[Docker](https://github.com/docker/docker-ce) is a tool for running software in containers ie. OS-level virtualization. This directory contains the needed configuration files to:
- Build base Docker images for OrbitDB
## Base Docker image
[Dockerfile](Dockerfile) defines OrbitDB base images that are based on [official node.js -image](https://hub.docker.com/_/node/).
Build local images with command (in repository root):
docker build -t orbit-db -f docker/Dockerfile .
After building local image, run node.js-examples inside container:
docker run -ti --rm orbit-db npm run examples:node
- Reproducible, which helps testing and development because you can revert the container to original state by destroying it and creating it again,
- Isolated, which guarantees that external factors like npm versions, the operating system version, or other installed software like native compilers do not affect the execution.