
20 lines
1014 B

# Name of main channel, defaults to 'main'
beerchat.main_channel_name (Name of main-channel) string main
# Name of moderators channel, defaults to nil
beerchat.moderator_channel_name (Name of moderator-channel) string
# URL used for web-proxy of chat relay
beerchat.url (web-proxy URL) string
# Make use of chat-jail channel
beerchat.enable_jail (Enable chat-jail) bool false
# Name of channel to use for chat-jail, defaults to 'grounded'
beerchat.jail.channel_name (Name of chat-jail channel) string grounded
# Priv needed to put / release players to / from jail, defaults to 'ban'
beerchat.jail.priv (Priv for jailing) string ban
# The owner of jail channel, defaults to whatever owner is set for main-channel;
# Beerholder. Use a name that is not used to log in but to which an account exists
# to avoid deletion etc.
beerchat.jail.owner (Owner of jail-channel) string Beerholder
# Defaults to whatever main-channel colour is.
beerchat.jail.color (Colour for jail-channel) string #FFFFFF