2010-09-23 01:18:27 -07:00

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<h3 class="section">1.2 File filters tab</h3>
<p><!-- moo-help-section: PREFS_FILE_FILTERS -->
<p><em>File filters tab</em> section allows to customize editing options,
as well as syntax highlighting language, on per-document basis using regular
expressions which are matched against the document filename (globs can also be
used, see below). Full file paths are used, so one can have per-directory settings.
<p>Use dollar if you need to match ends of filenames, e.g. "<code>\.doc$</code>" will work as
"<code>*.doc</code>" pattern.
<p>The filters are applied in the order they appear in the list, one by one. All filters
are applied to every file, so several filters may affect options in the same file. In
this way one can set some options for a set of files or a directory, then set or modify
some additional options for certain files in that set, etc.
<p>To add a filter, use <em>New</em> button. Click the filter in the list to
select it, then click the <em>Filter</em> or <em>Options</em>
part of it to edit. Use <em>Delete</em> button to delete a filter,
and <em>Up</em> and <em>Down</em> buttons to change the order in
which they are applied.
<p><em>Filter</em> field contains a regular expression matched agains the
document filename. If it is found in the filename, then the options from the
<em>Options</em> field are applied to the document. Alternatively it can be
a comma-separated list of globs prefixed with "<code>globs:</code>" or a list
of language ids prefixed with "<code>langs:</code>", e.g. "<code>globs:*.c,*.h</code>" or
<p><em>Options</em> field contains the options, in format described in
section <a href="Options-for-editing-text.html#Options-for-editing-text">Options for editing text</a>.