2010-10-01 01:16:25 -07:00

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<a name="Language-options-tab"></a>
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<h3 class="section">1.1 Language options tab</h3>
<p><!-- moo-help-section: PREFS_LANGS_OPTIONS -->
<p>Here you can set editing options on per-language basis, as well as define
for which file patterns and mime types given language should be used.
<dt><em>Language</em> combo box<dd>Choose the language you want to customize. Settings for <code>None</code> will apply to
documents for which no syntax highlighting language was chosen.
<br><dt><em>Mime types</em><dd>The given language will be used for files with these mime types, unless the language
is chosen based on the filename or overridden in the <em>File filters tab</em> section.
<br><dt><em>Extensions</em><dd>The given language will be used for files whose filenames match these patterns,
unless overridden in the <em>File filters tab</em> section.
<br><dt><em>Options</em><dd>Default editing options to use in documents which use the given language. These
options can be overridden using <em>File filters tab</em> section, and options set
in the file text have a higher priority as well. See section <a href="Options-for-editing-text.html#Options-for-editing-text">Options for editing text</a>
for the format of this entry content.