- grid elements enabled per chunk
local nroad = math.abs(nvals_base[6521]) < TGRID and nvals_city[6521] > TCITY
local eroad = math.abs(nvals_base[3321]) < TGRID and nvals_city[3321] > TCITY
local sroad = math.abs(nvals_base[122]) < TGRID and nvals_city[122] > TCITY
local wroad = math.abs(nvals_base[3242]) < TGRID and nvals_city[3242] > TCITY
local nixz = 1
local nixyz = 1
local stable = {}
for z = z0-1, z1 do
for x = x0-1, x1 do
local si = x - x0 + 2 -- +2 because overgeneration
stable[si] = 2
for y = y0, y1 do
local vi = area:index(x0-1, y, z)
local via = area:index(x0-1, y+1, z)
local n_xprepath = false
local n_xprepath2 = false
local n_xpreroad = false
local n_xprealt = false
for x = x0-1, x1 do
local nodid = data[vi]
local xr = x - x0
local zr = z - z0
local si = xr + 2
local chunk = (x >= x0 and z >= z0)
local sea = false
local flat = false
local ysurf
local n_base = nvals_base[nixz]
local n_absbase = math.abs(n_base)
if n_base > TFLAT then
ysurf = YFLAT + math.floor((n_base - TFLAT) * TERSCA)
elseif n_base < -TFLAT then
ysurf = YFLAT - math.floor((-TFLAT - n_base) * TERSCA)
sea = true
ysurf = YFLAT
flat = true
local weba = math.abs(nvals_weba[nixyz]) < TFIS
local webb = math.abs(nvals_webb[nixyz]) < TFIS
local webc = math.abs(nvals_webc[nixyz]) < TFIS
local n_fissure = nvals_fissure[nixyz]
local n_absfissure = math.abs(n_fissure)
local nofis = n_absfissure > TFIS and not (weba and webb) and not (weba and webc)
local wood = n_absfissure < TFIS * 2 and not flat
local n_city = nvals_city[nixz]
local city = n_city > TCITY
local n_tree = math.min(math.max(nvals_tree[nixz], 0), 1)
local n_grass = math.min(math.max(nvals_grass[nixz], 0), 1)
local n_flower = math.min(math.max(nvals_flower[nixz], 0), 1)
local n_path = nvals_path[nixz]
local n_abspath = math.abs(n_path)
local n_zprepath = nvals_path[(nixz - 81)]
local n_path2 = nvals_path2[nixz]
local n_abspath2 = math.abs(n_path2)
local n_zprepath2 = nvals_path2[(nixz - 81)]
local n_road = nvals_road[nixz]
local n_absroad = math.abs(n_road)
local n_zpreroad = nvals_road[(nixz - 81)]
local n_alt = nvals_alt[nixz]
local n_absalt = math.abs(n_alt)
local n_zprealt = nvals_alt[(nixz - 81)]
local stodep = math.max(STODEP * (TERSCA - y) / TERSCA, 1)
if chunk then
if y == YFLAT and n_base > -TGRID -- tunnel road
and (((n_alt >= 0 and n_xprealt < 0)
or (n_alt < 0 and n_xprealt >= 0))
or ((n_alt >= 0 and n_zprealt < 0)
or (n_alt < 0 and n_zprealt >= 0))) then
data[vi] = c_roadwhite
for i = -3, 3 do
for k = -3, 3 do
if (math.abs(i)) ^ 2 + (math.abs(k)) ^ 2 <= 13 then
local vi = area:index(x+i, y, z+k)
local via = area:index(x+i, y+1, z+k)
local nodid = data[vi]
if nodid ~= c_roadwhite then
data[vi] = c_roadblack
data[via] = c_air -- air above to remove pavements
elseif y <= ysurf and y >= YFLAT + 1 and y <= YFLAT + 4 and n_absalt < 0.025 then -- tunnel air
data[vi] = c_air
stable[si] = 0
elseif y <= ysurf - 1 and y == YFLAT + 5 and n_absalt > 0.003 and n_absalt < 0.007 then -- tunnel lights
data[vi] = c_light
stable[si] = stable[si] + 1
elseif y <= ysurf and y >= YFLAT and y <= YFLAT + 6 -- tunnel concrete
and n_absalt < 0.035 and n_base > TFLAT and nodid ~= c_roadblack then
data[vi] = c_concrete
stable[si] = stable[si] + 1
elseif y <= ysurf - stodep and nodid ~= c_roadblack
and (nofis or ((flat or sea) and y >= ysurf - 16)) then
if math.random() < LUXCHA and stable[si] >= 1 and y > y0 then -- only stable luxore to avoid droop
data[vi] = c_luxore
elseif math.random() < ORECHA then -- ores
local osel = math.random(24)
if osel == 24 then
data[vi] = c_stodiam
elseif osel == 23 then
data[vi] = c_stomese
elseif osel == 22 then
data[vi] = c_stogold
elseif osel >= 19 then
data[vi] = c_stocopp
elseif osel >= 10 then
data[vi] = c_stoiron
data[vi] = c_stocoal
data[vi] = c_stone -- stone
stable[si] = stable[si] + 1
elseif y == ysurf and y > YSAND then -- surface layer
if ((n_road >= 0 and n_xpreroad < 0) or (n_road < 0 and n_xpreroad >= 0)) -- intercity road
or ((n_road >= 0 and n_zpreroad < 0) or (n_road < 0 and n_zpreroad >= 0)) then
data[vi] = c_roadwhite
for i = -3, 3 do
for k = -3, 3 do
if (math.abs(i)) ^ 2 + (math.abs(k)) ^ 2 <= 13 then
local vi = area:index(x+i, y, z+k)
local via = area:index(x+i, y+1, z+k)
local nodid = data[vi]
if nodid ~= c_roadwhite then
data[vi] = c_roadblack
data[via] = c_air
elseif xr >= 36 and xr <= 42 and zr >= 36 and zr <= 42 -- city grid
and (nroad or eroad or sroad or wroad) and cross and nodid ~= c_roadblack then -- junction
if xr == 39 and zr == 39 then
data[vi] = c_roadwhite
data[vi] = c_roadblack
elseif xr >= 33 and xr <= 45 and zr >= 43 -- north road
and nroad and cross and nodid ~= c_roadblack then
if xr == 39 then
data[vi] = c_roadwhite
elseif xr >= 36 and xr <= 42 then
data[vi] = c_roadblack
data[vi] = c_dirt
data[via] = c_slab
elseif xr >= 43 and zr >= 33 and zr <= 45 -- east road
and eroad and cross and nodid ~= c_roadblack then
if zr == 39 then
data[vi] = c_roadwhite
elseif zr >= 36 and zr <= 42 then
data[vi] = c_roadblack
data[vi] = c_dirt
data[via] = c_slab
elseif xr >= 33 and xr <= 45 and zr <= 35 -- south road
and sroad and cross and nodid ~= c_roadblack then
if xr == 39 then
data[vi] = c_roadwhite
elseif xr >= 36 and xr <= 42 then
data[vi] = c_roadblack
data[vi] = c_dirt
data[via] = c_slab
elseif xr <= 35 and zr >= 33 and zr <= 45 -- west road
and wroad and cross and nodid ~= c_roadblack then
if zr == 39 then
data[vi] = c_roadwhite
elseif zr >= 36 and zr <= 42 then
data[vi] = c_roadblack
data[vi] = c_dirt
data[via] = c_slab
elseif xr >= 33 and xr <= 45 and zr >= 33 and zr <= 45 -- pavement in junction gaps
and (nroad or eroad or sroad or wroad) and cross and nodid ~= c_roadblack then
data[vi] = c_dirt
data[via] = c_slab
elseif (n_absroad < 0.01 or n_absalt < 0.02) and flat and city and nodid ~= c_roadblack then
data[vi] = c_dirt -- pavement of intercity road and tunnel road in city
data[via] = c_slab
elseif ((n_path >= 0 and n_xprepath < 0) or (n_path < 0 and n_xprepath >= 0)) -- path
or ((n_path >= 0 and n_zprepath < 0) or (n_path < 0 and n_zprepath >= 0)) then
if wood then
local viu = area:index(x, y-1, z)
local viuu = area:index(x, y-2, z)
data[viu] = c_wood
data[viuu] = c_wood
for i = -1, 1 do
for k = -1, 1 do
local vi = area:index(x+i, y, z+k)
local nodid = data[vi]
if nodid ~= c_roadwhite and nodid ~= c_roadblack then
if wood then
data[vi] = c_wood
data[vi] = c_path
elseif ((n_path2 >= 0 and n_xprepath2 < 0) or (n_path2 < 0 and n_xprepath2 >= 0)) -- path 2
or ((n_path2 >= 0 and n_zprepath2 < 0) or (n_path2 < 0 and n_zprepath2 >= 0)) then
if wood then
local viu = area:index(x, y-1, z)
local viuu = area:index(x, y-2, z)
data[viu] = c_wood
data[viuu] = c_wood
for i = -1, 1 do
for k = -1, 1 do
local vi = area:index(x+i, y, z+k)
local nodid = data[vi]
if nodid ~= c_roadwhite and nodid ~= c_roadblack then
if wood then
data[vi] = c_wood
data[vi] = c_path
elseif stable[si] >= 2 and nodid ~= c_roadblack and nodid ~= c_path then -- stable dirt with grass
if math.random() < APPCHA * n_tree -- appletree
and n_abspath > 0.015 and n_abspath2 > 0.015 and n_absroad > 0.02
and (n_absalt > 0.04 or y > YFLAT) then
noisegrid_appletree(x, y+1, z, area, data)
data[vi] = c_grass
if math.random() < FLOCHA * n_flower and n_absroad > 0.015
and n_absalt > 0.03 then -- flowers
noisegrid_flower(data, via)
elseif math.random() < GRACHA * n_grass and n_absroad > 0.015
and n_absalt > 0.03 then -- grasses
noisegrid_grass(data, via)
elseif y <= ysurf and y >= ysurf - 16 and y <= YSAND and sea and stable[si] >= 2 then -- stable sand
data[vi] = c_sand
elseif y < ysurf and y > ysurf - stodep and (nofis or flat) and stable[si] >= 2
and nodid ~= c_roadblack then -- stable dirt
data[vi] = c_dirt
elseif y <= 1 and y > ysurf then -- water
data[vi] = c_water
stable[si] = 0
else -- air
stable[si] = 0
n_xprepath = n_path
n_xprepath2 = n_path2
n_xpreroad = n_road
n_xprealt = n_alt
nixz = nixz + 1
nixyz = nixyz + 1
vi = vi + 1
via = via + 1
nixz = nixz - 81
nixz = nixz + 81
vm:set_lighting({day=0, night=0})
local chugent = math.ceil((os.clock() - t1) * 1000)
print ("[noisegrid] "..chugent.." ms")