TNT can launch players in the air

Martin Doege 2016-01-11 19:54:05 +01:00
parent c4d729041c
commit 732696a23b
1 changed files with 29 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -101,8 +101,8 @@ function tnt:calc_velocity(pos1, pos2, old_vel, power)
dist = math.max(dist, 3)
vel = vector.divide(vel, dist)
-- Add old velocity
vel = vector.add(vel, old_vel)
-- Add some vertical velocity
vel = vector.add(vel, {x=0,y=12,z=0})
return vel
@ -121,6 +121,14 @@ function tnt:entity_physics(pos, radius, dam)
obj:setvelocity({x=vel.x, y=vel.y, z=vel.z})
obj:setacceleration({x=-vel.x/5, y=-10, z=-vel.z/5})
if obj:is_player() == true then
local emp = minetest.add_entity( obj_pos, 'tnt:pl_ent' )
obj:set_attach(emp, "", {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0}, {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0})
local vel = tnt:calc_velocity(pos, obj_pos,
obj_vel, radius * 10)
emp:setvelocity({x=vel.x, y=vel.y, z=vel.z})
emp:setacceleration({x=-vel.x/5, y=-10, z=-vel.z/5})
if dam == 1 then
local damage = (4 / dist) * radius
obj:set_hp(obj:get_hp() - damage)
@ -415,6 +423,25 @@ tnt.ent_proto = {
minetest.register_entity( 'tnt:tnt_ent', tnt.ent_proto )
-- invisible object players attach to when TNT detonates
tnt.pl_proto = {
hp_max = 1000,
physical = true,
collisionbox = { -1/2, -1/2, -1/2, 1/2, 1/2, 1/2 },
textures = {"throwing_empty.png"},
timer = 0,
physical_state = true,
on_step = function( sf, dt )
sf.timer = sf.timer + dt
if sf.timer > 1.5 then
minetest.register_entity( 'tnt:pl_ent', tnt.pl_proto )
if minetest.setting_get("log_mods") then
minetest.debug("[TNT] Loaded!")