
108 lines
3.9 KiB

Assign User-Preference
Supp Set DCS Ps ! u Dscs ST DECAUPSS
0 94-Character Set
1 96-Character Set
Dscs Default 94-Character Set
% 5 DEC Supplemental
" ? DEC Greek
" 4 DEC Hebrew
% 0 DEC Turkish
& 4 DEC Cyrillic
< User-preferred supplemental
Dscs Default 96-Character Set
A ISO Latin-1 Supplemental
B ISO Latin-2 Supplemental
F ISO Greek Supplemental
H ISO Hebrew Supplemental
L ISO Latin-Cyrillic
M ISO Latin-5 Supplemental
< User-preferred supplemental
Request Selection or
Request (DECRQSS): DCS $ q D...D ST
Report (DECRPSS): DCS Ps $ r D...D ST
Setting Control Sequence Final Characters Mnemonic
Select Active Status
Display $ g DECSASD
Select Attribute Change
Extent * x DECSACE
Set Character Attribute " q DECSCA
Set Conformance Level " p DECSCL
Set Columns Per Page $ | DECSCPP
Set Lines Per Page t DECSLPP
Set Number of Lines per
Screen * | DECSNLS
Set Status Line Type $ ~ DECSSDT
Set Left and Right Margins s DECSLRM
Set Top and Bottom Margins r DECSTBM
Set Graphic Rendition m SGR
Select Set-Up Language p DECSSL
Select Printer Type $ s DECSPRTT
Select Refresh Rate " t DECSRFR
Select Digital Printed
Data Type ) p DECSDPT
Select ProPrinter Character
Select Communication Speed * r DECSCS
Select Communication Port * u DECSCP
Set Scroll Speed SP p DECSSCLS
Set Cursor Style SP q DECSCUSR
Set Key Click Volume SP r DECSKCV
Set Warning Bell Volume SP t DECSWBV
Set Margin Bell Volume SP u DECSMBV
Set Lock Key Style SP v DECSLCK
Select Flow Control Type * s DECSFC
Select Disconnect Delay
Time $ q DECSDDT
Set Transmit Rate Limit " u DECSTRL
Set Port Parameter + w DECSPP
Restore Presentation State DCS Ps $ t D...D ST DECRSPS
Ps Data String Format
0 Error, restore ignored.
1 Selects the format of the cursor information report (DECCIR).
2 Selects the format of the tab stop report (DECTABSR).
Data string of tab stops or cursor position.
Restore Terminal State DCS Ps $ p D...D ST DECRSTS
Ps Data String Format
0 Error, restore ignored.
1 Selects the format of the terminal state report (DECTSR).
D...D Data string of restored information.
Tabulation Stop Report DCS 2 $ u D...D ST DECTABSR
D...D Column numbers of tab stops.
Report Terminal Unit ID DCS ! | D...D ST DECRPTUI
Report Function Key
Definition DCS " } D...D ST DECRPFK
Report Modifiers/Key State DCS " ~ D...D ST DECRPAK
Load Answerback Message DCS Ps v D...D ST DECLANS
The answerback data string may consist of from 0 to 30, 7- or 8-bit characters,
which are hex pairs in the 3/0 through 3/9 (0 through 9) range, 4/1 through 4/6
(A through F) range, and 6/1 through 6/6 (A through F) range. Pressing Ctrl/Break
or receiving an ENQ code causes the VT510 to transmit the answerback message.
Load Banner Message DCS Ps r D...D ST DECLBAN