266 lines
8.0 KiB
266 lines
8.0 KiB
'use strict'
const fs = require('fs')
const rmrf = require('rimraf')
const path = require('path')
const assert = require('assert')
const pMap = require('p-map')
const pEachSeries = require('p-each-series')
const pWhilst = require('p-whilst')
const OrbitDB = require('../src/OrbitDB')
const startIpfs = require('./utils/start-ipfs')
// Settings for the test ipfs daemons
const config = require('./utils/config.js')
describe.skip('OrbitDB - Network Stress Tests', function() {
// We need a huge timeout since we're running
// very long-running tests (takes minutes)
this.timeout(1000 * 60 * 60) // 1 hour
const tests = [
description: '1 update - 2 peers - as fast as possible',
updates: 1,
maxInterval: -1,
minInterval: 0,
sequential: false,
content: 'Hello #',
clients: [
{ name: 'daemon1' },
{ name: 'daemon2' },
// { name: 'daemon3' },
// { name: 'daemon4' },
// { name: 'daemon5' },
// { name: 'daemon6' },
// Don't go beyond 6...
// { name: 'daemon7' },
// { name: 'daemon8' },
description: '32 update - concurrent - 2 peers - random interval',
updates: 32,
maxInterval: 2000,
minInterval: 10,
sequential: false,
content: 'Hello random! ',
clients: [
{ name: 'daemon1' },
{ name: 'daemon2' },
description: '1000 update concurrently - 2 peers - as fast as possible',
updates: 1000,
maxInterval: -1,
minInterval: 0,
sequential: false,
content: 'Hello #',
clients: [
{ name: 'daemon1' },
{ name: 'daemon2' },
description: '200 update as Buffers sequentially - 2 peers - as fast as possible',
updates: 200,
maxInterval: -1,
minInterval: 0,
sequential: true,
content: Buffer.from('👻'),
clients: [
{ name: 'daemon1' },
{ name: 'daemon2' },
description: '50 update over a period long time - 6 peers - slow, random write intervals',
updates: 50,
maxInterval: 3000,
minInterval: 1000,
sequential: false,
content: 'Terve! ',
clients: [
{ name: 'daemon1' },
{ name: 'daemon2' },
{ name: 'daemon3' },
{ name: 'daemon4' },
{ name: 'daemon5' },
{ name: 'daemon6' },
description: '50 update over a period long time - 8 peers - slow, random write intervals',
updates: 100,
maxInterval: 3000,
minInterval: 1000,
sequential: false,
content: 'Terve! ',
clients: [
{ name: 'daemon1' },
{ name: 'daemon2' },
{ name: 'daemon3' },
{ name: 'daemon4' },
{ name: 'daemon5' },
{ name: 'daemon6' },
{ name: 'daemon7' },
{ name: 'daemon8' },
const rootPath = './orbitdb/network-tests/'
const channelName = 'orbitdb-network-stress-tests'
tests.forEach(test => {
it(test.description, (done) => {
const updateCount = test.updates
const maxInterval = test.maxInterval || -1
const minInterval = test.minInterval || 0
const sequential = test.sequential
const clientData = test.clients
// Create IPFS instances
const createIpfsInstance = (c) => {
const repoPath = path.join(rootPath, c.name, '/ipfs' + new Date().getTime())
console.log("Starting IPFS instance <<>>", repoPath)
return startIpfs(Object.assign({}, config.defaultIpfsConfig, {
repo: repoPath,
start: true,
const createOrbitDB = async (databaseConfig, ipfs) => {
const orbitdb = new OrbitDB(ipfs, path.join('./orbitdb/network-tests/', databaseConfig.name))
const db = await orbitdb.eventlog(databaseConfig.address, {
write: ['*']
return db
let allTasks = []
const setupAllTasks = (databases) => {
// Create the payloads
let texts = []
for (let i = 1; i < updateCount + 1; i ++) {
texts.push(test.content + i)
const setupUpdates = (client) => texts.reduce((res, acc) => {
return res.concat([{ db: client, content: acc }])
}, [])
allTasks = databases.map(db => {
return {
name: db.id,
tasks: setupUpdates(db),
const runAllTasks = () => {
if (sequential) {
return pEachSeries(allTasks, e => pEachSeries(e.tasks, writeToDB))
.then(() => console.log())
} else {
return pMap(allTasks, e => pEachSeries(e.tasks, writeToDB))
.then(() => console.log())
let i = 0
const writeToDB = (task) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (maxInterval === -1) {
.then(() => process.stdout.write(`\rUpdates (${databases.length} peers): ${Math.floor(++i)} / ${updateCount}`))
} else {
setTimeout(() => {
.then(() => process.stdout.write(`\rUpdates (${databases.length} peers): ${Math.floor(++i)} / ${updateCount}`))
}, Math.floor(Math.random() * maxInterval) + minInterval)
const waitForAllTasks = (address) => {
let msgCount = 0
return pWhilst(
() => msgCount < databases.length * databases.length * updateCount,
() => new Promise(resolve => {
return queryDatabases(address)
.then(res => {
msgCount = res.reduce((val, acc) => val += acc.length, 0)
.then(() => process.stdout.write(`\rUpdated (${databases.length} peers): ` + msgCount.toString() + ' / ' + (updateCount * databases.length * databases.length)))
.then(() => setTimeout(resolve, 100))
.then(() => process.stdout.write(`\rUpdated (${databases.length} peers): ` + msgCount.toString() + ' / ' + (updateCount * databases.length * databases.length) + '\n'))
const queryDatabases = () => {
return pMap(databases, db => db.iterator({ limit: -1 }).collect(), { concurrency: 2 })
// All our databases instances
let databases = []
let addr
// Start the test
pMap(clientData, (c, idx) => {
return createIpfsInstance(c)
.then(async (ipfs) => {
let db
if (idx === 0 && !addr) {
c.address = channelName
db = await createOrbitDB(c, ipfs)
addr = db.address.toString()
} else if (addr) {
c.address = addr
db = await createOrbitDB(c, ipfs)
} else {
console.error("Address not defined!")
return db
}, { concurrency: 1 })
.then((result) => databases = result)
.then(() => setupAllTasks(databases))
.then(() => console.log(`Applying ${updateCount} updates per peer. This will take a while...`))
.then(() => runAllTasks())
.then(() => console.log('Done. Waiting for all updates to reach the peers...'))
.then(() => waitForAllTasks(addr))
.then(() => queryDatabases())
.then((result) => {
// Both databases have the same amount of entries
result.forEach(entries => {
assert.equal(entries.length, updateCount * databases.length)
// Both databases have the same entries in the same order
result.reduce((prev, entries) => {
assert.deepEqual(entries, prev)
return entries
}, result[0])
// Success! Cleanup and finish
pEachSeries(databases, db => {
.then(() => done())