haad 42885b20a4 Write permissions for databases
Use latest store modules from npm
Update docs
Update examples
Update benchmarks
Update dependencies
Add Getting Started guide
Add new a screenshot
Add a new live demo
Add persistency tests for snapshot saving/loading and events
Add network stress tests (but skip them by default as they're very heavy and lengthy)
Add browser benchmarks
Add log() alias for eventlog() database
Add possibility to create database if it doesn't exist yet
Add support for orbitdb addresses
Add a test for starting replication when peers connect
Add debug build
Use IPFS nodeID as default user id
Use ipfs-pubsub-room
Handle closing of databases properly
Handle cache errors
Clean up tests, re-organize code files
Clean up code style
Support for CLI
Remove obsolete scripts
2017-11-28 09:10:51 +01:00

266 lines
8.0 KiB

'use strict'
const fs = require('fs')
const rmrf = require('rimraf')
const path = require('path')
const assert = require('assert')
const pMap = require('p-map')
const pEachSeries = require('p-each-series')
const pWhilst = require('p-whilst')
const OrbitDB = require('../src/OrbitDB')
const startIpfs = require('./utils/start-ipfs')
// Settings for the test ipfs daemons
const config = require('./utils/config.js')
describe.skip('OrbitDB - Network Stress Tests', function() {
// We need a huge timeout since we're running
// very long-running tests (takes minutes)
this.timeout(1000 * 60 * 60) // 1 hour
const tests = [
description: '1 update - 2 peers - as fast as possible',
updates: 1,
maxInterval: -1,
minInterval: 0,
sequential: false,
content: 'Hello #',
clients: [
{ name: 'daemon1' },
{ name: 'daemon2' },
// { name: 'daemon3' },
// { name: 'daemon4' },
// { name: 'daemon5' },
// { name: 'daemon6' },
// Don't go beyond 6...
// { name: 'daemon7' },
// { name: 'daemon8' },
description: '32 update - concurrent - 2 peers - random interval',
updates: 32,
maxInterval: 2000,
minInterval: 10,
sequential: false,
content: 'Hello random! ',
clients: [
{ name: 'daemon1' },
{ name: 'daemon2' },
description: '1000 update concurrently - 2 peers - as fast as possible',
updates: 1000,
maxInterval: -1,
minInterval: 0,
sequential: false,
content: 'Hello #',
clients: [
{ name: 'daemon1' },
{ name: 'daemon2' },
description: '200 update as Buffers sequentially - 2 peers - as fast as possible',
updates: 200,
maxInterval: -1,
minInterval: 0,
sequential: true,
content: Buffer.from('👻'),
clients: [
{ name: 'daemon1' },
{ name: 'daemon2' },
description: '50 update over a period long time - 6 peers - slow, random write intervals',
updates: 50,
maxInterval: 3000,
minInterval: 1000,
sequential: false,
content: 'Terve! ',
clients: [
{ name: 'daemon1' },
{ name: 'daemon2' },
{ name: 'daemon3' },
{ name: 'daemon4' },
{ name: 'daemon5' },
{ name: 'daemon6' },
description: '50 update over a period long time - 8 peers - slow, random write intervals',
updates: 100,
maxInterval: 3000,
minInterval: 1000,
sequential: false,
content: 'Terve! ',
clients: [
{ name: 'daemon1' },
{ name: 'daemon2' },
{ name: 'daemon3' },
{ name: 'daemon4' },
{ name: 'daemon5' },
{ name: 'daemon6' },
{ name: 'daemon7' },
{ name: 'daemon8' },
const rootPath = './orbitdb/network-tests/'
const channelName = 'orbitdb-network-stress-tests'
tests.forEach(test => {
it(test.description, (done) => {
const updateCount = test.updates
const maxInterval = test.maxInterval || -1
const minInterval = test.minInterval || 0
const sequential = test.sequential
const clientData = test.clients
// Create IPFS instances
const createIpfsInstance = (c) => {
const repoPath = path.join(rootPath, c.name, '/ipfs' + new Date().getTime())
console.log("Starting IPFS instance <<>>", repoPath)
return startIpfs(Object.assign({}, config.defaultIpfsConfig, {
repo: repoPath,
start: true,
const createOrbitDB = async (databaseConfig, ipfs) => {
const orbitdb = new OrbitDB(ipfs, path.join('./orbitdb/network-tests/', databaseConfig.name))
const db = await orbitdb.eventlog(databaseConfig.address, {
write: ['*']
return db
let allTasks = []
const setupAllTasks = (databases) => {
// Create the payloads
let texts = []
for (let i = 1; i < updateCount + 1; i ++) {
texts.push(test.content + i)
const setupUpdates = (client) => texts.reduce((res, acc) => {
return res.concat([{ db: client, content: acc }])
}, [])
allTasks = databases.map(db => {
return {
name: db.id,
tasks: setupUpdates(db),
const runAllTasks = () => {
if (sequential) {
return pEachSeries(allTasks, e => pEachSeries(e.tasks, writeToDB))
.then(() => console.log())
} else {
return pMap(allTasks, e => pEachSeries(e.tasks, writeToDB))
.then(() => console.log())
let i = 0
const writeToDB = (task) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (maxInterval === -1) {
.then(() => process.stdout.write(`\rUpdates (${databases.length} peers): ${Math.floor(++i)} / ${updateCount}`))
} else {
setTimeout(() => {
.then(() => process.stdout.write(`\rUpdates (${databases.length} peers): ${Math.floor(++i)} / ${updateCount}`))
}, Math.floor(Math.random() * maxInterval) + minInterval)
const waitForAllTasks = (address) => {
let msgCount = 0
return pWhilst(
() => msgCount < databases.length * databases.length * updateCount,
() => new Promise(resolve => {
return queryDatabases(address)
.then(res => {
msgCount = res.reduce((val, acc) => val += acc.length, 0)
.then(() => process.stdout.write(`\rUpdated (${databases.length} peers): ` + msgCount.toString() + ' / ' + (updateCount * databases.length * databases.length)))
.then(() => setTimeout(resolve, 100))
.then(() => process.stdout.write(`\rUpdated (${databases.length} peers): ` + msgCount.toString() + ' / ' + (updateCount * databases.length * databases.length) + '\n'))
const queryDatabases = () => {
return pMap(databases, db => db.iterator({ limit: -1 }).collect(), { concurrency: 2 })
// All our databases instances
let databases = []
let addr
// Start the test
pMap(clientData, (c, idx) => {
return createIpfsInstance(c)
.then(async (ipfs) => {
let db
if (idx === 0 && !addr) {
c.address = channelName
db = await createOrbitDB(c, ipfs)
addr = db.address.toString()
} else if (addr) {
c.address = addr
db = await createOrbitDB(c, ipfs)
} else {
console.error("Address not defined!")
return db
}, { concurrency: 1 })
.then((result) => databases = result)
.then(() => setupAllTasks(databases))
.then(() => console.log(`Applying ${updateCount} updates per peer. This will take a while...`))
.then(() => runAllTasks())
.then(() => console.log('Done. Waiting for all updates to reach the peers...'))
.then(() => waitForAllTasks(addr))
.then(() => queryDatabases())
.then((result) => {
// Both databases have the same amount of entries
result.forEach(entries => {
assert.equal(entries.length, updateCount * databases.length)
// Both databases have the same entries in the same order
result.reduce((prev, entries) => {
assert.deepEqual(entries, prev)
return entries
}, result[0])
// Success! Cleanup and finish
pEachSeries(databases, db => {
.then(() => done())