370 lines
9.9 KiB
370 lines
9.9 KiB
/* kate: lang C; indent-width 4; space-indent on; strip on; */
#include <Python.h>
#include "pygobject.h"
#include "pygtk/pygtk.h"
#include "mooterm/mooterm.h"
#include "mooterm/mootermwindow.h"
#include "mooterm/mooterm-text.h"
#include "mooterm/mootermbuffer.h"
#include "mooterm/mooterm-prefs.h"
#include "moopython/moopython-utils.h"
#include "moopython/pygtk/moo-pygtk.h"
static GdkAtom
atom_from_pyobject(PyObject *object)
if (object == NULL)
return NULL;
if (PyString_Check(object))
return gdk_atom_intern(PyString_AsString(object), FALSE);
if (PyGdkAtom_Check(object))
return PyGdkAtom_Get(object);
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "unable to convert argument to GdkAtom");
return NULL;
modulename moo.term
import gtk.Widget as PyGtkWidget_Type
import gtk.Adjustment as PyGtkAdjustment_Type
import gobject.GObject as PyGObject_Type
import moo.utils.Window as PyMooWindow_Type
override moo_term_new kwargs
static int
_wrap_moo_term_new (PyGObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
static char *kwlist[] = {NULL};
if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords (args, kwargs, ":Term", kwlist))
return -1;
self->obj = g_object_new (MOO_TYPE_TERM, NULL);
pygobject_register_wrapper ((PyObject*)self);
return 0;
override moo_term_copy_clipboard kwargs
static PyObject *
_wrap_moo_term_copy_clipboard (PyGObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
static char *kwlist[] = { (char*) "selection", NULL };
PyObject *py_selection = NULL;
GdkAtom selection;
if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, (char*) "O:MooTerm.copy_clipboard", kwlist, &py_selection))
return NULL;
selection = atom_from_pyobject(py_selection);
if (PyErr_Occurred())
return NULL;
moo_term_copy_clipboard(MOO_TERM(self->obj), selection);
return Py_None;
override moo_term_paste_clipboard kwargs
static PyObject *
_wrap_moo_term_paste_clipboard(PyGObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
static char *kwlist[] = { (char*) "selection", NULL };
PyObject *py_selection = NULL;
GdkAtom selection;
if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, (char*) "O:MooTerm.paste_clipboard", kwlist, &py_selection))
return NULL;
selection = atom_from_pyobject(py_selection);
if (PyErr_Occurred())
return NULL;
moo_term_paste_clipboard(MOO_TERM(self->obj), selection);
return Py_None;
override moo_term_get_iter_at_line varargs
static PyObject *
_wrap_moo_term_get_iter_at_line (PyGObject *self, PyObject *args)
int line;
MooTermIter iter;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, (char*) "i:MooTerm.get_iter_at_line", &line))
return NULL;
if (moo_term_get_iter_at_line (MOO_TERM(self->obj), &iter, line))
return pyg_boxed_new (MOO_TYPE_TERM_ITER, &iter, TRUE, TRUE);
override moo_term_get_iter_at_line_offset varargs
static PyObject *
_wrap_moo_term_get_iter_at_line_offset (PyGObject *self, PyObject *args)
int line, offset;
MooTermIter iter;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, (char*) "ii:MooTerm.get_iter_at_line_offset", &line, &offset))
return NULL;
if (moo_term_get_iter_at_line_offset (MOO_TERM(self->obj), &iter, line, offset))
return pyg_boxed_new (MOO_TYPE_TERM_ITER, &iter, TRUE, TRUE);
override moo_term_get_iter_at_cursor noargs
static PyObject *
_wrap_moo_term_get_iter_at_cursor (PyGObject *self)
MooTermIter iter;
moo_term_get_iter_at_cursor (MOO_TERM(self->obj), &iter);
return pyg_boxed_new (MOO_TYPE_TERM_ITER, &iter, TRUE, TRUE);
override moo_term_get_iter_at_location varargs
static PyObject *
_wrap_moo_term_get_iter_at_location (PyGObject *self, PyObject *args)
int x, y;
MooTermIter iter;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, (char*) "ii:MooTerm.get_iter_at_location", &x, &y))
return NULL;
moo_term_get_iter_at_location (MOO_TERM(self->obj), &iter, x, y);
return pyg_boxed_new (MOO_TYPE_TERM_ITER, &iter, TRUE, TRUE);
override moo_term_get_iter_at_pos varargs
static PyObject *
_wrap_moo_term_get_iter_at_pos (PyGObject *self, PyObject *args)
int x, y;
MooTermIter iter;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, (char*) "ii:MooTerm.get_iter_at_pos", &x, &y))
return NULL;
moo_term_get_iter_at_pos (MOO_TERM(self->obj), &iter, x, y);
return pyg_boxed_new (MOO_TYPE_TERM_ITER, &iter, TRUE, TRUE);
override moo_term_iter_copy noargs
static PyObject *
_wrap_moo_term_iter_copy (PyObject *self)
MooTermIter *ret;
ret = moo_term_iter_copy(pyg_boxed_get(self, MooTermIter));
return pyg_boxed_new (MOO_TYPE_TERM_ITER, ret, FALSE, TRUE);
override moo_term_window_to_buffer_coords varargs
static PyObject *
_wrap_moo_term_window_to_buffer_coords (PyGObject *self, PyObject *args)
int x, y;
int buf_x, buf_y;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, (char*) "ii:MooTerm.window_to_buffer_coords", &x, &y))
return NULL;
moo_term_window_to_buffer_coords (MOO_TERM(self->obj), x, y, &buf_x, &buf_y);
return Py_BuildValue((char*) "(ii)", buf_x, buf_y);
override moo_term_feed varargs
static PyObject *
_wrap_moo_term_feed (PyGObject *self, PyObject *args)
char *string;
int len;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, (char*) "s#:MooTerm.feed", &string, &len))
return NULL;
moo_term_feed (MOO_TERM (self->obj), string, len);
override moo_term_feed_child varargs
static PyObject *
_wrap_moo_term_feed_child (PyGObject *self, PyObject *args)
char *string;
int len;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, (char*) "s#:MooTerm.feed_child", &string, &len))
return NULL;
moo_term_feed_child (MOO_TERM (self->obj), string, len);
override moo_term_get_screen_size noargs
static PyObject *
_wrap_moo_term_get_screen_size (PyGObject *self)
guint columns, rows;
moo_term_get_screen_size (MOO_TERM (self->obj), &columns, &rows);
return Py_BuildValue ((char*) "(ii)", columns, rows);
override moo_term_command_copy noargs
static PyObject *
_wrap_moo_term_command_copy (PyObject *self)
MooTermCommand *ret;
ret = moo_term_command_copy (pyg_boxed_get (self, MooTermCommand));
return pyg_boxed_new (MOO_TYPE_TERM_COMMAND, ret, FALSE, TRUE);
override moo_term_set_colors varargs
static PyObject *
_wrap_moo_term_set_colors (PyGObject *self, PyObject *args)
GdkColor colors[2*MOO_TERM_COLOR_MAX];
guint i, n_colors;
PyObject *py_colors;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, (char*) "O:MooTerm.set_colors", &py_colors))
return NULL;
if (!PySequence_Check (py_colors))
return_TypeErr ("colors must be a list or tuple");
n_colors = PySequence_Size (py_colors);
if (n_colors != MOO_TERM_COLOR_MAX && n_colors != 2 * MOO_TERM_COLOR_MAX)
PyErr_Format (PyExc_ValueError, "number of colors must be %d or %d",
return NULL;
for (i = 0; i < n_colors; ++i)
PyObject *c;
c = PySequence_GetItem (py_colors, i);
if (!pyg_boxed_check (c, GDK_TYPE_COLOR))
PyErr_SetString (PyExc_ValueError, "colors must be a sequence of gdk.Color");
return NULL;
colors[i] = *pyg_boxed_get (c, GdkColor);
moo_term_set_colors (MOO_TERM (self->obj), colors, n_colors);
override-slot MooTermTextAttr.tp_setattr
static int
_wrap_moo_term_text_attr_tp_setattr (PyGBoxed *self, char *attr, PyObject *value)
if (!value)
return_TypeErrInt ("can't delete attributes");
if (!strcmp (attr, "foreground") || !strcmp (attr, "background"))
int color;
if (pyg_enum_get_value (MOO_TYPE_TERM_TEXT_COLOR, value, &color))
return -1;
if (!strcmp (attr, "foreground"))
pyg_boxed_get (self, MooTermTextAttr)->foreground = color;
pyg_boxed_get (self, MooTermTextAttr)->background = color;
return 0;
if (!strcmp (attr, "mask"))
int mask;
if (pyg_enum_get_value (MOO_TYPE_TERM_TEXT_COLOR, value, &mask))
return -1;
pyg_boxed_get (self, MooTermTextAttr)->mask = mask;
return 0;
PyErr_Format (PyExc_AttributeError, "no attribute '%s'", attr);
return -1;
override-slot MooTermIter.tp_setattr
static int
_wrap_moo_term_iter_tp_setattr (PyGBoxed *self, char *attr, PyObject *value)
if (!value)
return_TypeErrInt ("can't delete attributes");
if (!strcmp (attr, "row") || !strcmp (attr, "col"))
if (PyInt_Check (value))
int val = PyInt_AsLong(value);
if (!strcmp(attr, "row"))
pyg_boxed_get(self, MooTermIter)->row = val;
pyg_boxed_get(self, MooTermIter)->col = val;
return 0;
PyErr_Format (PyExc_TypeError, "Iter.%s must be an integer", attr);
return -1;
if (!strcmp (attr, "term") || !strcmp (attr, "line") || !strcmp (attr, "width"))
PyErr_Format (PyExc_AttributeError, "Iter.%s is not writable", attr);
return -1;
PyErr_Format (PyExc_AttributeError, "no attribute '%s'", attr);
return -1;
override moo_term_get_selection_bounds noargs
static PyObject *
_wrap_moo_term_get_selection_bounds (PyGObject *self)
MooTermIter start, end;
if (moo_term_get_selection_bounds (MOO_TERM (self->obj), &start, &end))
PyObject *tuple = PyTuple_New (2);
PyTuple_SET_ITEM (tuple, 0, pyg_boxed_new (MOO_TYPE_TERM_ITER, &start, TRUE, TRUE));
PyTuple_SET_ITEM (tuple, 1, pyg_boxed_new (MOO_TYPE_TERM_ITER, &end, TRUE, TRUE));
return tuple;