Distributed, peer-to-peer Key-Value Store and Event Log on IPFS.
- Stores all data in IPFS, including the database index
- Aggregation happens on client side and data is eventually consistent
- Uses a LWW-element-set CRDT and (sort of) Vector Clocks for partial ordering
- Designed to work offline first and to be easily embeddable to applications
Currently requires orbit-server for pubsub communication. This will change in the future as soon as IPFS provides pubsub.
OrbitDB calls its namespaces channels. A channel is similar to "table", "keyspace", "topic", "feed" or "collection" in other db systems.
npm install orbit-db
Before running the examples, install dependencies with:
npm install
Key-Value store example:
node examples/keyvalue.js <host> <username> <channel> <key> <value>
node examples/keyvalueReader.js <host> <username> <channel> <key>
Event log example (run several in separate shells):
node examples/reader.js <host> <username> <channel> <data> <interval in ms>
Benchmark writes:
node examples/benchmark.js <host> <username> <channel>;
See usage example below
connect(host, port, username, password)
channel(name, password)
.add(data: String) // Insert an event to a channel, returns <ipfs-hash> of the event
.iterator([options]) // Returns an iterator of events
// options : {
// gt: <ipfs-hash>, // Return events newer than <ipfs-hash>
// gte: <ipfs-hash>, // Return events newer then <ipfs-hash> (inclusive)
// lt: <ipfs-hash>, // Return events older than <ipfs-hash>
// lte: <ipfs-hash>, // Return events older than <ipfs-hash> (inclusive)
// limit: -1, // Number of events to return, -1 returns all, default 1
// reverse: true // Return items oldest first, default latest first
// }
.put(key, data: String) // Insert (key,value) to a channel
.get(key) // Retrieve value
.del({ key: <key or hash> }) // Remove entry
.delete() // Deletes the channel, all data will be "removed" (unassociated with the channel, actual data is not deleted from ipfs)
const async = require('asyncawait/async');
const OrbitClient = require('./OrbitClient');
// orbit-server
const host = 'localhost';
const port = 3333;
async(() => {
// Connect
const orbit = OrbitClient.connect(host, port, username, password);
const channelName = 'hello-world';
const db = orbit.channel(channelName);
/* Event Log */
const hash = db.add('hello'); // <ipfs-hash>
// Remove event
// Iterator options
const options = { limit: -1 }; // fetch all messages
// Get events
const iter = db.iterator(options); // Symbol.iterator
const next = iter.next(); // { value: <item>, done: false|true}
// OR:
// var all = iter.collect(); // returns all elements as an array
// OR:
// for(let i of iter)
// console.log(i.hash, i.item);
/* KV Store */
db.put('key1', 'hello world');
db.get('key1'); // returns "hello world"
/* Delete channel */
const result = db.delete(); // true | false
Source Code
The entry point for the code is src/OrbitClient.js and the DB implementation is src/OrbitDB.js
Run Tests
npm test
Keep tests running while development:
mocha -w
Work in progress! Throws an error "Parsing error: The keyword 'await' is reserved".
npm run lint
- Fix encryption
- Logging
- Caching
- Performance optimisations:
- local caching
- remove asyncawait and use promises or callbacks
- merge POST and OP (one less object.put)
Data structure description
For future IPLD references
List snapshots are posted to pubsub:
> QmRzWAiFdLkdkwBDehzxhHdhfwbDKDnzqBnX53va58PuQu
> ...
Get a list snapshot
ipfs object get QmRzWAiFdLkdkwBDehzxhHdhfwbDKDnzqBnX53va58PuQu
"Links": [],
"Data": {
"id": "writer",
"seq": 1301,
"ver": 3,
"items": {
"writer.1301.0": "QmNwREbsgGgiQPXxpvGanD55inFjUXjpEqjiPtpa39P7Mn",
"writer.1301.1": "QmQxndNEzWxKT5KRqRsty7JDGcbPVazaYPCqfB5z1mxmon",
"writer.1301.2": "QmUN1X97M2t8MX55H8VoPGXu2fLBpr91iCAzHkXudSMvDE"
Get the item
ipfs object get QmNwREbsgGgiQPXxpvGanD55inFjUXjpEqjiPtpa39P7Mn
"Links": [],
"Data": {
"id": "writer",
"seq": 1301,
"ver": 0,
"data": "QmasZEUwc67yftPvdSxRLWenmvF8faLnS7TMphQpn4PCWZ",
"next": {
"writer.1300.9": "QmS17ABxzFEVoHv5WEvATetNEZhN2vkNApRPcFQUaJfij3"
Get the item's data (operation)
ipfs object get QmasZEUwc67yftPvdSxRLWenmvF8faLnS7TMphQpn4PCWZ
"Links": [],
"Data": {
"op": "PUT",
"key": "default",
"value": "QmaAPEKDdaucQZRseJmKmWwZhgftBSwj8TD1xEomgcxo1X",
"type": "text",
"size": -1,
"from": "writer",
"ts": 1456494484094
Get the value
ipfs object get QmaAPEKDdaucQZRseJmKmWwZhgftBSwj8TD1xEomgcxo1X
"Links": [],
"Data": {
"content": "LambOfGod 347",
"ts": 1456494484089