238 lines
8.3 KiB
238 lines
8.3 KiB
'use strict'
const assert = require('assert')
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const rmrf = require('rimraf')
const mapSeries = require('p-map-series')
const OrbitDB = require('../src/OrbitDB')
const OrbitDBAddress = require('../src/orbit-db-address')
const { first, last } = require('./utils/test-utils')
const config = require('./utils/config')
const startIpfs = require('./utils/start-ipfs')
const dbPath = './orbitdb/tests/create-open'
const ipfsPath = './orbitdb/tests/create-open/ipfs'
describe('orbit-db - Create & Open', function() {
let ipfs, orbitdb, db, address
let localDataPath
before(async () => {
config.daemon1.repo = ipfsPath
ipfs = await startIpfs(config.daemon1)
orbitdb = new OrbitDB(ipfs, dbPath)
after(async () => {
if (ipfs)
await ipfs.stop()
describe('Create', function() {
describe('Errors', function() {
it('throws an error if given an invalid database type', async () => {
let err
try {
db = await orbitdb.create('first', 'invalid-type')
} catch (e) {
err = e.toString()
assert.equal(err, 'Error: Invalid database type \'invalid-type\'')
it('throws an error if given an address instead of name', async () => {
let err
try {
db = await orbitdb.create('/orbitdb/Qmc9PMho3LwTXSaUXJ8WjeBZyXesAwUofdkGeadFXsqMzW/first', 'feed')
} catch (e) {
err = e.toString()
assert.equal(err, 'Error: Given database name is an address. Please give only the name of the database!')
it('throws an error if database already exists', async () => {
let err
try {
db = await orbitdb.create('first', 'feed')
db = await orbitdb.create('first', 'feed')
} catch (e) {
err = e.toString()
assert.equal(err, `Error: Database '${db.address}' already exists!`)
it('throws an error if database type doesn\'t match', async () => {
let err, log, kv
try {
log = await orbitdb.kvstore('keyvalue')
kv = await orbitdb.eventlog(log.address.toString())
} catch (e) {
err = e.toString()
assert.equal(err, `Error: Database '${log.address}' is type 'keyvalue' but was opened as 'eventlog'`)
describe('Success', function() {
before(async () => {
db = await orbitdb.create('second', 'feed')
localDataPath = path.join(dbPath, db.address.root, db.address.path + '.orbitdb')
it('creates a feed database', async () => {
assert.notEqual(db, null)
it('database has the correct address', async () => {
assert.equal(db.address.toString().indexOf('/orbitdb'), 0)
assert.equal(db.address.toString().indexOf('Qm'), 9)
assert.equal(db.address.toString().indexOf('second'), 56)
it('saves the database locally', async () => {
assert.equal(fs.existsSync(localDataPath), true)
it('saves database manifest reference locally', async () => {
const buffer = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(localDataPath))
const data = buffer[db.address.toString()]
assert.equal(data.manifest, db.address.root)
assert.equal(db.address.path, 'second')
it('saves database manifest file locally', async () => {
const dag = await ipfs.object.get(db.address.root)
const manifest = JSON.parse(dag.toJSON().data)
assert.notEqual(manifest, )
assert.equal(manifest.name, 'second')
assert.equal(manifest.type, 'feed')
assert.notEqual(manifest.accessController, null)
assert.equal(manifest.accessController.indexOf('/ipfs'), 0)
it('can pass local database directory as an option', async () => {
const dir = './orbitdb/tests/another-feed'
db = await orbitdb.create('third', 'feed', { directory: dir })
localDataPath = path.join(dir, db.address.root, db.address.path + '.orbitdb')
assert.equal(fs.existsSync(localDataPath), true)
describe('Access Controller', function() {
before(async () => {
if (db) {
await db.close()
await db.drop()
afterEach(async () => {
if (db) {
await db.close()
await db.drop()
it('creates an access controller and adds ourselves as writer by default', async () => {
db = await orbitdb.create('fourth', 'feed')
assert.deepEqual(db.access.write, [orbitdb.key.getPublic('hex')])
it('creates an access controller and adds writers', async () => {
db = await orbitdb.create('fourth', 'feed', { write: ['another-key', 'yet-another-key', orbitdb.key.getPublic('hex')] })
assert.deepEqual(db.access.write, ['another-key', 'yet-another-key', orbitdb.key.getPublic('hex')])
it('creates an access controller and doesn\'t add an admin', async () => {
db = await orbitdb.create('sixth', 'feed')
assert.deepEqual(db.access.admin, [])
it('creates an access controller and doesn\'t add read access keys', async () => {
db = await orbitdb.create('seventh', 'feed', { read: ['one', 'two'] })
assert.deepEqual(db.access.read, [])
describe('Open', function() {
before(async () => {
db = await orbitdb.open('abc', { create: true, type: 'feed' })
it('throws an error if trying to open a database with name only and \'create\' is not set to \'true\'', async () => {
let err
try {
db = await orbitdb.open('XXX', { create: false })
} catch (e) {
err = e.toString()
assert.equal(err, "Error: 'options.create' set to 'false'. If you want to create a database, set 'options.create' to 'true'.")
it('throws an error if trying to open a database with name only and \'create\' is not set to true', async () => {
let err
try {
db = await orbitdb.open('YYY', { create: true })
} catch (e) {
err = e.toString()
assert.equal(err, "Error: Database type not provided! Provide a type with 'options.type' (eventlog|feed|docstore|counter|keyvalue)")
it('opens a database - name only', async () => {
db = await orbitdb.open('abc', { create: true, type: 'feed', overwrite: true })
assert.equal(db.address.toString().indexOf('/orbitdb'), 0)
assert.equal(db.address.toString().indexOf('Qm'), 9)
assert.equal(db.address.toString().indexOf('abc'), 56)
it('opens the same database - from an address', async () => {
db = await orbitdb.open(db.address)
assert.equal(db.address.toString().indexOf('/orbitdb'), 0)
assert.equal(db.address.toString().indexOf('Qm'), 9)
assert.equal(db.address.toString().indexOf('abc'), 56)
it('doesn\'t open a database if we don\'t have it locally', async () => {
const address = new OrbitDBAddress(db.address.root.slice(0, -1) + 'A', 'non-existent')
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(resolve, 1000)
.then(() => reject(new Error('Shouldn\'t open the database')))
it('throws an error if trying to open a database locally and we don\'t have it', () => {
const address = new OrbitDBAddress(db.address.root.slice(0, -1) + 'A', 'second')
return orbitdb.open(address, { localOnly: true })
.then(() => new Error('Shouldn\'t open the database'))
.catch(e => {
assert.equal(e.toString(), `Error: Database '${address}' doesn't exist!`)
it('open the database and it has the added entries', async () => {
db = await orbitdb.open('ZZZ', { create: true, type: 'feed' })
await db.add('hello1')
await db.add('hello2')
db = await orbitdb.open(db.address)
await db.load()
const res = db.iterator({ limit: -1 }).collect()
assert.equal(res.length, 2)
assert.equal(res[0].payload.value, 'hello1')
assert.equal(res[1].payload.value, 'hello2')