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<h2 class="chapter">2 Preferences files</h2>
<p><!-- moo-help-section: PREFS_FILE -->
<p>medit preferences are stored in <samp><span class="file">$HOME/.config/meditrc</span></samp> file.
It is an XML file which may be edited to set preferences which have not found
their place in the <em>Preferences</em> dialog.
<p>NOTE: medit reads the preferences file on startup and writes it whenever <em>OK</em>
or <em>Apply</em> button is clicked in the <em>Preferences</em> dialog. Therefore, if you
modify the preferences file, your changes may be overwritten, and they not take
effect until you restart medit.
<p>The following "hidden" settings are available:
<li><var>Editor/window_title</var>: Format of the window title. It is a string which may
contain format sequences, which are percent sign followed by a character:
<li><code>%a</code>: application name;
<li><code>%b</code>: current document basename;
<li><code>%f</code>: full path of the current document;
<li><code>%u</code>: URI of the current document;
<li><code>%s</code>: the status of the current document, e.g. "<code> [modified]</code>". It is prefixed
with a space, so that "<code>%b%s</code>" produces a nice string;
<li><code>%%</code>: the percent character.
Default value is "<code>%a - %f%s</code>" which produces something like "<code>medit - /home/user/file [modified]</code>".
<li><var>Editor/window_title_no_doc</var>: same as <code>Editor/window_title</code>, used when no document is open.
Default value is "<code>%a</code>".