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2020-10-18 06:27:55 -07:00
-- struct_register.lua - registration callbacks for structures.
The cellworld table contains the following structure-related entries:
cellworld = {
structures = {
[st_name] = {...} -- all registered structures.
structure_set = {
-- the active structure set config, which determines grid size, mapgen base node a.s.o as passed to config_structure_set()
name = "foo" -- name of the active structure set (which is actually the first parameter), not specified in table.
grid_size = 7 -- how many nodes form a cell.
mapgen_base_node = "air" -- which node to place by default in map, passed to singlenode mg. TODO not implemented yet.
-- the most important settings from structure set are copied for easier access
grid_size = structure_set.grid_size,
-- of all registered structures, the maximum extents in x, y and z direction.
maximum_structure_size = vector.new(1,1,1)
cellworld.structures = {}
function cellworld.config_structure_set(name, definition)
if cellworld.structure_set then
error("Cellworld: Trying to register structure set '"..name.."', but '"..cellworld.structure_set.name..
"' has already been registered. There can only be one active structure set at a time.")
cellworld.structure_set = {
name = name,
grid_size = 9,
seed_structure = definition.seed_structure,
if definition.grid_size then
cellworld.structure_set.grid_size = definition.grid_size
cellworld.grid_size = cellworld.structure_set.grid_size
cellworld.maximum_structure_size = vector.new(1,1,1)
function cellworld.register_structure(name, def)
-- make definition checks
if not cellworld.structure_set then
error("Cellworld: can not register structures when config_structure_set() hasn't been called!")
elseif def.structure_set and def.structure_set ~= cellworld.structure_set.name then
error("Cellworld: Structure '"..name.."' can not be registered because the structure set it was defined for ('"..name..
"') doesn't match the active structure set ('"..cellworld.structure_set.name.."')!")
if not def.chance then
def.chance = 50
-- TODO validate structure of cells
cellworld.structures[name] = def
-- update maxstructsize
local mss = cellworld.maximum_structure_size
mss.x = math.max(def.size.x, mss.x)
mss.y = math.max(def.size.y, mss.y)
mss.z = math.max(def.size.z, mss.z)