526 lines
18 KiB
526 lines
18 KiB
import sys
import re
import mdp.docparser as dparser
DEBUG = False
def split_camel_case_name(name):
comps = []
cur = ''
for c in name:
if c.islower() or not cur:
cur += c
cur = c
if cur:
return comps
def get_class_method_c_name_prefix(cls):
comps = split_camel_case_name(cls)
return '_'.join([c.lower() for c in comps]) + '_'
def strip_class_prefix(name, cls):
prefix = get_class_method_c_name_prefix(cls)
if name.startswith(prefix):
return name[len(prefix):]
return name
def strip_module_prefix(name, mod):
prefix = get_class_method_c_name_prefix(mod)
if name.startswith(prefix):
return name[len(prefix):]
return name
def strip_module_prefix_from_class(name, mod):
mod = mod.lower()
mod = mod[0].upper() + mod[1:]
if name.startswith(mod):
return name[len(mod):]
return name
def make_gtype_id(cls):
comps = split_camel_case_name(cls)
comps = [comps[0]] + ['TYPE'] + comps[1:]
return '_'.join([c.upper() for c in comps])
class Type(object):
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
class BasicType(Type):
def __init__(self, name):
Type.__init__(self, name)
class _GTypedType(Type):
def __init__(self, name, short_name, gtype_id, docs):
Type.__init__(self, name)
self.docs = docs
self.methods = []
self.gtype_id = gtype_id
self.short_name = short_name
self.annotations = {}
class Enum(_GTypedType):
def __init__(self, name, short_name, gtype_id, docs):
_GTypedType.__init__(self, name, short_name, gtype_id, docs)
class Flags(_GTypedType):
def __init__(self, name, short_name, gtype_id, docs):
_GTypedType.__init__(self, name, short_name, gtype_id, docs)
class _InstanceType(_GTypedType):
def __init__(self, name, short_name, gtype_id, docs):
_GTypedType.__init__(self, name, short_name, gtype_id, docs)
self.constructor = None
class Class(_InstanceType):
def __init__(self, name, short_name, parent, gtype_id, docs):
_InstanceType.__init__(self, name, short_name, gtype_id, docs)
self.parent = parent
self.vmethods = []
class Boxed(_InstanceType):
def __init__(self, name, short_name, gtype_id, docs):
_InstanceType.__init__(self, name, short_name, gtype_id, docs)
class Pointer(_InstanceType):
def __init__(self, name, short_name, gtype_id, docs):
_InstanceType.__init__(self, name, short_name, gtype_id, docs)
class Symbol(object):
def __init__(self, name, c_name, docs):
self.name = name
self.c_name = c_name
self.docs = docs
self.annotations = {}
class FunctionBase(Symbol):
def __init__(self, name, c_name, params, retval, docs):
Symbol.__init__(self, name, c_name, docs)
self.params = params
self.retval = retval
class Function(FunctionBase):
def __init__(self, name, c_name, params, retval, docs):
FunctionBase.__init__(self, name, c_name, params, retval, docs)
class Method(FunctionBase):
def __init__(self, name, c_name, cls, params, retval, docs):
FunctionBase.__init__(self, name, c_name, params, retval, docs)
self.cls = cls
class VMethod(FunctionBase):
def __init__(self, name, cls, params, retval, docs):
FunctionBase.__init__(self, name, name, params, retval, docs)
self.cls = cls
class ParamBase(object):
def __init__(self, typ, docs):
self.type = typ
self.docs = docs
self.attributes = {}
self.transfer_mode = None
self.element_type = None
self.array = False
self.array_fixed_len = None
self.array_len_param = None
self.array_zero_terminated = None
class Param(ParamBase):
def __init__(self, name, typ, docs):
ParamBase.__init__(self, typ, docs)
self.name = name
self.out = False
self.caller_allocates = False
self.callee_allocates = False
self.in_ = False
self.inout = False
self.allow_none = False
self.default_value = None
self.scope = 'call'
class Retval(ParamBase):
def __init__(self, typ, docs):
ParamBase.__init__(self, typ, docs)
class Module(object):
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
self.classes = []
self.boxed = []
self.__class_dict = {}
self.functions = []
self.__methods = {}
self.__constructors = {}
self.__vmethods = {}
self.types = {}
self.enums = []
def __add_class(self, pcls):
name = pcls.name
short_name = getattr(pcls, 'short_name', strip_module_prefix_from_class(pcls.name, self.name))
gtype_id = getattr(pcls, 'gtype_id', make_gtype_id(pcls.name))
docs = pcls.docs
parent = None
constructable = False
annotations = {}
for a in pcls.annotations:
pieces = a.split()
prefix = pieces[0]
if prefix == 'parent':
assert len(pieces) == 2
parent = pieces[1]
elif prefix == 'constructable':
assert len(pieces) == 1
constructable = True
elif prefix.find('.') >= 0:
annotations[prefix] = ' '.join(pieces[1:])
raise RuntimeError("unknown annotation '%s' in class %s" % (a, name))
cls = Class(name, short_name, parent, gtype_id, docs)
cls.annotations = annotations
cls.constructable = constructable
self.__class_dict[name] = cls
def __add_boxed_or_pointer(self, pcls, What):
name = pcls.name
short_name = getattr(pcls, 'short_name', strip_module_prefix_from_class(pcls.name, self.name))
gtype_id = getattr(pcls, 'gtype_id', make_gtype_id(pcls.name))
docs = pcls.docs
annotations = {}
for a in pcls.annotations:
pieces = a.split()
prefix = pieces[0]
if prefix.find('.') >= 0:
annotations[prefix] = ' '.join(pieces[1:])
raise RuntimeError("unknown annotation '%s' in class %s" % (a, name))
cls = What(name, short_name, gtype_id, docs)
cls.annotations = annotations
self.__class_dict[name] = cls
def __add_boxed(self, pcls):
self.__add_boxed_or_pointer(pcls, Boxed)
def __add_pointer(self, pcls):
self.__add_boxed_or_pointer(pcls, Pointer)
def __add_enum(self, ptyp):
print 'enum', ptyp.name
name = ptyp.name
short_name = getattr(ptyp, 'short_name', strip_module_prefix_from_class(ptyp.name, self.name))
gtype_id = getattr(ptyp, 'gtype_id', make_gtype_id(ptyp.name))
docs = ptyp.docs
annotations = {}
for a in ptyp.annotations:
pieces = a.split()
prefix = pieces[0]
if prefix.find('.') >= 0:
annotations[prefix] = ' '.join(pieces[1:])
raise RuntimeError("unknown annotation '%s' in class %s" % (a, name))
if isinstance(ptyp, dparser.Enum):
enum = Enum(name, short_name, gtype_id, docs)
enum = Flags(name, short_name, gtype_id, docs)
enum.annotations = annotations
def __parse_param_or_retval_annotation(self, annotation, param):
pieces = annotation.split()
prefix = pieces[0]
if prefix == 'transfer':
if len(pieces) > 2:
raise RuntimeError("invalid annotation '%s'" % (a,))
if not pieces[1] in ('none', 'container', 'full'):
raise RuntimeError("invalid annotation '%s'" % (a,))
param.transfer_mode = pieces[1]
return True
if prefix == 'element-type':
if len(pieces) > 3:
raise RuntimeError("invalid annotation '%s'" % (a,))
if len(pieces) == 2:
param.element_type = pieces[1]
param.element_type = pieces[1:]
return True
if prefix == 'array':
if len(pieces) == 1:
param.array = True
return True
if len(pieces) > 2:
raise RuntimeError("invalid annotation '%s'" % (a,))
m = re.match(r'fixed-size\s*=\s*(\d+)$', pieces[1])
if m:
param.array_fixed_size = int(m.group(1))
return True
m = re.match(r'length\s*=\s*(\S+)$', pieces[1])
if m:
param.array_len_param = m.group(1)
return True
m = re.match(r'zero-terminated\s*=\s*(\d+)$', pieces[1])
if m:
param.array_zero_terminated = bool(int(m.group(1)))
return True
raise RuntimeError("invalid annotation '%s'" % (a,))
if prefix == 'type':
if len(pieces) > 2:
raise RuntimeError("invalid annotation '%s'" % (a,))
param.type = pieces[1]
return True
if '.' in prefix[1:-1] and len(pieces) == 2:
param.attributes[prefix] = pieces[1]
return False
def __parse_param_annotation(self, annotation, param):
pieces = annotation.split()
prefix = pieces[0]
if prefix == 'out':
if len(pieces) > 2:
raise RuntimeError("invalid annotation '%s'" % (a,))
if len(pieces) == 1:
param.out = True
return True
if pieces[1] == 'caller-allocates':
param.out = True
param.caller_allocates = True
return True
if pieces[1] == 'callee-allocates':
param.out = True
param.callee_allocates = True
return True
raise RuntimeError("invalid annotation '%s'" % (a,))
if prefix == 'in':
if len(pieces) > 1:
raise RuntimeError("invalid annotation '%s'" % (a,))
param.in_ = True
return True
if prefix == 'inout':
if len(pieces) > 1:
raise RuntimeError("invalid annotation '%s'" % (a,))
param.inout = True
return True
if prefix == 'allow-none':
if len(pieces) > 1:
raise RuntimeError("invalid annotation '%s'" % (a,))
param.allow_none = True
return True
if prefix == 'default':
if len(pieces) != 2:
raise RuntimeError("invalid annotation '%s'" % (a,))
param.default_value = pieces[1]
return True
if prefix == 'scope':
if len(pieces) != 2:
raise RuntimeError("invalid annotation '%s'" % (a,))
if not pieces[1] in ('call', 'async', 'notified'):
raise RuntimeError("invalid annotation '%s'" % (a,))
param.scope = pieces[1]
return True
if '.' in prefix[1:-1] and len(pieces) == 2:
param.attributes[prefix] = pieces[1]
return False
def __parse_retval(self, pretval):
retval = Retval(pretval.type, pretval.docs)
if pretval.annotations:
for a in pretval.annotations:
if not self.__parse_param_or_retval_annotation(a, retval):
raise RuntimeError("invalid annotation '%s'" % (a,))
if not retval.type:
raise RuntimeError('return type missing')
return retval
def __parse_param(self, pp):
print pp.name, pp.type, pp.docs
param = Param(pp.name, pp.type, pp.docs)
if pp.annotations:
for a in pp.annotations:
if self.__parse_param_or_retval_annotation(a, param):
elif self.__parse_param_annotation(a, param):
raise RuntimeError("invalid annotation '%s'" % (a,))
if param.type is None:
raise RuntimeError('param type missing')
return param
def __add_vmethod(self, pfunc):
_, cls, name = pfunc.name.split(':')
assert _ == 'virtual'
params = []
retval = None
docs = pfunc.docs
if pfunc.annotations:
for a in pfunc.annotations:
raise RuntimeError("unknown annotation '%s' in function %s" % (a, name))
if pfunc.params:
for p in pfunc.params:
if pfunc.retval:
retval = self.__parse_retval(pfunc.retval)
meth = VMethod(name, cls, params[1:], retval, docs)
this_class_methods = self.__vmethods.get(cls)
if not this_class_methods:
this_class_methods = []
self.__vmethods[cls] = this_class_methods
def __add_function(self, pfunc):
name = pfunc.name
c_name = pfunc.name
params = []
retval = None
docs = pfunc.docs
cls = None
constructor_of = None
annotations = {}
if pfunc.annotations:
for a in pfunc.annotations:
pieces = a.split()
prefix = pieces[0]
if prefix == 'constructor-of':
assert len(pieces) == 2
constructor_of = pieces[1]
elif prefix.find('.') >= 0:
annotations[prefix] = ' '.join(pieces[1:])
raise RuntimeError("unknown annotation '%s' in function %s" % (a, name))
if pfunc.params:
for p in pfunc.params:
if pfunc.retval:
retval = self.__parse_retval(pfunc.retval)
if hasattr(pfunc, 'method_of'):
cls = pfunc.method_of
elif params:
m = re.match(r'(const-)?([\w\d_]+)\*', params[0].type)
if m:
cls = m.group(2)
if not self.__class_dict.has_key(cls):
cls = None
if cls:
name = strip_class_prefix(name, cls)
name = strip_module_prefix(name, self.name)
if constructor_of:
func = Function(name, c_name, params, retval, docs)
func.annotations = annotations
if constructor_of in self.__constructors:
raise RuntimeError('duplicated constructor of class %s' % constructor_of)
self.__constructors[constructor_of] = func
elif cls:
meth = Method(name, c_name, cls, params[1:], retval, docs)
meth.annotations = annotations
this_class_methods = self.__methods.get(cls)
if not this_class_methods:
this_class_methods = []
self.__methods[cls] = this_class_methods
func = Function(name, c_name, params, retval, docs)
func.annotations = annotations
def init_from_dox(self, blocks):
for b in blocks:
if isinstance(b, dparser.Class):
elif isinstance(b, dparser.Boxed):
elif isinstance(b, dparser.Pointer):
elif isinstance(b, dparser.Enum) or isinstance(b, dparser.Flags):
elif isinstance(b, dparser.Flags):
elif isinstance(b, dparser.VMethod):
elif isinstance(b, dparser.Function):
raise RuntimeError('oops')
instance_types = {}
for cls in self.classes + self.boxed:
if cls.name in instance_types:
raise RuntimeError('duplicated class %s' % (cls.name,))
instance_types[cls.name] = cls
for cls in self.__constructors:
func = self.__constructors[cls]
if not cls in instance_types:
raise RuntimeError('Constructor of unknown class %s' % cls)
cls = instance_types[cls]
if cls.constructor is not None:
raise RuntimeError('duplicated constructor in class %s' % cls)
cls.constructor = func
for cls in self.__methods:
methods = self.__methods[cls]
if not cls in instance_types:
raise RuntimeError('Methods of unknown class %s' % cls)
cls = instance_types[cls]
for m in methods:
m.cls = cls
cls.methods += methods
for cls in self.__vmethods:
methods = self.__vmethods[cls]
if not cls in instance_types:
raise RuntimeError('Virtual methods of unknown class %s' % cls)
cls = instance_types[cls]
for m in methods:
m.cls = cls
cls.vmethods += methods
def format_func(func):
if func.retval and func.retval.type:
s = func.retval.type + ' '
s = 'void '
s += func.name
s += ' ('
for i in range(len(func.params)):
if i != 0:
s += ', '
p = func.params[i]
s += '%s %s' % (p.type, p.name)
s += ')'
return s
for cls in self.classes:
print 'class %s' % (cls.name,)
for meth in cls.methods:
print ' %s' % (format_func(meth),)
for func in self.functions:
print format_func(func)